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3962248 No.3962248 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, so let me get this straight, Saber killed Archer with one hit. Then, Breserker beat down Saber. And then Archer killed Breserker 6 times? How exactly does this work?

>> No.3962250

Welcome to the Nasuverse.

Turn off your brain and enjoy your stay.

>> No.3962255

Magic. Duh!

>> No.3962260

So let me get this straight, Scissors beats Paper with one hit. Then, Rock beat down Scissors. And then Paper kills Rock by covering it? How exactly does this work?

>> No.3962261

Like paper rock scissors. Affinities.

>> No.3962262

>Saber killed Archer
I assume you are talking about just after the Saber vs Lancer fight? She didn't kill him, he just threw himself in the path of the sword to save Rin.

>Berserker beat down Saber
After the church? Saber lost because it was a large space. In UBW Saber lures him into the graveyard and turns the tides

>And then Archer killed Breserker 6 times? How exactly does this work?
Because he is the bone of his sword.

>> No.3962265

Certain servants can defeat certain servants.

For example, UBW Shirou can defeat Gilgamesh, but he wouldn't stand a chance against someone like Saber at full power.

Also Shiki can kill servants.

>> No.3962266

Rock < paper < scissors < rock

>> No.3962269

Surprise attack/slash.
Archer is not made of adamantium, unlike Bersercar.
Saber has already been Gae Bolged and contracted to a useless master, and fights head on the one guy you should not.
Archer actually, you know, fighting and deploying firepower does a decent job.

If this makes you wonder, I think you need to try reading something else.

>> No.3962287

Archer has plot armour

>> No.3962300

Especially when he died.

>> No.3962307

>Surprise attack/slash.

This. When Archer was first summoned, he had no idea what was going on until he saw Saber. He froze completely and Saber took advantage of that.

>> No.3962312

Berserker is slow. Archer is fast. Archer didn't UBW Saber, or even fight her, he just jumped in front of her sword to save Rin.

>> No.3962476

>When Archer was first summoned, he had no idea what was going on until he saw Saber. He froze completely and Saber took advantage of that.

I played Fate in 2007 but never got around to UBW since it wasn't translated att, so my memory fails but didn't Archer realized what was going on earlier than that scene?

>> No.3962492

Even if he DID, Saber with her super speed appeared, ready to slash Rin and Emiya Boy saw long lost Saber.
Even Rin points out that for Archer to freeze up like that, it takes a bit more than a normal surprise factor from the attack.

>> No.3962501

Pretty sure that Saber at the start of the Grail War was stronger (more mana) than the Saber while fighting Basaaka, even after getting pumped full of sweet mana juice.

>> No.3962517

Archer was quite surprised because he didn't expect to see Saber.

>> No.3962518
File: 291 KB, 1039x1308, fate zero material012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pumped full?
Not really.
After a few golems, she cannot even Chink Gil's armor.
But yeah, Saber never comes close to a refill till she gets contracted under RIn.
Full Saber is more like this.

>> No.3962531

Is this Kiritsugu's Saber?

>> No.3962533

Is this Saber under Rin or Kiritsugu? I'm pretty sure there were some differences.

>> No.3962535 [DELETED] 

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
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>> No.3962536 [DELETED] 

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
k.com thanks in advance have a nice day

>> No.3962543

Yeah, it's Kiritsugu. She has great endurance and agility, but luck is abysmal under him. Also her riding skill is better in Fate/zero.

>> No.3962546

Luck is D, so Kiritsugu. Rin Saber has A luck.

Isn't it sad, Kiritsugu?

>> No.3962548

Rin has more supply in theory, but not that great a difference.
An Endless Supply would result to something more like Black Saber, minus the Agility loss due to the nature of energy in that case.

>> No.3962574 [DELETED] 

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
k.com thanks in advance have a nice day

>> No.3962585

Berserker isn't slow, wasn't it stated that he was at least as fast if not faster than Saber?

>> No.3962589

Berserker is the fastest servant in the 5th war.

Anime makes him have some sort of anti-gravitational field that allows Archer to stand around charging arrows for tens of seconds.

>> No.3962590

While he can keep up in speed of swings or running, he is not (as) agile.

>> No.3962637

Berserker is fast in a straight line and while standing his ground. He's not a freakin' jumping spider like Rider is, but if it's in front of him, he'll be on it in a second.

Archer froze up when he saw Saber because he recognized her. That's why he got his ass kicked so badly.

>> No.3962659

Because of silly Shirou, Saber couldn't use the prana bursts that allow her to move at several times the speed of sound.

>> No.3962671

That's with a command spell actively boosting her speed.

>> No.3962675

Even with a proper master, overexerting too much leads to temporary weakening regardless.
While Servants gain Autoheal as spirits, mana dependency is a bitch.

>> No.3962691

What? I don't remember this from what's been translated of F/Z. Is this from some event in F/SN?

>> No.3962739

archer is shirou.

he was surprised to see saber and hesitated.
