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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3960880 No.3960880 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to stop checking 4chan every few months and am going to concentrate on being an ultra-weeaboo, only frequenting 2ch and futaba.

Maybe iichan/wakachan once every two months to see if any of my favourite boards have a new post.

>> No.3960899
File: 34 KB, 704x396, Moetan 09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3960909

Ok. Thanks for letting us know.

>> No.3960922

You're welcome.

>> No.3960917
File: 136 KB, 460x277, tape3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying you can post on futaba/nichannel if you are not in Japan.

>> No.3960923

Frequenting isn't the same as posting, and there are ways around the filter, you know. All it takes is a Japanese IP.

>> No.3960928

I'll do the same when I learn enough Japanese.

>> No.3960936

>when I learn enough Japanese
Thanks for that, by the way.

>> No.3960948

"Frequenting" doesn't equal "shitting up".

>> No.3960959
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>> No.3960971

Mato-chan :3

>> No.3960981

Going to exclusively Japanese sites is a good way to learn.

>> No.3961001

Simply reading isn't enough though, you have to practice writing (with a pen) and pronouncing/understanding spoken language.

>> No.3961030 [DELETED] 


>> No.3961134 [DELETED] 


>> No.3961214

Bup for troll

>> No.3961237

I wish there was more mato-chan...

>> No.3961240


>> No.3961274

it's a christmas miracle!

>> No.3961344

But why they're using kareha?

>> No.3961354

Easier to set up than wakaba (you don't need a database server)

>> No.3961364

Yeah, but ultimately wakaba is a better choice. Kareha runs like a bitch.

>> No.3961419
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>> No.3961446
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>> No.3961470

But it's not xmas yet!

>> No.3961474

If it was it would be too late.

>> No.3961479

Why? Don't Christmas miracles happen on Christmas, and not beforehand?

>> No.3961496

Miracles don't happen because that is their nature as miracles, bro.

>> No.3961524

But if miracles don't happen than why did Anon say it was?

>> No.3961536

Seriously, last I checked futaba blocks all proxies.

>> No.3961541

OP here, not using an open proxy of course.

>> No.3961547
File: 125 KB, 500x283, Rika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you

>> No.3961556

Me fuck you.

>> No.3961586

You fuck me.

>> No.3961598

You can get a server/shell though and access it that way

>> No.3961611

They can tell if you don't use a browser, dumbshit

>> No.3961623


>> No.3961805

You people get blocked from posting on Futaba?
I can do it and I live on the US West Coast.

>> No.3961814

On Futaba? Odd, IPs that don't resolve in *.jp are blocked.

>> No.3961818

(Or are you clevery connecting through a server in Japan?)

>> No.3961822

Yeah, I didn't last time I posted. Granted it was months ago.

>> No.3961827

Well the filter is old, so I don't know. Magic happened, I guess.

>> No.3961846

>>3961827 Magic happened
Guess that was it. I just tried and I got the blocked page. My IP is usually in Verizon's newest range. So it may have taken them a while.

>> No.3961860

Just went there, Futabas quality has gone downhill fast, but lol at the Korean bashing threads.

>> No.3961878

Does futaba have a loli board?

>> No.3961886

No, but it seems to be popular everywhere.

>> No.3961901

Oh, I thought they had a loli/jr idol board or something.

Makes sense it's all over the spot then, all wotaku are pedos.

>> No.3961980

People who say 4chan is awful compared to 2chan never went to 2chan.

>> No.3962006

All I see at 2chan are threads filled with gay porn, ugly fat nerds and Korea bashing.

>> No.3962083

This. If you think 4chan is misogynistic, you should see 2ch. They are the fuckers responsible for putting entire mangakas out of business for stupid reasons such as non-virgin female protagonists.

Personally, I'm interested in how a manga deals with a non-virgin girl, but 2ch has to have everything their way and force everybody to do their bidding even though they could just ignore it.

See the same old cliche female character designs recycled over and over for eroge? That's the result of the people of 2ch refusing to buy any game that doesn't have idealistically moe females. They just want the same fucking boring things again and again.

>> No.3962101

Fuck you and your tastes.
Want realism ? Get a girlfriend.

>> No.3962105

Nichanneru really is an awful place though. /jp/ers are the nicest people in the world compared to those shitheads.

>> No.3962123

Ha. You're talking to a person who enjoyed K-On and Kanon. I like idealistic females in entertainment, but I would like to see more variety.

>> No.3962128

isnt it a really large board? i dont think you can generalize this much, bro

>> No.3962138

2channel (2ch.net) or futaba (2chan.net?
2channel is a collection of text boards, largest internet forum in the world. Futaba is an imageboard, and it's not as big as it used to. Considerably smaller than 2channel.

But you can generalize this much. Every board on Futaba is like /b/.

>> No.3962159

yeah, i just took a look at the eroge board and all i see was pedos, real life virgin otaku bashing and schoolkids bragging about the uni they'll enter.

>> No.3962168

That isn't as bad as /b/.

>> No.3962175

I hate K-ON and all that shit.
I only play real deal eroge.

>> No.3962189

I dare you.

>> No.3962191


>> No.3962192

Mecha eroge? :|

>> No.3962214
File: 151 KB, 650x650, 1261558769452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It didn't look too bad to me. Nothing exceptionally good or bad really.

>> No.3962216

W..what boards did you visit?

>> No.3962283

Just jun.

>> No.3962290

Jun /b/ you mean? Check non /b/ boards and be amazed at how the Japanese give "off topic" a whole new meaning.

>> No.3962301

I will have to ask source on that?

>> No.3962366

It's Mato-Chan, see >>3961240

>> No.3962385

Yes, meant /b/. I just checked out there drawing (自作絵) board, the people there seemed quite nice and helpful, perhaps better than at our own /ic/, but then that might be just me not reading every post because my Japanese is still quite bad.
I'll maybe check some more boards out tomorrow, but it's 2AM here, so I must be going.

>> No.3962425

Maybe I just have bad luck. Because I always see gay porn spammed, shitfests everywhere.
