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39552486 No.39552486 [Reply] [Original]

Since i currently learn Japanese, i found many websites, apps etc. for learning.. so i thought it would be nice to share them with you. So here a collection of good ways to learn japanese .. have fun !

- Duolingo.com
Website & App that teaches you Japanese and a lot of other Languages. Not a bad Site, but they annoy you a lot ("buy our premium!").
Still good if you want a free learning experience

- Memrise.com
Website & app that teaches you a lot of Languages & of course Japanese. REALLY good website that isn't annoying you much like Duolingo does. Buying Premium doesn't adds too much since the free version is already offering a ton of good things. really nice since you always get short videos with japanese speakers.. so you hear and see japanese spoken in reallife examples. This helpes me a lot with learning and liked memrise so much, i bought a 1 year premium subscription. So.. i can really recommend that website / app.

- Let's Learn Japanese Basic 1 & 2
Video Lessons by "The Japan Foundation". The Videos show a scenario where actors speak to each other in daily situations, and every phrase etc. get explained. Really.. interesting and fun to watch.

- japanesepod101
Audio Podcast for learning Japanese. Always really fun to listen & really nice

- Pimsleur Japanese 1-5
Basically a Audio Course that teaches you Japanese by using Audio.
Really good if you want to learn how to speak japanese, but less if you want to learn to read / write it.

- Anki (Mobile Versions & Computer Versions available for free)
Software that allows you to train specific vocables and other things. it really really helps you to train specific things you want to hammer into your brain. I mostly use it to bruteforce new vocables into my brain when i encounter them on my Memrise course since it works quicker than using Memrise.

- www.renshuu.org
Similiar to Duolingo, Memrise etc.. but free. you can learn japanese there without paying anything. Interface isn't as cool and "nice" as duolingos or memrises though.

- https://realkana.com/study/
Online Game to train Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji

- https://kana.pro/
Another Online game to train Hiragana, Katakana. Really nice Game!

- Genki (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/791508.Genki_I))
A Study Book for Learning Japanese. Contains Really good Information for learning !

- A Guide to Japanese Grammar by Tae Kim (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20827390-a-guide-to-japanese-grammar))
Really Really good Book that explains the Grammar of Japanese. Focus is less specific vocables or kanji, and more the grammar syntax of japanese. I mostly use this Book since often the explanation i found Online isn't that good.

- Japanese From Zero 1-3
A Book Series about learning Japanese. Didn't read too much into it yet, but from the first look it is really great.

- https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/easy/
Website where you can read "daily" new news in a "simple form". so if you still learn japanese, this is really helpful to learn reading and listening in reallife examples (real news)

- https://www.youtube.com/c/OrientalPearl/videos
Youtuber from Japan who speaks japanese, chinese and english. always makes funny videos where she shocks japanese or chinese people with her skills since most people think she doesn't knows those languages

- As weird it may sound.. Animes with english subtitles
Not really good if you just started learning japanese, but if you know already a bit, its really fun and entertaining "to test your knowledge" by watching animes. its really fun to spot specific things you learned random popping up.. and knowing what they mean. or even able to understand a few conversations. really really fun.

>> No.39553077

You should also check out Nihongochannel, an imageboard for Gaikokujins to talk with Japanese people.
It's relatively new so not very fast though

>> No.39553093

>not a bad site
Oh boy.

>> No.39553121


for absolute beginners, i consider it okay. its not perfect and many things are.. not the best, but it is good enough if you want to make your first steps. only duolingo without any other source doesn't works of course

>> No.39555139

Honestly, Duolingo excels when it comes to learning kana, but isn't worth much past that. Maybe it's good at keeping you motivated, but when you pick up a manga to read you start seeing its limitations.

>Animes with english subtitles
Ditch filthy english subs, embrace superior 日本語字幕 (when you can actually find it).

>> No.39558766

no it really doesn't unless you're completely retarded. if you're a normal human you can have kana almost entirely memorized in a few hours with that itazuraneko kana thing

>> No.39560927

Follow the updated DJT guide before asking how to learn Japanese https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/

Make targeted sentence cards (TSCs) for maximum gains.


>Start consuming native Japanese content

>Learn kanji
Kanji Transition is the recommended way, but you can try others.

>Learn grammar

>Start mining sentences

FAQ & Resources

>Ask questions. Official Matrix space

>Answered questions


The only way to learn 日本語:

1. Filter all tripfags
2. Don't waste time/money on ゴミ like:
・Garbage videos and youtube channels, shitty apps, translations, learning kanji instead of vocab, Genki, Imabi, RTK, KKLC, Wanikani, Duolingo, Bunpro, Kodansha, Tobira, whatever you're using, language schools, Italki, JLPT, Kanji Kentei tests and many other scams
・tmw/The moe way. Patreon scam run by a turkish tranny.
・any rentry.org and геddiт "guides". nothing good has ever come out of геddiт.
・Itazuraneko. Outdated, hard to follow, confusing for beginners.
・So called anime cards. Words cards are proven to be less effective than targeted sentence cards (TSCs).
・Core 2.3k and any "Core" Anki decks. They are based on newspapers from early 90s and additionally sorted in a way that makes learning harder. Try Ankidrone Starter Pack instead.
・Anacreon. Anacreon is an infamous spammer. He constantly hijacks our threads to shill his shit.
・Discord servers. Discord is malware that runs a data mining operation. Ask questions on Matrix.
・Refold, Migaku and other money grab schemes.
・Visual novels. Experienced learners say they're trash because of unnatural speech and useless vocabulary. Most VNs are proprietary ー https://www.gnu.org/proprietary/

>> No.39560989

>1. Filter all tripfags
so basically filter all of /DJT/ and go to /int/?

>> No.39561003

/int/ suggests only shitty resources. your only way is to read the tatsumoto guide and leave 4chan. if you have any questions it's better if you ask in the djt chat.

>> No.39561042

>ask in the djt chat.
excuse me, what the fuck is a djt chat?

>> No.39561143


i didn't asked how to learn japanese, i just wanted to share the sources and informations i found WHILE learning myself. most of the things you mentioned (learning kana, grammar, anki decks, configuration of devices to type) etc. are already on my daily shedule for more than 60 days. i learn daily 2-3 hours vocables, grammar, watch japanese media (twitch, normal videos, news channels, animes, youtube videos etc.), and inform myself a lot about things i find random online to learn more about them. i would say i'm on a good way to learn japanese. i currently plan with around 1-2 years learning till i'm good enough to read texts without huge issues and understand what is happening in media.

still thanks for the ressources - i will dig into them deeper later. i took a look into them, but most of the informations in your links aren't really new to me. especially for grammar i have books and online ressources on mass already.

>> No.39561177

>i didn't asked how to learn japanese
I know, i just wanted to correct you because all the sites you have mentioned in your post (except anki) are very harmful and lead to very poor progress. Most people never learn japanese using that.

>> No.39561250


i use those sites only as a "course of direction" anyway. like.. i learn what they teach me so i get a basic startingpoint from where i then can learn more. it's not like i would only use those learning apps only. i just like them since they offer a specific "list of things to finish" like in school a learnplan would.

my main goal with learning japanese is mostly to be able to understand basic texts online and to be able to understand basic conversations of people talking. i'm from germany and since the teaching in my school was really horrible, i had to teach english myself.. i did that mainly by learning first the basic words and then from this i started consuming a shitton of media and information online. i kinda plan on do the same with japanese like i did it with english, but for doing that i need first a basic understanding of japanese.. and for getting this knowledge, this learning apps are ideal in my opinion (added to books and other ressources). they offer a specific list of vocables and lessons you can finish - and after that you have atleast a basic knowledge from where you then can work on to get better.

and i mean.. even in your links there are apps in the ressources listed, so i think apps aren't that wrong. i think it depends more on your motivation and to not limit yourself to only one source alone. i take every source and info i can get for learning - now your sources too. so thanks!

so... だいじょうぶです , don't worry :)!

>> No.39561266

You don't have to worry about it if you're not learning Japanese. If you are, you'll find it the chat on the tatsumoto website.

>> No.39561300

The problem with those sites is that all of them are aimed at people who don't really want to learn Japanese. You can't expect any progress if you use them.
>i had to teach english myself.
If you did so, you must have an intuitive understanding of how language acquisition works. I live in a country next to Gemany and I learned English from zero to complete fluency through mass immersion, watching movies and reading books in English.

No app can be good except a flashcard app because you can't replace language with an app.

>> No.39561308


>> No.39561395


i think it really depends on the type of person if those sites are good or not (as a starting point.. of course they can't give you a good enough skill level alone).

i know as an example from some people that they think only books and studying alone in a dark corner for hours with paper and pens works.. and everything else is crap for them. but i know from myself, that the method this people use would never really work for myself since it is too "dry". i have "my own methods" who i know work for me.. and that doesn't changes when people tell me this methods don't work. i know that they do for me.. they did it for english and for everything else (learning (game-)hacking, programming and other stuff) i learned in my life.

and what i love the most about the japanese language is, that it reminds me really about learning a programming language. a lot of logic aspects in the grammar are similiar to functions and other aspects in programming languages.. and discovering such similiaritys and other patterns is something that is really fun for me. i find almost daily new cool and interesting aspects about the structure and inner working of the language and this motivates me a lot. i just love this stuff and i wasn't that much motivated since ages anymore (programming got boring for me since most languages are really similiar to each other and learning new programming languages is basically just learning about how to write the concept you have already in your mind anyway in this new language.. basically just learning new vocables). i mean.. even kanjis have "meanings" behind them.. and discovering them yourself by looking at them is really fun. the kanji for fire looks like fire, the kanji for "middle" is representing this meaning by a line through a box.. etc etc..

short: i just love the whole language and its really fun. you can dig into it for hours no end and still find daily new cool aspects. its really neat. so thanks again for the sources - especially about the ressources (news sites, streaming sites for media etc).

p.s: what exactly was the "worst" you experienced on sites like duolingo, memrise etc? do you have specific points you dislike about them?

>> No.39561581

Starting off with kanji is def good for absolute beginners

>> No.39565872
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I enjoy studying kanjis and their radicals and theres nothing you can do abotu it
Id say at least 80% of them make sense either pictographically or historically

>> No.39565932
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what are some shared anki decks that use sentences to teach kanji?
I was thinking about making my own, but my Japanese is poor so its going to be difficult to make correct sentences to begin with

>> No.39566492

clearly beginner with those sources.
i'd recommend to get into real japanese content as soon as possible to not get stuck in the foreigner bubble. if you actually want to learn japanese of course, not just the basics.

>> No.39567604
File: 721 KB, 1024x1004, 1619864211720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I just wanna learn jap for VNs and other such things? Is there somewhere I should focus on? Currently trying to hammer in very basics, and while some stuff is sticking, it's a slow process.

>> No.39567629

pls halp

>> No.39567687

Make your own deck using sentences you find in manga, anime, VNs, drama CDs, LNs, etc.

>What if I just wanna learn jap for VNs
Then read VNs. There are some with very basic Japanese.

>> No.39567720

>Make your own deck using sentences you find in manga, anime, VNs, drama CDs, LNs, etc.
but I cant accurately translate those sentences, if I could I wouldnt need to learn them in the first place

did any of you think this whole " make your own sentences" thing through? Especially considering how difficult accurate/literal translations can be?

>> No.39567932

A beginner here.
Should I start learning kana, then kanji,then some anki decks before starting the immersion?
I need a clear roadmap and want to adjust my schedule asap

>> No.39567988
File: 361 KB, 2500x3500, perfect tsundere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, manga with vocabulary and sentences. There's even anki decks included.
Download the raws on nyaa.

This helped me a lot. In short, yes, do that. You can skip kanji and go straight to vocab, but knowing what each kanji means helps a lot, specially with learning new words.

>> No.39568008

How about LingoDeer? I think it is good for Korean. For now I'm just practicing hiragana and katakana in AnkiDroid.

>> No.39568074

Get comfortable with hiragana / katakana, don't be a perfectionist.
Start a core deck, everyone has an opinion on which one's best, so I'm not going to wade into that swamp.
While going through a core deck, go through some beginner grammar resources, everyone also has an opinion on which one's best. You're not going to remember most of it, don't try to.
Read shit, fail to read it, look up vocab that you failed to read, look up grammar that you failed to understand. Consider mining shit that you didn't get that isn't too infrequent. Repeat.

There, every guide ever. Care less about optimization, care more about spending time with the language.

>> No.39569389

this is great till you get to page 8 and it only translates half of the sentences and youre left to wonder what "とーちゃんてがはなせないからなおれのぶんもよつほがふtっすてくれ" means.
I get what to-chan and ore are but why the fuck do they skip that in the translations?
Makes me think the rest of it will be the same where they just skip large chunks of text for seemingly no reason

>> No.39569541

Learning from manga translations is pretty inefficient, in my experience. Manga translations are written with the goal of being faithful enough to the source while sounding natural in the target language, not as study material from which to seriously learn.

>> No.39569930
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Okay, my bad, I thought you were already studying vocabulary/kanji.
>why the fuck do they skip that in the translations?
Because it's a very simple sentence.

It's a translation aimed at people learning Japanese.

>> No.39570158

based tatsumoto making sure the ngmi never make it by recommending his shitty site

>> No.39570161


"You can skip kanji and go straight to vocab, but knowing what each kanji means helps a lot, specially with learning new words."

wouldn't it be better to learn kanji + vocabular at the same time? at least for the beginning?

if you have to learn things like 寒い, 暑い, 悪い、女、天気 etc. anyway?

i do learn vocabular and if i see a kanji i don't know yet, i look it up on jisho and add it to my anki deck to learn. added to that i have a android app "Kanji Study" that lets you learn the X most used kanji in media.. and i learn those too. if you add grammar study to that, i think its working good enough.

the example sentence is as an example something i can almost translate without help since i learned a lot of the structure from my learning already.

>> No.39571162

>It's a translation aimed at people learning Japanese
Oh, well then I'm retarded.

>> No.39574730
File: 2.33 MB, 640x2946, KOREAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korean is very simple by design, that literally doesn't count.

>> No.39582802

>- Japanese From Zero 1-3
Remove that this second, George needs to kill himself and you'll want to kill yourself if you try to learn from it. Piece of shit stole the work of someone else and put his name on it, then fooked up the editing so bad he has parts in it that say "neko = duck"

>> No.39582839

If you take longer than a day to learn how to read Hiragana (not including writing) then quit now. You should be able to read Hiragana and Katakana in a few days without pausing. Writing is different, but reading? get to it or quit now.

>> No.39583178

wait what, for real? is it really that bad? i loaded it on my kindle a while ago and started reading book 1 (first 2 chapters) and everything seemed fine. if it is really that screwed up that it tells you neko=duck..wtf? how can ANYONE fuck it up that horrible?

>> No.39583543

the dude is kind of a piece of shit and a dumb american gaijin.
i watched some videos with him and a japanese girl a long time ago, was kinda funny i think. but i'd never listen to this guy as a teacher. you have a whole internet to choose from. don't choose a dumbass.

>> No.39586898
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thats tatsucuckhold he is a mentally ill spammer and a pariah all over the site, he spams his garbage fucking site everywhere and has several bots
essentially he is a patreon beggar
he spams this shit pasta all over djt, too
everything he recommended is his site, youll notice
btw, he doesn't speak a word of japanese, he is just a scammer, see https://archive.wakarimasen.moe/jp/thread/34877260/#34877260 from when he started spamming in djt, its all scam spam tactics
this is a better guide and the one djt actually uses,no patreon or donations, either
thats the scammer, george is fine
cure dolly is better tho, rip
theres a reason everyone avoids anything that says tatsucuckhold on it
he is a liar and a piece of shit

>> No.39587054 [DELETED] 
File: 187 KB, 444x436, 1539387302518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post >>39586898 was written by analcream, an infamous mentally ill spammer. He constantly hijacks DJT threads to shill his shit (anime cards, itazuraneko, etc.). Make sure you never follow his shit advice.
If you truly wish to learn Japanese i would recommend you to read tatsumoto.neocities.org, the approved /jp/ guide.

>george is fine
No, no one has ever learned japanese using that.
>cure dolly is better
No, it is one of the worst choices.

Better resources https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/resources.html

>> No.39590201

Thanks for the heads up, wow he really is mentally ill that link was kek holy shit

Pictures really say a thousand words lmao
