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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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3951813 No.3951813 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3951863

What the hell is this

>> No.3953310

Rin preparing to pull Shirou's heart out and sacrifice it to Kali Ma.

>> No.3953314

Use spoiler tags, asshole.

>> No.3953332

mana transfer for those under the age of consent.

>> No.3953337

Stop being such a shitty poster, shitcunt

>> No.3953339


Really? Is this what they replaced the sex scenes with in the PS2 version?

>> No.3953340

You will never feel a girl's soft hand against your bare chest ;_;

>> No.3953345


Yes, also cg dragons.

>> No.3953350

Its not like it matters. I have moobs that i detest, so even allowing a bitch to see them would leave me no choice but to murder them

>> No.3953353

So like I though mana transfer was from boning? Didn't Rin have to show old shit for brains how to sex Saber?

>> No.3953369


Yes, but you can't show that in a christian PS2 game.

>> No.3953375

Technically, there are other ways to do it.
However,Shirou being a shitty magus requires a forceful invasion on he body to establish the connection.
In PS2 parallel universe, you sidestep that with a different method than sex.

>> No.3953378

With an alternate shit for brains.
