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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 99 KB, 407x405, 1254097578440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3948425 No.3948425 [Reply] [Original]

you know it's true, you only play those shitty weaboo games because your pc is not good enough to play decent games like counter strike or quake 3.

tl;dr /jp/ is full of faggots and pedophiles

>> No.3948428

Where does the picture come from?

>> No.3948426

witty retort #1

>> No.3948434
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>> No.3948435

*Ultimate "sick burn" against the OP #19*

>> No.3948432

>/jp/ is full of pedophiles

>> No.3948442

I'm playing L4D2 and I find it to be about on par with touhou in terms of entertainment.
And the characters are most certainly less fappable.
Except for the witch~.

>> No.3948444

*upgrades PC, is 1000 euros*

>> No.3948451

get the fuck out of here

>> No.3948460

>decent games like counter strike or quake 3.

>> No.3948472
File: 451 KB, 1680x1050, X3TC 2009-11-14 15-06-22-75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, my computer is pretty powerful, and besides Touhou I play X³: Terran Conflict + TrackMania every now and then.
Pic related, it's X³.

Also, I own CS:S and Quake 3 on Steam, but never play them because they suck.

Also, why did I respond seriously to an obvious troll?

>> No.3948478

because ur a fagget

also 0.72/10

>> No.3948489
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>> No.3948510
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>> No.3948520

>Stop playing games you like, and play games I like!

I see.

>> No.3948524
File: 210 KB, 1024x124, Butterfly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In addition to Touhou, I play League of Legends and Heroes of Newerth. Newrath. However the fuck you spell that.

>> No.3948551

OP does have a point, I'm willing to bet 90% of /jp/ers don't have enough money to afford a gaming PC.

>> No.3948623

>gaming pc
>implying pc gaming is still alive

>> No.3948633

I emulated Muramasa few months ago. Shit was gorgeous.

>> No.3948643

Don't forget directionless.

>> No.3948651

wrong OP, in addition to touhou i play mainly DJMax Trilogy and IIDX DJ Troopers

>> No.3948666

I reply to troll threads because I am a faggot.

>> No.3948710

I guarantee my PC is vastly superior to yours. That said I play Touhou on my 2nd PC in the living room, which is probably also vastly superior to yours.

>> No.3948811

bump for troll

>> No.3948818

>weaboo games
So Touhou is a game that's trying desperately to be Japanese?

Replying to a Troll/possible copypasta isn't fulfilling.

>> No.3948843

no, is OC

also yes, touhou is made by weeabos for weeabos :3

>> No.3948847

Excuse me?

>> No.3948851

At least spell your shit meme correctly. What is it with people these days?

>> No.3948855

> X³
I never could get into those games. At first I'd be struggling against the controls, then I'd be trying to figure out how to make a transport ship go from A to B while not being inside it. After 10 hours of gameplay, 6 hours of forumreading, I'd have a very manual traderoute where I'm constantly beaten by the NPCs trying to sell some good to some station.

It looks pretty though

>> No.3948863

How is ZUN a weeaboo?

>> No.3948869


I play TF2 and L4D2

>> No.3948865

Spelling has been left out of the high school curriculum these days. They replaced the hours in question with repetitively writing the word PENIS on paper

>> No.3948870
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>> No.3948885


I play touhou and q3....what now?
Also....I cannot believe you mentioned q3 and cs in the same breath. It is a well known fact that 12 year old csfags and older, more mature and seasoned q3 players do not get along.

>> No.3948907

would you prefer weebos? it's also an accredited term, urban dictionary says so!

>> No.3948924

are you implying that urbandictionary is a reliable source?

>> No.3948927
File: 20 KB, 600x750, Weeaboo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you are not a troll...
scracth that.
if you really belive in what you are saying and not just seeking attention...

what makes a game a 'decent game'?
would you play blazing sky?

>> No.3948936
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>> No.3948941
File: 324 KB, 1680x1050, X3TC 2009-10-27 02-33-42-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, since the game doesn't have an objective, I never cared too much about setting up a trade fleet. Most of the time I spent exploring sectors, equipping my ship and boarding other ships.
About the controls, a joystick is pretty much required.

>> No.3948981

I have a C2Duo overclocked to 4ghz just for kicks, yet I only seem to play touhou/doujin shooters or VN's, with the very occasional L4D2.

After I built my computer last year it was pointless cause I lost nearly all interest in modern PC games.

Replying to troll thread is awesome.

>> No.3949003

X³:TC eliminated the requirement of a joystick, but it's still better with a joystick than a mouse.
I know there is no real goal to the game, but since you can build fleets, deploy stations, etc, I was kind of aiming for that "build an army, declare war on the universe" angle. And that's where the whole trading thing came in and I started struggling with the controls.

It's kind of annoying to have to control each and every ship manually (by means of the menu and autopilot) all the time. You'd be flying some mission and constantly stopping to give commands to some tradeship 10 sectors away. They should have a module for setting a homebase and selling all goods from that base at a minimum profit or something. That way I'd never have to look back until the ship stops finding places to make a profit

>> No.3949023

>decent games like counter strike or quake 3.
Did.... did 1999 just troll us?

>> No.3949024

CS is a cancer killing online gaming.

>> No.3949026
File: 22 KB, 400x400, S_52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Controller of choice for X³:TC. Looking foward to the new Mechwarrior game, too.

>> No.3949027

y'all niggas postin in a troll thred

>> No.3949034
File: 59 KB, 615x459, Yukarilol032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decent games like counter strike or quake

>> No.3949043

1. Buy Trade Command software Mk3
2. Give the ship the Sector Trader (and later Universe Trader) command from the command console
3.Enjoy your automated trading ships.

Also, build a factory where it's product is needed, set the buy resource prices 1cr above average, then set sell ware prices 1cr below average, and watch as loads of NPC:s flock to buy your stuff.

>> No.3949123

Hey, Quake 3 actually was a good game. Don't make it sound like praising it is a troll.

>> No.3949198

Q2 was a good game, Q3 was medicore at best.

Still AvP was the best online FPS, and still is.

>> No.3949213

since this thread is shit this is my tripcode #ANQHd'7n

>> No.3949221

Can't I play Counter Strike and Quake 3 on my Xbox 360 or PS3?

>> No.3949292


>> No.3949299
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>> No.3949308

hi me

>> No.3949313


>> No.3949315

>/jp/ is full of faggots and pedophiles
Yes, and?

>> No.3949329

some anon wanted me to post my tripcode and i promised i would post it when my postcount hit 9999

>> No.3949332
File: 500 KB, 1280x1024, 1211667860346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love IN

>> No.3949355

I want to see op play that new illusion game with his AWESOME computer.

>> No.3949381


What do you mean was? It still is, and it's still worlds better than the slow no-skill shit people play these days. Modern Warfare 2 ... pfft... What a bunch of rubbish.


You'll need to try harder than that sir.

>> No.3949596
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