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3941496 No.3941496 [Reply] [Original]

So Gensokyo supposedly exists inversely proportionate to how much normal humans living on Earth believe in it.

Is that some kind of meta-statement about the community; that if Touhou ever becomes super-mainstream, it's going to suck?

>> No.3941502

>>So Gensokyo supposedly exists inversely proportionate to how much normal humans living on Earth believe in it.

the fuck you hear that?

>> No.3941501
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Fascinating, heh.

>> No.3941512

That's pretty much Touhou lore.
Gensokyo is a place where creatures and dieties people have long forgotten call home, more or less.

>> No.3941519

Wow, dude, that's, like, deep and stuff

>> No.3941522

the fuck you hear that?

Jesus I should start making shit up if everyone's doin it. Reimu is my waifu, Marisa my mistress and the entire cast is part of my harem.

>> No.3941526

>the fuck you hear that?

>> No.3941529

lol secondary fag. Play the goddam games and stop asking shitty questions.

>> No.3941534

Except that comes from the supplementary stories, Curiosities of Lotus Asia specifically. And you call yourself a primary touhou fan.

>> No.3941535

>Reimu is my waifu, Marisa my mistress and the entire cast is part of my harem.

Zun really believes this. It must be nice to be drunk all the time.

>> No.3941538

>if Touhou ever becomes super-mainstream
But Touhou IS super-mainstream already.

>> No.3941539

The games don't really have any story or explain anything. You would know that if you played them.

>> No.3941541

Wait, so it's not super-mainstream in Japan already?

>> No.3941543

From ZUN.

>> No.3941550

No. Humans outside the border have no effect on what goes on inside.

Only the humans inside could effect it, but they're too dumb to understand things like science so youkai are all over the place.

>> No.3941557

But they do.

>> No.3941558


And it sucks. See how that works?

>> No.3941554

[Citation needed]

>> No.3941562


You know why they don't explain it? Because it doesn't matter and is irrelevant.

>> No.3941569

The boundary between Gensokyo and the outside becomes weaker, and eventually disappears, and Yukari takes over the Earth. Then the Lunarians decide that the Earth has become a threat, only it's too late now since Nitori and the other kappas have started producing near-lunarian-level weaponry, and then Reimu, Marisa, Sanae, Youmu, and Sakuya get gapped to the moon, where Eirin leads them to the Lunarian leaders and then...

Reimu beats everyone up, and they have tea.

>> No.3941571

A REAL fan play the games and read all the official works.

In before >Real fan.

>> No.3941572

I don't think you understand touhou. Enjoy your games.

>> No.3941601

Are you an idiot?

Yes and this isn't mentioned in the games and written works.

>> No.3941660

If touhou was about making statements it would have Cave Story sprites, chiptunes and no capital letters.

>> No.3941686


how did you come to this conclusion

>> No.3941692

>>3941569 implying youkai in Gensokyo could conquer the world when it was humans outside of Gensokyo with far inferior science than today who caused Gensokyo's creation to begin with

>> No.3941695

Whats with all these faggots and their lore?
Can't we just get stoned and play touhou like we're supposed to?

>> No.3941702

stoners out!

>> No.3941708

Only if you're okay being a SECONDARY FAN

>> No.3941709

I will also accept vector graphics, ambient music and clicking through waves of esoteric text.

>> No.3941717

>Play the games, secondaryfag.

>Care about the lore, secondaryfag.

>> No.3941745

I can't post enough facepalms for this post.
