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3939503 No.3939503 [Reply] [Original]

New elona thread.


>> No.3939523


>> No.3939529

Why quote before the urls?
Just to be annoying?

>> No.3939530

Should of posted the beginners guide as well.

But there's a high possibility that no one will read any of them anyways.

>> No.3939543

Ah, now I see it.
I always thought this was a V/V image.

>> No.3939575

Post Lulwy art or GTFO.

>> No.3939633

Something definitely went wrong in this thread, probably that Ehekatl bitch.

Anyway I just stole 2 rods od domination from an adventurer, wgat are the chances of getting the Nightmare! quest Yith?

>> No.3939635


>> No.3939645

extremely low I'd say
if I recall correctly those rods count as mind damage
and a yith is anything but weak towards mind
but I could be wrong
bells are better anyway

>> No.3939684

I already have several bells on another character, but I like the attack animations and can't be bothered to wait 2 minutes per turn.

What about chaos dragons?

>> No.3939806

Is the hermes blood worth it?

>> No.3940101

Yes. Bless it. Drink. Wish skillspeed, bless another one, drink. Rince and repeat!

>> No.3940109
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Younger sisters are awesome. Pic related.

>> No.3940116
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I'll just leave this, so you can have nightmares. You thought dragons were annoying? MEET THE CUBE THEN CRY.

>> No.3940181

I get splattered by reading manga from left to right by accident. Why are those cubes any more scary?

>> No.3940202

Meet them then you'll understand. If you can't kill them fast enough you are doomed to die.

>> No.3940289


They are the reason I don't play my lich anymore.

>> No.3940309

Just poison them like bubbles or mass monsters.

>> No.3940317

10/10 would rage again

>> No.3940347

Even when they're poisoned, if they hit you.......

>> No.3940400

I just realised if you are not in the Theives Guild, stolen furniture are pretty worthless in NPC

>> No.3940411

Hey guys I pickpocketed a rod of wishing from a visiting adventurer and it has a charge. What should I wish for? I already have the S-L boots, an aurora ring, all positive mutations, two happy beds and two speed rings. Also can rods of wishing be recharged with scrolls of recharge or will that cause something bad to happen?

>> No.3940412

Poison or any other status effect for that matter is useless against CUBES because CUBES.


>> No.3940418


>> No.3940431

They will still rape your ass. Enjoy being unconscious forever. EVEN IF THEY CAN'T HURT YOU YOU WILL DIE FROM STARVING.

>> No.3940432

You can wish for miromi for the secret experience of kumiromi, which gives you more feats as you level up, rod of domination is another popular choice.

>> No.3940439


Fancy Lamp on my other char sells for 85gp while the theive-guild char goes for about 750gp

>> No.3940442

Wish for ehekatl so you can be with your waifu.

>> No.3940444

"age" if you're older than 12.

>> No.3940447

Went for the secret experience for Kumiromi as I can just get a rod of domination from the workshop. Now I just have to decide what feat to get.
But I worship Lulwy!

>> No.3940450

Blessed potions of slow does the trick. Don't waste a wish on that.

>> No.3940453

Good news, you can summon her too.

>> No.3940456

Is there a place to find slow potions? I've come across wishes more often than those.

>> No.3940462


Puppy cave is full of it. At least in my case.

>> No.3940475

You can try looking in the magic shops occasionally.

>> No.3940503

I usually check all of the shops in at least two cities daily. Is there a certain shop level required?

>> No.3940569


I'd have suggested wishing for an altar in your own home, but guess I'm a tad late.

>> No.3940655

I wonder, would two nukes be capable of killing the King, Queen, and General of Palmia?

>> No.3940669


The general will die if a nuke hits him, and he stands on the fire for about 50 turns

>> No.3940671

How do I check my house rank? I could've sworn I saw it before, but I can't remember for the life of me how to see it again.

>> No.3940673

What's the best place to get Scroll of Superior Material? Magic vendors never seem to sell any ;_;

>> No.3940688


In your Journal

>> No.3940691

All I've heard is that you have to get the vendor to around 100. Tried that out with CE but it didn't seem to do anything. It's probably a level-related thing.

>> No.3940706

Figures the thing I check for half a second to make sure I haven't fucked a job before entering a city and invoking a save would have valuable information.

>> No.3940760

If you've got the gem cutter skill you can abuse that to eventually be able to make change material scrolls which pretty much act like scrolls of superior material when they are blessed.

>> No.3940790

My living weapon doesn't like change material scrolls.

>> No.3940828

where to find material to use gem cutter?

>> No.3940839

I always thought Ehekatl was a little girl from the way she talks. I feel somewhat betrayed. Be right back, turning apostate.

>> No.3940840

Pretty much any of those spots where you can search. It's not like they're uncommon or anything.

>> No.3940914

I always thought she was a cat. Most likely the one you got from worshiping her.

>> No.3940937

Has anyone here ever bet five or twenty casino chips at a time in the casino and got a long winning streak and if so what did you get?

>> No.3940949

But if you look at the statue, it isn't a cat.

>> No.3940970

Potion of pure corruption is the most valuable thing from the casino, don't bother with anything else.

>> No.3940994

Yeah, but I already have plenty of those and the adventurers that have been showing up at my house haven't been having anything decent lately and I usually just pickpocket them since I always keep alcohol on me.

>> No.3941114
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I bet 5, after around 6 wins got a miracle amulet. So I guess winning 10+ in a row will give real good stuff.

I heard some guys won seven league boots in the casino, dunno how long or how many chips they gambled.

>> No.3941135

Yeah, the point you get good stuff seems to be at least ten wins. I got a nice zylon breastplate for ten wins with a single chip and a crummy girdle that was cursed after nine wins with a five chip bet.

>> No.3941317

>You got pregnant. Blades at ready!

somehow this combination made me lol

>> No.3941386

So I eventually got my chicken's karma over -20 and paid off my 12-month tax debt. So I cleaned up my shop (I can sell bones of slimes, but not junk stones. Elona, I am disappoint) of the things that absolutely don't sell - the junk I got from fishing, the low-weight garbage you find on the ground everywhere, furniture, empty containers (Who wouldn't want a bejeweled chest?)... and now my rogue wizard sells things faster than I can restock. What's a good source of items for a non-thief (or should I just learn to pickpocket?)

>> No.3941428


If you are in the theives guild, selling to NPC while on the quota would be better as the higher ranked you are in the guild, the more stolen furniture goes for in NPC.

As for items in shop, i usually just stack all my speed items and head down a dungeon throwing grenades [#####]

>> No.3941430

Pickpockets a highly recommended skill especially when you get a maid. The puppy's cave or any dungeon you're confident you won't die in is a good place for finding stuff. Also was a shop your first building? Hope you're at least making more than 5k every month from it. Also why are you trying to sell your furniture instead of putting them in your house to improve its rank?

>> No.3941467

I wasn- oh, I said furniture instead of cargo.

It's difficult to tell how much the shop earns you since most of the earnings are from things you can sell yourself, but since I'm a chicken with no negotiation, I doubt I'd make as much as my pet rogue wizard.

>> No.3941489
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Well, sometimes you can get some good quality items from your shop safe

>> No.3941545

Puppy cave, because it restocks all the loot. Selling all the crap equipment helps in boosting shop ranking, I think.

But those things do sell. Anything you put in the shop, as long as its not furniture, will be sold, in time. Even my rotten cursed food, opened chests, cursed potions, etc. But you won't get much gold for them, around 10~13 apiece, probably.

>> No.3941582

How many beds do you have?

>> No.3941585
File: 180 KB, 647x346, 35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Rank 35 the highest a Cozy House can reach? I kept dropping furniture at rank 35 and it won't raise anymore

>> No.3941618


18 in my house. Still did not get around to stealing that King's Bed yet.

>> No.3941619

drop something new.

>> No.3941631

Rank 16 is. Plain old furniture starts not cutting it after a while. Just go over your best furniture lacking a -work adjective with some inferior material scrolls. It can cause incredible boosts to your rank.

>> No.3941659

Just get a small castle already.

>> No.3941665


Ah okay thanks!


Too poor brah

>> No.3941737

I got my small castle at lv15.

>> No.3941754

What does your level have to do with getting a small castle?

>> No.3941774

So i have just found a lvl 11 pokeball, what are some good things i should catch with this?

>> No.3941779

Bells., quickling maybe.

>> No.3941789


>> No.3941814

any specific bell? or should i just try to capture the first one i see?

>> No.3941816

There are two bells, gold and silver. Both are great.

>> No.3941843

When I started I had no idea about the guides, and was terribly confused going into it. Had no idea how to do magic. No idea how to pick things up. When I figured out how to pick things up I had no clue how to drop them so I went around with this chest for forever. Kept running out of food. Had no idea how to make money. Most of the controls were badly explained. The list went on and on and on.

Those guides are essential, starting without them is confusing.

>> No.3941859

Game feels like a massive grind after level 20. Is there any way to level "fast" without exploiting the blobs?

>> No.3941874


Do note that Silver Bell is only level 3 while Gold Bell is level 1 (at least from what the wiki says anyways)

>> No.3941991

It is actually better to be lower level. That's why people take potions of decent. Stats are all that matter. The longer it takes to level, the more time you have to increase your stats.

>> No.3942016

What does Age actually affect?

>> No.3942039

Age can give your female characters loli status if is low enough.
By having your female characters as lolis your otaku status will grow and you can feel extra proud when you roleplay the little girl.

>> No.3942048

So... nothing?

>> No.3942049

Is there any way to reduce a pet's age? I don't want my little girl to grow up.

>> No.3942057

Whether or not pedophiles will be interested in your characters.

Don't listen to those people who say to catch a bell with a level 11 ball, holy shit. You can probably sell it for more than a level 1 ball costs, and you get 5 level 5 balls for free from the mad scientist (and 1 from doing the quest from Shena in Vernis).

Means don't waste your level 11 ball like that.

>> No.3942061

Pretty sure pets automatically use most things you give them so just hand her a blessed potion of slow.

>> No.3942066

yeah found the scientist and got the balls from him as i was trying to hunt down a bell, but shit is really hard to catch

>> No.3942070

Throw poison or dye at it.

>> No.3942139

poison, dye, anything that causes Bleed. And savescum.

Paralysis or dim weakens its defenses a bit but be careful you don't do too much damage while it's helpless.

>> No.3942264

>cursed potion of slow

>> No.3942293
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>> No.3942303

Remember to separate or open your bell ball immediately, so as not to give the fucker something good to operate on.

I always give him 5 hermit crabs.

>> No.3942305

>implying that there's anything below level 11 worth catching besides bells.
>implying you won't need to give those balls back to the scientist if you want your pets to be any use

>> No.3942306

I hope you fed her blessed potions of slow to keep her age at 10.

>> No.3942314

That Black Kardh guy seem to have no luck with wishing. He wishes for a firebroof [sic] cloak, gets a fireplace. He wishes for a ration, gets a cursed one. And now this.

>> No.3942327

He's probably savescuming anyway.

>> No.3942367

Would changing my happy bed to a lesser material so I can carry it around have any effects on how good it is to sleep in?

And how the hell do I change it to paper or cloth?

I have been savescumming for like half an hour with 10 cursed scrolls of inferior material and I can't get paper at all. Can you not change furniture to paper? I really want to bring my happy bed around with me.

>> No.3942374

Savescumming doesn't really help you with wishes.


>> No.3942399


no, every item in the game can only be certain item types

>> No.3942405
File: 143 KB, 700x800, 4057684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best pet.

>> No.3942422

Why is catsister cosplaying as Reisen?

>> No.3942426

I'd beat on her if you catch my drift

>> No.3942431
File: 18 KB, 553x105, yay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried that too, but I think you can't get paper furniture (because that is too fuckawesome and removes the need for flying scrolls).

Had to make do with spirit cloth. And for the inferior variety, try mic... wait, you can't have mica furnitures. No cloth or silk either. Hahahahahaa.

Try blessing those inferior materials then pray you can reach Zylon with them. Or hunt for change material scrolls.

>> No.3942456

She wears these clothes all the time actually. That's the only bad part of younger catsister. Her clothes are too neat. The younger sister is in a dress too long for her to the point her hands are hidden partially.

>> No.3942472

Hands hidden by dress is actually pretty cute.

>> No.3942489

I did state that was pretty cute. On a related note, younger sister looks much younger than 12. Especially if you look at the picture in the mansion. But then again she's using the same stupid race as the young girls, young ladies, etc which age range 12+.

>> No.3942543

How do i turn things into candy?

>> No.3942663
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>> No.3942732

I have change material scrolls and superior material scrolls too. I'll go with a superior material scroll and my blessed flying scroll. Thanks for your help though.

>> No.3942764

Are flying scrolls permanent? 'cause if they are, I'm about to kick myself for NPCing every one I got.

>> No.3942856
File: 13 KB, 593x34, PROUD HAIRY CHEST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I.. oh gods, I did a double take on this message..

>> No.3942879

Fuck. How do you nuke Palmia now? The general is fucking SIR CONNERY

>> No.3942882


>> No.3942885

yeah, they're permanent

>> No.3942930

>The longer it takes to level, the more time you have to increase your stats.

All your level determines is your max health, mana and feats. Why avoid raising your level?

>> No.3942970

<A HREF="http://search.orange.co.uk/all?q=bill+bartmann+site%3Awww.emailwire.com">bill bartmann</a> <A HREF="http://search.orange.co.uk/all?q=bill+bartmann+site%3Awww.prlog.org">http://searc
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artmann+site%3Aprlog.org&aq=f&oq=&aqi=">bill bartmann</a>
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>> No.3942980

>The value of your instrument may have an effect of your performance, but no test has revealed any differences
Just found a heavenly lute. Should I use it over my Royal Dragonscalework harmonica?

>> No.3943055


>> No.3943154

Is getting a cozy house worth it or should I just save for a castle? Im a pianist so making money isnt much of an issue.

>> No.3943167

you should probably aim for estate or any other higher property, mainly because you can drop 100+ more with an estate or higher

>> No.3943169

how do i know how much favor i have?

I-it's not like i want to know this, you s-silly!

>> No.3943183

look at the wiki. It is based on weight and type of offering.

>> No.3943200

So I just got dual wield and tactician skills (did not start with them) and I am looking to start training my melee abilities. What are the best weapon types to deal damage with? Axe?

>> No.3943202

nothing could go wrong with claymores

>> No.3943203

is she throwing a cat?

>> No.3943224

An angry cat.

>> No.3943227

whichever type you get a Godly version of. Otherwise, throw panties.

>> No.3943232

Yes. It's a reward for being a good servant.

>> No.3943255
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how the fuck do i fish in this game? i just see the exclamation and the bitch jumps up and down. and I get nothing

>> No.3943318 [DELETED] 


[url=http://www.just-a-milf.com]mature milf[/url

>> No.3943418

I spam enter when the exclamation point comes up. Don't know if that helps, but it's giving me cramps.

>> No.3943439

Are you the sort of person who did the A+B+Down trick while throwing a Pokeball in RBY?

>> No.3943442 [DELETED] 

stop spamming ure crappy clone boards on ano

>> No.3943452

W-why wouldn't I? E-everyone does that! It's perfectly normal these days! What are you, an idiot?! Hmph.

>> No.3943470 [DELETED] 

stop spamming ure crappy clone boards on ano

>> No.3943537


Pokemon Yellow was the best version. I can give you examples.

>> No.3943555

Green is the best, just for its Wigglytuff and Dragonite sprites. I've yet to see anything that can beat those, except maybe the GS remakes' hideous accordion Jolteon and cross-eyed Hoothoot.

>> No.3943560
File: 4 KB, 56x56, wigglytuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I cute uguu~

>> No.3943570

...how do I get my second reward from my god? I gave him some stuff and it said he was indifferent, but when I prayed I got nothing.

>> No.3943586


Your Faith levels are too low.

>> No.3943671


>> No.3943924

Is whoring myself out a good way to raise charisma?
Thanks to getting the negative charisma mutation TWICE my already average charisma is down to 2.

I don't want to use cure mutation potions though because I've also got a dozen other good mutations, a few of which even came from a blessed evolution potion.
Not that I've seen a cure mutation potion yet.

>> No.3944038


Investing, Negotiation and Performer train Charisma

>> No.3944074

You can also get charisma by buying whores, I think. Try the cure mutations anyway - I'm pretty sure it's weighted so if it's not cursed it'll remove the bad ones first.

>> No.3944156

Even blessed ones can remove positive mutations. BUC just determines how many get removed. Note that removing a mutation removes every level. Which is good for getting rid of the two negatives stages of CH mutation, but very bad for any doubled up positive mutations. I don't recommend drinking a potion of cure mutation unless you have a lot of negative mutations or junk positive ones (i.e. speed if you're a rider, memorization if you don't read, eating human flesh).

If you can get good at performing, your CH will skyrocket. The quickest way to gain levels in performer is to equip +perform gear. Try gambling and treasure maps and hope you get lucky.

>> No.3944247
File: 321 KB, 960x720, lucky day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's your lucky day, and you have three levels of the luck feat! How many games do YOU lose in a row in the casino?

>> No.3944495

>unless you have a lot of negative mutations or junk positive ones (i.e. speed if you're a rider, memorization if you don't read, eating human flesh).

Nope, all the positive ones are pretty good.
Most of them are straight stat bonuses.
The only one that isn't is an increased resistance to fire, and since I have the fire breath feat I'm around it a lot anyway.

The only negative one I have is the double negative charisma mutation.

BTW golden bell pet is broken as fuck.
Use fireproof potion on a pantie, give it to bell, everything dies to fire and suicide.

>> No.3944499

You guys are such sluts.

Stop whoring yourselves just for more Charisma. WHORES ALL OF YOU.

>> No.3944509

>Use fireproof potion on a pantie, give it to bell, everything dies to fire and suicide.
Wait what?

>> No.3944515



>> No.3944539

He doesn't mean because of the panties. The fireproof is because of his firebreath.

>> No.3944541

As far as I can tell all luck does is prevent you from busting if it can. The dealer's hilariously bad at Blackjack though. As long as you keep the card he has up in mind, you'll have a good idea of what he has. You should go for his face-up card + 11 if he doesn't hit. If he does hit he's very likely to have busted though, but be careful if he can have gotten 21.

>> No.3944560


I used a crystal in a moongate, got mystias into my game. Awesome, right? Wrong. They're friendly NPCs in all the low level areas including dungeons and can one-shot any number of creatures, including you, with her darkness bolts and darkness breath. And if you attack them? -2 karma (or -4 if you can't kill them in one shot).

>> No.3944573

Just remove them from your User folder. They should be the Misty.npc file.

>> No.3944578

You don't understand. I savescummed and tried about 10 times, got a string where he would beat my score by 1 every time. I get a 18? He gets a 19. I have a 20? He has 21.

... Except when I got a 21, he had a 21, then beat me by 1 the next time.

It's like the game's mocking me.

>> No.3944661

I savescum dozens of times whenever I go to the casino though I'm not sure why it's called that as I'm justing clicking the X in the corner whenever I lose. You're expecting to win four times in a row each game at least. Of course it's going to seem like you're unlucky. It's not like the game can't get a winning streak either.

>> No.3944683

>I savescum dozens of times whenever I go to the casino though I'm not sure why it's called that

In other roguelikes your death is permanent (but death is almost always avoidable... Ideally. Fucking D:2 orc priests. ) and savescumming comes from backing up save files to prevent it. In Elona, well, who cares?

>> No.3944799

So I have 25 skill in performer and have a peice of increase performer skill [#] and another with [##]. What is an acceptable level to start taking performer quests? I remember hearing about 30 is good enough, but I dont quite remember. Is there a measure I can do in any of the citys to see if I am good enough?

>> No.3944815


Green Party Time! quests should be doable, but look around for Loyter just incase

>> No.3944819

Watch out for those Aya things. They multiply when hit, and attack you with ether disease and insanity.

>> No.3944835

25 skill is around when it's possible for you to actually complete the quests. If you just keep in mind the people around you, you won't get butched by stones. You should generally avoid nobles and their children, tourists, shopkeepers, <Gilbert>, <Loyter>, and <Whom Dwell in Vanity>.

>> No.3944836

How can you be a bad dealer outside of technical blunders? This is casino blackjack, right?

>> No.3944860

So, I was playing my piano in a Party! quest.
After a bit of looking around, I notice the place was great. No high-leveled NPCs for atleast two full screens.
I start playing... BAM! LOYTER! It's almost like he knew I was there.

Anyways, are there any reliable places to purchase harmonicas?

>> No.3944867

Assembly. General vendors. I think bards drop them.

>> No.3944889

Go to the Embassy often. Instruments count as furniture.

>> No.3944902

The dealer plays very badly. He's hit on 19 and stayed on 13. He seems to play randomly and not follow the hit until 17 rule.

>> No.3944916

It bothers me to see people explode into little bits as I play my harmonica.

>> No.3944942

Yeah, the parties in Elona are very wild. At least one person dies in every one of them. Also anyone notice that the NPCs at parties occasionally get potions of potential and drink them? I'm hoping they throw me one someday.

>> No.3944966

Has anybody tried using a rod of alchemy on a bejeweled chest inside a high level dungeon?

>> No.3945111

how hard are the nobles in party time quests to kill? i am looking for some new panties and I am willing to kill for them.

>> No.3945171


>The Tyrannosaurus claws you! You die...
>Your muscles soften. Your will softens...<repeat for each stat> You lose money.
>Check inventory
>Dropped 'Bow of Vinderre'
Returning to point of death...a random level 38 fort
>A sudden diastrophism hits North Tyris.


>> No.3945186


Get it back from the Mad Scientist.

>> No.3945194


Boohoo, it will regenerate at some random party since it's lost. Atleast you didn't loss one of the artifacts that can only be dropped by bosses like the dragon ring.

>> No.3945208

Anyone have an idea on how to kill the Palmian royalty? Nukes don't seem to do the job.

>> No.3945345

You hit them until they die.

>> No.3945377

Hitting them does nothing. Though I've discovered giving them anorexia works wonder. Curse a bunch of alcohol and throw it at them. With some savescumming and 12 cursed bottles of whiskey I was able to kill the king, queen, and general of Palmia.

>> No.3945623
File: 121 KB, 800x600, that_fucking_chest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally opened that fucking chest in my house

now to zap it with an alchemy rod

>> No.3945672

The musty ride out <a href="http://tohagyu.ru">prompted</a> an difficulty avowal in the domain's initial

>> No.3945694

Since it doesn't seem like anybody did, I went ahead and tried it. And damn it, while it does work, you can't get more bejeweled chests, just just safes and material boxes.

>> No.3945789

Does it work on empty boxes as well?

>> No.3945832


Wow. I'm surprised it wasn't just an empty bottle, vomit and a shit inside.

>> No.3945896

I've obtained the wicked feat, anybody recommend a town I should nuke?

>> No.3945945


All of them.

>> No.3945971

But which one first?

>> No.3945976



>> No.3946019

Well that was disappointing. Blast failed to kill both Loyter and Vanity. Nukes don't seem to be that great.

>> No.3946071

Those 2 are the exceptions, even 2 nukes might not be enough.

>> No.3946103

For those who want to check their Favor and lost track of what you offered a long time ago, give this address a go. Take note that Favor decreases over time, either daily or after a few turns, can't recall exactly.
Also, there seems to be another address somewhere that also influences what you receive when you pray, so merely having 1525 Favor or higher here doesn't guarantee you'll receive a god's pet.


Tell me if it works for you as well.

>> No.3946180

Worked only after giving elona a restart.

>> No.3946197

Where did you put that at?

>> No.3946210

Elona = Still shit compared to Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup. TRUE FAX ALWAYS LAST.

>> No.3946221

Elona is /jp/'s pastime sport.

Do not deny it, you know it be true.

>> No.3946239

How is Sigmund treating you?

Someone should do a tiles edit of Crawl where everyone are monstergirls. Then Sigmund rape with +2, +5 Scythe of Distortion wouldn't be as irritating. Or at least you could fap to it.

>> No.3946244

1. Go to double green party time quest.
2. <Loyter> crimson of Zanan dies.
3. Fail quest.
4. ???
5. Profit!

>> No.3946295

So the shield of thorn is:

It is made of coral.
It is precious.
It modifies hit bonus by 0 and damage bonus by 14.
It modifies DV by 0 and PV by 1
It grants your resistance to nerve. [#]
It grants your resistance to lightning. [##]
It deals cut damage to the attacker. [#####+]

Does that damage bonus apply to ranged damage? Or only melee?

>> No.3946304

Any program that can read HEX addresses on a running program. Like CE.

>> No.3946323


Well, I would think it makes you essentially like the hedgehogs. Y'know, attack them in melee and get cut.

Though, it would make sense if it was applied to shield bashes, I don't think it would affect your attacks any other way.
Something like the pair of gloves I had. They had a chance to throw an absolute piercing attack, yet they never went off. I think I would've needed to be doing hand to hand attacks, rather than trying to get it to go off with my sword.

>> No.3946327

Aww, I was hoping it would follow some kind of weird Elona logic and make my bow do more damage. Thanks anyways.

>> No.3946363
File: 253 KB, 1030x797, 4off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow. Thanks a lot Vendor. Lv 46 balls are really useful if I WASN'T trying to catch a Yith.

>> No.3946399
File: 139 KB, 800x600, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here.

>> No.3946430

That's shit. Sorry to disappoint you.
Being hit by your own AoE sucks and losing resistance to sound sucks too. The only thing that can touch you later on is magic anyway.

>> No.3946437


I thought Grenade effect dosen't affect the caster?

>> No.3946440

I could have sworn you posted this in the last thread.

Why again?

>> No.3946444

So what's up with the two health bars?
Have I missed something or what?

>> No.3946463

That seems like a fairly mediocre artifact honestly. There will be better.
He's riding something, it shows the mount's health bar.

>> No.3946641

fuck yeah, exploding katana with sound-, so you can actually be shell-shocked all the time.

>> No.3946673
File: 71 KB, 638x375, boots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confirmed, you can buy seven league boots at the blackmarket.

>> No.3946676
File: 7 KB, 604x28, fuckyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The blackmarket can fuck off.

>> No.3946727
File: 208 KB, 1024x768, 16787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took awhile but I'm not a midget anymore!

>> No.3947127


Woah nice!

Guess it's time for me to re-roll a char w/o savescumming
