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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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39347752 No.39347752 [Reply] [Original]

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this Pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:

Previous: >>39100833

>> No.39348541

Muv luv enjoyers...

>> No.39348673

>Lapis hasn't had a new event in more than a month and the previous event in February lasted almost 1 month.
Damn I've been playing Lapis since day 1 and I can't believe it's already experiencing an event drought this soon.

>> No.39348952

Is Lapis really doing that bad? From what I've seen it's PuraOre that's having worse ranks.

>> No.39349002

Are event droughts this early a bad sign?

>> No.39349102

Been waiting four years for a game they give up on in six months

>> No.39349117

Maybe releasing the anime over a year before the game was a bad idea. Not every mobage can be an Uma.

>> No.39349241

Umas did it again

>> No.39349309

Corona messed things up for them schedule wise but the game was in dev hell to start with. We can "what if" until EoS and beyond but unfortunately doesn't change reality

>> No.39349614
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Anyone here using a Xiaomi X3 pro for playing mobile games? Any suggestions or things I should do when I first get the phone?

Going to buy one because it looks great for playing stuff on and wanted advice

>> No.39349631

official global announcement doko

>> No.39349871

They are adjusting events to make it even easier.

>> No.39349895

The official statement from Klab is that they were waiting for Chinese government's release License approval for CN (which to my knowledge has been frozen since early last year)

>> No.39350266

>PoE hasn't had a new event or character in three months.
If you want an event drought then PoE has been in life support since January.

>> No.39350724

Is that a good sign or not?

Why not release in Japan first then release in China later?

>> No.39350758

The first event was perfect. They didn't need to adjust shit. The only thing that needed to be added was the ability to roll earlier boxes.

Yeah, I thought most people knew that already. Apparently not.

>> No.39350772

The devs are Chinese (Shengqu, previously known as Shengda) so they probably wanted one synchronized schedule to work with, or even CN first, JP later so CN peasants can be JP's beta testers. It's rare for Chinese games to release in JP firet and CN later, but it happens when they can't get the "Version Number" ie release license.

>> No.39351445

So, was the game doing alright before all this?
I got an impression that it was received well and looks like a high production value title.

>> No.39351515

Game hasn't reached half anniv

>> No.39352171

did BF Rexona ever become you know

>> No.39353352

sex scenes will save Lapis

>> No.39353423

Just give us panty shots and remove the retarded glare effects

>> No.39353532

Tell that to FGO

It's just okay imo. I'm surprised it already died before Luminaria

>> No.39353935

The Poco F3 is a bit more expensive but is better overall, unless you really need an SD card slot. I have it and it's a great phone

>> No.39353991

>Tell that to FGO
In that case it was a bad sign because it showed the game would never actually improve in any meaningful way, just get worse in every way like it has.

>> No.39354412

I'll throw in a recommendation for the Moto G100.

>> No.39366470
File: 20 KB, 1039x373, puraore rank for april 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>out of the rankings entirely on April 9th
>already hit the 1,000 rank twice
>the game isn't even a month old yet
Is this a really bad sign or just a bad sign?

>> No.39366515

Is anyone here even playing now

>> No.39366563

They need an Umas on Ice collab

>> No.39366608

I'm just asking if it's a bad sign if a mobage ranks in the 1,000s or lower when it's less than a month old. I'm also asking if it's a bad sign if a mobage that had an anime adaptation promoting it ends up ranking that low so soon into its launch.

>> No.39366767

I am just asking if anyone here is still playing it now

>> No.39366858

sex scenes will save grisaia

>> No.39367593

only if I can have sex with yuuji instead of the girls

>> No.39367702

No we need a game with lesbian sex scenes only

>> No.39367950

For a moment here I thought this was a DMM/Fanza general.

>> No.39370642
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I want to start playing one of those gimmicky mobages with a puzzle/match-3 gameplay like Pazudora or something like Monster Strike.
Maybe it's because I played Dragon Poker, Million Chain and Divine Gate in the past and I'm just holding onto my nostalgia goggles.
But I honestly miss playing these kind of games.

Any game you'd recommend trying out?

>> No.39370722

It took me like 3 days to start forgetting about logging in. The game just isn't fun with everything being auto. It doesn't help that most units feel samey so there's no place for fun comps.

>> No.39372133
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Any way to move shitstacks from my HDD to SDD without having to reinstall and redownload every single shitty game?

>> No.39372255

You can create a backup image of your current installation(takes a lot of space), uninstall bluestacks, reinstall bluestacks anywhere you want and load the backup file.
This way somewhat guarantees you will not lose anything, including settings, logins and cache.

>> No.39378009
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Happy Birthday Akari!

>> No.39378510

Mobage never

>> No.39378889

So what's on the horizon that people here are excited about? Last time I came here there was an autist who kept shilling DCide.

>> No.39378941

Pangya Mobile 2.0

>> No.39379125

How is the Deep Insanity mobage doing? Still alive or already dying?

Isn't DeCide about to die? Last I heard the main story was apparently nearing completion.

>> No.39379138

That's pretty funny if it is. The autist kept making it sound like it would revolutionize mobage and I'm pretty sure he samefagged to fake crowd interest in the game here too.

>> No.39379238

There's nothing wrong with a story ending in a timely manner.

>> No.39379517

Dragalia EoS since its main story is ending despite they still haven't released all Zodiac characters

>> No.39380031

Infinity Souls

>> No.39381015

has anyone here played Idle Huntress Adventure or is this mainly for JP-only games

>> No.39381360

uma EN

>> No.39381447


>> No.39381948


>> No.39382235
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GFL 2, Star rail and Limbus Company.

Also waiting for something new from Cygames.
After Uma and Priconne autochess I'd be pretty excited to see a new 3D game developed by them.

>> No.39382248

>star rail
i'm a mihoyo fan boy but i can't my dick hard for it

>> No.39382360

>i'm a mihoyo fan boy
I see a lot of mihoyo fans ditching Star rail, but I think that's where the problem lies.
Honkai and Genshin are action games and Star Rail is a standard turn-based rpg. I imagine plenty of action rpg fans don't like turn-based combat.

I always prefered turn-based games though. So for me it's a case of a capable developer making something I like.

>> No.39382822

Speaking of DCIDE, how come no one shills Estab Life this time

>> No.39382995

Do we even know what the game is going to look like?

>> No.39383059

It has a male self insert so yuri from anime is ruined again

>> No.39383442

I'm more mad about cases when the opposite happens:
>You play as a sensei/captain/whatever and support cute girls
>through constant interactions these girls feel more attached to (you) as the story progresses
>anime comes out and there's no male support anymore
>it becomes a yuri fanservice title

>> No.39383479


>> No.39383606

I don't think anyone wants to see 12 episodes of girls talking about nothing but some faceless male with no personality.

>> No.39383756
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Princess Connect! Re Dive - 10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_22.02_[2020.07.11_12.23.39].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im' still mad Yuuki became a vegetable. I enjoyed his personality in the orignal Princess Connect game.

>> No.39384190

I really don't understand why yuri fans hate males so much when yaoi fans generally have no problems with females. In fact, women characters are common in yaoi series, whereas men tend to be non-existent in yuri series.

>> No.39384301

Female characters have character

>> No.39384540

those are otome, not fujo

>> No.39384633

Yuuki is neither faceless nor bland though.

>> No.39389549

How long until her seiyuu dies?

>> No.39392816

Go watch actual fujo shows more. They tend to have female characters, some of whom are actually relevant. Take for example Gou from Free.

>> No.39394104

That joke isn't funny

>> No.39396071

How is that a fujo show?

>> No.39396501

>multiple male characters
>yaoi subtext
>targeted towards a female audience
How is it not a fujo show?

>> No.39396628

They wouldn't be happy if she did more than observe.

>> No.39397353

Oh. Maybe yuri fans have more homophobes among them vs fujos.

>> No.39397391

But yuri is fucking gay

>> No.39397835

It's really simple. Both men and women enjoy looking at females because they're pretty while only women enjoy looking at males. The only time men want to see males is for self-insertion purposes. This is why most media are oversaturated with females, especially in background roles.

>> No.39406927

Thread is as dead as Lapis and PuraOre

>> No.39408171

And assault floply without voiced story

>> No.39408805

Delusional. Assault Lily literal just had a collab with the popular currently airing anime, Date A Live IV.

>> No.39408838

Remember when people here posted about games?

>> No.39408864

even barely alive games have threads on /vmg/ so you only have dead games and upcoming games to discuss here

>> No.39408874

Everyone is in the Sin Chronicle thread on /vmg/

>> No.39408991

This shit looks like a mobage from 2015.

>> No.39409347

Stick to your factory produced chinkshit

>> No.39410779

>ass lily not on /vg/ or /vmg/

>> No.39410881

It's always on /u/.

>> No.39411547


>> No.39412047
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>Missed Alternative Girls shutting down this year
The game had its issues and I dropped it a long time ago but it was still one of better mobages I played.
There was something heartwarming about it.

>> No.39416766

Does anyone know what's going on with Pride of Eden?
They've been no updates since december 2021.

>> No.39421526

dead fucking game
rerun banners and events nonstop since mid january
the twitter only exists to tweet out maintenance notifications now
no fucking content while bleeding players and they have the gall to sell paid-only limited banners

even before this the game was suffering from huge issues of slow content releases and nothing to do at endgame

feels like they had no idea what to do with the game after the first few months of launch and just sat on it for over a year instead of actually doing anything

>> No.39421887

Is the Chinese home version still online?

>> No.39422144

The global version also died before it even began with its last update being almost a year ago.

>> No.39422738

According to this video the chinese version is doing all right.
I'm not sure if they're just more active in providing information about reruns or if they actually make new content though.
I also got an impression that the chinese version launched after japanese and global ones. Or did I get that wrong?

>> No.39422752

Try finding more on taptap and nga

Global never launched - it only had a Twitter account prompting it

>> No.39429749

How do you deal when a kusoge which you're playing announced EoS?

>> No.39430058

No brainer. Keep playing until it dies.

>> No.39430287
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Do my best to enjoy whatever time I have left with it.
Be less stingy with my rolls, since they soon won't be much use. Ideally they're also using this time to give more of them out, because why not?
Don't spend any more real money on the game, of course. If I was spending anything in the first place, which usually I wasn't.
Maybe take some screenshots of stuff, or save some card art from some game db. I like to have some reminder of it saved, even if those dbs often stick around afterwards.

>> No.39430539

I have no mobages left to play.
I'm actually considering starting to play UMA jp, I was waiting for EN but at this point...

>> No.39430567
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>Ensemble Girls
I guess Happy Elements will probably never make another game with a mostly female cast after Enstars' success.
Merc Storia and Last Period got more lucky but I think they're in that risky undead zone similar to Chain Chronicle.
Nice to see familiar anons still posting here even after all these years. Unless I'm mistaken and you're not that anon who liked Suzu.

>> No.39430623
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Come play Lapis Re:LiGHTs

>> No.39430678
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I still log in to LP some, though I don't actually play it any.
Yeah, that's me. I guess I'm probably the only one posting Engirls art.
The art is too good not to use, when I'm looking for random mobage girls to post. Especially when the topic is dead or dying games.

>> No.39430866

I don't know about that, I've seen some gameplay and it looks nothing special, and everyone says it's DOA, I don't know if i want to bother with it.

>> No.39430922

You missed being able to get the offline version and the ending stories and various gifts. But they also cut a lot of content out of the offline version too.

>> No.39431156

There must be something really wrong with you if you're still playing a game when it goes EoS.

>> No.39431270
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>and everyone says it's DOA
I wouldn't go that far.
I don't play the game but I watched a few japanese reviews and opinions of jp players, there are some common points:
>Took too long to release the game after the anime(Uma also did that, though?)
>made yurifag audience mad by making a male selfinsert(you) interact with girls
>very little advertising, not a single youtuber got sponsored to cover the game, which is very uncommon
>sudden early event drought doesn't help
Everyone agrees that the game has a high production value. Fully voiced story, pretty animations and all that.
I've honestly been thinking about giving it a try. It doesn't look like a bad game and the gameplay looks just fine. But I'm not into yuri and I'll probably have to watch the anime first.

Feel free to add something I'm not aware of.

>> No.39432027

>But I'm not into yuri and I'll probably have to watch the anime first.
The anime and game are different continuities so you don't have to. This is the crux of the yuri drama actually.

>> No.39432064

Exactly. In the first months of it reintroducing as Lapis Re:LiGHTs (Project PARALLEL was its first title), they promoted the game's plot before anything first.

>> No.39436446

>no panties

>> No.39438657

>Uma also did that, though?
Uma was lightning in a bottle. It had the benefit of Japan's horse racing autism combined with S2 hype going for it. Plus, the multiple delays actually built up hype for the game since people became convinced it would never come out, so it coming out was actually a nice surprise. If any other game had a game released over a year after its anime it would be a death sentence. Heck, PuraOre's game came out only a few months after its anime ended and it's already not doing so hot.

>> No.39439454

What happened to Luminaria?

>> No.39439795

Nothing. It's still alive somehow with weekly story chapter updates and weekly co-op bosses which can just be ignored if you only want to know the story so there is no reason to whale for most people

>> No.39442183

Which full 3D games have panties?

>> No.39442527
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Cunny Archive.

>> No.39443231

Not Japanese

>> No.39443569
File: 753 KB, 999x1776, PTD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PTD had some of the best and most detailed anon..

>> No.39443583

Do you have a chart for all the girls?

>> No.39443605
File: 899 KB, 3400x3600, EFeJpqwUEAAPhbQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you anon. You made me remember how mad I am that they didn't even leave an offline mode with just the dressup/AR in it.

>> No.39443667
File: 655 KB, 800x600, 9MFfN4LUv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PTD was too advanced for this age anon.

>> No.39445314


>> No.39445558
File: 181 KB, 498x701, 【水着2021】ヤマダ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed. Another Example.
All of this makes me wonder if some people did extract the game's assets, models, pictures etc. before it was shut down.

>> No.39446689

First a full anime and now this, the future is looking bright AGAbros

Also a way to enjoy the game forever even if no offline version exists after the eventual eos.

>> No.39446778

It looks like a versus type of game which I am not sure if it's a good thing.

>> No.39446877

The article does say

So single player modes are included too, they are the biggest part of the original after all.

>> No.39449276

Is AGA yuri

>> No.39449306

No, all the girls are for (you) (male player character)

>> No.39449333
File: 32 KB, 477x318, 1637462860281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did HBR do it?!

>> No.39449432

Do you have a character?

>> No.39449442

I know, it's really weird to see an actual good game doing so well

>> No.39449470
File: 159 KB, 932x649, 1619092856585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are you, via camera drone.

>> No.39449479

HBR just needs to add arena PVP now

>> No.39451449

gosh she a cutie

>> No.39451723

Nice, lapis deserve this

>> No.39453137

Lapis isn't dead (yet)

>> No.39453195

Lapis is my first anime waifu
I hope they won't die

>> No.39455695

What are some signs you noticed when a kusoge is about to meet its end?

>> No.39455766

Months of content continuing to slow down.

>> No.39455856

A Notice about Future of the kusoge published

>> No.39456155

Sometimes there weren't any like what happened to Tales of Rays or Star Ocean kusoge EN version

>> No.39456278

When twitter artists move on and the shitposting becomes silent

>> No.39456369

Anniversary streams becoming cheaper, shorter and with less guests. Or even replaced by short trailers/website updates.

>EN version
Global versions almost always have content ready for months to come. As long as the home version stays alive.
In EN's case it's difficult to tell.

>> No.39456438

Usually have huge pauses on the twitter account updates.

>> No.39458620

Content stops being voiced

>> No.39459137

I'll wait for the complete story bundle

>> No.39459221

Is the story fun to watch at least?
Crestoria's main story was pretty decent and arguably better than an average Tales of plot.

>> No.39465826

Lapis game would have done much better if it'd come out before the anime.

>> No.39465900
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They are going to rerun this collab every year until they can add all BGHS characters.

>> No.39466298

Ymmv since it's still mostly buildup and background story although the characters interactions are fun to watch at least for me.

>> No.39466352

I had a dream last night that Lapis had a R18 version that's just nipples (no cunts, no dicks etc) on App Stores.
I would like to move to that parallel universe.

>> No.39466444
File: 1.33 MB, 2322x1550, 57426381_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope so, it'll be neat to have the whole class make it in.
But I mostly just wanted Anko, anyway.

>> No.39469120

I don't understand why they made the anime before the game. I know the China stuff but maybe they could have sorted those stuff *before* airing the anime?

>> No.39469220

Everyone is doing that now. Anime first and game later. Uma Musume, D4DJ, D_CIDE, Assaul Lily, deep insanity, Estab Life etc.

>> No.39469368

Everyone is trying to create a new multi media franchise nowadays, anime, manga, drama cd, mobage and all that jazz.

>> No.39469545

And most will fail due to the post-gacha world lmao good luck on those lives guys. HBR is the wild exception thus far and that doesn't have an anime, Key's putting their efforts into... Prima Doll lol

>> No.39469614

Will Prima Doll get a game?

>> No.39469647

>post-gacha world
Stop using this cope term, Love Live fag.

>> No.39469680

takt op bros...

>> No.39469909

cope, look at all these failures

>> No.39469932

It's a post gacha world.
Anywhere you go, someone posts gacha.

>> No.39469974

t. very salty SIFASfag


>> No.39470412

Nothing planned for now, though at this point Key should (if they haven't) start planning for the HBR anime and multi mix now that the gacha is successful if they haven't already

>> No.39471196

Your examples are backwards. These are obvious cashgrabs based on anime, whereas with mixed media it's the anime that exists to promote the game or franchise in general.

>> No.39472824

Smart from Klab to release Lapis in December

>> No.39473263

you mean like topless? Or just erect nips? Because FGO has erect nips and nobody cares for some reason

>> No.39473381


>> No.39473405

Maeda's golden touch...

>> No.39473491


>> No.39474300
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>> No.39474671

Even if they can't add sex scenes due to VA contracts, if Klabs was smart they'd add that to the game, would actually save it from dying. Too bad they don't want money though.

>> No.39474678

I tried out uma musume.
It looks pretty dope actually ngl.
Then I found out I have to reroll for many copy of cards for MLB, not just reroll for 1 meta character.
I'm kinda out alredy ngl.

>> No.39475700

Being a metanigger in Uma requires devoting 90-120 hours just to perfecting a build for a PvP cup every month on top of that, so like basically every other game it's not worth becoming one unless you're a no life NEET who can't afford any other forms of entertainment in your life.
The game is much more enjoyable as a comfy raising simulator just enjoying the stories.

>> No.39475896

>The game is much more enjoyable as a comfy raising simulator just enjoying the stories.

Uma Musume is pretty competitive and PvP-oriented if you delve into its "gameplay".
It's pleasant to look at and it has a nice story if you like the girls and the writing direction. But there are no "pve" goals here.
So if you're not into watching your umas outrun other players' umas, I'd suggest just sticking to game's story or just looking for another game.

>> No.39476109

I didn't really mind that part. When some aspect of a game's character progression is locked behind turbowhaling, I just pretend that aspect doesn't exist for the most part.
But I wasn't really into all the rest of the game, so I dropped it for that.

>> No.39482712
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I prefer Alice Gear's version anon.

>> No.39483856

this anon won

>> No.39487258
File: 170 KB, 1200x675, FQnMKwsacAMUMX7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compass has updated and added a few new things.

First of all, a set of cards based on GBG have been added to the silver ticket gacha - this will be available until the 8th and will then be added to the standard card pool at a later date. The current hot card is the green UR one, which is an instant cast shield break that is cast in a cone. Everyone seems to hate it.

Irregular costumes are back, this time the new ones are for Jeanne and Pierre. As usual, you just need to play as them and with/against someone with an irregular skin.

There's a tournament stream on the 23rd but unlikely to be any news - that should still be during Chokaigi on the 29th/30th. There is also a Twitter account for the Live Arena game: https://twitter.com/cpl_livearena

That's all for now!

>> No.39494022

dead like lapis

>> No.39497783

(and that's a good thing)

>> No.39498422
File: 101 KB, 640x800, Chiaki_HR1V2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only skim these threads once a week or two nowadays but chiming in with my fave

>> No.39501787
File: 1.29 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20220419-224212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn I guess I used up all my luck.

>> No.39501832

you better stack up on good luck charms or you won't get until the end of the year

>> No.39501852

What's this?
You guys actually play mobage?!

>> No.39506738

Mobage is saved

>> No.39510361
File: 102 KB, 680x357, Q5I4pByW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poplinks is dead...

>> No.39511684

I didn't even know it existed

>> No.39515595

so close to being good

>> No.39516107

>female protagonist
Picked up

>> No.39516147

Looks like there will be lots of dudes though

>> No.39516246

The old "connect with a VPN and then turn it off" is working for me.

>> No.39516384

why are the nips bombing the reviews? you get a decent amount of currency to start so it can't be the usual reroll seething

>> No.39517103
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>> No.39517193

This is a girl right?

>> No.39517569
File: 1.78 MB, 960x670, RPReplay_Final1650476351.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39517773

There is male protag too

>> No.39518235

While the gameplay is interesting and the game has great production values overall, the gacha made me nope out... It's like they took the worst aspects of Genshin and Uma Musume gachas (fragments, two types of banners, characters mixed with equipments, no shared pity/spark, requires lots of dupes) to make this abomination.

>> No.39520188

What the fuck is this Guilty Gear but anime?

>> No.39520365

Guilty Gear but gacha with an auto button

>> No.39522151

oh its actually a fightan, i thought the trailer was just a lie
gross, i prefer my girls female

>> No.39522291

>Male characters in the gacha.
That's a no for me. I'm fine with the NPC generic male MC but I don't like males spooking me in my rolls.

>> No.39522467

It's FGO Gear

>> No.39522548
File: 397 KB, 1280x720, Front Mission- Borderscape - Official Concept Trailer.mkv_snapshot_01.37_[2022.04.21_11.03.06].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never played anything made by Zlongame or whoever that is.
Give it to me straight, how fucked is it?
I'm just really thirsty for more Front Mission and TBS mecha.

>> No.39522582

Langrisser is a shining example of reviving an IP, but I think in general they've put out some shit. Depends who they get to work on it, I guess.

>> No.39522611

So it depend on the staff/director/producer, huh?
I just hope at least the gameplay won't be shitty even though the gacha might be shitty.

>> No.39522621

Most recent game I've played by them was Counterside.
In terms of management, they had several fiascos happen in their original KR server, but usually responded in fair ways instead of being total jews about it. Their localization team was also very good, porting over many QOL updates KR only recently got into the English server in a short time.

Overall I wouldn't distrust their management too much.

>> No.39522668

I guess it's up to the gameplay whether I will play it or not then.

>> No.39522788

Well the KR server isn't managed by them so they have nothing to do with those fiascos.
Their biggest problem is the complete lack of communications between them and their playerbase.

>> No.39524535
File: 215 KB, 1550x871, 1 star.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm yes
i see

>> No.39524987
File: 19 KB, 811x327, is puraore fucked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is PuraOre fucked? It's been below the 1,000 rank for much of the past seven days.

>> No.39526907

Nexon is also involved on Counterside

>> No.39529920

Innocence is fun but I almost wish fights would last longer.

>> No.39529949

For a minute I thought you were talking about Nanoha mobage.

>> No.39531020
File: 55 KB, 1080x471, 1646484168551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39532405

I couldn't properly play it because I didn't have a Japanese phone number. Fuck that platform. Innocent was fun.

>> No.39538246

Why do they hate gaijins so much?

>> No.39539110

>last post less than two hours ago
>thread already on page 9
Did something happen on /jp/?

>> No.39539124

Wait: is the thread on autosage?

>> No.39539146
File: 231 KB, 452x398, 1611843649132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhhhhhhhhh janny?

>> No.39539166

are you sure you aren't auto-saging?

>> No.39539177

Made a new thread since this one is on autosage

>> No.39539181

Looks fine to me.

>> No.39539186
File: 1 KB, 119x23, zxj6r1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39539188

I wasn't. I posted on this thread multiple times without a sage and it didn't bump. No idea why it bumped this time.

>> No.39539192

It was autosaging earlier for some reason. Also when I saw the catalog it was like the third to the last thread even though it was only on page 9. Maybe there was some kind of pruning going on in /jp/?

>> No.39540452

There were like 15 Hololive threads so they probably pushed it back.

>> No.39551387

Where is everyone?

>> No.39551574

Playing Umas

>> No.39551669

Playing 4 games at once

>> No.39555905
File: 215 KB, 1716x966, rw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waiting out the day long maint

>> No.39558741
File: 1.11 MB, 904x1080, MuMu20220423135639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting white screen in n-innocence did something go wrong again ? also happen on phone but no vpn there

>> No.39558830

probably the connection is just bad or something i usually go into qooapp first to see if its even working

>> No.39558998

Was handing out all those dupe items the other day the fuckup or what?

>> No.39559684

not sure what happened since i have no one to compare with got different dark dude from ticket

>> No.39560003

Jesus Christ. Even the Mushoku Tensei mobage is doing better than PuraOre, and that's been out for months and is perceived to be a low-effort cash grab.

>> No.39560120

It's time to accept the impending EoS...

>> No.39560140

But it's only been out for a month.

>> No.39560189

EoS doesn't discriminate

>> No.39560197

Explain to me then how a low-budget cashgrab mobage is ranking better several months after its launch than a newly-released multimedia project mobage which just had an anime promoting it two seasons ago.

>> No.39560235

Clearly more people care about a shitty MT game than some shitty literalwho hockey game

>> No.39560242
File: 273 KB, 1920x1080, [ASW] Puraore! Pride of Orange - 07 [1080p HEVC][A990AA9F].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'll at least keep it alive until Kao swimsuit.
Anime promotion for mobage is overrated. And Puraore is also a low-budget cashgrab.

>> No.39560893

Given that Japan deifies nostalgia, old IPs, and long established branding. Do the math assuming both games and IPs are dogshit.
>Mushoku tensei is almost a decade old.
>Puraore came out two seasons ago.
A better comparison for Puraore would be 22/7. It's EoS.

>> No.39561114

Didn't 22/7 just add a bunch of new seiyuus

>> No.39561216

Yes after losing a handful of them.

>> No.39561892

Idoly Pride is the best IP

>> No.39562079

I wish I got into anime when Idoly Pride aired

>> No.39566250

Waiting for SAO collab

>> No.39569880
File: 1.72 MB, 2340x1080, 231615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the tutorial broken or something?

>> No.39570333

It shouldn't be. Is it an emulator?

>> No.39570710

About 7 and a half hours until most Brave Frontier kusoges EoS

>> No.39570981

What went wrong?

>> No.39571155

They are going all in on NFT

>> No.39573801

another one, some shitty AL/KC clone.

>> No.39573871


>> No.39573918

Proof that having playable abyssal/siren versions of your ship girls right from the start isn't enough to keep your game alive.

>> No.39573983

They're appealing because you can't have them

>> No.39573987

So did SF dolls in GFL lose a bunch of their appeal when they were made playable?

>> No.39574056

There was a bit of controversy over the new gacha method to obtain them. Kind of eclipses everything positive about it.

>> No.39574327
File: 95 KB, 495x700, game announced.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does a romcom gacha work

>> No.39574718

Retard, it's battle harem shit, with demons and shi5

>> No.39574882
File: 289 KB, 466x629, 1650865201333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What anime character is this? Please help me. I cannot find it online.

>> No.39574910

Kang the Conqueror

>> No.39574951

Get your Marvel shit out of here and be serious. I said anime not American cartoons.

>> No.39574982

Blue Oath when?

>> No.39574983

It's on maintenance mode.

>> No.39575018

Does anyone know the answer or are you all just fakers? Reverse image search does not list the image online.

>> No.39575026

Its not a Ren or Stimpy Cartoon. Where does the image come from?

>> No.39575036

If you all cannot truthfully answer the question then I guess none of you are real Otakus.

>> No.39575039

What is otaku?

>> No.39575048


>> No.39575054

Nope that's on my phone, i tried on emulator and it worked.
I have no idea what's the issue.

>> No.39575906

looks like megaman

>> No.39576657

PuraOre is saved... thank you Bushi...

>> No.39576849

Kidani.... please save Lapiss...

>> No.39576989

is this shit worth playing now or is it a desperate attempt to avoid eos?

>> No.39577001

Girlfriend Beta

>> No.39577012

Fuck that shitter. I don't want him to touch anything I play. And he makes both the game and fanbase a lot worse.

>> No.39577026

What did he do

>> No.39577030

I know the answer but I'm not answering it here. Make a thread in >>>/wsr/ and I'll answer it there.

>> No.39577141

>戦策三国志 EoS'd because their servers crashed so hard it was unrecoverable
at least their no shortage of three kingdoms shovelware for the players to move to

>> No.39577160

Where are the genderbent games

>> No.39577172

The two players that like their tweets must be devastated

>> No.39577621

How the fuck is Ash Arms still alive?

>> No.39577752

Too bad Klab already burned bridges with Love Live

>> No.39577763

Klab still has old SIF

>> No.39578059

You know that Kidani would not like the premise of LapiLai there, right?

>> No.39578074

Yeah he would fix it

>> No.39578082

He will put sensei on a steady diet of Millefueille's chocolate...

>> No.39578128
File: 192 KB, 1200x675, FRLRNP-aMAM-Eyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compass has updated and there are a few new things in preparation for Chokaigi.

Available until the 8th:
A 7-day login campaign with rewards that include 300BM and a 128GB data chip.
The 10 million portal key capture co-op missions are back and will reward a 32/64/64/128/128GB data chip for each milestone.
A single-pull UR gacha is available and costs 100BM (paid) - can only be used once.

As for hero balancing:
>Voidoll now receives a 200% defence boost when her hero skill is active
>Health modifier increased from 1.00 to 1.05
>Hero skill requires 14% less to fully charge
>Hero ability damage buff increased from 8% to 10%
>The maximum damage gain from his ability has increased from 56% to 60%
>Health modifier reduced from 1.00 to 0.95
>Minikuma movement speed increased by 8%
>Minikuma's explosion now destroys shields
>Minikuma's damage increased by 22%
>Hero skill targeting cone is 20% wider
>Defence modifier increased from 1.15 to 1.35
>Hero skill requires 13% less to charge
>Movement speed reduced by 3%
>Recovery time after the first hit of a normal attack increased by 0.1 seconds
Movement speed reduced by 2%
>Minimum hero action charge time increased by 0.1 seconds

The Verybad card got a hefty nerf with a cooldown increase and range decrease, though it gained some pushback.

As for Chokaigi, there will be Compass streams on the 29th and the 30th. The news stream will be at the end on the 30th and I imagine it will primarily focused on Live Arena, however we should also get some info for the next hero for the main game.

That's all for now!

>> No.39578212


>> No.39578377

Back to /pcrg/ with you

>> No.39578660

This used to be the Priconne thread

>> No.39578682

Sorry we only play EoS games here.

>> No.39579261
File: 76 KB, 640x213, img3073854_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SAO collab soon

>> No.39579532

I will now play your game

>> No.39582457
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, Dies_Irae_Pantheon-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39584948

What did blue archive got right to get where it is?

>> No.39584954

cute and fun

>> No.39585054

Get where? Having a bunch of porn?

>> No.39585120

cunny oppai and koreans

>> No.39587360
File: 431 KB, 1080x1895, 1629280939452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the CUE! relaunch you ordered, anon.

>> No.39588402

Echoes of Mana predownload is up

>> No.39588596

Is this arcade?

>> No.39589045

ongeki collab rerun

>> No.39592491
File: 222 KB, 1600x1455, SmartSelect_20220426-191720_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why regions split?

>> No.39592560

Mean for this >>39588402

>> No.39596124

PuraOre EoS after Bandori collab?

>> No.39596316

This is one of the funnier ones I've seen. They didn't even get a warning.

>> No.39596345
File: 14 KB, 223x211, wabi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are korean mobile gachas allowed here?

>> No.39596436

shill it

>> No.39596511

Only if they are near EoS or they haven't launched

>> No.39597767


>> No.39597849

Ugh. I've been playing it everyday for years now,, hate getting old.

>> No.39597924

Aren't they launching Shin Macross anime?

>> No.39598669

>six years
Isn't that a pretty good run for a franchise-based mobage? Many of these games don't even last a year or two.

>> No.39599640


>> No.39599695

Did the Bandori collab save PuraOre yet?

>> No.39599737

Would yuri save Lapis?

>> No.39599765

Pretty based if you ask me. They know I just want to listen to the songs.

>> No.39599771

But Lapis is already yuri and yet it's tanking

>> No.39599808

Pre ordered. Perfect for multitasking /mbgg/ chads.

>> No.39599887

>That battle interface
Are we back in 2000s card battlers?

>> No.39600322

Have they removed sensei yet?

>> No.39600709

They never will. And I don't really see why you think the game would be doing better if sensei was a woman or if sensei didn't exist.

>> No.39601903

anyone playing N Innocence? What's the main source of crystals? Don't tell me it's the 50 you get from dailies.

>> No.39602044


>> No.39604457

It won't even let me roll on the new banner with free gems for some reason. They should probably fix that.

>> No.39605437
File: 124 KB, 1366x768, [SubsPlease] Assault Lily Bouquet - 10 (720p) [021C29DF].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would collabing with a dead Assault Lily character help Lapis?

>> No.39605847

No it wouldn't.

>> No.39606770

Yurifags hate men. That is all.
