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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3933305 No.3933305 [Reply] [Original]

>Sharecash has announced that spamming 4chan, and other imageboard websites, is now against their rules. Please refrain from harassing their administrators, or interfering with their website. As always, this is against the rules, and threads condoning such action will be removed. We look forward to working with Sharecash to put an end to the spam that has plagued 4chan for months, and hope they honor their word. More to come later.

>> No.3933306

Wasn't Moot just asking other boards to fuck with Sharecash?

>> No.3933310

That was just to get them to make it against their rules for their users to spam us which makes us fuck with them.

>> No.3933312

He was debatably asking Anon to flood Sharecash on /s/, depending on what way you took his words. It happened, and within the hour Sharecash surrendered.

>> No.3933314

guess who just earned an adblock whitelist till i forget about it when i format again
that's right 4chan
it's you

>> No.3933316

You just had to make a thread about it didn't you. I bet you feel real proud of yourself.

At least we're not as bad as /a/ and /v/, the second that message appeared four threads about it were created.

>> No.3933320

What's Sharecash? And what does it have to do with 4chan?

>> No.3933321

I must have missed that one. What did he say?

>> No.3933322

Oh hey, disabling adblock on 4chan isn't so bad. I might keep it this wa-



>> No.3933325

I've never seen sharecash spam on /jp/ and could only find one instance searching the archive. So I guess I don't really care. I just think the scars and eyepatch are moe.

>> No.3933329

You never leave /jp/, so it's irrelevant.

>> No.3933330

moot went and a meal out and stuff. He never once asked anyone to do anything or implied it even.

>> No.3933331

They drove by here at least once a day.

>> No.3933334

what sharecash spam?

only spam I see is that "stop spamming us with your shitty website, anontalk" crap.

>> No.3933338

Sharecash? o_O

>> No.3933341

most of that spam was in /s/, /h/ etc but it also got posted in /jp/ /and k/.

>> No.3933343

/b/ got spammed with it as well I hear.

>> No.3933344

the spam would really stack up in /i/

>> No.3933345

Sharecash was the site that was spamming the NSFW boards. Nothing to do with /jp/ anyway, I don't see the point of this thread.

>> No.3933347

I just refreshed and saw this. This is awesome. You know who to thank for this? /B/, 4chans black up.

>> No.3933348

Someone posted their shit in here at least once a day.

>> No.3933354

Some of us actualy leave /jp/ and download porn. /a/ has been spammed with it as well as /v/. This is related to all of 4chan.

>> No.3933356

>implying /jp/ is any better than /a/ or /v/. If anything, it's way worse.

>> No.3933357
File: 62 KB, 641x479, 1260877827209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what is "sharecash", never seen them spamming /jp/, so obviously it's not /jp/ related. And the only reason you created this thread is because "OMG MOOOT WROTE SOMETHING OMG MOOOT". These kind of threads are only accepted in /b/ or /a/, so kindly get the fuck out.

>> No.3933364

>I have my head up my ass most of the time and miss things like shareforcash.


>> No.3933365

>black up.
It's /b/, my friend. And I think you need to get back to it. And take your lame /v/irgin [>>3933356] with you.

>> No.3933366

Care to link me to those threads on the archive?
I must have missed them.

>> No.3933367

The porn urls that get spammed here were from sharecash. now you are not so stupid.

>> No.3933368

this thread shows how awesomely fast the /jp/ janitor is
look how many people were completely unaware of what was happening

>> No.3933379

I dont visit /b/, haven't for 4 years. I am just aware of how easy it is to manipulate them in to agitating a website like shareforcash. Also laughing at your high and mighty /jp/ism. Its like a fresh pile of shit looking down on an old dry pile of shit.

>> No.3933381
File: 179 KB, 170x170, 989707.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What he said.

>> No.3933384

but still fresh shit > old shit.
You can't deny it.

>> No.3933385

lmfao, ive seen porn go 100 replies on several occasions. I think its just that people are quicker to report spam then some boards.

>> No.3933389

Id rather step in old dry shit though.

>> No.3933394

Wow that is cute. Where is it from?

>> No.3933398

I just don't understand why you used a capital letter for /b/. Even /b/tards that have only lurked for a few days realize doing such is considered taboo. Also, I'm more concerned about shitposters like this [>>3933356] guy, regardless of what boards they are from.

Now if only he could do something about this thread...

>> No.3933408

It will be the last thread deleted because moot hates /jp/ mostly because of you other faggots.

>> No.3933411

Don't you mean scut?

>> No.3933436

Regardless of whether or not YOU saw it, this board was indeed affected by the spamming of Sharecash links
(if ever you visited a board and saw some normal porn or child porn picture followed by any kind of link, then a 130 post thread with obvious samefags going "hey op cool video" "EPIC WIN" etc, that is a sharecash spampost)

For once, It hurts me to have to say, we have something to thank /b/ for

>> No.3933438
File: 106 KB, 695x1000, moe 109469 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? No, what the hell does that have to do with anything?

>> No.3933447

Sayori, http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=104409

>> No.3933467

>>/a/ has been spammed with it as well as /v/.

Hey, Sharecash isn't that bad afterall!

>> No.3933470


Does anyone have a screen cap of the post where he supposedly said this? Usually Moot is like some kind of internet Buddha and never participates in the raiding culture of some of the lesser boards.

>> No.3933479


>> No.3933481

He didn't. He went out and had dinner and took care of some stuff. "brb, soup"

>> No.3933485

I don't know what it is either.

>> No.3933498

Funny how these two guys think /jp/ is the best board on 4chan.

It fucking sucks, and it has been sucking since the day /a/ was split.

>> No.3933502

He didn't say or even imply he wanted them raided but saying who they are and shooting down all other (stupid, it must be said) suggestions and not telling off the people who suggested raiding them is very easy to construe as being in support of it.

>> No.3933504
File: 17 KB, 300x378, 1163476491743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your post is a useful and informative addition to this internet thread

>> No.3933506

Thank you for the verification, I was not sure so this is a great service to me.

>> No.3933510 [SPOILER] 
File: 105 KB, 858x709, 1261198399901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this on /t/.

>> No.3933519

Which is saying he never came out and said it or even hinted at it. "brb soup"

>> No.3933521


Whoops, I wish I remembered to check /t/ more often. It always seems to have a bunch of cool stuff I want to download.

>> No.3933544

>implying that you're not trying to increase post count with more nonsense posting

>> No.3933589

That was beautiful, it brought a tear to my eyes.

>> No.3933617

Oh moot, he never fails to put a grin on my face.

>> No.3933626

I used to check it several times a week, but I stopped when every other new thread was spam shit.
It would take 10+ minutes to report all the threads due to the wait.

>> No.3933717

never underestimate the concentrated stupidity of /b/. Thousands of impressonable teenagers ready to do something dumb but possibly constructive if you point them in the right direction. My constructive i really mean destructive. I love 4chan!

>> No.3933733

What, mad you're not making money off spamming fake CP links any more?

>> No.3933748

Im a realist and that was a form of admiration not sarcasm.

>> No.3933767

That was fast....

>> No.3933800

That was a good read. Internet warfare is always entertaining.

>> No.3933829

Like I said look at 4chan's Alexa stats and look at theirs.

We are a dust speck on 4chans ass here in /jp/

>> No.3933837

Thats good, more quality posts. /jp/ is like a relaxed smokers lounge while /b/ would be Woodstock.

>> No.3933844

For those of us who browse /s/ or /hc/. It was horrible. /hc/ got overran and /s/ was on the verge of collapse as well. After /hc/ went down, it started to get more and more common in other boards. This is one of the best news I heard in a long while. Needless to say...

Sage because of non-/jp/ related topic.

>> No.3933845

For a while last night /b/ was up to 25 pages.

>> No.3933848

As i said, it only takes a finger to point them in the right direction. The reason it went on for so long is that no one was pointing.

>> No.3933862

Yeah. Thank you moot.

>> No.3933865

>quality posts

HA! HA! not really.

>> No.3933878

Whats it like having so much tunnel vision that you can only see 3 words of a multisentence post?

>> No.3933879

I came.
I fapped.
I came.
I wrote an article.

Care to digg it?

>> No.3933880

Feels like being in a tunnel, I suppose.

>> No.3933882

I was able to browse /s/ spam free for the first time in months.

>> No.3933885

Thanks. That means a lot coming from channers.

>> No.3933891

>You've got to login or join to Digg that

what, fuck that

>> No.3933892

You can use your facebook account too.

>> No.3933897

>I wrote an article.
Am I reading this correctly? A real /jp/er created an Anonymous is legion article on digg?

Please tell me this isn't the case. That would be a new low, even for us.

>> No.3933903

Id like to punch you in the face for suggesting that i have a facebook account. Id rather detach my penis and feed it to cockroaches then touch that thing.

>> No.3933908

Nah, I'm not really a /jp/ frequenter. I just saw traffic coming from here on my logs.

And I didn't write it for digg, of course. Just submitted it there. For traffic... It's tough being an independent publisher.

I've written a couple articles on 4chan. I'm the Tech Editor at Open Media Boston. Hi.

>> No.3933911

Me too, brother. Just a suggestion.

Too bad digg doesn't use OpenID.

>> No.3933912


NEETs, take cover! There's a dreaded normal in our midst!

/foxhole aka kotatsu

>> No.3933915

Hi Jesse.

>> No.3933916

Well I am a channer. I just don't pop into /jp/ often.

Am I intruding? :'(

>> No.3933921

Seriously never thought I'd see someone say that on 4chan. I also thought I'd be a lot more worried if I ever did.

>> No.3933922
File: 364 KB, 1200x1000, 1260520897220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Welcome to /jp/, enjoy your stay.

>> No.3933924

Boy you are LOST. /jp/ is like the shit board of 4chan. Everyone hates us even moot.

>> No.3933929

Its ok Moot just doesn't want newfriends to intrude on us and ruin our delicate and intricate subculture.

>> No.3933932

You seem a lot nicer than pretty much every other board. I might have to visit more frequently.

/d/ is usually quite friendly and open minded, though...

>> No.3933937

Well thanks for posting here, at the very least the responses to your posts were very entertaining.

>> No.3933938


moot is tsundere for us. I-it's not like I wanted to be reminded about you, or anything, s-silly.


Discussing tentacle porn during office meetings must be weird.

>> No.3933940

One reason I work from home ;)

>> No.3933941

Just stay away from the VN threads. When VNs get brought up people get really standoffish. Like every board everyone has their favorite Whatever and any talk of any VN other than their VN must be trolled.

>> No.3933947

I'd be worried if the "alternative fetishes" board wasn't open-minded.

>> No.3933950

Yeah. You got to remember our roots! We were aborted from /a/ a year or two ago.

>> No.3933957

>implying /a/ got laid at some point.

>> No.3933961

Ok, thanks for the friendly chat, /jp/.

I'm tired of staring at server logs and will go cuddle with my cat before bed now. Take care, fight the power, etc.

>> No.3933962

moar like RAPE.

>> No.3933969
File: 22 KB, 331x257, 1260608134110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dont know about the romance between /a/ and /v/.

>> No.3933971

/jp/ alone in the corner

>> No.3933989

/jp/, /tg/, and /prog/ are having a jailhouse-gay 3-way.

>> No.3934046

spam level is rising back up in /s/

>> No.3934118

So /h/ is no longer spamed?

Time to start a nice rape thread!
