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3932151 No.3932151 [Reply] [Original]

Does reading BJ scenes in eroge make anyone else want to suck a dick?

I feel like I could suck a mean dick.

>> No.3932158

You're a homo.

>> No.3932157

no, because i'm not a faggot

>> No.3932164
File: 10 KB, 250x250, yaranaikagogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3932168

wow, so gay.

>> No.3932170

Suck My Dick or Die came out a while ago. Unfortunately it did not exceed the standard deviation of blowjob scenes.

>> No.3932172

>implying wanting to suck dicks is in any way homosexual

>> No.3932175

Suck your own

>> No.3932181

You'd think they'd be more intense with someone's life on the line.

>> No.3932189

The fact that you use implying makes you a double faggot.

>> No.3932193

...What the hell is a double faggot?

>> No.3932194

Everybody loves cock and want to suck it.

>> No.3932200

What if it's a girl's dick? That's not gay.

>> No.3932202

she has a Chupacabra in her underwear?

>> No.3932204


>> No.3932216

Why does it matter if Anon is gay or not? It's not like we're ever going to have sex with males or females.

>> No.3932210

It is if you're a girl.

>> No.3932228

Gay people post gay images. It's purely a matter of difference of taste.

>> No.3932235
File: 47 KB, 250x300, tomo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3932246

Nothing beats the taste of an unwashed dick with phimosis.

>> No.3932256

>no, because i'm not a faggot

>> No.3932266

True. But it's good to admit it.

>> No.3932276

This thread is making me want to suck a dick

>> No.3932280

Dick cheese is the best cheese.

>> No.3932283

Dick cheese sandwich

>> No.3932296

Yeah. Same with some hentai manga.

>> No.3932310 [DELETED] 

stop spamming ure crappy clone boards on ano

>> No.3932326


It's like a double nigger, only instead of the victim turning into red he turns into a rainbow.

>> No.3932331

What VN is the OP image?

>> No.3932352

Rui Tomo maybe?

>> No.3932353


>> No.3932359
File: 3 KB, 224x209, 2858456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3932374



I guess girl got trapped there. And is now gonna schlick furiously.

>> No.3932409

I actually want to see VN translated. Too bad most people hate it now because it got involved in trolling.

>> No.3932422

I want to se any trap VS translated


>> No.3932429

You want it translated by someone well versed in the Japanese language, not some e-penis stroking kid on the interbutts who makes silly mistakes.

>> No.3932459
File: 270 KB, 1173x1389, _.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3933309

>Does reading BJ scenes in eroge make anyone else want to suck a dick?

If you have someone who would let you suck his/her dick, I recommend you do it. The feeling of having a dick in your mouth is extremely arousing, and when your partner finally comes into your mouth, you get the feeling that you have accomplished something.

>> No.3933326

The problem is finding someone who isn't 3D.

>> No.3933328


Lol fag.

>> No.3933332

It's not gay if the balls don't touch.

>> No.3933335

C'mon on now. Don't be that way. We're all a little bit gay here.

>> No.3933340

You guys watch porn, right? Do you always watch Yuri? No? You usually watch stuff with a guy in it?

Well, do you like it if the guy has a small, flacid dick?

>> No.3933346


Best argument ever.

>her dick

Either way, I need a dick to suck now. Goddamn you 4chan, before I came here years ago, I hated gays and now I'm more gay than most of them. Although, I also like women more than before.

>> No.3933352

>You guys watch porn, right? Yes, sometimes.
>Do you always watch Yuri? No.
>You usually watch stuff with a guy in it? Yes, and I always imagine myself as the girl in it.
>Well, do you like it if the guy has a small, flacid dick? I prefer erect dicks, small or average size.

>> No.3933363

I think small erect dicks are the best.

>> No.3933373

>before I came here years ago, I hated gays
May I ask why did you hate gays? I have never had a reason to hate any minority, and I have a problem understanding why people need to hate someone.

>> No.3933387
File: 79 KB, 480x480, 5570680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Well maybe if it's futa.

>> No.3933400

>You guys watch porn, right?
3D porn? rarely. 2D? often.
> Do you always watch Yuri? No?
I prefer yuri, but I watch other stuff too.
> You usually watch stuff with a guy in it?
Not usually, but sometimes.
> Well, do you like it if the guy has a small, flacid dick?
I don't care, but I think it's more interesting if it's the opposite as the girl enjoys it more that way.

>> No.3933406

>Yes, and I always imagine myself as the girl in it.
Are you me?

>> No.3933426

i like watching a girl in 2d porn playing with a flacid spent cock after the fact cleaning it up with her tongue and cuddling her face against it

>> No.3933434


I am coming late in the thread to say that OP is a massive dude.

>> No.3933468

>You guys watch porn, right?
3D porn? 1/3 of my porn. 2D? 2/3 of my porn.
> Do you always watch Yuri? No?
I prefer futa, but I watch other stuff too.
Usually, but sometimes it's futa only or a mix, dont watch yuri very often, dont watch yaoi at all.
> Well, do you like it if the guy has a small, flacid dick?
No in 3d porn it irritates me to hell, in 2d porn theres no small flacid dicks sometimes there are but they make them look awesome, shota on mother etc.

>> No.3933530


Everybody around me hated them. I just did it to fit in, but now I don't give a fuck about fitting in. I'd rather not if it meant hating people for no reason. I've become more tolerant and less angry since I came here.

>> No.3933545

Sometimes I am like I would not mind it then I relaise what I just thought and decide against it.

>> No.3933629

Okay. Sounds like you're a better person now than what you used to be. Brofist.

>> No.3933775

