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3931744 No.3931744 [Reply] [Original]

This is from the trailer, not the anime OP. We have Shirou fighing Archer in the reality marble, does this mean DEEN already fucked the movie up for us?

>> No.3931747

All we had to know that DEEN was making it to know it is gonna be fucked up.

>> No.3931746

I'm okay with making the fight more badass.

>> No.3931752

Might be from the opening of the movie, just like the non-existent anime series had them fighting in the opening, but it never got anywhere close to that in the series.

>> No.3931750

DEEN has already fucked it up somehow anyway.

>> No.3931754
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In before LOLDEEN.

>> No.3931759

Meh, despite all the talk about it, UBW had like two five-minute instances of activation in the story. I wouldn't mind a bit more screentime for it.

>> No.3931760

I'm gonna laugh if DEEN actually manages to make the movie awesome and blow all your minds.

>> No.3931763

That will never happen.

>> No.3931766

At least we get more Kawai Kenji

>> No.3931767

And DNF will be released on the same day.

>> No.3931777

Don't forget HL2: Episode 3!

>> No.3931783

Don't forget Otome Function!

>> No.3931789 [DELETED] 

And Otome Function

>> No.3931792


I fucking hate you guys.

>> No.3931795


>> No.3931801

The only things I look forward to in the movie is Lancer and "KING OF HEROES DO YOU HAVE ENOUGH SWORDS!?". Also Rin jackhammer, but we all know that won't be in the movie.

>> No.3931810

CG dragon-jackhammer

>> No.3931824

The movie is called Unlimited Blade Works. If the main battle wasn't in UBW, the anime fans would have a cow.

Hopefully it at least begins in the ruined castle.

>> No.3931833

If they want to appeal to the anime fans, then they just only need to go with the Good End.

>> No.3931835

I'm afraid I don't follow. While that certainly is something that's DIFFERENT from the vn, how is this scene something BAD?

Awaiting your response!

>> No.3931837

I was fucked the second it had OVA/Movie attached to Unlimited Blade Works.

>> No.3931840

DEEN is an excellent studio, and they make amazing adaptions of VNs. Stop being elitist faggots because they change one or two things.

>> No.3931847

Because DEEN. This scene isn't necessarily bad per say, but if they start changing shit drastically, you might have no idea what the fuck they were doing when they made the movie when you see how poorly adapted it was.

>> No.3931844

Because it shows that DEEN is taking liberties with the movie. And there are much worse changes they can make to UBW...

>> No.3931854


>non-existent anime

I know DEEN is bad but the Fate route adaptation was actually one of their better works.

>> No.3931857

Archer and Shirou fighter in UBW, flat out doesn't make sense, unless they're severely changing the scene in the church basement.

>> No.3931861

I think what you meant to say was: The Fate anime wasn't as terrible as the Tsukihime adaptation.

>> No.3931864

*fighting, and to clarify, I'm referring to them fighting in the actual reality marble UBW, not the story of UBW.

>> No.3931865

It does. Against Gilgamesh.

>> No.3931867

I'm still waiting for when they change the entire focus of UBW to Saber.

>> No.3931870

Saber has more screentime than anyone else in the UBW trailer, so...

>> No.3931876

DEEN isn't that bad but their F/SN adaptation wasn't that good.

>> No.3931878

From this, I am going to derive that Ilya lives, and the incident in the manion never happens. They decide not to kill her, and take her as a whole so Shirou has more people in the end to save thus making him a bigger hero.

>> No.3931885

The fight starts off in the castle, we see them talking to each other. Maybe they have UBW in the background as an internal representation of Shirou's resolve to fight against Archer.

Yeah, right. Like DEEN could ever be that DEEP.

>> No.3931886


No, I meant what I wrote. DEEN did a pretty decent job animating the Fate route of F/SN. Was it perfect? No, some of the add-ons and tie-ins were stupid and unnecessary. However, I still enjoyed it and, if it weren't for the anime, I probably would not have read the VN.

I can't say the same for the Tsukihime anime and VN (not implying the Tuskihime VN was bad).

>> No.3931881
File: 13 KB, 400x224, Gilrapeface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ilya lives

ok sure thing bro

>> No.3931891

So... no "You're strong, Bazakah."?

>> No.3931894
File: 30 KB, 303x404, 1215864130617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DEEN is an excellent studio, and they make amazing adaptions of VNs.

>> No.3931899
File: 1.85 MB, 220x150, UBWAnimatedSummary.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DEEN's problem is that they don't know how to animate a fight. It's all blurs, speedlines and close-ups.

>> No.3931908

Well the kidnapping would have to happen.

As much as I enjoy Ilya, hopefully I am wrong, and there will be. But i won;t be surprised if they want to make Shirou a turbo hero but writing it in a way that he can save the unsaveable(in game at any rate)

>> No.3931913
File: 286 KB, 800x600, b22b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not necessarily bad... but having it in the Reality Marble I presume that Shirou is able to use projection as if it was his Reality Marble in it.. So it could destroy the whole point of the Shirou vs Archer ideal fight.

Not to mention Shirou can't even fight on par with Archer if he was serious, since it's in Unlimited Blade Works while Archer has no master and limited mana he wouldn't use ubw if he wasn't serious.

So how will this work out?

>> No.3931914

>DEEN's problem is that they don't know how to animate

>> No.3931918

The reality marble in OP has gears, so they are in Archer's world.

>> No.3931923
File: 1.99 MB, 320x240, LancervsArcher.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only scene that needs to be in the movie.

>> No.3931929


Shirou's has gears too; they're just not as low in the sky.

>> No.3931927

It may of been slightly misleading, but I was saying that Shirou might be able to use Archer's ubw as if it was his own.

>> No.3931934

Things UBW needs:

Gilgamesh vs. Berserker
Lancer vs. Archer
Shirou/Rin vs. Caster/Souchirou
Archer killing the two of them
Big reveal!
Castle buildup with Archer's lament
Lancer dies...
Archer vs. Shirou
Gil owns them all
Saber vs. Fake Assassin
Shirou vs. Gil startup
Shirou UBW
Shirou vs. Gil
Gil becomes a black hole
Archer and Rin's final scene

Do you fools seriously believe they're going to fit those bare essentials into an OVA?

>> No.3931946

>90 minutes

>> No.3931947

It also has Rider and the Bloodfort.

>> No.3931957

They can't do it in 90 minutes.

I dare them to try and maintain any coherency.

>> No.3931959

Oh, and Rin vs Shirou after classes.

>> No.3931965

Things UBW will get:

moe Saber
Saber sleeping
Saber eating
Saber talking
Saber saving the day
Happy Saber ending

>> No.3931970

well, gurren lagaan fit into 2 movies, and they still tacked on extras inbetween.

>> No.3931976

That wasn't DEEN

>> No.3931978

They also compressed episodes, and even took some out. It didn't really make too much sense if you didn't watch the main series.

>> No.3931981

I don't think anything would make me rage nearly as much as a Sunny Day end.

>> No.3931985

point taken. If you really want to get loose about it, most KnK movie covered an entire book in an hour or so.

>> No.3931990

The KnK novels aren't actually that long (excluding a few like the fifth and seventh ones).

>> No.3932004

>most KnK movie covered an entire book in an hour or so.
Books? No, those were single chapters.

The KnK movies spread out 2/3 volumes' worth of material into 9 hours.

>> No.3932011

Wasn't Paradox Spiral the longest one?

>> No.3932012

UBW is like ~1.2 MB or so right?
That works out to ~1200 novel pages or so, doesn't it?
Yeah, I'm not seeing how they're going to pull this off either.

>> No.3932021

Paradox Spiral was the longest chapter.
Murder Speculation Part 2 was the longest movie.

>> No.3932022

I just want my Rinsex.

>> No.3932023

It was longer than the first four novels combined if I remember correctly, so I guess you could assume so.

>> No.3932041
File: 34 KB, 800x600, 12560793789223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think Shirou's version has gears, there was something I read somewhere that said why Archer's has gears but I can't remember why nor can I find it

Something about the hardships in EMIYA's life pursuing his ideals that Shirou hasn't encountered yet?

>> No.3932054

Cut out all the Nasu and it will fit. It also will suck.

>> No.3932053
File: 92 KB, 640x1440, 647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See image.

>> No.3932047

It takes about 80 hours to 100% F/SN Take that, removes say, 10 for the Taiga Dojo's that leaves you with 70 hours, divide that by 3 routes, that's 23.3~ hours, and subtract 3.3 for quick readers. That leaves you with 20 hours of content, put into 1.5 hours.

It just doesn't work like that.

>> No.3932052

That was some terrible wording by the way.

>> No.3932057

It only takes about 30 hours to read through all of F/SN, what are you talking about?

>> No.3932058
File: 49 KB, 853x480, snapshot20090609151706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3932063
File: 181 KB, 284x555, l7152040648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>DEEN is an excellent studio

This is true. They have been excellent for the past 30 years.

>>and they make amazing adaptions of VNs.

The DEEN ones directed by Yuji Yamaguchi are actually above average when it comes to VN adaptations. /jp/'s Type-Dingleberries will be jacking all over this (just like they did back in 2006 with the Fate anime).

>> No.3932064

Then I must have been idling for a long ass time, because my timer says 83 hours.

>> No.3932066

Not everyone is used to reading prose at extreme speeds bro, that would be an average estimate.

>> No.3932067

Not to be contradictory or anything but, I 100%'d F/SN in 43 hours. With heavy abuse of saves to get all the endings.

>> No.3932071

Why are you such a bad troll, ZUN? You're so unfunny that it's almost funny.

That's a weird, roundabout way of achieving success, though.

>> No.3932078

Skip intro from anime, start with Saber not slashing Archer.
First few days including Berserker vs Archer and Saber = 20 min
Caster Arc = 25 min
Castle events = 20 min
Assassin and Gil = 25 min

>> No.3932084

I am going from replaying a route per ending. So I guess I need to factor in an extra stage to my math.

It takes about 80 hours to 100% F/SN Take that, removes say, 10 for the Taiga Dojo's that leaves you with 70 hours, divide that by 3 routes, that's 23.3~ hours, and subtract 3.3 for quick readers. That leaves you with 20 hours, divide that by two for the endings, and you have 10 hours put into 1.5 hours.

It just doesn't work like that.


>> No.3932103

We're not talking about holding down the ctrl key

>> No.3932109

I'm talking about the movie, retard.

>> No.3932110 [DELETED] 

It also counts time you spend in the extras section, I believe. And yeah, you probably left it on while you went to get food a few times tool

>> No.3932115

It also counts time you spend in the extras section, I believe. And yeah, you probably left it on while you went to get food a few times too.

>> No.3932121

I have no problems with this.

>> No.3932124

Shut the game off when I ate. I eat with the family at the table.

>> No.3932167


Wouldn't it have been easier to just go through UBW True end straight and get a number from that?

>> No.3932184

1. You cannot play UBW without completing Fate first so the ingame timer would not work.
2. I cannot be assed to play through that game again.

>> No.3932209

Ah gotcha.

>> No.3932229

So this version having insanely huge Gears means that Shriou went through even more crap than Archer did?

and he still keeps the pure hill of swords safe and sound below?

>> No.3932242

No, the gears are just much much higher above the "field" than they are in EMIYA's.

>> No.3932260

Don't forget that this is Last Episode Shirou's UBW.
