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39270592 No.39270592 [Reply] [Original]

Poor Mokou doesn't have many friends, she spends most of her time fighting Kaguya in lengthy deathmatches or sitting all alone in her shoddy shack in the bamboo forest, when it isn't being leveled by her rivals for fun. And she grimaces sometimes when she's letting her mind wander while sitting alone, thinking of how one day the friends she does have now will vanish and there will only be her and Kaguya left.
She has lived so long that getting entertained is becoming harder, and as the decades and later, centuries, will go by, the things she does daily to maintain a semblance of life will lose their charm as well, whether it is selling food or being a guide to traveling humans she meets in the forest roads.
Any relatives she once knew, such as her very father whose rejection by Kaguya led her to this self imposed immortality, are long gone. Lovers have came and went to the grave as well, so wanting to love is something that has very little appeal anymore to Mokou, as in the end they all die and leave her behind.

>> No.39270835

She needs a hug.

>> No.39270873
File: 355 KB, 737x1076, fujiwara no moocow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39271075
File: 120 KB, 850x666, __fujiwara_no_mokou_houraisan_kaguya_van_darkholme_and_mark_wolff_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_jokanhiyou__sample-278c1e46cdf3fb4a9c590229bc5338bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure, even if her fate is sealed, she is still living in the present around people who care about her and whom she cares about as well ,and although she does still have a blood feud with kaguya they have also became genuine friends. during the first few centuries of immortality I'm sure she has accepted the fact that the world and time will continue to move on but this tragedy effects everyone, existence might be a morbid tragedy but at the same time it's an miracle. would passing away to the abyss beyond nothingness be worth not being able to experience pain, sadness, joy, or regret? would it be worth not being able to see the leaves fall off of trees and hear the birds singing? would it be worth not even being able to comprehend that you were even alive? perhaps entropy will come for the hourai immortals eventually but as long as people are still breathing and time is still moving good and bad things will continue to still happen and the world will continue to get bigger. mokou lives in the here and now.

>> No.39271195 [DELETED] 

She's cute

>> No.39271428 [DELETED] 

no she isn't

>> No.39278743

Says you.

>> No.39283005

Mokou sounds like she needs a good fuck more often.

>> No.39283253 [DELETED] 


>> No.39285276
File: 167 KB, 533x694, 1631525392574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*revives the mokou bread*

>> No.39285350
File: 405 KB, 960x540, __fujiwara_no_mokou_kamishirasawa_keine_and_ex_keine_touhou_drawn_by_futoumeido__7b0103b162114e58d2c48dd3b0adde37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39285366

Maybe she should stop being selfish and share her liver with said friends and lovers so she isn't always alone.

>> No.39297440

Yes, the abyss is better.

>> No.39304728

Mokou sleeps in a potato sack and uses a bag of rice for a pillow

>> No.39307738

Every fibre of my being wants to steal that bag of rice. Mokou flavoured rice, mokou flavoured sake, collecting the water after soaking the bag for days so I can distill it into mokou scented perfume. The possibilities are endless!

>> No.39310772

The potato sack contains hourai bran Mokou Musk(tm)

>> No.39319366

Mokou doesn't smell because the hourai elixir keeps your body in perfect condition.

>> No.39319391

Fuck you

>> No.39319412

I'm sorry, I know the truth hurts.
