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File: 54 KB, 1000x700, itslikeimreallyGuy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3922704 No.3922704 [Reply] [Original]

Didn't see one in any of the pages, so let's play some SWIRR. Hostan:
I flowchart more than Lurker tier.

>> No.3922800

Getting lonely, bumping once for an opponent.

>> No.3922838

Controller wasn't working, try now.

>> No.3922864

Bump for host!

>> No.3922882

How does I SWR with you guys? I've always wanted to, but never actually tried.

>> No.3922895

Install latest version -> Start game -> VS Network -> join a host or host your own game -> post IP in the current Soku thread if you're hosting -> enjoy.

>> No.3922900
File: 283 KB, 860x848, SWR-menu-en.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might be helpful, atlhough this is from original SWR, the menu didn't change in 12.3.

>> No.3922944

the latest ver. is 1.03, right?

>> No.3922949 EU

>> No.3922950


>> No.3922972


You guys sure are fast at joining games.

>> No.3922974

I wish I was good enough to fight the few people who still play! ;_;

>> No.3922991

Tired and with nothing else to do., Finland

Hey, all my netplay experience comes from these threads. Just jump in a game or host a match and have fun.

>> No.3922992

If you host, I'll play you. I'm "new to this online shit" tier.

>> No.3923002

Holy fucking shit, another busy host after only a few minutes?

What the hell?

>> No.3923007

Ugh, don't know what was up with that. Sorry, and gg

>> No.3923010

That was pretty laggy, might be problems on my end as well.
Rehosting:, Finland

>> No.3923012

Where are you located?

>> No.3923028


>> No.3923083

Can't connect to anyone;_;

>> No.3923113

Nice seeing you again, Duckator. As usual, I wish I could play all of the characters like you do; my Sakuya is especially horrible, maybe I should invest some time into being less bad. You seem like you're still pretty sharp, and man, was I getting frustrated when my dial-A with Meiling was randomly getting dropped! Our Sakuya/Meiling was really, really close too. Playing you always reminds me of just how pitiful my defense is, though; you pretty much block everything I throw at you, and then when you retaliate, I decide that the front of your foot is a good place to put my face.

Anyways, good games.

>> No.3923134

Good games Guy. You've gotten a lot better since I last played you or maybe it's been so long that I forgot how good you were before.
That Sakuya / Meiling match was great, especially when I tried to punish your flying kick and got hit with a huge damage combo.

>> No.3923225

Well shit, I just get back and find out a Guymatch already finished.

Oh well, hostan anyway:
US Central, hurr durr

Brace for some half-assed treeagraphs because I've typed enough today. Ugh.

>> No.3923281

Not only is Utsuho invisible, she crashes the game as well :(

>> No.3923288

Oh whoops, that's what that was. Sorry about that, 3p.
There's a fix to that but I don't remember it off the top of my head, you'll have to ask around.

If you wanna try again I'll remember to stay away from her, though.

>> No.3923307

Have you tried adding the following two lines to your configex123.ini ?


>> No.3923436

Good games.

>> No.3923467

Thaaat's what it was, thanks bro.

GGs 3p, you really do know what you're doing after all.
Now I'm not one to BAAAAAWWWWW IT'S MY CONTROLLER'S FAULT constantly (read: more than I already do) but this thing is really starting to show its age; when every single BE turns into STOP BLOCKING AND RUN INTO BULLET INSTEAD and moves turn into other moves things roll downhill fast. I'll get that checked out before running this again.

That's it for my whinefest though; overall I think your playstyle is pretty ballin' with air reversals and such, which is something you don't see often in the scrub den of /jp/ or the DP ONLY tourneyfag hole of the IRC; I'm surprised someone this solid slipped by me this whole time.

Oh well, maybe it's the finals. Gotta take a break.

>> No.3923485 [DELETED] 

pleased to be stop spamming ur shitty clone boards on anonta

>> No.3923510 [DELETED] 

pleased to be stop spamming ur shitty clone boards on anonta

>> No.3923565

>>3923010 here,
what happened?
Random disconnect?

>> No.3923577

Oh god, long time no see, Idler! And great games as usual, even if you still outclass me with all the characters in the game. It was definitely fun! Also I don't know what happened with my connection, but I was going to leave soon anyway, so, see you next time dude.

>> No.3923611

Well, I was getting pretty drowsy myself, not remembering which character I selected while in the loading screen...
Anyway, GGs as always.
I still need to learn to play Suwako though.

>> No.3923650 EU
Everything is relative tier

>> No.3923669

Let's do this.

East Coast host

>> No.3923847

Let's see if I can host tier.

>> No.3923849 [DELETED] 

Desync? Anyways, rehosted.

>> No.3923853

Sorry Guy, whole network went down for a second for some odd reason. Feel free to rejoin if you're up for it.

>> No.3923874

Oh my, it happened again! Is everything alright over there?

>> No.3923911

huh, seems like I can't.

>> No.3923912
File: 1.01 MB, 992x1337, dolls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I guess some mysterious force is telling us that we should stop. Good games, Saje. Your Marisa is a bit strange in that you don't finish your aircombos with default 214C very often, if at all, and you also use the alt 236 laser. Alice vs Marisa had some good moments, though I noticed you didn't destroy my dolls all that often, whereas with Reimu it was like you were aiming at the poor things.

So, naturally, this comic came to mind.

>> No.3924076

This strip is incredible.

Any hosts?

>> No.3924121

Herp Derp tier.

>> No.3924218
File: 372 KB, 1015x590, 1232528094893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The power of the rainbow.

>> No.3924264

Good games.

>> No.3924392


GGs. Nice matches as always.

>> No.3924421


>> No.3924462

I'd gladly play against you, but I suck terribly at fighting games.

>> No.3924494

Good games, Endue. Man, playing a person like you just goes to show me how much I really need to start learning how to block and how to space. My spacing with Alice is horrible, and that Reisen match where I JUST BARELY whiffed with 6A instead of hitting you while you were blocking completely screwed me over. Your Tenshi is pretty fierce; unlike mine, it actually has a little bit of variety instead of forcing the same stuff until I hit. Good games, hopefully my flowchart Meiling didn't bother you too much.

>> No.3924501

Good games, your Meiling was fun to play.

>> No.3924625
File: 390 KB, 626x885, 1260485076736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giving Remilia a test run
Hostan Canadia

>> No.3924673

Hang on, I don't think I saved my profile changes so my cards aren't what I need. Rehosting in a sec

>> No.3924710
File: 9 KB, 255x373, 1261022554477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ggs Nipah. How do I blocked ice?

>> No.3924738


GGs. Cirno is my only main, I have no idea how to play with the other characters. You should try specting other Meilings, don't let your opponent put a distance from you. Move around him, never stop pushing. Meiling is hard to master but see Guy and his flowchart.

>> No.3924815

Graze the ice, then go into a dial-a combo.

>> No.3924841
File: 9 KB, 317x240, 1226934475569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Youmu's spellcard ignoring Perfect Maid

Also, I laughed at the two counters in a row during Typhoon.

>> No.3924915
File: 645 KB, 827x1169, 92a21b0c1d8c96075e03e51352f7f686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That is my typical MO but it seemed like at a certain point I just couldn't do anything to stop what you threw at me and I couldn't seem to work out my close range zoning 'till it got to that point where I just threw out things randomly in frustration, so rather than continuing to make an ass of myself I tried to play more defensively but to no avail. I've been thinking about whether I should put more time into Reimu or Tenshi until I can get my brain to realize that I am not playing 3S and that Meiling is not Chunners.

>> No.3924951

While a defensive Meiling can be done, I'd personally recommend against it. Meiling can have such a great pressure game if she's aggressive that it'd almost be a waste to lose it just to play it a bit more safe. I'm sure you'll be fine, though, she just takes a little while to get used to, since she doesn't have very good bullet cover at all.

>> No.3924976

Good games Duckator! I'm finding Remi incredibly difficult to manouvre because of her short hops and limited air graze distance. It seems like as she moves she's vulnerable to melee from both ground and air and an easy target for projectiles in the air. Thanks for letting me practice on you, it looks like I need to learn how to make approaches on her before any comboing or pressuring.

>> No.3925003

Haha yeah. I'm pretty familiarized in how to deal with counters under most situations, so it was actually to his detriment to have used it. I had a few misinputs resulting in me triggering them such as the low kick but the dual counter during Typhoon came as a result of being overly aggressive and wanting to finish him quickly.

>> No.3925021

Good games Rabbit, your Remi still needs some work.
Try to abuse her C bullets more since her B bullets are somewhat useless now. They're great for getting closing distance because of their high priority. And try doing a 214 after a knockdown once in a while to keep your pressure up.

Oh, and look past the first page before starting a netplay thread.

>> No.3925027
File: 1.77 MB, 1200x900, d900e32bc4e59c2d36d98e2b287216b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah pressure Meiling is what I really want after all I just feel like my reaction time is too slow and once the opponent gains ground on me I'm too frantically trying to graze to mount a decent offensive, let alone not fall right into their trap when I do close said distance. I don't know if it's my own shortcomings or if I'm just doing something wrong.

Anyway, EC hostan'.

>> No.3925031

aaaaah I can never get over how good Tenshi is at guardcrushing through spirit drain

>> No.3925056

Yeah, Day 1 Remi is a pain but searching for SWR threads is moreso. I actually went through all 10 pages as I scan by looking for Touhou related pictures and looking for IPs, but the thread picture used is some kind of goofy flowchart that looks like spam.

>> No.3925095

>some kind of goofy flowchart that looks like spam.

That hurts, Rabbit. ;_;

>> No.3925106

Did you check said flow chart? It was actually funny.

>> No.3925146

I did now. Heh, I wish someone made a Youmu one since it's entirely more relevant to my interests.

>> No.3925172


Rehosting. Last one for today.

>> No.3925220

ggs 3p. I am not good at Touhou.

EC re-hostan'.

>> No.3925223

Good games. It seemed like you stopped trying halfway through :(

>> No.3925247
File: 54 KB, 1000x700, Youmuflowchart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

700 hours in MSPaint.

While your Meiling combos and setups do need work, it seems like you just need to play more in order to grasp some of the fundamentals better, most specifically: when to graze and how to pressure.

>> No.3925265

I admit it, I lol'd

>> No.3925330

GGs Enzian. At least I won one of four. Seems like your internet went down or something.

I will rehost...

Rehosting >>3924121

>> No.3925619

Good games Nipah! Getting stuck in the corner sure is frightening against Cirno. Some of those matches were keep attacking and pray you don't get icecar.

>> No.3925634


Long time no see Rabbit Box. GGs. Against Remi felt pretty even, then I faced Youmu and my morale dropped to the ground. I tend to require one or two matches against a character to learn your strategy then do something about it.

Anyway GGs.

>> No.3925648

Need a Yukari flowchart.

>> No.3925664

Thanks! Conversely I felt even up to about the 5th match or so, then completely figured out since nothing I did worked after that. I'll put in a bit of practice with Remi in the next few days for a rematch.

>> No.3925697
File: 100 KB, 905x611, yukariflowchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Yukari flowchart is the original. Uh, as original as being a parody of the Ken flowchart, that is.

>> No.3925719
File: 1.12 MB, 950x810, 1258801776035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I modeled my Meiling and Youmu one after the Sacchin flowchart from Melty Blood, which in turn was modeled after the Ken Flowchart. I would've made a Yukari one, but couldn't decide if STOPSIGN or PARASOL SPIN would be the focus.

Anyways, rehostan:
The seven colors of suck.

>> No.3926004
File: 138 KB, 1000x1000, sanaeflowchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There isn't only one focus (which makes this flowchart not-so-humorous), but this is pretty close to the truth sometimes.

>> No.3926014
File: 54 KB, 640x480, 1250275206141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I fucking suck with Alice. Despite fighting a flowchart Suika, I'll just fall for the same shit over and over again while simultaneously failing my spacing and inputting the wrong moves. Also, HURF DURF TYPHOON/FOG MYSTIC PURPLE POWER, oh what's that, blocking everything? In comes the loliball! Jesus fuck, I know people are weak against Suika, but I brought this down to a whole different level.

Next time we fight, I'll promise to not fall for the same shit over and over again.

>> No.3926015

Good games Guy! I was absolutely floored that one match were you out damaged my MPP and won. You played Alice pretty well in the later games although I get the feeling I'd be pretty safe if I turtled in the corner.

>> No.3926019


*MISSING purple power, goddamn, I'm failing even at spellcard names right now.

>> No.3926030

Alice's corner work is shit. I can make you block, but I have no way to break your orbs unless you decide to block a bunch of shit like 5B/2B/236B and so on. And you'd have to block them a lot, too.

>> No.3926062

Haha, awe. I thought I was playing Suika somewhat creatively. I did get to try out low/high guard crushes, throws in the corner/wakeup and bouncing B bullet pressure. I'm curious how close I am to flowchart in your opinion. Also, I'd never MPP during Typhoon since its too easy to escape but rather I did hit you with her unblockable horn quite a few times for match enders.

>> No.3926171
File: 96 KB, 905x611, Suikaflowchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously I'm exaggerating at least a little bit, but you still have (far away) 6B 6B 6C 66C (close, after knockdown) 5C 5AAA (blocked, back off a bit) 5C 66C 623B 6B 5C 66C (back off) 6B 6B 6C. The less flowcharty stuff comes when you've trapped me in the corner.

A lot of it's just me being frustrated.

>> No.3926250
File: 37 KB, 905x611, Realsuikaflowchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't accurate enough. Here you go.

inb4 SDD edits it with helicopter

>> No.3926256

Oh hey, I was watching the replay and I'm curious to know why you forward dash during MPP punches? From these threads I heard you could backdash the punches with their inherent invincibility frames. I always wanted to try it out.

>> No.3926277
File: 23 KB, 283x310, 1253154056307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the time I was panicking, to be honest. I don't think I've ever seen someone get MPP as fast as Rabbit got it against me. But, now that you remind me, I'll have to try to remember to practice backdashing against MPP. I've done it to get invincibility frames against other moves, but I haven't done it against the giant loli yet. My timing is still really bad with it, though, so I'd probably lose (not that it would make much of a difference with my Alice, zing!)

Hurf durf.

Now with 75% less frustration!

>> No.3926420

...Guess I'll turn in for the night, instead.

>> No.3926662

Sorry for the bump, but does anyone have a download for the updated patch? I got the game from torrents (since /rs/ is down) and the patch from the wiki, but I'm not sure if they're for the most recent version (presuming not)

>> No.3926703

>I'm not sure if they're for the most recent version (presuming not)
You presumed wrong. The SWR/12.3 patches on the SWRSWiki are up-to-date.

What you should have asked for was the Hisoutensoku v1.02 patch. I believe it is no longer on Tasofro's main page, but that's the latest version which supported fish decks.

>> No.3926790
U.S. West

Bumping in case anyone is still awake

>> No.3926792 [DELETED] 

pleased to be stop spamming ur shitty clone boards on ano

>> No.3926975

Blast.. no one's hosting, and here I was hoping to get a good stomping on and see some beautiful combos.. Oh well~

>> No.3926977
File: 28 KB, 386x454, lolidunno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, as you may have guessed, I'm the worst player here on /jp/.

>> No.3926985

Rehostan one last time

>> No.3926988


Awrighty~ Prepare for some horribly laggy game play!

>> No.3926991


GGs, sorry about that one Marisa / Sakuya match. And also the lag, seemed like you were having some trouble with that. :(

>> No.3927018

Hoo boy, you weren't kidding! Are you from the UK? Also, what was going on during those matches with the crouching and all? Regardless, good games Reisen. The bullet time lets me do some combos that are otherwise not possible.

>> No.3927038


Ausfailia, and I tend to muck about a fair bit in game. Helps with how slow the lag tends to make things, though, I suppose the solid trouncing you were giving me wasn't going to make taking it easy easy.

Also, 12.3's killed my graphics card yet again, I can't look away from it for five minutes.. 4bit color, whee.

>> No.3927051

Ahh, I see. Well I'm definately up for some bullet time fooling around games in the future. Its kinda fun to watch the replays after at regular speed too since it looks like everyone involved has superhuman reactions.

>> No.3927054

protip: if you can't connect, restart the listener. If that doesn't help, then restart the instance.

>> No.3927056

To whom are you referring to?

>> No.3927077
File: 386 KB, 855x1000, 1260707652226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From >>3926790

GGs to the Anon I played, those were some fun matches, especially the Alice mirror matches. Your Reisen was pretty tough to fight against as well, especially in those long drawn out battles where you kept chugging that damn green juice. <_<

>> No.3927081


>> No.3927115


Rehostan one more time before I go to sleep.

>> No.3927222

GGs US West

>> No.3927224


Took some time to watch. The win for Reisen over Remilia was a goddamn spectacle to watch, and I never thought Alice of all things would be able to win over Aya.

>> No.3927227


Great games man, those were really fun even though I mostly got my ass kicked. I'll definitely go over the replays from those matches and learn a few things. :)

Also LOL at the match where you baited me into Suika's falcon punch, I had to laugh in spite of myself there.

>> No.3927241

Sorry, bro. Too laggy for me.


>> No.3927245


Ah, it's alright, it was faster than the norm the lag usually brings to the table at least~ Not too bad with the Reimu, was expecting to get telefoot in my mouth far more often.

>> No.3927253

>Alice of all things would be able to win over Aya.

If it accounts for anything, Aya is one of my worst characters apart from the SWR2 characters.

>> No.3927257

For some reason, I am completely incapable of using Reimu's teleport, no matter how much I try to use it. I guess I just don't like that move very much.

>> No.3927266


Yes, but usually I find myself getting a good beating with Alice if I'm against anything quick enough.

If it's any consolation, you can use 623 moves all too much more easily when you're against me and my wonderful lag.. Well, save you've got your computer being a good host.

>> No.3927286

Though I highly doubt anyone will connect
US Midwest

>> No.3927469

Bump for EU hosts.

>> No.3927477


GGs, those were pretty close games, although it seems like I managed to edge you out more often than not. Your Reisen was pretty tough to deal with. Got some pretty LOL replays out of that too. :)

>> No.3927501

Good games indeed, those were some of the most fun matches I've had in a while. You're quite good but not to the point where I felt as if I didn't stand a chance, which is a good thing.

I had to laugh when the game disconnected right at the peak of our Marisa/Tenshi match while we were chraging at eachother.

>> No.3927517


Haha, yeah that was a pretty epic moment. Felt like it should have been the trailier to a movie or something.

>> No.3927575

more like
>do nothing but 2b on your lily pad because it looks cute
>actually win because 4chan is bad at video games

>> No.3927666

Have any of you guys managed to get it working with an arcade stick? It recognizes the buttons on my TE but not the joystick. Works fine in all other games.

>> No.3927691

If all else fails, use joy2key.

>> No.3927889


>> No.3928360


>> No.3929000 West Coast
I flowchart less than Guy tier

That Yukari flowchart is not very accurate at all, so that might be one of the reasons.

>> No.3929138

>Getting hit by your own Fortune Slip Bomb

Sorry, but I laughed hard; goddamn your Sanae is pretty mean, though.

>> No.3929260

ggs Magister. Your Sanae is actually pretty underwhelming (if only because it's Sanae), but I'm stupid and get hit by Kanako anyway, hurr.

And now I'm going to go do more productive things with my time. Like attempt to make a better Yukari flowchart.

>> No.3929287
File: 276 KB, 500x594, 1229981237617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is no Zaku, boy. No Zaku.

>> No.3929291


>but I'm stupid and get hit by Kanako anyway, hurr.

That's not that bad. Getting hit out of close range always due to a mistake, but there are worse things.

>> No.3929392

According to the wiki, in order to spectate, one has to join a match already in progress, but since I can't read moonrunes, how can I tell if there is one? My current connection is too unreliable for me to play against people.

>> No.3929415

When you input someone's IP, you're given two choices. Choosing the one on the right will allow you to spectate without trying to fight the host, whereas choosing the one on the left will have you fight the host, unless he's already fighting someone, in which case you will spectate.

>> No.3929557

Thanks, I've just been assuming that the left was something like 'continue' and the right was 'cancel'. The right option has always kicked me back to the menu, even when I had a stable connection; perhaps the person was no longer hosting at that time.

>> No.3929633

I am experimenting, trying to make her seem not-so-terrible to me, but it ain't working. She doesn't have any of the stuff I like. Though I played around with some other alts after our match, and I think I may have figured something out. I just need to actually learn how to do things with Sanae, and stop playing her like I'm playing someone else. I have this reluctance to 66C with a character, but Sanae's is actually really good. Next time, I will Luigi flutter kick you up and down the stage.

>> No.3929650

Sorry, guy. It's no fun when you never block. I don't like being forced to play only one way if I want to win :(

>> No.3929658

Good games I guess, 3p. I'm sure that you're a much better player than I am. I couldn't help but feel that you were sandbagging against me; if that is the case, could you please not? If I'm going to lose, so be it, but I'd like to lose against someone actually trying against me, I'll pick up more that way.

>> No.3929668 West Coast

>> No.3929673

That's just how I am, sorry that you feel that way. If you ever join again, I guess I can try to actually block more, but defense was never my strong suit.

>> No.3929816

So... Anyone left around?

>> No.3929870
US Midwest

>> No.3930194

Good games, Lurker.

I guess I'll work on being better at defending, though I truthfully have an incredibly hard time with it all. Sorry if I've bored you guys up till now, I guess~ Anyway, to get me started out, at what point right after a jump or a dash can you block? I've been dash-blocking and jump-blocking trying to bait stuff, but I end up getting stuffed more often than not.

>> No.3930198
File: 62 KB, 600x308, 1254143672700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, that babies -> level 5 was the best thing I've ever done as Suika, or possibly the best thing I've ever seen done as Suika since I never seem to be spectating when somebody lands a massacre.

Now that that's out of the way, superarmor Firepunch didn't work as well against you as I initially thought it was because you were using Alice as first and not attempting to rush me. Ah well, it's still a fun move, and it helped me a lot against your Tenshi.

Sorry about quitting on the first Remilia match, I avoid playing on the SDM stage as I find it disorienting. I FFF'd several times against your Cirno after randomly dashing into her C over and over. Alice was a pain too since most of the times I tried to approach I just got 6A'd. My Remi is still pretty weak, all I've been doing is random j.2As, rekkas and dinner forks and hoping for the best. My Suika needs work too, at the moment it's pretty much just random firepunch + babies + j.5a + 6b. You know, like most Suikas. Except I'm too dumb to use fireworks.

And uh, I don't have many comments on the rest of the matches (and for the ones I did I forgot them). You seemed kind of rusty with Patchouli, though. And I had no idea you could use Alice's level 4 doll sword thing in the air.

Also, pic very related.

>> No.3930217

Also loliball -> 623. I forgot that.

>> No.3930250

I think your Suika is actually pretty good (against me). Firepunch will get me most of the time because I'm stupid and always have to be attacking, and loliball will hit me regardless of whether I'm actually baiting it or not. You seemed to have a little bit of trouble using MPP, but the times you landed massacre were ridiculous. Can you do the 5-card grab in the middle of someone's dial-A? Because that's what it seemed like.

And yeah, my Patch is really, really bad. I don't like the way she moves (and I'm horrible at moving her), and I can't do anything but j.5C, 6C -> 236C, and various combos off of dial-A. As for Alice, well, I'm still having a ridiculously hard time with her spacing. It feels like every time I want a f.5A I either get TOO far away for it to do any good, or it ends up being a normal 5A, which proceeds to whiff. Also, my horrible flowchart "wait for them to do something stupid, 6A, and then set up dolls", unfortunately, I can't think of any other safe way to set them up other than stuff like that. Alice has some nice stuff, though, I just wish it were easier to connect 6A after 5AAAA.

>> No.3930269

I used dunk, not massacre. Massacre is her grab where she slams the opponent into the ground three times.

I don't actually use MPP that much, most of the times I used it against you I meant to use something else. You can land dunk pretty much any time there's an opening in somebody's attacks provided you're blocking, but it won't work if they expect it and stop to block.

Patchouli's movement isn't half as bad as Utsuho's, Remilia's and (of course) Suwako's, who are just kind of awkward. But I don't play her so I can't really say anything.

>> No.3930317

Rehostan again.

>> No.3930504

Herp derp tier.

>> No.3930515 [DELETED] 

pleased to be stop spamming ur shitty clone boards on ano

>> No.3930649 US West

>> No.3930731

Good games, I have to go now

>> No.3930744

Good games.
I don't know why you like to fly just above the ground like that. You're vulnerable to all sorts of air-unblockable attacks. I just wish I could remember to use 3a more often.

>> No.3930767


>> No.3930925 West Coast
Hurr everyone's already playing

>> No.3930941



>> No.3930945

Good games, Harlaown. I was trying to be more mindful of blocking, and tried to block each attack, and yet I would still eat 66C without fail. This is gonna take a lot of work. Your name sounds familiar for some reason, though.

Anyways, rehostan.

>> No.3931021

ggs, Guy. I'd keep playing but my Meiling deck is so awful it's making me cry every time I look at my current cards, so I'm going to go fix that.

>> No.3931028

Good games, Lurker. Playing Meiling without the Sky Dragon Kick feels REALLY weird, and my defense doesn't seem to be improving no matter how much I concentrate on it. ;_;

Not a bad Meiling you have there, considering you don't play her very much.

>> No.3931072

Done, rehosting

>> No.3931080
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>> No.3931085

What's a good Touhou game to start playing out of:

Phantasmagoria of Flower View
Perfect Cherry Blossom
Imperishable Night
Shoot The Bullet
The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil

I also have games 1-5

>> No.3931093

Start with 1 and work your way up.

>> No.3931095

Uh... I think it froze while selecting the stage.

>> No.3931101

1 and up.
If you don't like PC-98 graphics, move to EoSD or PCB.

>> No.3931105


Thanks guys

>> No.3931177

Good games again Nipah. That Cirno is still pretty kickin'. I'm finding that Remi has very poor melee range and priority and lacks chicken blocking on ground dashes. It's incredibly difficult to make an approach, especially when you have icecar and 66C to pierce my cover. Also, I lol'd at the repeated snowballs against Youmu thing you were doing.

>> No.3931183
File: 92 KB, 842x582, 7578e48120713ff986c15e9a2d538434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


GGs Bunny box.

Dat Youmu. Instant morale drop warrantied. I felt pretty confident after Remi then...

Youmu running into katamaris was quite amusing. At least I got 1 against Youmu even though I think you weren't trying.

>> No.3931205

Yeah haha! The Katamaris were too funny. I ran some of my alt decks but a counter/reflector is absolutely useless against cirno unless she uses icecar. The other time was a passive boost/rushdown deck that warrants a change in playstyle but man those iceballs plug over-aggression.

>> No.3931235
File: 54 KB, 640x480, 1252015871928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mini-Suikas stopping the rock spellcard

Holy shit!

>> No.3931245

>Soku interpreting Firepunch as babies and then I lose the match because of it
Yeahhh I'm just going to stop there. Half of my specials haven't even been working when I want them too and it's pissing me off.

>> No.3931255

GGs whoever i was playing with

also rehosting >>3931080

>> No.3931261
US Midwest

>> No.3931267

Okay uh, now that I've calmed down, ggs. I was being pretty stupid against Youmu (hurr blocking just about everything wrong) though.

Still, those Suika mirrors were FFFF. It's irritating when the game takes my commands as something else a couple times, but when I lose an entire match just because I can't use the move I need to it's incredibly rage inducing.

>> No.3931270 [DELETED] West Coast

Expect me to either complain upon losing or fail express my feelings through words just not say anything all.

>> No.3931273

If you play easy, don't do pcb first. pcb easy is harder than other games' normals.

>> No.3931275 West Coast

Expect me to either complain upon losing or fail to express my feelings through words and just not say anything all.

>> No.3931288

You ought to leave more post-battle comments

>> No.3931291


i've not played one before so i'm going normal mode on the embodiment of scarlet devil atm

>> No.3931309

GGs, but I really need to restart my router, sorry about that. I'll rehost in a minute provided it works right.

>> No.3931325




>> No.3931336

GGs Anon. Too laggy though.

>> No.3931337

Rehosting. If it keeps fucking up, well I'll give up for now.

>> No.3931525

I dont know what to say when players rage, so i just say nothing

it seems that its not working anymore, anyway GGs


>> No.3931565

Good games Johan, disconnected at the end there but oh well.

I'll try rehosting I guess.

>> No.3931572

You really don't need to say anything, because most of the time when players on /jp/ rage, they're raging over how bad/how many mistakes they're making. I guess you could call it venting?

It's all in good fun, though.

>> No.3931685

GGs, im done for today. see ya next time /jp/

>> No.3931748

Aw fuck, game crashed. Very good games there Guy.

>> No.3931749

Looks like we disconnected. Ah well, good games, Tenma. I got a little frustrated when the weather changed to Spring Haze right when I activated my spellcard, causing your attack to graze right through it. This defense thing still isn't going very well, and trying to play Meiling without the Sky Dragon Kick feels like trying to play with one hand tied behind my back; I guess it goes to show how much I rely on it.

>> No.3932183 West Coast
I've rehosted like 5+ times today

>> No.3932205

Looks like the game crashed again, it seems to do that a lot whenever I play Suwako for some reason. I've got to go do some other shit anyway though.

Good games lolimew, felt pretty even most of the time. My Utsuho is so goddamn rusty it's ridiculous and it doesn't help that I accidentally selected the same shitty deck twice.

>> No.3932284

gg. Tenma, I'm pretty rusty myself, haven't played in month and still learning Yuyuko.

>> No.3932295 [DELETED] 

stop spamming ure crappy clone boards on ano

>> No.3932293

Im watching these matches, and I gotta say it's nice to see your Youmu back in action LoliMew. I see you've improved and cover your landings with B and Okizeme with 2C. Don't forget you can stuff jump ins with 2C though. And is that a AAA 3[A] I see? Love it

>> No.3932340

ggs LoliMew. You need to be less reckless, it's kind of sad that I can nearly beat your Youmu just by spamming firepunch without paying attention knowing that you'll run into it.

Thanks for the Remi mirrors, though. I'm still trying to learn her, so sorry if I seemed spammy/scrubby/etc.

>> No.3932351

gg. I always had a problem against Suika's Fire Punch and overall Yukari. I was hoping my 5B and poking would beat Suika.

Thanks, but I don't feel like I improved at all. It has been a while since I played and I'm just doing everything by instinct.

>> No.3932360

It's not really recklessness, more that I have no idea what to do. I don't face many Suikas.

And your Remi is better than mine. Sometimes I have no clue what to do with her, I only started using her just because I love Vamprie Kiss so much

>> No.3932366
U.S. West

Only have time for a few games atm

>> No.3932505

Looks like we got disconnected. Good games, 0rion; you seem pretty solid. Sorry if my Alice seemed like a bit of a one-trick pony, I'm trying to work on adding more variety and more lock-down and traps with her.

>> No.3932508

GGs Guy, looks like you really got the better of me this time. Probably good that we DC'd, I really have to leave anyway. Those Alice mirror matches were pretty fun.

>> No.3932764

So anyone left around for late night games?

>> No.3932806

I could host a few, if you want.

>> No.3932811
File: 232 KB, 850x849, alstroeremiflan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3932811 EC
Something, Something, Something

>> No.3932907
File: 154 KB, 598x600, remi42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rehosting at >>3932811

>> No.3932920
File: 95 KB, 600x600, utsuchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't want to play me?

>> No.3932929
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>> No.3932936


>> No.3932944
File: 85 KB, 800x600, notgoodatall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any special reason? You might have stomped my utsu with aya but I was going to switch to my good characters soon.

>> No.3932954

Poor first impression. Win or lose, I play to enjoy the game, and those were extremely stupid matches to be a part of. I'll take the chance that somebody else might show up.

>> No.3932992
File: 56 KB, 465x379, marisarem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually need time to warm up after not playing for a few weeks, so sorry if I don't automatically play perfect games.

>> No.3933002
File: 62 KB, 444x334, 1216407709465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one asked for perfect games, but I don't see how "warm-up" equates to "play extremely stupid on purpose". It was boring, and the second match proved you weren't even trying.

>> No.3933034
File: 3 KB, 120x90, MF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the second one just proved I'd not played against aya in ages and never when using Utsuho. Still, I probably won't try to join another game you host again, so you should be happy.

>> No.3933037

Remilia sux

>> No.3933046
File: 55 KB, 477x561, crackers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Rehosting again even though no one is here.

>> No.3933092

Can't connect. Did you stop hosting? Although in all likelihood, I probably can't connect to anyone since I'm currently on a hotel's wireless Internet.

>> No.3933096

Want to play a few quick games. East coast. Noob Yuyuko/Patchouli.

>> No.3933165

It isn't you this time, I had stopped hosting to join another, sorry.

>> No.3933174


>> No.3933178

GGs, you were very quick to punish when I messed up and seem to know the moves well. I think all you need is more experience fighting the faster characters against good players and you'll do well.

>> No.3933216
US Midwest

>> No.3933240
File: 33 KB, 640x480, 1250153586200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That game at the end was terrible. Good games, Rabbit, as you may have noticed my Meiling is significantly worse without the Sky Dragon Kick in her deck. There were some very ridiculous events in those matches, foremost among them being your bloody 2 card spell with Suika doing about 1/3rd of my life bar in damage, and me somehow catching a stray bit of your Patchy's bloody 4-card reversal. But I swear to God, if I do 236 with Tenshi when I mean to do 623 one more fucking time, I'll probably burst a blood vessel.

This was pretty much me during that Suika match where your 2-card did way too much damage.

>> No.3933244

Ja, good games Guy. I really enjoyed our Remi/Alice matches. They were pretty even later on and I think I started to learn her moves bit by bit. It looks like to me though that you've totally figured out how to handle my giant Suika and Patchy spam.

>> No.3933269

Your Remi plays with a really weird hit-and-run style. It really throws me off, so I end up just trying to get dolls out so I can control some space.

Not that I'm any good at spacing with Alice. Our Reisen/Suika matches are always strange. Either I trap you in the corner and pull off a victory, or you hurrdurr me in the middle and win without very much trouble at all.

>> No.3933288

Ah, I think the hit and run Remi is exacerbated just by facing Alice as well as difficulties in her approach. You don't know how terrified I am of her 6A, so if I ever land somewhere in the so called ping zone I'll block and back off. Also, doll bomb sc cards, I feel like you have them ready for every combo. Do you have 8 in your deck?

>> No.3933301

You don't know how terrified I am of whiffing 6A, lol. And yeah, I have 8 doll bombs in my deck: 4 Artful Sacrifice and 4 Return Inanimate, I prefer them over the Shanghai/Hourai dolls.

>> No.3933318


Not sure what happened to you there Tenma, but GGs. Ugh block dropping makes me rage on netplay; not to take anything away from the games you won, that is. Those were a lot of fun and pretty competitive.

>> No.3933339


Out of curiosity Guy, can you expound on your reasoning for that at all? Personally so far I've preferred using Shanghai/Hourai dolls because they combo well with random 6A wallslams, which I feel like I get a lot more consistently than dial A combos.

I keep a couple Artful Sacrifice dolls in my decks usually as well, mainly for speeding up the weather, but generally I prefer the other ones.

>> No.3933362

Buh. There is noone around to observe.

>> No.3933372

Artful Sacrifice because it has amazing damage return for its card cost, and Return Inanimate because it's air unblockable (they're caught blocking C dolls or a 22C trap in the air, and you can sometimes peg them with it before they're able to graze). I suppose I can make another deck to give Shanghai/Hourai another shot, though, if you can nail it after a 6A wallbounce. I seem to be getting less and less of those, though.

Personally, I probably get dial-As just as much as 6A wallslams, if not more. But 3700 damage off a dial-A -> Artful Sacrifice -> j.6A (I think that was with 2 control rods?) is definitely really nice for only one spellcard.

>> No.3933388

GG tenma, you have some pretty sweet combos, sorry about all the lag, my internet is kinda ass.

>> No.3933391

Sorry I'm a little late on this, I had to do something real quick. By the time I was back you were gone and when I rehosted someone else just happened to join. I really wish this game had some kind of in game chat so I could take a damn piss without fear of confusing whoever I'm playing. Good games again.

Good games to whoever I just played, and I apologize for forgetting your name. I think my 12.3 really hates it when I play Suwako, but I'm off to play Melty Blood in a bit anyway.

>> No.3933755

Bump for hosts.

>> No.3933854



>> No.3933907

Well, I am sorry but I didn't find the connection to be good enough.

>> No.3933910 [DELETED] 


Agreed, too laggy for good play.

>> No.3933913


Agreed, too laggy for good play.

>> No.3934742

Bump for hosts.

>> No.3934974

Bump for hosts.

>> No.3935536

Bump for hosts.

>> No.3935552

I wouldn't mind playing a few games but I have no idea how to set one up. That and I am terrible...

>> No.3935568

I want to play this even tough i suck at touhou, where do i download this?

>> No.3935594


All you have to do is Google Scarlet Weather Rhapsody. Get the base game and expansion and you are all set.

>> No.3935651

Anyone looking for hosts?

>> No.3935925
File: 91 KB, 600x600, 1233952033266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Messing around with a few different skillcards

>> No.3936269

I...I guess I'll try again later. ;_;

>> No.3936274

I'd play, but...
Feels laggy man.

>> No.3936279


I tried connecting to you. I guess being USEast is enough for it to not connect :/

>> No.3936283

Bump for EU hosts.

>> No.3936289

Herp Derp tier.

>> No.3936363

Too laggy. Good game.

>> No.3936367

>>3936363 Yeah. GG.

Rehosting. >>3936289

>> No.3936464

Write your location when hosting please.

>> No.3936521

I'm gonna take a break, I couldn't do anything I wanted to at all (that 5AA 2B j7 j.2B 3D j.5A 5AA 2B 5C 236C combo still refuses to be done by me; especially the 2B j7 j.2B 3D j.5A part, holy crap). Good games, Nipah; be careful about relying too much on 66C, I was punishing you after some of your blocked ones.

>> No.3936540


Frustration. To resume all those matches.
Most of them just when you were about to die, I would always fail to deliver the last blow, missing and followed by you pulling those 3k combos.

GGs Guy. Wasn't expecting Tenko, I don't play much against her.

>> No.3936648

Sorry about that bullshit, Guy. First, my network blipped. Then my home had a brief power outage. Then I power on my computer and the motherboard starts giving me beep codes. Then it decides to enter a reboot cycle. Now I'm trying to move all of my data elsewhere so I can reformat the thing. Pain in the fucking ass...


>> No.3936730

GGs. Adahn, you should use your cards more often. They would get stacked a lot in your hand.

Reisen always confused me, I guess I have to play against her more.

>> No.3936745
File: 203 KB, 573x700, reisen_keikaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry if you think that's a good way to play Cirno, but always alternating 66A is going to get punished way too much by anyone who cares, and I steadily lost interest as you continued to do exactly that even after Reisen easily punished a lot of those. Try learning to use other moves; playing by a flow chart can't be terribly fun.

her j.2a in particular is interesting.

>> No.3936795

Reisen is pretty simple - just toss out a fast melee type attack as she goes into any attack animation, and you'll be able to catch her. If you're too far away to melee, just dash or block depending on what she's doing and then punish.

>> No.3936866

gg Saje. Wish we had another Youmu Vs Komachi match though. Your Tenshi is the meanest one I ever met, seriously a thousand times better than mine. I was thinking of her using her but I would be too embarassed.

>> No.3936886

I do believe you replied to the wrong person. I only just finished playing my first match as Cirno today and I barely touch 66A.

GGs Lolimew. The number of fans, whether it be attack, skill, or spell, that I got hit by was terribly saddening. Every time I saw the spellcard coming I would think, "Oh yeah! Fanspin! Lemme just jump over and OOF!" Your Youmu could do with some better mix-up and pressure, though your mid-game is pretty solid. After 5AA in the corner, don't just 3[A] every time. Mix in 6[A] because that punishes low-block or go for 5B bullets if your opponent is bad at seeing holes in your blockstring but good at blocking your mix-ups. Thanks for the games, t'was fun.

My Tenshi is wildly variable. There are days and opponents I destroy with her and there are days and opponents I get destroyed by. The thing to watch for is when I go from 2B to HJC9 j.2B in the corner. That string is very hard to pull off correctly and the slightest error will allow you to simply run through. This is exacerbated by my one track mind which never tells me to, "Fuck the j.2B, just 623B to punish the graze!"

>> No.3936897

My connection must be shitty or I must be doing something wrong because I cannot connect to any of these IPs posted... Are you guys using Hamachi or the network connection in game?

>> No.3936907

Hosting before autosage kicks in.
US Midwest

>> No.3936977
File: 656 KB, 1147x1130, SWR Netplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless otherwise specified, we all play using the included netplay feature. It's tough to diagnose the issue you're having without a little more info. Possibilities include:

-Your game isn't up to date. The current version for Soku is 1.03. You can download it from:
-You're selecting IPs that are no longer hosting
-You're selecting IPs that are currently in matches, but because you don't read moonrunes you don't know this. If after inputting the IP you get a "Yes/No" choice, that means someone joined before you did and you may spectate if you so desire.
-You're inputting the IP incorrectly. Copy the entire thing to your clipboard, including the ":XXXXX", and choose the option two slots above "Exit". Option 5 in the 2nd image in the attached image (this is from SWR, but nothing has changed in Soku)
-If you're using ZoneAlarm as a firewall, make sure it's set to allow Soku to access the network and the internet.

>> No.3936994


Yeah, sorry for being vague, to be honest I thought I patched it to 1.03, thats why I was having problems. I was still on 1.01 and didn't even realize it. Must've done something wrong in the process. Re-patching and joining in. Thanks :D

>> No.3937055


>> No.3937074


GGs Duckator, that was fun. I definitely wish I would play Meiling the way you do; that corner rushdown was crazy. Your Patchouli mix-ups were really creative, too. I'll be going over some of the replays to see if I can figure out your tricks.

>> No.3937082

Good games.
I can't believe we got 3 typhoons that last game.

>> No.3937100

I usually never do 6A because there is surprisingly a lot of players who get wrong blocked from 3A. I still gotta figure out when to use 5B during my 5A combos.

I think I will try that when I use Tenshi. Seriously my Tenshi sucks major ass.

>> No.3937109

Rehosting. >>3936289

>> No.3937215

Good games, 0rion. Not really much else to say, other than I love air-teching into your j.6A.


>> No.3937219


GGs as always Guy. ROFL at that ending...you really faked me good there after whiffing the first two times with that.

>> No.3937277

Looks like you're pretty popular Guy. I haven't been able to get a match against you today yet since someone always joins first.

The drop-off from Meirin, Tenshi, and Cirno to your other secondaries is... shockingly large..

>> No.3937367

Jesus Christ Guy is a beast. Then again it's really my first day playing lol. GG Guy, hope I didn't bore ya too much :D

>> No.3937370

Good games, Resident51. Be careful about air-teching repeatedly in the corner; I was able to continuously punish you for free instead of just ending the combo and having you fall to the ground.

>> No.3937384


Good to know. I am playing this fighter completely wrong like it was Guilty Gear. I need to teach myself to actually use more of the ranged attacks instead of just rushing in and trying to beat everyone to death. As with everything, practice practice practice.

>> No.3937403

I love Guilty Gear so much, but going from GG to SWR or going from SWR to GG is so goddamn weird. The grazing and the combo mechanics really make it hard to go from one to the other, so good luck with that! Baiken and Chipp were probably my favorites to play as, with Slayer close behind.

Gahaha, yeah, I'm still pretty bad with most characters, and I don't even touch Suika or Yukari. You should see me try to play as Remilia sometime, it's a bloody joke.

>> No.3937512

any ips?

>> No.3937535

Should make a new Hisoutensoku netplay thread first.

>> No.3937578


Nah, the thing that gets me is going from GG to MB. Wake-up throws do NOT work in MB (outside of EX ones, obviously).


>> No.3937585

gg Nipah. Nice to play with you again, it seems like we are still even between our Cirno Vs. Youmu matches. Seems like we still hate each other's 214.

>> No.3937615


Hehe, yeah. Youmu VS Cirno, like old good times.

Pretty even if I must say so. Dat 214.
