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3922018 No.3922018 [Reply] [Original]

I don't like Ryougi Shiki.

She is the ONLY Type-moon character i hate.

Her MAry Sueness makes me angry.

>> No.3922025

How is an emotionally dead amnesiac a Mary sue?

>> No.3922026

Nobody cares.

>> No.3922028
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I did not understand her appeal until

>> No.3922034

I proclaim this a general TM character hate thread.

Acrueid and Rin are fucking bitches.

>> No.3922036

Ryougi is ugly and has a boring "personality", if you can even call it that.

>> No.3922037

I like all of them.

>> No.3922039

Yeah, and Akiha and Touko are also pieces of shit.

>> No.3922042

I fucking hate your threads.

>> No.3922050 [DELETED] 

pleased to be stop spamming ur shitty clone boards on anonta

>> No.3922055 [DELETED] 

pleased to be stop spamming ur shitty clone boards on anonta

>> No.3922046

but how is she a mary sue, her powers are the same as Shiki's so it's not that, she's a bitch to most everyone and gets called out on it so it's not the "Everyone likes her" thing...

Mary Sue does not mean what you think it means.

>> No.3922054

Hate thread? I'm game. Ciel is a piece of shit.

>> No.3922059


Saying you don't like a character makes me feel bad because I like them. Please stop making me feel bad. I want to enjoy the rest of my day without gnashing my teeth at how you insult something I don't like.

>> No.3922065

I don't like how she self inserts in Melty Blood.

Her beauty,strength, agility , coolness.
I don't like her flawlessness.

>> No.3922067

If you're responding to >>3922036, I'm not OP and I never said she was a Mary sue. Just making a general complaint about her.

>> No.3922090

Oh wow.

>> No.3922091

I dislike Arc because of her fatness. Seriously, go on a diet, you're the heaviest TM girl.

>> No.3922094 [DELETED] 

pleased to be stop spamming ur shitty clone boards on anonta

>> No.3922100

>Angry Type-Moon Fag !MOONmNft4g
filipino scum.

>> No.3922110

I don't like Ryougi Mana. She reminds me too much of that bitch Azaka, who I also hate.

>> No.3922119

B-but Azaka is moe~

>> No.3922121

Angry at delicious tits? Must haet Rider then. Arc and Rider combo is hot.

That reminds me, what was the name of the doujin that has Shiki raping the Fate girls?

>> No.3922129

So you dislike a character that has about 2 lines of text about her and one piece of artwork?

Fair enough.

>> No.3922139


>> No.3922141

Azaka is an annoying bitch.

>> No.3922155

>Angry Type-Moon Fag !MOONmNft4g

>> No.3922163


>> No.3922165

What are you talking about? Arcueid is the true Mary sue. She is way perfect than Ryougi

>> No.3922175
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Well, at least she is delicious. Unlike you.

>> No.3922190

She was delicious.

When I ate her.

>> No.3922204

Masaka! Anon-kun hentai!!

>> No.3922212

Arc is an airhead. That's not perfect.

>> No.3922224 [DELETED] 

pleased to be stop spamming ur shitty clone boards on anonta

>> No.3922253

Jealous are we?

>> No.3922256

Ryougi can easily die if she is killed, while Arcueid doesn't. Ryougi doesn't stand a chance against a healthy Arcueid. Even if you are saying that Arc is an airhead, she is easily one if not the most inteligent character in Type-Moon. True ancestors are perfect, and Arcueid is the perfect existance among them, wich means her IQ must be far above a normal human(200 at least), she learn things way quicker than a normal human

>> No.3922269

>Implying Arc is more intelligent than ORT

>> No.3922286

Alright, i guess i got a little carried away. But she is at least more intelligent than any human being

>> No.3922290
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>> No.3922292

I hate Rider and will never understand why people like her. Rin is pretty much shit too.

>> No.3922294

Why do you hate her?

>> No.3922303

He is a pedo.

>> No.3922308

Because she's FUCKING HOT.

>> No.3922334
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>> No.3922338
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>> No.3922345
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>> No.3922348

Easily my favorite image of Rider. Wish I knew who drew it.

>> No.3922355
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>> No.3922360
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>> No.3922366
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>> No.3922370

Tachibana Yuu, I believe

>> No.3922372

Arcueid is made of love

>> No.3922374
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>> No.3922377

Hey there, non-canon black haired Arc sister.

>> No.3922387 [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 500x683, b245cb0f2f63c9b2ca29cbe38716eee353c889c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Rider is a perfect woman.
Not moe-moe Seiba or Sakura, not bitches Tohsaka or Taiga. But the definition of elegance and real femininity.

>> No.3922389

I was just being honest.

>> No.3922393 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 517x373, facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calling Ryougi Shiki a Mary Sue
>Implying Shiki Tohno is not

>> No.3922396

The Sue standards have really fallen/

>> No.3922397

Typical /jp/ thread, full of shit posters shitting all over the board

>> No.3922402
File: 89 KB, 400x564, a1a556d79e7bea98859f27ab40db0628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Rider is a perfect woman.
Not moe-moe Seiba or Sakura, not bitch like Tohsaka or Taiga. But the definition of elegance and real femininity.

>> No.3922406

You shouldn't let it get to you. Eh, who am I kidding? I sometimes do the same thing.

>> No.3922418
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>> No.3922425
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>> No.3922434
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>> No.3922439

She's also lustful. Take that however you want.

>> No.3922441
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>> No.3922445
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>> No.3922466
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Who I hate the most is Shinji.
Dumbass without any magic or talent, but with high aplomb and high ambitions. He made Rider to do bad things and gave her stupid orders.
The one thing s good - he dies like a dog. And not one time.

>> No.3922470

I think you're just jealous that he got to nail her.

>> No.3922482
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>> No.3922490
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>> No.3922494
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>> No.3922495
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It is too hard for servants to survive without it.

>> No.3922506
File: 169 KB, 600x750, 71e992b1353ec7bcf3a4ddbe71ede3d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heal me, Rider-医師

>> No.3922511
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>> No.3922522
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I hated him even when I didn't know about Rider.
I often meet people his type IRL and they piss me off.

>> No.3922528
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>> No.3922554

You are now imagining a foursome with the gorgons.

>> No.3922572
File: 64 KB, 556x450, hollow1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't happen. Unlike Medusa, Stheno and Euryale are pure.

>> No.3922582

Haha, no. All the gorgons lust for men, and then devour them.

>> No.3922591
File: 193 KB, 853x3346, mikiya fails.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, ryougi shiki is a mary sue? Thats a new one. Mikiya certaintly is, but ryougi shiki?

-Lives an isolated life, with no friends at all, and in a traditional japanese home(probably without stuff like TV or the internets).

-Has to train really hard to kill people as the next head. Pretty much does nothing except study and train.

-Went batshit insane, tried to kill her best friend and then threw herself into the path of an oncoming car. Went into a coma that she didnt wake up for years, and the entire time she was concious of floating in an endless void. For years.

-Obtained a power only good for killing supernatural shit and people, and at first was uncontrollable so she could end up killing people by mistake.

-Her love interest is a failure, see pic.

-After her coma, proceeded to live in a barren, small apartment stocked mainly with bottled water, and does nothing the whole day except "work" for Touko, which basically meant killing whatever she wanted, and walking the streets at night looking for someone she could kill. Sporadically goes to high school, even though shes years older than everyone else at that point. Also cuts off all contact with her family.

-She has a bitchy incestous sister as a love rival.

>> No.3922604

Lets not forget :

-Lost pretty much all her emotions.

>> No.3922630
File: 42 KB, 704x480, Unlimited Forgiving Works.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kokutou is lizard shit

>> No.3922641

ITT; trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls.

>> No.3922656

Lets not forget

-Imperfect body, her left arm is a fake.

>> No.3922718

And her hymen is broken.

>> No.3922728

And she has no right thumb.

>> No.3922734

"I don't like a character and it happens to be a girl, so I'll call her a Mary Sue."

>> No.3922736

And not to mention having a male persona until that coma.

>> No.3922744


wouldn't she have bitten off the LEFT thumb? seeing as that arm is fake ...

KnK 7 was so open-ended about Touko and Azaka, i was disappoint

>> No.3922748

Touko stuff are well built so it is probably easier to just ripped off her real thumb.

>> No.3922754

Both of them are inferior to their siblings.

>> No.3922761
File: 18 KB, 300x100, no4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares.
She would NEVER do this thing.

>> No.3922764

You people are stupid, she clearly bit off her fake thumb.

>> No.3922781

Now wait a minute, are you saying that Touko replacement arm is so well built that they bleed as well?
Let me go rewatch the scene.

>> No.3922790

Its not *fake* thumb, retard. Its a god damn real hand from doll master Touko.

>> No.3922796

Haven't you seen episode 5, newfags? There was a whole fake Touko's body.

>> No.3922804

That's hot in so many ways. Touko is my goddess.

>> No.3922808

>-Her love interest is a failure, see pic.

I hope I'm not the only one who found that scene hilarious.

>> No.3922809

Best part is, you never have to worry about getting her pregnant.

>> No.3922811
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seriously guys lol

>I'm strapped down in a warehouse of weed.
>This weird stalker is salivating inappropriately on me. God, what a weirdo.
>He afk'd.
>Well, I need to escape somehow. But how?
>Fake thumb? Touko could halp me later right?
>Real thumb? Umami!

who wouldn't bite off the fake thumb?

>> No.3922818

Whichever thumb she bites, Touko could replace actually.
The problem is, no Touko, no fixes no matter what.

>> No.3922870

Why didn't she just kill the handcuffs? She could do it with just her fingers, and they were not tight enough so she couldnt reach the lines.

>> No.3922873

The lines were positioned as such she could not do it.
Or her fingernails were too short.

>> No.3922908

You're not the only one OP!

>> No.3922921

I thought it was said that Ryougi's eyes can only affect supernatural shit?

In movie 5 touko says her eyes would have had no effect on mundane concrete...

>> No.3922928

No, what Touko was saying when she said the best way to contain Shiki was to put her in a block of concrete was so that she *couldn't move.* If she can't move any part of her body, she can't cut any lines.

>> No.3922958

In the movies she says "box of concrete".

Anyway her eyes are pretty damn inconsistent. If she can really cut everything, then when Lio was fighting her with his knife, his knife would have gotten cut the instant he tried to block...

>> No.3922977

It would take some damn good aim to hot the lines on the knife properly, for starters.

>> No.3922979

Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think her ability to differs between her personalities. She actually has a third one, "Void Shiki". That's the one that can cut anything. Regular Shiki is limited to just lines and seeing lines of spirits.

>> No.3922981

Well it depends. Do her eyes work like Tohno's? If so, she can only kill things if she's actively following the line. Presumably she was too busy trying not to get stabbed in the face to try and follow the lines of his knife.

>> No.3922998

Well, she can cut locks on doors, so I guess killing handcuffs wouldn't be difficult. I guess the lines were out of her reach.

>> No.3923047

Void shiki is non existent in the movies.

>> No.3923051

Theres a scene in which their knifes clash and they hold it there for several seconds...

>> No.3923081

Strong characters != mary sue

Stop trolling.

>> No.3923101 [DELETED] 

>implying Haruhi is not Mary Sue

>> No.3923156

Wow, mods here.
