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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3920447 No.3920447 [Reply] [Original]

Aren't you guys tired of moot's faggotry? Why don't you want to move to a different site?

>> No.3920454

Why would anyone but /b/ or /a/ care about moot?

>> No.3920455

because there is nowhere else that will accept me.

>> No.3920456


Moot is secretly a massive Touhoufag. He's just in denial, so he pretends to everyone that he hates it while anonymously posting in here.

>> No.3920458

moot doesn't bother us. We take it easy.

>> No.3920459

I'd want to move somewhere else that has /jp/'s traffic, where you can find Videogames, Touhou, VN's, Idolmaster, and Animu on the same board.
Know of any?

>> No.3920461

/bun/ will accept you.

>> No.3920463

Sup /bun/devs.

>> No.3920465

Aren't you tired of being a faggot? Why don't you make yourself taller?

>> No.3920466

Go back to bun and die in a fire.

>> No.3920469

Get out, /bun/ devs.

>> No.3920472

moot only likes talking about guns and anime conventions nowadays.

>> No.3920473

Ever heard of that failure called /bun/? No point trying again any soon.

>> No.3920474

If all of /jp/ started posting on /bun/ it would become a decent place. And then we wouldn't need 4chan.

>> No.3920475

but /bun/ doesn't have a name field.

>> No.3920476


>> No.3920480

Why would you even get trolled to that faggot?

Are you an idiot?

>> No.3920481

Reported for /bun/ devs trying to steal moot's members and money.

>> No.3920483
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Because you guys are pedophiles.


>> No.3920484


>> No.3920487

/bun/ like ブーン or bun like アンパン

>> No.3920489

Aren't IDs enough for you?

>> No.3920496


Whoops how did you get off my filter list?

>> No.3920498

moot is a troll. We all know this.

>> No.3920499
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>> No.3920500

There are no IDs in /bun/.

>> No.3920501

I think the IDs are different in every thread.

>> No.3920506

Well... I make effort in everything I do may it be little or big and I wanted to take credit for those... I wanted to someday proudly show my grandchildren what I did during those wonderful years.

>> No.3920510

Everything you have ever done has been awful. Why do you want to have a name when everyone sees the name "mugenjohncel" and thinks "fucking retard"? You do realize everyone thinks you're a joke, right? Not having a name would be better for you.

>> No.3920515

So mean. ;_;

>> No.3920517

Dan Kim doesn't use a name, but that doesn't stop us from knowing when he posts on /jp/. Why can't you be like him?

>> No.3920525

That's not how I see it... sure everyone sees "mugenjohncel" and associate it with retard, idiot, dummy and other things but to some... "mugenjohncel" is this very funny interesting guy that makes my day... and the mere thought of knowing I made someone out there smile a bit (even for a few microseconds) then I'm content.

>> No.3920529

moot leaves us alone, and all is well.

>> No.3920531

Not doing a lot to disprove the whole "tripfags are giant attention whores" stereotype here...

>> No.3920532

I agree with >>3920510
fuck the faggery but I'll still never go to bun. When /jp/ goes I'll find something else to take up the time /jp/ did.

>> No.3920535


I too wish to show my relatives that I've created crude drawings of anime characters getting mutilated. I know they'll just beam with pride.

>> No.3920536

I like your drawings, but your posts suck hard.

>> No.3920541

It's probably just you my friend... tripfriends are some of the most awesome "anywhere" in 4chan.

>> No.3920543

I wouldn't hate /bun/ if the fags didn't spend two months spamming /jp/ with it.

>> No.3920549
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>> No.3920550

Right now there is only one tripcode in my filter but I know someone else who is going back in it really soon.

>> No.3920551

They really should consider putting a namefield... that will attract more potential users.

>> No.3920553

I bet you were the spammer.

>> No.3920556

>He really believes those were people from /bun/

>> No.3920557

Why should we care about moot's opinion ?

>> No.3920558

/jp/ /jp/ CREATIVITY!

>> No.3920562

Who is it? I only have one too, and it's !ALICia.JPo.

>> No.3920563

I'm fine if moot hates us. He doesn't usually get in the way. Oh, I just noticed. We're back to /jp/ - Japan/General. See? We take it real easy.

>> No.3920564

Well... he is our benefactor... without his efforts, we won't have /jp/... or /b/ or 4chan...

>> No.3920566

stop spamming ur shitty board on anontalk。c○m

>> No.3920568

/bun/ is shit.
It is like having the worst posters and tripfags in /jp/ without any good redeeming thread.
At least in /jp/ we have shit and the occasional good thread.
Over at /bun/ you only get blog posts about their super interesting daily life and video games threads. Half of the people there don't even play VN.

>> No.3920575


>> No.3920584

He seems like an average poster.

>> No.3920585

moot hates /jp/? Stop the presses!

>> No.3920589

Oh, I remember you. Stop posting the same exact thing in every /bun/ thread.

>> No.3920592

>or /b/
Enough of your shit . Filtered.

>> No.3920596

Go back to your Rika/TypeMoon threads.

>> No.3920597

I got tired of his /b/tardedness and newfagery.

>> No.3920598

So what ? Considering how much he cares for /jp/ I don't see why we should care about his word.
It's not like we didn't already know he loved /a/ and didn't care about /jp/, this board purpose was to make his /a/ cleaner in the first place, he said himself that this is the place for weeaboo shit that isn't manga or anime.

>> No.3920599

Why move to another site when I can start my own?

>> No.3920600

So I guess it's up to "us" to make /jp/ more awesome right?...

>> No.3920606

Except if you post any weeaboo shit you will get hammered for it. Actual discussions of Japan are fagged up instantly.

>> No.3920609

Stop posting about how good /bun/ is as an alternative and I will stop.

>> No.3920610

get out tohno dev

>> No.3920620

But /bun/ really is good as an alternative.

>> No.3920627

For me /jp/ is already good compared to other boards.
It's slow, less tripfags, discussions can last days and you can always have a good argument without trolls and sagebombers acting cool.
Except when other anons coming from /a/,/b/ or /v/ decide to shit on the place for some random reason.
Personally, I like it more with the split, often to discuss about obscure VNs you have to wait for people who played the game to come and see the thread and this could hardly happen on fast boards like /a/.

I don't see discussions about idols being bombed.
And if you're talking about Japan itself, of course there are going to be next no discussions, I mean 99% of us doesn't know shit about Japan.
And "I'm going to japan..." threads belong to /trv/ anyways.

>> No.3920630




>> No.3920632

>And "I'm going to japan..." threads belong to /trv/ anyways.

Oh its you.

>> No.3920634

stop making threads about yourself

>> No.3920644

For God's sake.

What the hell is /bun/. Will someone link me there. You all say so much about it but I can't find it.

I don't care if this is a stupid post because I am anonymous so there. Also, if I am so stupid maybe you'd prefer people like me to be on /bun/ rather than here. So show me the door and I will go through it.

>> No.3920651


>> No.3920652

/bun/ is bunbunmaru. Now you should be able to find it.

>> No.3920653

>And "I'm going to japan..." threads belong to /trv/ anyways.

No, they don't, faggot. /trv/ hates Japan.

>> No.3920661

/bun/ was created in a /jp/ thread, so it basically has the same userbase as /jp/.

>> No.3920668


Thank you.

>> No.3920672

Then enjoy your threads being ignored by all but trolls.
Like I said, no one here knows shit about Japan, let alone traveled there, it's not like people are being jerks you know.

>> No.3920674


Oh boy, I love MMORPGs and black metal thread!

>> No.3920681

nothing wrong with mmorpgs

>> No.3920683

Bun is shit. Bun is full of shit. Bun will always be shit. Quit posting about Bun.

>> No.3920685 [DELETED] 

Go back to /bun/ then.

>> No.3920691


>> No.3920698

Unless it's WoW, then everything is wrong with it!

>> No.3920700

No actually they are being jerks. Ignoring the threads is fine but since they are jerks they can't they have to express their rage hate and jealousy every time any thread about the actual place Japan comes up.

>> No.3920709


>> No.3920711

If /jp/ is so shitty why are you posting here? Go back to you beloved bun faggot.

>> No.3920723

I can't go back to /bun/ because it's too slow there right now and I'm trying to get more of you faggots to post there!

>> No.3920724

Why do you get so upset over them?

>> No.3920729

Because /bun/ is worse than /jp/. They are still in denial since this time they can't blame the board quality on faggots from /b/,/a/ and /v/ or spammers. If they admit /bun/ is shit they are basically saying that they themselves are shit posters.

>> No.3920733

Protip: bun will always be slow because its shit.

If I am going to post someplace else it will be the ghostboard.

>> No.3920744

Thanks for destroying like half of my nerve cells again, /jp/!

>> No.3920752

Fucking /bun/ devs

>> No.3920838

You got that wrong. If all the cancer started posting on /bun/ then /jp/ would become a nice place again. Only gems, vns, eroge and that stuff, not cancerous 2hu shit only underage retards or closet normalfags care about.

>> No.3920845

THIS HAD TO BE SAID. But what do you expect from self-hating retards that shit up the rest of the boards they are on because of their narcissistic personality disorder?

>> No.3920883

>If all the cancer started posting on /bun/

That's impossible, because their threads would just get deleted on /bun/ and they would have to go back to /jp/.

>2hu shit

What the fuck is 2hu and how come you're the only person who keeps on talking about it?

>> No.3920887

I thought this at first too. It helps to say it out loud. Two...hu...two...hu...Touhou.

>> No.3920888
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>this thread

>> No.3920893

Why don't you preach this at /bun/ as well.
One of your resident poster is well known for shit posting in /jp/ with daily dose and flooding /jp/ with his bots.

>> No.3920894

Oh, so he called Touhou, the main reason why /jp/ was created, shit? Obvious troll then.

>> No.3920895

>daily dose and flooding /jp/ with his bots

Russia posts on /bun/?

>> No.3920904

the anuntalk guy posts at bun?

>> No.3920906

>What the fuck is 2hu

Touhou. It's just one guy trying to force a shitty meme.

>> No.3920909

Not against about Touhou but against all 2hu spams. That's why I hardly post on /jp/ during nighttime when 8/10 threads on the frontpage consist of 2hu imagespams

>> No.3920915

I am talking about this guy here unless you all think he is a good poster then I rest my case.

>> No.3920920


Doing it wrong

>> No.3920921


Fucking filtered.

>> No.3920928

There's some precedent for it. "animu" and all that you know. dumb mispronunciations of japanese.

>> No.3920931

What? Sorry but I speak romanized languages not with some children drawing books characters.

>> No.3920942

how would you know he posts in bun?

>> No.3920957

Cause I lurk there at the beginning and thought that it would be A GOOD ALTERNATIVE at first only to be massively disappointed no thanks to the people there.

>> No.3920959


Long os, you tard.

>> No.3920962


>> No.3920967

Everyone needs to take it easy!!

>> No.3921005

I just filtered 2hu because its stupid.

>> No.3921012


Get out. Get the fuck out from here.

>> No.3921013

Dude you can filter what you want, it's won't kill the message you know. So stop acting like a little butthurt child and behave like a mature person.

>> No.3921036

>>3921013 stop acting like a little butthurt child and behave like a mature person.
Look who's talking.

>> No.3921055

No but it will kill your shit. That puts them ahead.

>> No.3921055,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why has ghostside become pretty much exactly like /jp/ and has stooped to its level?

There's little different in overall quality between the two places and feels like it's a part of 4chan.

>> No.3921055,2 [INTERNAL] 

Because the ghost board of late consists of people ghostbumping their threads (which were justifiably deleted from 4chan).
When was the last time you ghostbumped an interesting thread?
Yeah, that's why there are no good discussions here.

>> No.3921055,3 [INTERNAL] 

Maybe because it IS a part of 4chan? As said before the archive is only as good as /jp/ allows it to be. Meaning, if there are no good conversations to be sent to the ghost realm the only conversations we can bump are the bad ones.

It's not like we have the ability to start new threads here.

>> No.3921055,4 [INTERNAL] 

Not enough metathreads.

Thanks for rectifying that, >1!

>> No.3921055,5 [INTERNAL] 

Meta isn't a bad thing.

>> No.3921055,6 [INTERNAL] 

>Meta isn't always a bad thing.
Fixed that for you.

>> No.3921055,7 [INTERNAL] 

I was not being sarcastic and/or ironic, however!
