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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3908608 No.3908608 [Reply] [Original]

>Umineko fanbase months ago
>Umineko fanbase now
Where did it go wrong?

>> No.3908612

It has nothing to do with the anime airing that's for sure.

>> No.3908611

/a/nime started.

>> No.3908617


>> No.3908619

Wasn't it that the game was popular on sites like gaia before the anime? Same with Liar-soft title. Cancer attracts cancer after all. Proof of concept /thread

>> No.3908620

It HAS to do with the start of the anime +most people that read the novel don't know jap and can't read ep5 (not my case). People also ran out of topics to discuss and there's really nothing new

>> No.3908621

It will get a bit better than episode 5 gets translated, all the /a/nime faggots will wait for their second season when we talk elegantly about how magic exists

>> No.3908622

Maybe, but not at the level it is now.

>> No.3908623
File: 167 KB, 600x590, mr_goldsmiths_neighborhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You happened, kinzo.

>> No.3908630

Give Higurashi torrent now please

>> No.3908634

>implying that Liarsoft games are cancer, or even that many people even knew about them
oh u

>> No.3908636

>People also ran out of topics to discuss and there's really nothing new

This is why I'm raging over Ep5's massive delays. I mean really, couldn't they just release a patch now, and then in a month or so when they finally have the translation to their liking update it? Sigh

>> No.3908650 [DELETED] 

stop spamming ur shitty clone boards on a n o n t a l k . com

>> No.3908651
File: 120 KB, 591x575, 1259532890187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I think Kinzo was the only decent thing that came out of this pool of fail.

>> No.3908670
File: 379 KB, 533x800, I bet beatoriche did this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3908675

Once EP 5 is translated we're gonna have a bigger /a/ presence, your delusional if you think a lot of them aren't gonna come over for discussion and when they do it on /a/ we will have even more /a/ posters on here bitchin' at us for there own users.

>> No.3908676

The umineko fanbase was never good

>> No.3908689



>> No.3908729

When the 1st ep was released I liked the fanbase, nice people debating about wtf was happening in the island, now is full of stupidity, tough some threads are actually good

>> No.3908732


>> No.3908735 [DELETED] 

stop spamming ur shitty clone boards on a n o n t a l k . com

>> No.3908742


>> No.3908758

I may try to start a thread up and get a good discussion going, but it may be wisest to post it late at night to avoid the usual daytime trolling by the Touhou crowd and general faggotry. Not sure how well it would go over though. Even the dedicated Umineko Theories board is pretty dead right now, barely averaging a post or two a day.

>> No.3908760

Umineko is quickly reaching the same level of shittiness as Type-Moon and Touhou.

>> No.3908768

Masses of newfriends

>> No.3908900

A guy from one of my labs got a hold of my msn and I noticed he had a Lambdadelta display picture. I asked him about it and he said "oh it's from this anime, it's gory I like it XD".

