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3901302 No.3901302 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking about downloading a visual novel over the holiday break, any suggestions for a first-time visual novel reader?

pic not necessarily related

>> No.3901314

Just play whatever, makes no real difference anyway. Pick something you think sounds interesting then read.

>> No.3901319

True Remembrance

>> No.3901323

Saya no Uta?

>> No.3901333

A first-timer should go for Planetarian.

I also recommend Tsukihime, because it was my first and I enjoyed it.

>> No.3901346

Go for it, but don't forget to change your locale.

>> No.3901347

Ever 17

>> No.3901343

Can't go wrong with Tsukihime.

Interesting plot and good introduction to how visual novels work (no weird or experimental shit).

Just ignore the terrible H-scenes, and you'll have yourself a blast.

>> No.3901354


If you've already seen the anime and liked it, played the one in your pic OP. It's the better version of the anime.

Skip through Fate route though

>> No.3901359
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>> No.3901362

Sure, that one is good. Here's few other recommedations.

Yume Miru Kusuri
Cross Channel
Kira Kira
Sharin no Kuni

>> No.3901375

Play Bible Black. Seriously.

>> No.3901376

said, just pick something that sounds interesting.

Personally, my first VN was Tsukihime. But that's only because it sounded good to me. I liked Tsukihime and even though now that I look back on it it isn't as good as I thought it was back then, it'll always hold a special place compared to any other vn.

It doesn't really matter much if it's a "beginner" vn or not. If you like it, give it a shot.

>> No.3901384

The Maiden Rape Assault: Violent Semen Inferno

>> No.3901378

Their not exactly "happy" endings type games for the most part tho, just so you know. Specially Saya, if your familiar with Lovecraft tho, you'll have a blast.

>> No.3901505


>> No.3901509


>> No.3901640

Umineko no Naku Koro ni. It's awesome, don't listen to the haters.

>> No.3901659

It's also fucking long.

>> No.3901669

Is there patch with upgraded sprites (from PS2)?

>> No.3901690

Slow down there, McFly

>> No.3901714

I like my awesomeness long.

>> No.3901741
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>implying umineko sprites need an upgrade

>> No.3901747

Heaven's no.
Good art may make people excuse the shitty writing.

>> No.3901773

There is no PS2 release for Umineko!

>> No.3901778

>implying they don't
They hurt my eyes. I wanted to read Umineko but coudn't get more than 5 minutes in because of those fucking sprites.

>> No.3901780

Saya no Uta is ALWAYS the one to recommend first-timers.
I'm definitely OK with this, Saya no Uta is a really good VN.

>> No.3901783

Troll less boringly please.

>> No.3901789

You get used to them.

>> No.3901799

Phrasing simple concise statements does not warrant trying to stimulate needles excitement for the sake of those who read the post.
The spites are shitty, regardless.

>> No.3901802

I'll try again someday. Maybe I'll get over the initial shock this time.

>> No.3901810

Aren't you overreacting a bit? The proportions aren't freakish like Higurashi, and their facial expressions are well done.

>> No.3901812
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Dustmania Grotesque

>> No.3901806

Umineko is good, but it's not really a beginner friendly VN. Not that reading a visual novel requires any skill or anything like that, but if you're not used to the feel that Visual Novels have and the way they read to get you into the story, you probably will have a harder time getting through Visual Novels like Umineko.

>> No.3901813

Reika Bitch Training

>> No.3901818

Katawa shoujo

>> No.3901819

They are still quite fucking bad, and the faces are freakish.
Expressive, but freakish.

>> No.3901829

Saya No Uta is great because it's short, so you can quickly decide if you like vns or not. Very dark horror, it reads like a Lovecraft story if lovecraft knew how to write good characters.
If you want a romance, Yume Miru Kusuri is considered to be very good, and it has a great mix of drama and comedy.
Fate Stay Night and Tsukihime are both very enjoyable if you are looking for something more action packed. Both are quite long though. The quality of writing is well above the average fantasy or young adult novel, and if you enjoy that kind of fiction you'll like these.

>> No.3901830

Tsukihime is action packed now?

>> No.3901833

Any good visual novel is good for a beginner.

>> No.3901841


>> No.3901838

This, in all seriousness, because unlike most vns, it actually has good writing.

>> No.3901840

Nothing gets the blood pumping like resting in bed.

>> No.3901846

Katawa Shoujo

>> No.3901858

At least more action packed than FSN.

>> No.3901869

So, less in number and even more infrequent and unevenly spread action scenes= more action packed.
Makes sense.

>> No.3901879

download http://www.insani.org/omgwtfotl.html

>> No.3901917

Every cooking scene in FSN counts for negative action scene, so in the end Tsukihime has much more action.

>> No.3901932

This, in all seriousness, because unlike most vns, it actually has good writing.

>> No.3901935

Then every scene where Shiki is helpless or in pain in bed counts as a negative and F/SN is again far, far ahead.

>> No.3901940

>I don't understand pacing or character development.

>> No.3901946

R07 art fits his novel perfectly. I was in shock first too when I played Umineko, but after a while the sprites grew on me to the point I wouldn't play it other way.
Higurashi looks fucking hideous, but after having played a bit of the demo in anticipation for tomorrow's release, the sprites are already clicking. Generic bishojo art like TM and co use is boring and doesn't transmit any feelings. R07 art, though amateurish, totally gets the point across. His characters really ooze personality and uniqueness.
Just be a man and fight on until the art looks good, believe me it will.

>> No.3901961

That's unfair, as you can end up being helpless or in pain due to action scenes.

You can't end up cooking due to action scenes.
...Or maybe you can, if you, like, get hungry or something.

>> No.3901972

Get hungry?
Why would a man need to eat?
And even if you discount Shiki resting due to intense action, he keels over too often.
Fuck, he practically has a fucking FILLER route with this logic.
Neither TM VN focuses on action, Tsukihime has even less action content no matter what.

>> No.3901981

I second True Remembrance. It has excellent writing and an interesting plot. Its also short, so I guess its good for testing a newcomers patience. Personally, my first VN was The Noose, and then I read Tsukihime. Tsukihime is still my favorite.

>> No.3901983

While Umineko has good expressions, I think better art would be, frankly, better. What makes umineko good is that there are dozens and dozens of individual expressions, far more than most other vns. FSN has event cgs though, so I don't think you can just through them out the window.

>> No.3901987

Shiki spends two whole routes in bed. Awesome action.

>> No.3901995

You can do expressive art without it being horrible in overall.
Getting used to big heads with ugly faces that obviously portrau expressions easily does not mean much.
You get used to it, like getting used to a tannery's stench.

>> No.3902039

>That's unfair, as you can end up being helpless or in pain due to action scenes.
Shiki keeps fainting even without action scenes. The reason why he is in bed in the maid routes isn't because of an action scene.

>> No.3902057

I found Hisui's route to be pretty intense, even if there wasn't any real action.

>> No.3902074

Intensity can exist regardless of action.
Psychological pressure, mental conflicts etc.
Different point.

>> No.3902084

I love the maid routes too, I was just pointing out that Tsukihime has a lot less action that FSN.

>> No.3902148

Enjoy your generic cg that may as well be drawn by an computer then. Of course R07 art could be better, but taking into account the rest of the VN offering, it's a breath of fresh air.

>> No.3902169

Kill yourself

>> No.3902210

Sengoku Rance might be good if you already play Videogames, most things will be familiar.
That said it's nowhere near Fate/Stay Night or Saya No Uta in terms of story.

>> No.3902220

It's a breath of fresh chewed lard.
Unique, not good.

>> No.3902237

Generic CGs > one really shittily drawn shot of Jessica cosplaying as Marisa.

Seriously, the sprites are bad enough, but that was really atrocious.

>> No.3902248
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If Umineko art were to be updated, it'd have to be Rifyu.

>> No.3902249
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>ugly faces

>> No.3902256


>> No.3902275
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So smug.

>> No.3902279

Umineko has also a big plus and that is the lack of h scenes.

>> No.3902295

If R07 drew a H-scene, that would be the day my penis died from horror.

>> No.3902294

H-scenes do not ruin anything, unless you are a faggot.
At best, they are not hot and you have to skip for 30 seconds with the Ctrl button or something.

>> No.3902302
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It'd be so horrible...

>> No.3902315

It always depends on the scene, even within the vn. Jackhammer is really awkward (I cannot get off on painful virginity loss) yet it still fits the story so well it feels rights. I always felt the 3-way with saber and rin was really soothing, but it might be because I find that track to be the best song in the game.

>> No.3902323

Umineko has a fucking amazing soundtrack.

>> No.3902431

What are you talking about, h-scenes are ALWAYS bad.
Would be an exeption. Do want.

>> No.3902449

Tsukihime and Ever17, I'm new and those were my first two after following /jp/'s advice, both are good.

>> No.3902468

Umineko was actually my first VN, and I was enthralled all the way through. Never once thought, "c'mon, c'mon, hurry up!", which I do think often enough now when playing various VNs.

>> No.3902490

Same here. I've heard some people getting bored with the intro of Episode 1 though.

>> No.3902527


This. I recommend Tsukihime first.

^arc.sar. The only game file you need.

Use the 1.1 patch, then update to 1.2.

This is my upload of the music. Only thing missing is the original love song, which is replaced by the better Kagetsu Tohya version. Also, the Kagetsu Tohya remixes are in a folder inside, in case you want to replace others.

That's everything you need for the game.

>> No.3902538

Should have linked the version with Benny Hill theme.
