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39003176 No.39003176 [Reply] [Original]

What’s the best Touhou fangame? Been looking to try them recently.

>> No.39003250

Patchcon, but someone will say one of those boring RPGs are the best.

>> No.39003263


>> No.39003334

please help me i cant stop playing it

>> No.39003390

I legitimately don't understand how you can play this game non-stop without getting bored of it. There has to come a point where you find the text repetitive and the sex scenes bland and dull.

>> No.39003410
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so far i havent found the text and sex scenes dull and have played about 10 hours each day for the past 5 or so days, im scared for when TW has my favourite character fully translated and i do the same with that game

>> No.39003412

For shmups, IKUSAAAAAAAN is great
For action, Youyou Kengeki Musou is quite good.
In terms of sheer effort and scale, probably can't beat FMW
Haven't played many regular RPGs
Mods I don't know very well either but the Mount & Blade one is good fun even though (because) it's barely held together and completely insane.
Erafags need not apply, the question was not directed to your dicks

>> No.39003427

Extreme autism. Not even I can reach your levels

>> No.39003441

when my autism and my penis become one they are an unstoppable force
also since >>39003412 is a faggot, luna nights and mystia's izakaya are pretty good fun and i have plans to play labyrinth of touhou

>> No.39003462

Puppet dance performance is top tier, its like an actual game with polish instead of doujins. and if you played pokemon games you'd appreciate the game even more

>> No.39003481

also another great one is shanghai exe

>> No.39003494

Not a fan game, but tohou hisoutensoko is a good fighting game

>> No.39003499

I loved Puppet Dance Performance as well as the Shard of Dreams mod. I wish they make another game

>> No.39003534

touhou rhythm carnival is also a pretty fun if you like rhythm games

>> No.39003567

Can't believe I forgot about the two Touhouvanias, those are also great, and Splatter Faith is probably my favorite flash game. Was never too big on Luna Nights but it is pretty good, especially in terms of presentation.
You're the only fag here buddy, feeding your own autism dick like an Ouroboros.

>> No.39003572

Touhou genso Wanderer?

>> No.39003581

im not you buddy, friend

>> No.39004156

In terms of STG fangames I vote for shining shooting star, as well as danmaku festival and that other one that's on steam. All three are Chinese and free. They have their own forms of jank particularly with samey art but all have very good music, production value, and gameplay/danmaku design. CtC is always a classic if you haven't checked it out already. Someone mentioned Mystia already but I will shill it again cause it's honestly pretty charming and fun, reeking of soul and passion despite its Chinaman origins.

>> No.39004274

I like udongein x, but mostly due nostalgia glasses

>> No.39006753

Don't forget the SoD Extended mod for newhu puppets.
The second Koumajou Densetsu is MUCH better than the first one.
CtC hasn't aged well (except the music I guess), there are much better STG games like FDF, HSoB, and SP.

>> No.39006919

Sucks to be the creator of that game atm

>> No.39008765

I agree with you about CtC. It's just nostalgia for me, plus a few really nice music tracks. It's got Danmakufu jank and in other respects fall much short of the other games I mentioned.

>> No.39009057
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Additional information?

>> No.39009105

I heard that he lives in Russia.

>> No.39010160
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play puppet game

now it has all newhus

>> No.39010507

Undongin X and that one Yuuka game are good stuff that's semi recent. There's also the Misti game where she's running her stall.

A recent Kyoko thread introduced me to a fun little fangame about her but off the top of my head I forgot the title. Gensokyo Reloaded is a fun enough free fighter if you're into that but I'd wait for the update coming out.

Here's a question for the class though, is there a genre that hasn't been touched by Touhou fan games yet? At this point I assume that every possible avenue has been touched.

>> No.39011081

I want a retro fps Touhou game. But with the Build Engine.

>> No.39012494

>Here's a question for the class though, is there a genre that hasn't been touched by Touhou fan games yet? At this point I assume that every possible avenue has been touched.
I don't think there's a wrestling game

>> No.39012766

>is there a genre that hasn't been touched by Touhou fan games yet?
4x, tube style stg(like Torus Trooper or Tempest), vehicular combat, and old style x-com. I don't think there are any quiz show games either. I've never seen a pac-man style game personally nor a breakout type game where you reveal naked characters under the blocks, though I'm sure that one exists. There probably isn't a Touhou raising sim either. Other than the GTA and Mountain Blade mods, there's no open world sandbox action adventures.

>> No.39013371

What does FMW stand for? I didn't see something with that acronym mentioned anywhere..

>> No.39013608

Fantasy Maiden Wars, though the JP title is Gensou Shoujo Taisen which might be the more common name people use when referring to it and I'm just out of the loop. Complete Box probably won't be seeing a translation for a good while still.

>> No.39013648


Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - Plus Disk and Shanghai.exe

>> No.39013778

> lives in Russia
Poor guy

>> No.39013972

Touhou mod for Doom 2

>> No.39014097
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Thank you.

Zounose fans will be glad to know that the Touhou doom mod works with project brutality for some reason

>> No.39015601

>is there a genre that hasn't been touched by Touhou fan games yet?
Kinda depends on how specific you go with the definition of game genre but I've never seen horror, survival, point&click adventure or a yume nikki like fangame.

I really liked maristice a solstice clone and I think it's not that well known.

>> No.39015876
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>I've never seen horror, survival, point&click adventure
3rd eye? Its a pretty short point and click horror game, you can die in it if you don't use teardrops in time, so if you squint real hard you can even call it survival horror also.

>> No.39015904

>Zounose fans will be glad to know that the Touhou doom mod works with project brutality for some reason
I need footage of that in action.

>> No.39015905

Is it worth playing again if I already beat it before the newhus were added?

>> No.39016217

That game looks great, thanks for reminding me, I completely forgot koto inari did that.

>> No.39016355

Japanese Tim Burton is a King, a Winner and a Chad.

>> No.39017054
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The only real major difference is the blood splatters and the damage.

I couldn't get much due to the filesize constraint, so it is very compressed. I don't know how the webm guys do it.

>> No.39017321

>vehicular combat
I'd play the hell out of a Touhou version of Twisted Metal

>> No.39018229
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>> No.39022150

That's gotta suck for all those creators lmao

>> No.39022663

how do I buy it and the expansion? how do I translate it? is there a guide?

>> No.39022741
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I feel like there's an untapped market for Touhou horror games. I know the whole Grimsokyo theme is a hit and miss for some, but I'd say there's potential.

Something like a survival horror Fatal Frame or Forbidden Siren inspired game in a sort of "Wild" Gensokyo where you play as a Shrine Maiden of a previous generation before Reimu and have limited Danmaku to fend off Youkai or briefly incapacitate them to get away. Rumia, Yoshika and maybe Kogasa could make the good "introductory" enemies that you encounter. Perhaps later on in the game, you could find binding items which allow you to permanently seal one of the enemies but they're one use only and come in limited supply, alongside with more enemies that appear later on to really make you think about which one to use them on.

Like with Silent Hill's diegetic indicator for when enemies are close with the radio, they could appear depending on their abilities, if the area you're in slowly gets darker, Rumia could be close, if you hear a sort of hopping sound then Yoshika is on the prowl and if you stop to hear you're surroundings you might hear Kogasa's telltale giggle that she's close by to ambush you.

Maybe the enemies could have unique AI as well, if you run around and brute force your way around the environment, Rumia could be the more alert of the hunters with keen smell and hearing to track you down, if your method of progression is more linear, then you're more bound to run into Yoshika and if you play it too safe, then that'll allow Kogasa the opportunity to sneak up on you.

>> No.39022769

there's a doom wad that's really good

>> No.39022797

Slenderman but with Rumia instead

>> No.39022968
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Yeah, but that's the easy way out. Walking simulators with big scary horror chasing you just feels a dime a dozen. At least survival horror done right makes you feel like you can feel like you can defend yourself but also feel exposed and vulnerable.

>> No.39023033

The wiki has the links for buying the game and translation patches on the right


>> No.39023220

Are there any story-based fangames that are actually good? Text games or VNs that aren't porn-oriented

>> No.39023282

Sealing club game would work better than shrine maiden, sealing club in bamboo forest chapter was the most tense part of >>39015876 for me, outsiders are far more vulnerable and work better for horror protagonists.
Ace attorney Aya is pretty alright.

>> No.39023362

You know what? I like that idea a lot more. Maybe Maribel or Renko could have their own special campaigns and have a sort of difficulty level to them. Maybe Maribel could have her "Boundary Sight" abilities to briefly see items needed to progress in visions or view where enemies are located.

Maybe they could also have their own set of enemies for each campaign, maybe both starting off with Rumia to keep it simple and then diverge later on.

>> No.39023874

Ahh fuck that's lame. Dude made a legit good fangame but because of geopolitics he's missing out on his profits.
Nah I want one from the ground up. No random inclusion of Doomguy.

>> No.39024305

but in Gensokyo, with locales like Human Village, Old Hell's town, SDM, etc, to skate around.

>> No.39025545

takkoman kouzatsu world and luna nights

>> No.39025758

Might as well mod THUGPro for that, it could use more Touhou content.

>> No.39026467

For the benefit of anyone who may not know, Labyrinth of Touhou 2 Plus disk is "Labyrinth of Touhou - Gensokyo and the Heaven Piercing Tree" on Steam. And it's very, very good.
I'd also recommend Luna Nights. 3rd eye is ok if you just want some Koto Inari art goodness. I'm not sure Remydry is *good*, but it did hold my interest enough to finish it, which most games don't anymore.
For those wanting Touhou 4x, Civ5 has some good Touhou civ mods.

>> No.39027511

Takkoman had some really good soundtrack, but that's not really suprising considering its 2hu fangame.

>> No.39027684

Forward money through a Chinese or Kazakhstan bank account to your own.

>> No.39029179

>Please correct your bank information as soon as possible.
Whoever wrote this is a huge troll. That exact formulation really hurts.

>> No.39029244
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I second Patchcon!!

>> No.39036467

for me it's rhythm carnival

>> No.39047398

The Genius of Sappheiros

>> No.39047841

Get "webm for retards" and set the max size to 3MB, it'll cram as much quality in as possible.

>> No.39050693

Thanks. I have set it up for next time I need it.

>> No.39064124

Not a fully original one, but for 4x there’s the Touhou Epic mod for Civ IV

>no touhou raising sim
Legitimately shocking if true

>> No.39064480


>> No.39065286

Used to go through literally hundreds of listed 2hu fangames alphabetically in one niche site. I visited that site now and it's gone, kind of sad.

It's archived, at least. This is one of the best sites to peruse for 2hu fangames and you can't speak Japanese like me.

>> No.39065291

nice legs

>> No.39065355

super Marisa land / new super marisa land
that isometric suwako danmaku jumping game
mystical chain
master burner
mega Mari
well, most of tasogare frontier doujin games, check the wiki.


>> No.39065379

oh yeah, don't forget Shanghai.exe

>> No.39065694

Do you know why outsiders get eaten so easily? It is because cute girls are not scary.

Forgoing scariness might be better, and just have it be something like Marisa setting her house up in the forest for the first time, picking mushrooms to restore her magic supply during the day and trying to avoid going out at night. She has enough power to fight back in those early days but is still limited by her mushroom supply, and the forest can be made as creepy/dangerous as necessary including imaginary hallucinations from the spores and fairy pranks.

>> No.39067546

Oh that sucks. I used to use this site all the time, wonder how long it's been dead for.

>> No.39079881 [DELETED] 


>> No.39080972

Yes so you can play netplay with me anon

>> No.39081610

Nobody has mentioned Dynamarisa 3D yet. Fuck you.

>> No.39082512

Something like darkwood?

>> No.39082631
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Komajou Densetsu looks good.

>> No.39095997 [DELETED] 


>> No.39097750

Strike series type game where you fulfill several tasks per stage and have to watch your health, ammo, and spellcards while interacting the other MCs during your investigation.

>> No.39105744


>> No.39118219

How rude of you.

>> No.39125750

My favorite RPG ever. I'm still looking for other games like it.

>> No.39125794

OK I'm playing it right now friend

>> No.39139160 [DELETED] 


>> No.39139185

You don’t need to keep bumping the thread if the discussion is over. You can just let it die.

>> No.39139189

Thanks for bumping, friend.

>> No.39143026
File: 78 KB, 460x395, marisa and faust.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any game with netplay besides the fighting games and the phantasmagoria games?

>> No.39148689

Three Faries' Hoppin' Flappin' Great Journey!

>> No.39150474

Nah, fuck 'you' leatherman

>> No.39156595

Any new fangames in the past year or so?

>> No.39156677

Just the draft for my planned Marisa eroguro visual novel.

>> No.39157550

>Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - Plus Disk and Shanghai.exe

Know where I might find a non-steam version, it crashes on me after unlocking one of the in-game achievements.

>> No.39157587

Check those two replies.

>> No.39157648

