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3894071 No.3894071 [Reply] [Original]

Just started sharin no kuni.

how much rage can i expect from this game?
also, should i trust my gut instinct of "this guy is a backstabber?"

pic related

>> No.3894079

He is your generic loser true bro like Sunohara or Arihiko.

>> No.3894093

Poor guy, even Kyouko wants Kenichi's cock.

>> No.3894095


also, rage content

greater, or less than concrete schoolgirl rage?

>> No.3894100

Awesome supporting character.
Has the best lines in the game, a good comedian.

>> No.3894106

I raged at the heroines a little when their problems were at their worst. Especially Sachi.

>> No.3894101

It's depressing, not rageworthy.

>> No.3894108
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>> No.3894114

Zero rage content. Even Discipline has more rage contents.
Chapter5 would be awesome if you like the game.
I literally went "FUCK YEAH" during the events of chapter5.

>> No.3894117

So no happy ending huh?
ah well.
There's always G-senjou's happy ending (well, i consider it happy)

>> No.3894126

All the ending are Disney level fairy tale like ending.
You won't even get the depressing and sad end unless you purposely play for them.

>> No.3894127

Sachi was really painful at her worst, I agree. But the others were fine, I don't see anything rageworthy about Touka, Nacchan or Ririko.

>> No.3894134

hmm...i was hoping for a little bit of rage.
oh well, seems interesting so far.

also, girl who dies at the very beginning, what's up with that?

>> No.3894146

Best girl in the game

>> No.3894144

>also, girl who dies at the very beginning, what's up with that?
It's to show you that Wakamoto doesn't fuck around.

>> No.3894143

Don't mind it, it's just Houzuki being generally awesome like always.

>> No.3894150
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>> No.3894151

It was supposed to show you how BADASS Houzuki is supposed to be. It is pretty sad how he is just your usual villain that went soft toward at the end.

Supposedly the fandisk will have their backstory. We can only wait.
You should stay off the internet before you get yourself spoiled. This is the kind of game where the spoilers will make the game less enjoyable.

>> No.3894155

My kinda girl.

>> No.3894157

yo dont say it to me, dude just said it was depressing, so i just assumed the game had an overall depressing tone (ie the ending would also be sad/not happy)

>> No.3894164

Ririko had nothing rageworthy.

Sachi being a huge bitch made me really angry.
Touka's indecisiveness got on my nerves a little
Natsumi's emoness was a little frustrating too.
Natsumi and Touka were really minor frustrations, I could understand them, but Sachi was a fucking asshole.

>> No.3894170

He never went soft, he just did what he planned to do to the end.
And he was awesome, best antagonist in a VN.

>> No.3894174

naw, i generally can enjoy games even after things have been spoiled for me...
although, that's to an extent.

>> No.3894176
File: 82 KB, 791x613, what the fuck TLwiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jesus Christ.

>> No.3894186

Mana > Ririko > Touka > Happy Nacchan > Kyouko > Sachi > Emo Nacchan

>> No.3894192
File: 77 KB, 795x596, retarded confession.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst confession ever.

>> No.3894197

In the script there was comment "If Meis doesn't notice this he's fired."
It's fixed in current patch.

>> No.3894208

Touka is best because of her sex voice. Her voice cracks every time she moans, and it makes my penis explode with pleasure.

>> No.3894209
File: 155 KB, 804x604, a7b7937e4749ef87d89610288a12b847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hikki Touka > all

>> No.3894213


Wow, could those skirts be any shorter?

>> No.3894217

That nasal sounding voice. I love it.

>> No.3894220

Sachi is poor.
She is clearly wearing undersize old shirt and skirt

>> No.3894221


>> No.3894246
File: 109 KB, 797x597, tsunderetraining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3894267

Huh...i was under the impression natsumi was raped or something.

guess i need to finish the game

>> No.3894270

Why is Touka the most adorable character ever?
I love the way she tries to be tsundere but fails miserably, and her voice, goddam.

>> No.3894275

>I was under the impression Natsumi was raped
Nope, her hair was pulled and ribbon dirtied. That's it.

>> No.3894294

She was almost raped by that old guy.

>> No.3894304
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>> No.3894307
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But luckily Mr. Badass cut him up and sold his meat to hungry niggers.

>> No.3894339

One of them being Mana, right?

>> No.3894351

That little Mana bitch was so annoying, I wish there was a bad ending were she gets killed.

>> No.3894359

Mana is on Houzuki level of manipulating awesomeness.

>> No.3894372


>> No.3894386

[name txt="Touka"][vo s=tou_2730]"Thanks for coming to see me."[np]\
;;[name txt="Touka"][vo s=tou_2730]"来てくれて、うれしいよぉっ"[np]\
;;if newbie doesn't change this he's out of a job
It's been fixed. I think.

>> No.3894424

Not to mention how she started blaming Mana and Kenichi for her situation.

>> No.3894468

Hmm...i guess i'll do sachi route last...

>> No.3894472


>> No.3894480

No, OP, you are the backstabber.

>> No.3894491

Ha ha ha. Good one.

>> No.3894492

Haha. Oh god.

>> No.3894510

Why do i get the feeling that i've typed something stupid ;_;

>> No.3894518

Sharin doesn't have routes, it's mostly linear. The only effect you have on the story is the (very short) ending.

>> No.3894520

No routes, only chapters.

>> No.3894521

and how significant is this effect?

>> No.3894525

The so-called routes are episodes you have to do in an order during one playthrough. Sachi is first, then Touka, Natsumi and Final. If you choose to fuck a heroine, it locks the raburabu system and you can't bang the rest. So choose wisely.

>> No.3894527


Pretty insignificant, it actually only affects the epilogue, which is just sex scenes. The real ending is pretty much always the same.

>> No.3894528

Sachi is the first girl you have to deal with

>> No.3894531

No harem end?

>> No.3894533
File: 81 KB, 800x600, Houzuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A war-hardened genius protagonist.
>God Wakamoto as the antagonist.
>AN HEROine for everyone.
>Great comic relief bro.
>You can't hate real deal.
Do yourself a favor - turn off your browser and read it until you're done.
If you like it, PRAISE IT.
If you hate it, you'll get the obligation called "prohibition of reading VNs".

>> No.3894538

hmm, so once you've entered a relationship (so to speak) with one girl, you can't with the others?


>> No.3894539

Sachi's and Ririko's epilogues are the only ones that really tie things up.

>> No.3894540

>God-Emperor Wakamoto

>> No.3894541

There is one.
If by harem, you mean "group picture."

>> No.3894544

er...im not sure why you spoilered that.
but i guess i play VNs differently from others.

>> No.3894545

Anyway, Sharin is pretty much another VN you can add to the god-tier list, no matter what hater fags say. Kenichi = one of the best protags, Houzuki = best villain, ZOMG plot twist etc.

>> No.3894550 [SPOILER] 
File: 213 KB, 798x596, natsumi ending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best ending

>> No.3894557

Hmm I don't like this guy, he looks like someone that fucks the heroines when you aren't looking.

>> No.3894561

>God Wakamoto as the antagonist.
Antagonist AND mentor in one.
Lose to him, and he shows you the error of your ways by breaking your spirit.
Win against him, and he applauds you with an "I have no more to teach you" line as he flies away on his helicopter.

>> No.3894573 [DELETED] 

The scene when you encounter him for the last time was totally epic

>> No.3894577

The scene when you encounter him for the last time was totally epic

>> No.3894579

But Natsumi End fits the story best, even if it sucked.

>> No.3894605

So, did all the underwear he had in his suitcase belong to that one girl?

>> No.3894629

It's quite obvious that they belong to Ririko.

>> No.3894633


That's what I figured afterwards but I didn't think he was allowed to keep them since it would mean he's acknowledging her.

>> No.3894641

Ririko twist got me completely by surprise, even though it was foreshadowed so much with the doors closing, the monologues and the underwear.

>> No.3894656


I just always thought it was him being mentally unstable when he'd talk to himself, as for the underwear I thought he'd collected them from girls he'd fucked or really did use them to masturbate and trained to be able to handle girls.

So when he heard Touka saying stuff like I'll Kill You!, was that Ririko saying it?

>> No.3894689

>So when he heard Touka saying stuff like I'll Kill You!, was that Ririko saying it?

Fuck. I just realized this. Thanks, Anonymous.

>> No.3894700

It wasn't Ririko saying that, it was Touka.
Ririko was the one who taught her that phrase, so they had to ignore it or else they would be acknowledging her existence.

>> No.3894712


So they have to ignore their past existence too?

>> No.3894730

Yeah, but it was mentioned that no one except Ken heard that, not even Touka herself remembered saying that thing.

>> No.3894759

is this the game with the people who are marked with red letters or something?

>> No.3894774

Are you thinking of umineko?

>> No.3894780

Not the same person you guys been talking to:

So, let's see if I got this right: There's no actual "routes" in this game but chapters, and you see each chapter in order? Are there still decision points to get with the heroine you want? Are they obvious at least, because I'd hate to pick one choice that looks like it favors one girl but it actually favors another.

>> No.3894792


the choices are fairly obvious

>> No.3894819


Good. Got annoyed with this one VN I played where a seemingly innocent choice caused a bad end out of nowhere.

>> No.3894906
File: 249 KB, 674x694, st_eri_a_01_l_buri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Yukyu has Eri's backstory. Then you turn up Himawari and realize it was all for fucking nothing.
Also, Ririko is a fucking awesome troll and a true bro. You are now hearing Yuko Goto's sex voice.

>> No.3895054

no not umineko, I remember /jp/ talking about a vn coming out/being translated that people were claiming to be deep or some shit with people being marked for crimes or something like that

>> No.3895074

Sharin no Kuni isn't deep nor is it really meant to be. Although given the material covered, it's not strange for people to have that misconception going into the game.

But yes, that's probably what they were talking about
