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3891986 No.3891986 [Reply] [Original]

Suppose it is now the social norm to keep Anthropoid animals, what would you do in such a situation /jp/?

[ ] keep an Anthropoid girl for waifu
[ ] keep an Anthropoid girl for sex slave
[ ] join liberation front

>> No.3891998

I wake up and report this thread.

>> No.3891999

If they're sentient, [x] liberation front

If not, goddamn you are a sick fuck.

>> No.3892008

As a NEET, I cannot afford one.

>> No.3892007

Anthropoid as in monkeys/apes?

>> No.3892014

[x] keep an Anthropoid girl for waifu\sex slave.
They don't have equal rights, so i can abuse and love her in the same time, and she'd be obedient.

>> No.3892044

[x] keep as a pet.

>> No.3892065

What, you've never had sex with your pet before?

>> No.3892072
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>> No.3892077

How intelligent are these punching bags?

>> No.3892094

stop spamming ur shitty board on a n o n t a l k . com ok thanks and a hav a good day

>> No.3892104

[ ] keep an Anthropoid girl as emergency food supply
And name her Menchi

>> No.3892250

It just occurred to me that humanoid animals bay be vectors for animal diseases to transfer to humans.


>> No.3892254

[x]Join a religious extremist organisation whose purpose is to put an end to the integration of animals in our society.

>> No.3892261
File: 70 KB, 600x600, DogGirlToast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[x] Keep multiple anthropoid girls as companions/pets/sex slaves.

>> No.3892268

>may be

>> No.3892274

If they were stupid then it would be just as bad as fucking a dog. If they were smart and for some reason people still felt like keeping them as pets then I would probably keep it as a secret waifu.

>> No.3892279
File: 392 KB, 800x599, KittyMaidBite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having a domesticated sub-human anthropoid for a pet/servant will certainly be more cost effective than robots for many, many lifetimes to come. I'd rather they have a heartbeat and natural warmth than servos and battery power. And the affection would be far more real.

>> No.3892289

I would rais her as a daughter and give her a proper education (personally if necessary) and then I would let her manage a company in secret, under my name.

She would be able to do most of the stuff like humans can in one way or another and she would never have to take more responsibility than she wanted to, if shit got serious she could just play stupid and act like an ordinary pet.

>> No.3892294

Copypasta appropriate:
I'd much rather have a petto dogloli or catloli than a real live human being. Most people probably actually want a pet, not a real person. Something that took care of itself while you were busy, but came at your beck and call and cuddled as soon as you wanted it.
Imagine all of the social responsibilities involved in taking care of a real person. Are you going to be able to take her to school and activities everyday? Provide proper nutrition? Medical care? Ensure her legal rights and processes?
What I want is a girl that is loyal, obedient, warm, easy to please and low ambition. She only needs enough skill to operate appliances like turning on the washing machine and dryer, can clean a little bit, has enough motor skills to play games and vidya and is intelligent enough to enjoy movies, music, and make small talk. She doesn't need a college degree. I have degrees already. I'd rather sit and watch Discovery channel with her on my lap, her enjoying the exotic sights and sounds of fantasy, while I enjoy the science. I don't need critical analysis. I have that. I need levity. I need someone to look at the world through clean unjaded eyes that still see the wonders of the world and remind me of them.
I would raise her in an environment of low expectations, where she would be free and able to assign her self worth based not on societal expectations of marrying up, landing a career, and being a frigid bitch who must control her husband, but just taking it easy. I'd be happier coming home to her proudly showing me something she could do in a video game than some woman who spends 10 hours a day at home, 8 asleep getting a promotion so she can spend less time at home. At the most base, I am a selfish person; I seek recreational companionship. Sound familiar?
Simple, low maintenance, warm bodied companionship that I can scratch behind the ears, if you know what I am saying. That's all I want. Who's with me?

>> No.3892317

[x] keep an anthropoid girl for sex slave

Anyone who says otherwise is lying to us and themselves

>> No.3892349

[x] Get a bunch of Anthropoid girls for slaves and start a plantation

>> No.3892796

Would you really whip a doggirl?

>> No.3892814

[x] Buy one as a slave/waifu, but have her work somewhere so she's bringing in additional income.

>> No.3892816

If she doesn't pick that cotton fast enough I would

>> No.3892854

Just pick a stray up from the shelter.

>> No.3892885

>Anthropoid animals
Why not just say furry? Also, I would kill them obviously.

>> No.3892893
File: 2.54 MB, 3032x3917, EmancipationProclamation2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this make you feel anon?

>> No.3892907

Butthurt negro detected

>> No.3892909

What if all she would want, is to be with you, and to be loved instead of business shit?

>> No.3892911

Black people are still people

Anthropoid animals are beasts of burden

>> No.3892915

That thing seems to say only people in the south states are free.

>> No.3892919

I think you mean counterwise. Furry at least can think.

>> No.3892926
File: 23 KB, 400x400, bewareofshiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, I seem to have unwittingly turned this thread into a racism trollfest

I'll be making my way out now

>> No.3892933

>Furry at least can think.

Ha ha, oh wow.

>> No.3893009
File: 66 KB, 645x490, Autumn Leaves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3893259
File: 475 KB, 1500x954, narwhal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on the animal. Can you imagine keeping a humanoid narwhal (females can still grow the giant tooth-spine, though it's rare) ? Or a horned lizard girl that cries blood at people she doesn't like? Or even a water-holding frog girl who acts as live water storage for you so you'll never need to go to the kitchen for water again, just kiss her and drink from her mouth!

It'd be awesome.

>> No.3893298

PETA would be all over that shit, making a big obnoxious piss fest out of it all.

>> No.3893313

I'd rather have an arthropoid animal.

>> No.3893320

Where can i subscribe to your newsletter?

>> No.3893349

not completely related, but i guess i'll ask here anyhow. There was this really hot official h-manga (not doujin) back in the day that I've seen that had some old scientist dude who that the master of the these two hotass catchicks or something. I don't remember the title, only remember seeing a few preview pages.

Anyone know what I'm talking about? It should be contemporary with the likes of Bondage Fairies, Super Taboo, etc. Really would like to find this again, but I just don't know where to start.

>> No.3893358 [DELETED] 

blade cat cut?

>> No.3893363


I know exactly what you are talking about, the thing can be found on E-Hentai, BRB checking title

>> No.3893428


>> No.3893446

Oh hey thanks, I actually found it myself from your hint: http://g.e-hentai.org/g/115968/bf719979ec/1-m-y/1
Didn't remember it being futa though, and didn't think it had such a ;_; ending either.

>> No.3893500
File: 122 KB, 800x543, horseshoe crab endures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me see which animals would make good wives.

Soft ticks: If I recall, arachnid genital pores are around what would be the chest area for humans. Paizuri plus penetration at the same time sounds like a good idea. Soft ticks lack the plates of their harder counterparts and their size changes greatly on how much blood they have, so presumably she can change her breast size by drinking blood. Great since you can have DFC, large breasts, breast expansion and so on. In addition to the blood-sucking hypostome, a tick also has the manipulating pedipalps and cutting chelicerae, though you may not want to get your dick anywhere her mouth. Finding blood for her may be difficult though.

Turritopsis nutricula: This one can actually alter its age and never dies naturally, changing back and forth between immature and adult forms. Dozens of small tentacles it has look like they could be useful in bed too.

Horseshoe crab: Six pairs of legs, plus a flexible tail that she can use to probe your anus or something. Plus a horseshoe crab's book-lungs are located towards its posterior, five pairs of openings you can probably cum into if you tried. Lung sex, fuck yeah.

Blood fluke: Males and females are permanently joined together. Females only produce eggs if they have a husband joined with them, they simply cannot reproduce otherwise. Now that's what I call a good girl.

Ceratoid anglerfish: Males bite on to the females and eventually degenerate into what is essentially a pair of large testicles to fertilize the female. Twist it around and make it so that you two will end up being a single dickgirl.

>> No.3893502

I love you, Bug Anon!

>> No.3893522

[X] join liberation front

If nigras can have equal rights why the fuck can't infinitely sexier catgirls?

>> No.3893529

If you complain about nigras, you should join nazis instead.

>> No.3893553 [DELETED] 
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Because catgirls are part cat and cats are abhorrent.

>> No.3893557

Just because one thing is wrong doesn't mean you have to fuck everything up.

>> No.3893566 [DELETED] 

But niggers are 100% nigger

>> No.3893598 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 205x225, eva 10 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cats are worse than niggers.

>> No.3893605 [DELETED] 

As a member of black race i state: everything is worse than niggers.
