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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3891261 No.3891261 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread has reached bump limit
Hostan Canadia

>> No.3891278
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>> No.3891455

Bump before going to sleep. Keep this thread alive until tomorrow, guys.

>> No.3891460



>> No.3891476

Good games Endue! Good god, I don't think I've ever been on the receiving end of such brutal combos from all characters before today. I swear everything you do endlessly crosses up and chains into a spell card, not to mention that bloody Iku SC during typhoon that cost me my entire life bar. I was hoping to try out a few different Suika and Reisen decks but they don't hold water at your level of play.

>> No.3891537
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Defensive power is roughly equal to that of a papier-mâché wall.

>> No.3891563

Any word on the 1.10 patch? Is it confirmed to be coming out during Comiket?

>> No.3891575

I have no idea. I'm curious as to what they would add/modify, though.

>> No.3891592


>> No.3891601

Hosting for a few matches between my Elona escapades.
I miss Guilty Gear tier

>> No.3891611
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>> No.3891619
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>> No.3891623

I wouldn't be suprised if Youmu got a nerf since she gets weakened every fucking patch.

>> No.3891627

could you samefag any more obliviously?

>> No.3891768

Good games, a.a. It's great playing you again; I really did miss you. But man, you're still so much better than me at cross-ups and NOT dropping your combos, gosh. I look forward to playing you more often!

>> No.3891776

Good games Guy. It's kind of annoying when you do stuff like dashing through Tenshi's 6A and 3A or other frame traps that I delayed too long. There was some weird fluctuating delay that made knowing how long to time blocking a nightmare, but that seems par for course.

Anyway, hope to get another shot at you when I've played a bit more, it seems you're far less rusty than I am.

>> No.3891789


No, what's annoying is me falling for the same cross-up-on-tech-trap for the millionth time, along with all the other air-cross-up goodness that you did to me. Gah, it frustrates me just thinking about it! Despite our rust and all, I'd say that you're still the much better technical player between the two of us; you actually know how to block, graze, and do fancy stuff. I block bullets with my face, get too lazy to block strings because I want to attack, and focus less on fancy stuff and more on mashing out [the same] strings so I can keep you from making me have to defend.

>> No.3891811

Nothing is confirmed. The best GUESS is that c77 will be when we get it. Tasofro is releasing the OST to Soku then. The patch is already 'late' as in it was 'supposedly' coming early October. It only makes sense to put them out at the same time to make a bigger splash.
Youmu is much stronger in Soku than she was in SWR due to blockstun changes and minor tweaks to her B bullets. She probably will be nerfed though. If SWR was any example the top 3 or so in Soku will get hit hard. Youmu and Suika have the two biggest targets on their back I think. There are also a couple of way overpowered moves that will likely be neutered, like Tenshi's rockslam 236. On the bright side the new characters should become much more competitive.

>> No.3891815
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>I'd say that you're still the much better technical player between the two of us
Ah well. It doesn't really matter how you achieve your wins though. The best defense is a good offense; and your rushdown pressure is still among the best. Anyway, glad that you're back, makes it feel closer to the old days again.

I suppose I'll try this "hosting" thing again. US East
Above beginner level.

>> No.3891829

Still hosting US mid west

>> No.3891840
Wriggle tier.

>> No.3891873

Too laggy. Sorry bro.

>> No.3891909

Good games Altenotiz. It seems we desynched somewhere in the last match. I thought as much since you were taking a lot of attacks and moving in a disorganized way.

>> No.3891957

This is how playing Youmu has gone for me:

It's pretty difficult to get through someone's defense, and 6[A] only hits high. Oh hey, Youmu B does a pretty nice chunk of spirit damage, and I can shoot 2[B] twice from air!

>Youmu B now shoots less bullets, can no longer 2[B] twice before landing
Shit, well, maybe I'll utilize throw that nobody uses to break defenders. Even though I lose dragon punch, I can 2C Throw to combo someone! Amazing! And, I can use runpast reversal to make up for lack of the dragon punch. Also, 6C has absurd range and catches people by suprise.

> Youmu throw comboed into runpast is too powerful. Throw is now nerfed to do at most 300 damage. Also, runpast nerfed.
Well, I can see why they nerfed runpast... I guess I'll rely on Pillar cut for reversals. Oh hey AAA 3[C] works really well, and I can cancel some of the cooldown with 623B/C. Pillar too. And, I can cancel my landing animation into anything and stop momentum by 2A using from the air! It also stops people from jumping upwards out of corner pressure.

> Soku, 2C nerfed to be slower, j.2A slower, 6C range reduced
At least I have my 3[C] and 623[B/C] cancels, right?

>> No.3891964

Wow, my notation is shitty. By 3[C] I mean 3[A] and by 2[B] I mean j.2B

>> No.3891971
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Psychic DP: it works every fucking time (against bad players like me).

Anyways, rehostan:
About as defensive as a suicidal maniac.

>> No.3891979
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3891979 WC/EC ONLY

Certified and Licensed Lolicon Tier

>> No.3891997

I'm sorry for sucking so much. D:

>> No.3892000


Rehostan. Sorry for the lag and level gap.

>> No.3892005

wow who would play this poo poo game when you can play street fighter 3 or guilty gear xx or kof2002

>> No.3892033
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>> No.3892049

gg bro. Finally got you once after a series of bum rape :D

Lag was bad though.

>> No.3892056

wow everyone who is different from me is stupid

>> No.3892059

Ahhhh~, I give up.

>> No.3892061

Nice (laggy) games, jp. Work on not air-teching all the time (it sets you up for another combo). Also, you can roll out of the corner if you get knocked down in it; doing that isn't a bad idea just so you don't get too predictable.

Sorry to call it so early, but getting the frame-by-frame every game gets tiring fast.

>> No.3892076


It's all right. You can do better if you try.

>> No.3892078


>> No.3892080

Living on the other side of the world makes lag a norm...

>> No.3892186
US Midwest

>> No.3892223 [DELETED] 

I can't tell if I'm watching a desync or if Duckator is just sandbagging like hell

>> No.3892330

Good games Loli Rape. Why does your play style remind me of Lurker on steroids? Anyway, that was a fair beatdown. At least I had my chances and I feel like I can catch up in due time.

>> No.3892337

Those were some pretty good games. You are the second /jp/ player I've had difficult fights with. It was fun.

>> No.3892339

no everyone who plays gay babby games just because they have lolis (seriously if touhou wasn't about lolis nobody would like it)

>> No.3892347

Out of curiosity, who was the first?

>> No.3892356

I forgot, since it was many months ago...

>> No.3892371

rehostan for a short time

>> No.3892476

Good games a.a! Your basic play is way better than mine and I can't break your defense. When it came down to the last inch of health your counter striking and guarding really shined.

>> No.3892485

Good games Rabbit-Box. The result wasn't surprising, although I couldn't believe how long you stuck with Suika. C'mon now.

I'd say I'm weaker than from the past (since I only resumed playing 12.3 today after a month-long absence), but from listening in on some of the commentary from Johan's games against you, I figured that randomly normal jumping in the middle of your Youmu blockstrings was worth a gamble.

I cannot believe those two Youmu 623 round enders against my projectile oki setup (first Reimu's j.2B, later Komachi's j.2C). That's just unfair. Well, it looks like I'm still a ways off from challenging your Youmu.

>> No.3892521

Haha, well with Suika I've built a couple of decks that I've been test running for the fun of it. One is black hole, push pull and throw themed and the other is rock chucking. I swapped off once I realized even my standard Suika deck and play had no chance. I still had a lot of trouble against you even now, so I'll be destroyed when you get that rust off.

Haha, I havn't played him in a long time. His Youmu completely shuts me down as he is experienced enough to escape and counter everything after seeing it once. I can maybe win one match in a mirror before I'm left licking my wounds and conceding Youmu to him. God damn, maybe I shouldn't discuss my massive weak points although I've been working on patching them somewhat.

>> No.3892762
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>> No.3892788

Everyone in this thread sucks. No exceptions. How does it feel being told by an IRCfag?

>> No.3892790
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Lets see if forth time's a charm and I can actually get someone.
West Coast US
Shit tier but I don't care how good you are, I just want to fight...tier.

>> No.3892794
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>> No.3892822

Not working.

>> No.3892847
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Fucking hell...
I know that's my IP.
I check it over an over and over again.
I'm on version 1.03 and was able to host weeks ago before I went on hiatus from this.


Someone host so I can fight.
That seems to still work.

>> No.3892862

Maybe your ports are forwarded?
And are you sure you know how to host? First option in netplay until it stops taking input.

>> No.3892870

Oh, I know how to host, it just...won't let me now.
shit sucks.

>> No.3892880

Well at least you can feel better about no one joining.

>> No.3892902

Awesome games Duckator. Most fun I've had in awhile. The random session was a blast as well. It's been some time since I laughed out loud during a match. Unfortunately I don't think I have any other after game thoughts. I look forward to playing you again.

>> No.3892904

Great games. That's quite a good Marisa you've got.
Well, 50 games is my limit so I need a break. I'll be back later if you want to play some more.

>> No.3892918 EU

It can be laggy though.

>> No.3893677


>> No.3893870
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testing if I can host tier

port 10800 forwarded like the fucking fist of the north star.

>> No.3893886

>Santiago in Chile...

>> No.3893891

xenophobic much?

>> No.3893897

>testing if I can host tier
Looks like you can't.

>> No.3893904


brb, ending contract with isp

>> No.3894371

Hosting EU
Alice 6a tier

>> No.3894676

GGs, much better without lag.

I don't know, but Reisen is just not made to fight Alice. Alice's range is ridiculous and only Cirno's range is worse than Reisen's. You can block or dodge all attacks since I need so much time to even get in melee range.
How the hell do you dash forward when in the corner and block my melee attack at the same time? Or set a doll and cancel that into the spear dolls faster than I can press A?

The main problem is Alice's A (that thing htis ridiculously far and HIGH up in the air) and the fact that you can easily escape any border pressure when I have to use j2A (and even if I fake it and do a normal melee attack instead, you dash forward AND block ,what the hell, that's impossible in SWR).
Really, all I can do is hope for random B (normal bullet) hits and hope I can get in range fast enough to continue with some air melee. Is there any strategy against Alice with Reisen? I just can't think of one that works.

>> No.3894705

Reisen is actually strong against Alice.
Bait 6a/j6a by staying just out of its range, and do a b/jb. Reisen has the annoying ability to be able to combo off pretty much any b hit, and generally gets a better return off random hits. She also should be able to guard break alice easily once in the corner.
Alice alt 214 is made to beat out mashes/dashing out. Really, it's the only move she has for that (j2a is still too slow)

>> No.3894733

>ait 6a/j6a by staying just out of its range, and do a b/jb.
That's pretty much what I was doing, since nothing else worked.

>She also should be able to guard break alice easily once in the corner.
That's bullshit. After AAA B it's pretty much over with any pressure unless you dash into a melee attack. ( you still have to explain how you can block that while dashing).

It's a bit lame when all I do is stay out of 6A range and shoot timed b attacks.

>> No.3894742

To beat Alice as Reisen, just force her into melee range and try to keep her there as long as possible.
Alice is a tall character so counter BE with instant j6a when you see it coming.
Fake aggressive dashes and punish her whiffed 6a with b bullets.
When you have to block and Alice has her alt214, wait for the last dialA or 214 to jump out, because she can't crush you without wrongblocks or really obvious setups.

B -> 236B is tight in the corner.
You can also start doing far5a after 5b if the opponent is afraid of j6a/j2a.

>> No.3894773

>counter BE with instant j6a
my keyboard is crying.

>> No.3894789

Perfect time to invest in a gamepad!

>> No.3894935
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Who needs defense when you have love?

>> No.3895025

Good games, Akagi. It sure has been a while! I see you're still plugging away at Suika; unfortunately, as you are right now, I really have no more advice to give you. The only thing is that I didn't see you doing her air BnB very often, so I guess look into that, maybe?

It's a pity the lag is so bad between us, I imagine that we'd both have better matches if we didn't drop inputs so often. Nice seeing you again!

>> No.3895030

Good games dude. Sorry, but the inputs don't work for some reason, it's quite frustrating to play like that. There isn't really any lag, but only like one 236 out of four are actually taken into account. Hope to fight you some other time with some better connection (Europe here, by the way).

>> No.3895040


>> No.3895043

>air BnB
Which move is that?

>> No.3895049

It just sounds like you need to forward your ports properly. What kind of router do you use?

>> No.3895052

I think it goes something like j.A j.6A 6B; I don't really play Suika though, so yeah. It's an easy air-combo/finisher for some combos that does a very decent amount of damage.

>> No.3895080

Oh, that one! I do it sometimes, but definitely not always (I usually think about the 6B after a j6B, but not about the j6B after a 6A). I'll try to think about it more often.

Also, we used to have some matches without lag, right? Did you change your isp, or is it just a bad day?

>> No.3895086

Whoops, meant J6A.

>> No.3895108

Mmm, for some reason I remember always having lag issues with you; it's been a while, though, so I can't tell if today was really any worse than how it usually was. I'm using the same ISP I was back then, though.

>> No.3895212

>> No.3895386

>> No.3895416

Man, seems like all the hosts are already taken.

>> No.3895443

I was watching you play and I was wondering: isn't there any kind of move you can do after a dial-A with Reisen? Her dial-A is pretty weak without anything added after it.

>> No.3895474

Reisen's combos are pretty weak in general unless you have the opponent cornered. Midscreen without alt-skills or ridiculous timing, your best combo is 5AAA 5B HJC9 j.5A j.6A j.5B/j.5C for 1800-2100 damage. Corner is 5AAA 236B 236B for 2500 damage

>> No.3895476

66A midscreen or corner, 236 j.6A/6A 236 in the corner.

>> No.3895517

It looks like there's some nice competition over in EU; I'd really like to join, but the possibility of bad lag makes me timid.

Anyways, rehostan.

>> No.3895595
US Midwest

>> No.3895602 - Low tier, east coast.

Slight lag expected due to wireless.

>> No.3895606

GGs, but that was the most lame Marisa I've ever played against.
If you want to fight, stay on the fucking screen.
I kind of forget everything after not playing so I might have used the midscreen combo in the corner and nothing really midscreen.

>> No.3895613

Whenever you look at the Network screen, you will now think about getting your hand caught in the gears.


>> No.3895633

Hosting US mid west
Heaven or Hell, LET'S ROCK!

>> No.3895655

GGs, it's a nice komachi you have. Try to vary your corner pressure more, don't be afraid to dash in 2a.

>> No.3895698

GGs, thanks for the advice.
Fuck, my commenting skills suck.

>> No.3895741

Looking for EU hosts.
I don't know tier.

>> No.3895758

>> No.3895805

Sorry, my game crashed. Good games

>> No.3895813

What a ride. I played like absolute shit in the beginning, screwed up my inputs in all of the matches, and got thoroughly trounced by your practiced and well-executed strings. I'd love to point out all the bullshit occurrences in those many matches, but sadly I lost count. Facing Suika and Youmu is even more infuriating than I remember, especially now that I'm much worse; but goddamn, a LOT of those match-enders really frustrated me.

Anyway, it's nice seeing you again, Rabbit-Box. Perhaps if I play you a little more frequently, I might get some of my skill back.

>> No.3895819

Good games guy! You seem a lot better than I remember, although that Cirno of yours used to be total corner lockdown. I had a lot of fun running some odd Suika and Reisen decks, invisible+crossup deck seemed to be the best one of the lot. Also, yeowch that Tenshi of yours, 3000 damage combos from anywhere?!

>> No.3895830

It's the only thing I could think of to run against your "hurrdurr no breathing room" Youmu. Wait for you to screw up and peg your for 3k. God I hate playing like that. Yeah, I wasn't really feeling the Cirno, hence why I switched pretty quickly; unfortunately, I don't really have very much in the realm of Marisa combos either, not to mention the fact that a lot of my fundamentals got rusty on me.

>> No.3895847
East Coast.
Been playing for a while tier.

>> No.3895942

GGs, sorry if I wasn't enough, but you're the second person I fought in 3 months. Barely had the time to remember my Okuu's combos.
Oh, and don't worry, you're not the first one to lose to loliball spam.

>> No.3895963

I still feel pretty silly losing like that. Good games.

>> No.3896080


>> No.3896082


>> No.3896089


>> No.3897023


>> No.3897039 [DELETED] 

stop spamming ur shitty board on a n o n t a l k . com ok thanks and a hav a good day

>> No.3897258
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US West coast
Scrub tier

>> No.3897524

>scrub tier

Is this some sort of joke? You seemed quite solid to me, in all honesty. Good games, Orion; your Suika was quite bothersome, and our Alice/Reisen matches were very fun.

>> No.3897534



First time doing netplay, so I figured I'm probably not very competitive. I was surprised actually; those were some pretty good matches.

I really would like to be able to learn to play Marisa and China the way you did there. Great timing with those Marisa counters, and that China rushdown was just brutal, although to be fair my Patchouli is really bad.

>> No.3897540
File: 90 KB, 432x728, Hong Meiling, the name is Hong Meiling!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was your first time doing netplay? Good God, you're far better than I was the first time I starting playing online. As for Meiling, well, just use her a whole bunch. You'll probably get the hang of it fairly quickly.

>> No.3897553

can you upload the replay?

I always wanted to see of a counter looks like

>> No.3897561

I don't think Marisa has a true counter card. He might have meant a well timed reversal or dragon punch.

>> No.3897638

Uh, what?
Master Spark, Escape Velocity, Gravity Beat (upper body invuln I think), Final Spark, Dragon Meteor, Blazing Star and her normal DP all have invulnerability frames. Marisa is practically shitting counter cards.

>> No.3897671
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three people whose names begin with s have asked me to make you come back, also those with various other letters
do whatever, or don't

>> No.3897742

I think those startup invulnerability cards are reversals. I define true counters as triggered only on being hit, such as Sakuya's Perfect Maid, Reimu's Dimensional Rift and Youmu's Insightful Sword and Heaven Sword

>> No.3897811
US Midwest

>> No.3897861


God I suck, it's been forever. Sorry about this.

>> No.3897876
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3897876 WC/EC ONLY

Needless to say I'm good. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH Tier

>> No.3898007

Good games, and don't worry about it. I would have kept playing but I had to do something real quick. I'll likely rehost shortly.

>> No.3898072


>> No.3898093


I'd say level gap, Haruhi-kun. Pretty much you need to smash buttons more for patchy, and yeah, play against someone with a same level as you are.

Sorry 'bout that.

>> No.3898100

Well that was some lag, I think my connection is fine at least. Rehosting one more time.

>> No.3898245

Anyone left around?

>> No.3898262

I'm here.

As always.

>> No.3898267

Care for a few games then?

>> No.3898365

Not sure why the game decided to crash there, but I guess I could use a break anyway. Good games Duckator, it seems like you're better every time I play you while I've reached my peak.

>> No.3898378

Good games, those were really close.
>it seems like you're better every time I play you while I've reached my peak.
You haven't reached your peak yet, I'm sure you have plenty of potential left. It might help if you watch some replays or something.

>> No.3898705

Don't wanna. I'd rather hang around here and cry about how I can't play Guy anymore.

I mean, look at how minimal the tourneyfaggotry is, isn't it beautiful? We've finally succeeded in creating a world where casuals can have their lolis beat each other up in peace without gods like ZomB or Magister crushing them like small animals.


>> No.3898766

Wait what? Guy plays around here now and there are a lot of casuals around for you to play now that it's winter break. There is all the more reason for you to return to /jp/

>> No.3898778
File: 155 KB, 516x272, FIREPUNCHVSICEBOULDER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, till i started telling them that i saw you here, then >>3892788 happened

>> No.3898807

Not returning to /jp/, bro. I already DID that.
This is the tourneyfag den we're talking about.

Alright then, I'll fix that, give me a sec.

>> No.3898814

Well then, care for a game before I go to sleep? Noone else is around

>> No.3898818 [DELETED] 

yeah but the people asking for you weren't even around for that
i can copypaste i guess

>> No.3898835

I'd love to, but the reason why I hadn't been playing people here is because a while ago I was dicking around with my files and ended up moving SWR; that didn't seem like a big deal at the time because I could just change the path in my .ini file. Well, eventually I moved it back to where it was and put the th105 path back to what it was before, yet still only the soku toohoos show up for whatever reason.

I looked into the problem for a little while but couldn't figure out what was wrong so I eventually put it off with an "I'll do it later," "later" reaching to infinity.
I guess I could if you want but you'd half to deal with both a non-full roster and somebody who hasn't played in more than a month; it's kinda rude to just shove people into conditions so I've just kept to myself.

Oh, and this room I'm in is cold as balls.

>> No.3898852

I don't mind. I'd love to see how you've improved since going to the hyperbolic tourney chamber. In general to fix your .ini you need to set the path to where your 10.5 exe is (patched or not patched I'm not sure).

For example, my path is as follows
path=F:\XFER\Software\Scarlet Weather Rhapsody

>> No.3898869
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Anyone wanna play UNL 12.3 ver 1.03?

>> No.3898878 [DELETED] 
File: 639 KB, 709x1004, 1258352147665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-hosting on for 1.03 of unl...?

>> No.3898886


Well, fuck. There's my day.
Looks like I got it fixed then, but I dare say if you're expecting "improvement" you probably shouldn't even bother. The tourneyfags are a terrible environment to actually learn in, to be honest with you; I didn't get jack shit there besides a bunch of insults and a community that plays a bunch of other Touhou-related games that aren't soku.

But, if you still insist:
US Central, hurr durr, 100% muscle memories tier.
And I have no muscle memories.

>> No.3898900

Yeah, they're all faggots.

>> No.3898914

>a community that plays a bunch of other Touhou-related games that aren't soku.
you're making this difficult for me to chronicle for them, seeing as this part was like half your doing
regardless, my last post on this subject

>> No.3898917
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Well, it was a good run while it lasted at least. Goodbye.

>> No.3898958
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Was funs

>> No.3898959

ggs. Only had time for a couple because it was late.

Damn you. Been so long since I've had a Peaches win.

>> No.3899044

Holy shit, what an ending to that China/Cirno match you totally should have had it in that clash of spellcards. You beat me pretty good in the Tenshi Iku matchup, I definately wasn't watching my spirit and paid for it.

Good games Giant Tree! Your Cirno is really good, especially when the momentum is on your side. \ Spellcards everywhere and funny ice floor setups made me keep guessing what you were doing next. Glad to have you back. I tried to keep things interesting with the odd Suika/Reisen decks, what did you think of them? To me it looks like you have a similar Reisen Invisibility/split deck so I'm curious to know how yours is setup.

>> No.3899056
File: 2.11 MB, 220x176, 1256967924179.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fuck, I really do feel like I just came out of a cryogenic freezing tube. Only a month and my timings and movement are already down the drain, but what the hell ever, I still had a change to have fun. GGs Box.

If anything this was the first series of games I've had in a longass time that reminded me what it's like to play and actually have FUN, something that couldn't be done much in the tourneyfag zone until some newscrub showed up asking how to play, in which case everyone active would pounce on them like rabid dogs for a taste of their long-lost home. It's good to be back.

Oh, and I really wish you could've been there to hear me snickering at all those countless dumb mistakes I made and every time you slipped on an icepatch. Made my own day.

And here's Treeagraph time.
See, in every fancommunity - or every community in general, even - there's bound to be an individual or group that strays away from the original focus of that community and ends up building their own little clique with the sole purpose of nonconformity. Over time that clique grows to where in whatever the community is there's a corner full of elitists who are always the first to make fun of newcomers and act like they're better because they don't do what the rest of the community does; I had unwillingly ended up being the leader of that shitty clique in #hiso and I absolutely hated that, so I thought it'd be about time that I disappeared.

So I did.

I won't deny there are a few things I miss, like that Diablo clone with Godot & friends or that competition with bob to turn lolikuu.jpg into a screamer, but all good times must come to pass eventually.
Shy, though. Tell Shy he's a buffet of awesome and I'll never forget him. Pic related; long live his glory.

>> No.3899078 [DELETED] 

I'm up for half an hour before going, if someone hosts right now.

>> No.3899080

I'm up for half an hour before going out, if someone hosts right now.

>> No.3899089

>And here's Treeagraph time.
you forgot random spoilers

>> No.3899091


>> No.3899109

Well, I'll have to take that back then. Glad to see you know what you're doing.

>> No.3899115

Yeah, thanks again for the games bro.
I noticed the weird decks of yours and I don't blame you for using this as a test opportunity if that's what you were doing; I totally am Giant Free at this point. I try to run uncommon cards too (like Cirno alt 623 icespikes, everything on Badlice, etc) for the sake of originality but ultimately Magister still has the crown.

Chirno, though, my eternal partner, is still far from her destiny. I made a promise early in the dawn of soku that she'd become the greatest Chirno the world had ever seen and dominate tournaments, but it's still a fairly long road when she's over here getting eaten alive by crossup and dropping inputs left and right. But we're able to persevere like we do because we believe in each other; we just, uh, forget what we're doing in the middle of doing it a lot. Whoops.

Your Reisen is a lot cooler than last thread lead me to believe, and yeah, she really is set up a lot like mine; even the "wait when OPTIC BLAST shows up, use it as a reversal" tactic is nearly identical. Disregarding I lost the timing for mine that is, just the idea's the same. I really wanted the chance to play your Youmu again but I guess that'll have to wait until I further my grindan against that ridiculous Jap AI.

Until then, friend.

Oh, and just a reminder: When I hit B twice in the select screen, that means last. Just a new way I decided to do things so I don't feel bad at, you know, leaving with no warning.

>> No.3899123

My bad

>> No.3899316

Great games Duckator, I stayed for a bit longer in the end, I was having too much fun... Oh man, I wish I could play as many characters as you. Don't you have any main?

Also, the last mirror definitely convinced me that I have no idea how to play Suika.

>> No.3899324

Good games, your Suika is really tough.
Those games were so intense that the rubber on my controller wore out and I had to play with a plastic stub.
>Don't you have any main?
Sakuya I guess but I don't play her more than anyone else.

>> No.3899339

>> No.3899614

<3 Tree.

Play me sometime so we can write paragraphs about how much we suck and complain about how much better the other person is than us. That was probably the most amusing thing to happen after really good matches, "oh man I did horribly why are you so good, etc." with the other person saying, "man, I played like crap, you completely crushed me etc.".

You know, back when 12.3 threads were more active and we had lots of nice people around. ;_;

>> No.3899642

Shit, let's do it now.
Fuck the rest of the plans I had today.

>> No.3899918
File: 9 KB, 317x240, 1226934475569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, first off: my face when you survived loli-balling into my reversal card with an infinitesimal amount of health left.

Alright, now that that's out of the way, I've gotta ask: why is my Reisen so bad against Suika? It seems like whenever someone at least halfway decent plays as Suika, my Reisen's win ratio is like 30%, if even that. Well, it wasn't all bad, though; that come from behind win with Meiling vs your Cirno was really fun, ahahaha. I had no idea that you played as Tenshi, too, it really took me by surprise.

It was really fun actually being able to play you again, though, Tree. I missed you (and dat Cirno freeze)!

>> No.3899968
File: 19 KB, 583x439, 1253491056347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I love you so much. This game lost all its fun factor while you were gone; now I remember why. GGs, you wonderful person you.

Well, I definitely cackled like a fuck that entire time, 1% health comebacks, self-icepatches and all. That Meiling of yours, fuck shit christ, I missed that like the motherfucking fist of the north star; especially considering for the most part that's what she was.
With all the constant back-and-forth seemingly-one-sided lolismashes I can only imagine how balls fun it would be to watch. So cool.

>I've gotta ask: why is everyone so bad against Suika?
Fix'd for you, but unfortunately that's a question only tasofro could answer. With 1.10.
It'll never be answered. ;_;

>I had no idea that you played as Tenshi, too, it really took me by surprise.
During my travels to the territory of the tournament homosexuals I learned such things, though you've gotta admit she's nothing to Guyquita Moviequotenforce; I never even learned to time her basic bnb right.
That palette's hair color is pretty turquoise, though, so I use it. My #3 favorite behind orange and pink, respectively.

Well, I really missed playing you, bro. Let's do it again sometime. Hell, I nearly want to be selfish enough to say let's do it every day, but that's taking it a bit too far; I'LL be playing toohoos every day though from now on, this I promise you, so you'd better not fall behind~

>> No.3900610

Bump for hosts.

>> No.3900767

Hell with it, I'll jump on some one hosting and give this a little try again. Need I patch this?

>> No.3900788

The current version is 1.03.

>> No.3900820

Thanks, though I looked it up myself just now, kinda surprised there hasn't been a new patch in a while.

Ah well, now to just sit back and wait for someone to host...

>> No.3900838

C77 is near, Mokou and Wriggle as well.

>> No.3900841

You're a filthy liar

>> No.3900847

I could try hosting, but I'm currently hosting for another game, and it'd probably end up laggy. Still, if someone wants to give it a try:, Finland

>> No.3900848

Man, I can be wrong, be I hope from the bottom of my heart I'm right.

>> No.3900850

>C77 is near, Nitori and Wriggle as well.

There you go.

>> No.3900852


And next you'll be saying Yuka's going to be a playable character too.

>> No.3900854


>> No.3900862

Seriously, are the odds we get at least ONE new character with C77 that low?

>> No.3900871

Jesus Christ People.
The update for soku is in May. MAY. Not C77. May.

>> No.3900874

Why you do this? ):

>> No.3900880

says who

>> No.3900889
File: 153 KB, 640x800, Peaches &amp; cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seriously, are the odds we get at least ONE new patch with C77 that low?

Fixed. Anyways, hostan:
Well...you must be quite a fighter, to make it past my cow!

>> No.3900902
File: 12 KB, 425x256, 1253491120301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong pic brah.

>> No.3900916

Thanks bro. I only used the Tenshi one because I planned on playing her a bit.

Bumpan in case anyone wants to join my game.

>> No.3900940

You are now imagining what Betty's moveset would be like. Manually.

Also, I love how it's like a law of nature now that faggots will whine for hosts for hours then whenever an actual host shows up they'll wait forever.
Unless the host is me, for whatever reason. Still haven't figured that one out.
Sad fate.

>> No.3900971

Good games, Rabbit-Box. Would've been nice if you gave me another chance to beat your Suika, I was feeling a bit robbed there!


>> No.3900982

Good games Guy! I must be cutting it short as unfortunately I've some stuff to do. It takes all of my will power to not 3[A] 623C and eat a 3000 Tenshi combo. Also that Reisen of yours has a nice pressure in the corner as I always fell for that 236B 3A.

>> No.3900993

It's just about the only thing I can seem to do to Youmu; I'm not good enough to find any alternative with the way my Tenshi's set up. Maybe I'll investigate alt cards or something, because having only one option against a given character sucks. I can't even do jump-ins, because Youmu's air-to-air >>> Tenshi's.

Also, it takes all of my willpower to block your 6[A] or 3[A] on reaction, and not by guessing. I'm curious to see how your Reisen does against patient players, instead of people like me who just block bullets with their face and eat that split-Reisen skill all the time.

Bumpan for joiners.

>> No.3901006

I can't stay very long, and we had some bad connection yesterday, but I'll join for a little while.

>> No.3901129


Awfully sorry, was jumping back and forth between this and a few other threads. I'll hop on now.

>> No.3901141

>> No.3901213

US East

>> No.3901236

Good games, Akagi. Be a little bit more careful with your airtechs, and, well, keep using that loliball (ugh). I noticed your were starting to throw your fireball after you landed your j.6A more often; which is good, other than how painful it is for me. Other than the dropped inputs all over the place, it doesn't really seem quite as bad as yesterday, huh?

>> No.3901249

>Be a little bit more careful with your airtechs
Oh god, I try, but I just have to airtech, it's like something's mindcontrolling me into airteching.

Anyway, these games were fucking great. I wish we had a slightly better connection, even if it was definitely better than yesterday.

>> No.3901257

Are you gone now or free?

>> No.3901274


>> No.3901282 EU

Godly tier.

>> No.3901286

I'm gone for the damn studies, sadly... I'll be playing tomorrow, same time.

>> No.3901288

Treerno needs to improve more and soon.

Henceforth, rehostan:

>> No.3901297

Every thread, at least once, etc.

>> No.3901301

oh god I'm playing myself

>> No.3901309

I remember when it used to be funny.

Wait, no I don't

>> No.3901320

Who's winning?

>> No.3901321

Good games, that was some horrible lag.

>> No.3901325


Ah~ Some wonderful combos to watch there

Sorry for the slow speed, Ausfalian internet and all, average hosts tend to run at a crawl when I play sadly.

>> No.3901361

no one

>> No.3901371

Whoa, 10 minutes and no connections? Cool, that's a first.
Just goes to show that /jp/ is too lazy to scroll up more than a couple posts if you don't post your IP right away.

Here you kids go:
US Central, hurr, durr, etc

>> No.3901398

Dear GiantTree
come back to us we miss you
Love Streamline

>> No.3901407

( ;_; ) Tree come back

>> No.3901430


>> No.3901441

is it still possible to spectate matches?

>> No.3901455

Also Remi says : "that loli haet because giant trees aren't supposed to wander off from the Mansion's garden."

>> No.3901465

yep specing tree's atm

>> No.3901481

What happened?
Anyway, GGs, though I've been mucking about playing other games for too long.

>> No.3901484

I can host just fine but it seems like I can never spectate matches. Kinda sucks.

>> No.3901495

Sudden disconnect. I'd play again if you hosted.

Good you've changed your approach. I was practically down to 2 attacks (laser and j6A to beat you).

>> No.3901508

You and SDD are silly.

>> No.3901518

What the fuck am I spectating...?

>> No.3901566

i say at you gg
even though you saw it
even though it was short

either helicopter spam or BLINDFOLDED

>> No.3901574

Anyone up? just started xD

>> No.3901603

i gg you back
you have nice day
fuck how many syllables was that

Thanks, we try.


>> No.3901733

>> No.3901941

ggs endue, I suggest abusing that j2A with iku a bit more other than that, enjoyed the games

>> No.3902007

GGs, haven't had that much fun in a while.
Great Utsuho there. I learned many things from playing you.

>> No.3902028

GGs, those are some nice mind games you've got there.

>> No.3902223 [DELETED] 
File: 536 KB, 640x480, Untitled-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs, the way you got me into the sun's while I hit you were always rage inducing. It's also good to see how you adapted your play to fight me in the games. What I hated the most were those stomp guard breaks. Even if I saw them coming, I don't know anything that's faster enough to retaliate after block, just sometimes I got lucky and could 66C jump before the earth begins to shake.
Oh god, 2

Now two things:
1. This game is so obviously bugged. Example in screenshot, you flew into the middle of Disorder Eye and it whiffed, twice. Once in dust storm, once in river mist.
2. Why the fuck can everybody turn around to always face my character while mine attacks in the wrong direction even on the ground half of the time. Making ground attacks unblockable in air is a stupid game mechanic. The way this game is set up, when two people touch each other in air, the one who hits the ground faster gets a free combo.

>> No.3902240
File: 536 KB, 640x480, Untitled-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs, the way you got me into the suns while I hit you were always rage inducing. It's also good to see how you adapted your play to fight me in the games. What I hated the most were those stomp guard breaks. Even if I saw them coming, I don't know anything that's faster enough to retaliate after block, just sometimes I got lucky and could 66C jump before the earth begins to shake.
Oh god, 2

Now two things:
1. This game is so obviously bugged. Example in screenshot, you flew into the middle of Disorder Eye and it whiffed, twice. Once in dust storm, once in river mist.
2. Why the fuck can everybody turn around to always face my character while mine attacks in the wrong direction even on the ground half of the time. Making ground attacks unblockable in air is a stupid game mechanic. The way this game is set up, when two people touch each other in air, the one who hits the ground faster gets a free combo.

>> No.3902333

>Making ground attacks unblockable in air is a stupid game mechanic

Chickenblocking is effective enough in this game. Most of the cast can't do anything against it.

You can always attack from the air too, you know.

>> No.3902343
File: 183 KB, 960x720, 8-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tasofro just updated their blog.
Anyone able to translate?
Are we getting closer and closer to 1.10?

>> No.3902359

1. Reisen's Mirror Image is a projectile going out, physical coming in. You can graze it while it is outgoing. Utsuho is in her backdash frames in that image, also. All characters have invulnerability frames in backdashes. Utsuho's invuln frames are huge.
2. Fly, bullet, attack. If you used both air dashes/flights up and were chained into a grounded that is an example of higher level play, not exploiting a bug. All games with airblock have ways of breaking it to keep chickenblocking in check.

>> No.3902373

>Bottom left picture
What in the world? It's like alt.623 Wind Tunnel combined with alt. 623 log drop. Heck yeah! I hope Sanae is improved a bit.

Or not, since it's always fun to beat people using D-tier characters.

>> No.3902378

Imagine this situation. Two players jump at each other. Both expect the other to attack (faster than themselves), so both block. Their sprites touch in air for a short time, both continue to block. Lottery decided that A dives under B's sprite, suddenly combo.
They should at least implement a recovery period after landing on the ground in which one can't attack. It's ridiculous when a character can land in a few frames, turn around in a single frame and attack in ~5 frames. Turning around should have an animation, too and take more frames.

>> No.3902384

>2. Why the fuck can everybody turn around to always face my character while mine attacks in the wrong direction even on the ground half of the time.
You're telling me. At least you were playing a pretty quick Reisen (nowhere near Youmu though), I play "durr ah gon' taek 5 houerz beefur ah stoop chargeen forwad an' den 3 houerz to shoot mah lazor" Okuu. Attacking in the wrong direction at least once per match can be pretty much taken for granted.
If it weren't for those 3k combos...
Oh, and you don't counter guard breaks. You block them properly and THEN you counter. Believe me, they aren't nearly as frustrating as guard chains, where you can just wait for the opponent to bash your head in.

>> No.3902392
File: 39 KB, 720x480, kuro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just hope there won't be any new characters.

>> No.3902404

>1. Reisen's Mirror Image is a projectile going out, physical coming in. You can graze it while it is outgoing. Utsuho is in her backdash frames in that image, also. All characters have invulnerability frames in backdashes. Utsuho's invuln frames are huge.
It's going in in the picture (physical). I don't see any logical reason why tasofro put invulnerability frames in backdashes. If I understood that correctly, backdashes can be used to completely avoid any damage from huge single explosion or cards like Yuyuko's spirit thing that sticks on the enemy like C4.

>> No.3902416

I don't see any logical reason to put any invulnerability frames at all.

>> No.3902420 [SPOILER] 
File: 3 KB, 200x200, 6022504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3902428

>Oh, and you don't counter guard breaks. You block them properly and THEN you counter. Believe me, they aren't nearly as frustrating as guard chains, where you can just wait for the opponent to bash your head in.
That's exactly what I said. Even if I block it, I don't know an attack fast enough to hit Okuu before her next attack. (but attacking BEFORE the guardcrush worked sometimes). guard chains: I just hate how Okuu's 5frame A attack can get between every combo I know (especially j2As, but also other stuff).

>> No.3902433

Well that looks pretty awesome

>> No.3902439

That's correct. You can avoid Yuyuko's timebomb with it. You can backstep MPP punches. You can backstep car trains. Note that this is ground only.
But there is a big drawback. Following the very brief invulnerability you will be completely vulnerable, and even be put into a period of recovery in many cases. The period of vulnerability is significantly longer than the period of invulnerability in virtually all cases. Utsuho just happens to have many times some other characters backdash invulnerability to help make up for her mobility issues.
You will rarely see people use backdash for invulnerability frames, excluding no-hope situations like MPP or Yuyuko's timebomb, and even then we're talking just frame precision.

>> No.3902448
File: 25 KB, 290x290, Momiji2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Captain America confirmed for 1.10.

>> No.3902450
File: 20 KB, 683x133, ;_;.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tasofro needs to work faster.

>> No.3902451

I didn't either until I saw that one tourney replay in which a Marisa player completely backdashed every single attack of a MPP Suika.

>> No.3902452

Yeah, but you've got to be an idiot to try to hit someone while he is doing a combo.
Unfortunely for you, I'm an idiot. And a lucky one at that.

>> No.3902459
File: 229 KB, 640x480, Parsee + Yuugi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE confirmed for 1.10.

>> No.3902464

Why u do dis ;_;

>> No.3902471

Mashing A is common practice for Okuu players. I still have to see a good one though.

>> No.3902474
File: 460 KB, 640x479, Kaguya + Mokou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dream match. ;_;

>> No.3902478

I'd call that abuse, but since that's FEATURE, let's call it laming.

>> No.3902479
File: 92 KB, 642x482, Yuka Inu Sakuya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3902489
File: 264 KB, 712x712, Youki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manliness overwhelming.

>> No.3902494
File: 179 KB, 452x700, Namazu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catfish confirmed for 1.10.

>> No.3902501

I didn't know Touhou was in CvS2...

>> No.3902503
File: 533 KB, 850x773, Mima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dem bones.

>> No.3902508

I'd call it SKILL over anything else. I sure can't time my backdashes in the time of a few frames. Taking the risk of getting hit for 3000+ damage for failing too.

>> No.3902519

This thread is getting silly

>> No.3902524
File: 175 KB, 460x669, Shanghai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No strings attached EX-Shanghai confirmed for being exploded cruelly by Alice.

>> No.3902533
File: 208 KB, 712x712, Satori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shang Tsung confirmed for 1.10.

>> No.3902542

Reminded me of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89seZJnIP0k

>> No.3902558

Good games, 6A, valuable lessons were learned today as well.

I actually practised my corner pressuring for hours earlier, but still couldn't put it to good use during a real fight against you.
Oh well, in a few weeks(months), I'll hopefully be able to give you more of a fight. Until then, I'm off to camp the practice mode.

>> No.3902584

satori as a shang sung clone will be awesome

>> No.3902595

GGs. I noticed you actually did dash in 2a a few times. You still fly a bit too high, which allows me to escape by simply dashing forward. Instead of always jumping -> j2c, try to jump, immediately j66, ja. Or jump, immediately land, melee.

>> No.3902608

You actually played rather well, Mungay. I don't really know Komachi or Alice very well, so I can't give out any situational tips, but I'd still say that you made a decent showing of yourself. I definitely wouldn't mind playing either you or 6A sometime (especially since I rarely get to fight good Alices).

>> No.3902773

East Coast host

>> No.3902999

Good games, Saje; it's great seeing you again! What to say...well, you seem to be doing pretty good, actually; I'm not sure when the last time you played was, but you haven't seem to lost all that much! It felt like every time you forced my Reisen or Tenshi to drop their offense, the match became completely one-sided in your favor. Essentially, if I couldn't lock you down in a corner, you were out-playing me anywhere else, ahaha.

I hope to see you around more often!

>> No.3903010

GGs, Guy. Have anything to ease the burn? Don't think I'm going to be able to sit much longer after that one. Jesus Christ, Reisen lvl 4 236 hurts like a bitch. My Reisen deck uses cumulative Power Rods and Potions instead, but apparently skill card stacking works just as fine. Also, damn crouching hitboxes vs. Tenshi's 2B. There goes 3/4 of the blockstun, heh. Doesn't help than I kept screwing up the 2B HJC9 j.2B blockstring, but that's nothing new. That thing is a bitch to get right... Thanks for the games, hope the one-sidedness didn't bore you.

>> No.3903032

I didn't really find it one-sided at all! You're good enough that I feel pressured to keep up my offense, otherwise I'll likely lose the match. And yeah, Tenshi's 5AA 2B hjc j.2B [...] string is absurdly hard, and I can't pull it off to save my life either. That's why I just stick to 5AA 2B 5C 623C; it's much, much easier and still does in between 2.6 to 3k damage.

>> No.3903115 :3

>> No.3903237

Guy is like that. He'll kill you 8-2 in games played, then make it sound like the result was just the opposite from his post-match comments.
