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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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38868241 No.38868241 [Reply] [Original]

It's been 15 and less than a day since the oldest surviving video in NND, Let's Go! Onmyouji, was posted. What are your favorite Niconico memories? Where would your life be now if you hadn't stumbled across this shit back then?

助けて貰おう!陰陽師!LET'S GO

>> No.38872104

The video needs an update from この平成の時代 to この令和の時代.

It's really too bad what has become of nicovideo, though, and putting all the blame solemnly on Google seems wrong there.
They've made wrong decision after wrong decision in a market with strong players, that offer a better service than them literally FOR FREE.
That does unfortunately get you killed in the end.

Also, have a link: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm9

>> No.38873459

Some people are celebrating misheard prince of tennis's 15th anniversary here because the original was deleted.

>> No.38879436



>> No.38879459

>put on auto-sage

What would have been the right board for this?
It doesn't get much more "Otaku Culture" than the nicovideo of old. RIP

>> No.38879666

wait did someone really sage this thread

>> No.38879800

This is the right board. No idea why it's on autosage

>> No.38879889

it's not, i just think you can't bump your own thread

more on-topic, nicovideo is probably my last remaining connection to japanese net culture writ large since
i told myself i would contribute to the MMD community one day and then ten years later i never did

>> No.38880284

I'm not OP, though.
Oh, just remembered, that my IP-block probably has autosage on a few boards.
I hadn't frequented /jp/ lately, so I had forgotten about that one.

>> No.38880571


>> No.38880733


>> No.38886912 [DELETED] 


>> No.38888291

Doesn't get much better than this:

>> No.38894530

Does Miku/Vocaloid have an official channel over at nicovideo?

>> No.38894718

pretty good

>> No.38901163

Yeah, I would never have a reason to recommend a Western use NND ever during its history except to consume otaku content in Japanese, and after 2015 even that was increasingly replaced by other services.

It's funny to think that plenty of streaming content popular today, including vtuber seiyuu, had a cultural start on Niconico that eventually moved off due to the limitations of Niconico Live.

>> No.38902098

Same could be said about 4chan and [insert any other internet BBS]. People aren't going to stop posting on 4chan because it's made in a proprietary fork of a Japanese PHP abandonware.
It's not about the codebase or services, it's about the community.

>> No.38902623

I get what you're saying, but it's a wee bit different between BBS/imageboards and NND. While 4chan does have some (now) rudimentary image/video sharing through direct files, it's actual appeal that separates from other sites is the same as 2ch/5ch : account-free, linear, anonymous posting in a more laissez-faire, lower standard, and more equally-represented community than any comparable discussion space. If world2ch had somehow caught on before 4chan, imageposting could have very well taken up life elsewhere and we'd be posting on a BBS.

With Niconico, the site was founded as a community around media sharing and content creation. So their draw and continued appeal is at least partly from not being a preferred service for that at the technical level. Originally they did a good job of adding innovative and well-loved features around 2007-2012, with stuff like their custom 100MB premium no-reencode uploads, the Community Commons, Niconico Seiga, Nicopedia, and especially Niconico Live. But from 2012 to the present day, most services have either remained mostly static save a theming update, or have transitioned once to HTML5 and new encoding processes with varying success. Especially in 2014-late 2016 the 100MB limit was becoming a pain for long-form content freely uploadable on youtube, and Niconico Live was painfully clunky and low-quality by that time even for paying members compared to Twitch or even Youtube. Also even their streaming service started to lose out to competitors who could finally get the rights to certain shows.
People still haven't stopped using Niconico entirely, but the community is a shell of its former self less due to any specific blunder on Niconico's part, but a failure to keep it's flock from moving to greener pastures over time.

I think a more apt comparison for Niconico would be Newgrounds, which while still around, largely lived and died on Flash games, animation, and video as a service.

>> No.38911521

Nico has a bunch of anime for streaming, and I know they've had radio shows and such as well. Anyone know how well that's going for them?

>> No.38916037
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Their anime service is essentially the niconico video player with the danmaku and some other expected features, along with a few niceties (that I've seen) like the the polls. Before 2016, it appeared to use a custom system that allowed for arbitrarily large filesizes (above the user limit of 100MB), and the video quality for the time was pretty good unless you were a stickler about resolution over bitrate. These days it seems to use roughly the same encoding used on other videos, and is still decent for 720p/1080p if not exceptional.

Up until the mid to late 2010s it was the most popular streaming service for its library, and their main competitor for simulcast were the TV networks proper, so it was naturally the most popular service. Someone else will have to comment on their overall selection these days, since I don't know if they've lost licenses over the years to other services or similar, but unless they still have significant niconico-only titles for streaming I imagine other services have been starting to eat their lunch.

Also keep in mind that it is region blocked, and only Japanese IPs can watch streams AFAIK. It's not hard to get around, any Japanese VPN should work, but I wouldn't get premium for that in particular. I've used it for like three shows in the past, and personally I'd just stick to torrenting or other piracy unless you really want simulcast.

>> No.38916188
File: 1.04 MB, 1556x943, 東方 Nsen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depending on how you define it, I would count three things I know on Niconico as being "radio-like:"

A. Free niconico user live streams that are audio-only.
Self-explanatory, not that different from what you see with "Just Chatting" streams on other sites apart from it catching on a bit earlier, 2008 onwards. While regular streamers can receive "Niconico points" as an in-house pseudo-currency similar to Twitch Prime, they cannot be converted directly into currency and can only officially be used for purchases within Niconico's services and a few partnerships. So outside of using those select services, somehow converting them illicitly, or e-peen, I'm pretty sure they aren't of much value.

B. Niconico Channel
Niconico Channel is basically Niconico's answer for bringing streaming monetization to Niconico Live. Now streaming channels could charge subscriptions for access and get direct payment from them. Initially Niconico Channel was made to pander to official businesses and professional streamers independent of the user system, but around 2013 they started allowing users to apply for it. At this point it basically functions like being a Youtube Partner or Twitch Affiliate, and includes professional radio streams, podcasts, etc.
My guess is Youtube pulls in more independent monetized livestreaming content in Japan these days by a factor, not sure how Twitch measures up.

C. NECOSen and Niconico Cruise
https://ch.nicovideo.jp/neco-sen (defunct)
https://ch.nicovideo.jp/necosen-vocaloid (defunct)
NECOSen was the closest thing I know to being an online radio run by Niconico and is probably what you were thinking of. NECOSen was created in 2017, and stands for "Niconico Earthquake Commenter Sound Entertaiment Network." Apparently the main shtick was that it was a live Earthquake broadcast system run by Niconico. But since there always isn't notable earthquake info to broadcast, that was really just a backdrop to two 24/7 music and MV streams, one for Vocaloid and one for Touhou. Viewers could request tracks, and until earthquake info came up it would be played indefinitely. Essentially like if you combined online request radio with National Weather Service warnings or something.
NECOSen's page is still around but is no longer running, my guess being low popularity. There are successor 24/7 streams as part of Niconico's "Cruise" service, which looks to be some ongoing low-level effort by Niconico for online radio streaming. These streams require a Japanese IP to access, possibly premium as well. I just tested them out with a VPN and they work as expected, albeit with very low views (pic related).
I'd rec non-Japanese online streams like https://r-a-d.io/ or https://gensokyoradio.net/playing/ over these any day.

>> No.38926380 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.38927863

