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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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38867065 No.38867065 [Reply] [Original]

When you stop and think about it, all the Touhou girls are dangerous yet people portray them as docile. Why is that? Even in the games made by ZUN, there’s dark undertones with them, yet some fans ignore it.

>> No.38867075

They are cute girls.
That's it.

>> No.38867088


>> No.38867173

because its hot and theyre cute

>> No.38867190

Even in the official stuff they're pretty much always chill. Just because some of them are powerful doesn't mean you have to be edgy.

>> No.38867358

Imagine getting kicked in the balls by Iku, oof that would hurt a lot hahaha

>> No.38867382
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You underestimate how far a male human would go to get a similarly accurate concept of a cute girl.

>> No.38867493

People don't play the games or read the print works.

>> No.38868008

Do you redditor memesters actually enjoy ballbusting or is it all a joke? It isn't funny.

>> No.38868503

because they're massive secondaries, that's about it

>> No.38868951
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>they're pretty much always chill
In the games they pretty much attack each other on sight.

>> No.38870412

Because they're cute girls, if they were all men people would fucking hate them for being childish psychopaths and the franchise would've never taken off the way it did, it would've been just another niche fujoshit franchise.

>> No.38873053

Because they always just imply having done bad stuff and make chuuni faces without ever being shown doing anything.
Which goes with manga saying that they just need to be feared by the villagers to exist, not to actually harm or eat anyone.

>> No.38878723

Most 2hu fans are secondaries and tertiaries , and most peoples interpretations of Gensokyo and its inhabitants are primarily based in fanon

>> No.38878920

Because it is easy to be deceived by appearances, and so people just run with the cute girl aspect and ignore the rest. Not that this is surprising, the Japanese love their aesthetics. Of course, it is just as easy to look at the more implicit or less cute elements, champion them as the truth and ignore everything else. This is inevitable, because people believe what they want to believe, and I doubt any of us are fully exempt from that. Whole characters can end up being buried under a pile of crazy presuppositions and age-old joke interpretations that get dangerously close to removing what makes a given character themselves to begin with. How much this bothers you depends on the character, how much you like them, and your level of autism.
They seem to have good fun doing it most of the time.
>childish psychopaths
Just look at this clown. That being said, he is not wrong either, them being cute girls, at least as far as their appearance goes, is integral to the overall picture.

>> No.38878944

Kasen literally showed the thousands of skeletons of people she'd eaten what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.38879019

>all the Touhou girls are dangerous
Especially Cirno. She's the strongest.

>> No.38882328

She wasn't shown doing it, they were probably killed by some war or famine from the time she was born.

>> No.38882853

are you fucking stupid senpai?

>> No.38882962

or maybe she just ate people like she said, retard. secondaries will make up the most crazy conspiracy bullshit to avoid accepting that their favorite touhou would probably rip them in half

>> No.38883226
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I want Nemuno to butcher me and make into her next stew.

>> No.38883573

Hurr durr go watch dbz or baki if you want to powerwank your favorite character

>> No.38883689
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>> No.38886937 [DELETED] 


>> No.38888448

Just because you're retarded and got proven wrong doesn't allow you to change topic and doesn't mean you're any less retarded
