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File: 34 KB, 292x453, 2009-03-12-dr_manhattan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3883238 No.3883238 [Reply] [Original]

What Touhou character can defeat Dr Manhattan?

>> No.3883245

None of them.

>> No.3883249

Yukari, Suika, Shiki, and Superman.

>> No.3883256

They'll need to manipulate time and matter on the subatomic level

Come to think of it, if Hei and Amber from DtB fucked their kid could defeat Dr. Manhattan. Is this shipping?

>> No.3883254


>> No.3883252

Sakuya can manipulate time, therefore she can kill Dr. Manhattan.

>> No.3883250

Yuyuko. She inflicts "death" on him by terminating the electric field that represents his consciousness.

>> No.3883259


The only way that would work is if she could go back in time and kill Osterman before he was trapped in the field whatmachayacallit

>> No.3883272

What eroge is Dr. Manhattan from?

>> No.3883278

Watch My Dick or Die

>> No.3883280

Yukari (All things that exist in our world are defined by borders, it can be argued that Yukari has limitless god-power.)

Sakuya, Suika, (Kaguya, Mokou): Out-waited.

>> No.3883281

Flyable Heart. He is Suzuno's oniichan.

>> No.3883283


>> No.3883284


The Watchers

>> No.3883289

Flandre can destroy anything. Suika would just beat the shit out of him. Yukari would erase him in some weird way. Remilia would fuck up his fate.

>> No.3883295

The dude exists out of both time and space, touhous can't do shit to him.

>> No.3883298
File: 218 KB, 894x946, bluegang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greatest ero-comic

>> No.3883303

pretty much every EX-tier High Tier and some mid tier touhous

>> No.3883312
File: 101 KB, 900x480, veidt-san yatta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best manga ever

>> No.3883319
File: 544 KB, 1500x1350, Alanmadias.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And best movie adaptation.

>> No.3883354

All of them, including luna child and akyu.

>> No.3883361
File: 143 KB, 600x445, 1254869439781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3883390

Yorihime, Yukari, Reisen and Suika can manipulate matter on an atomic level. Sakuya and Kaguya can manipulate time.

Out of that only four of them are faster than light which is the needed speed to catch the Doc. That would be Kaguya, Suika, Yorihime and Yukari. Kaguya is stated to be able to manipulate instants (femto seconds), yorihime blocked Marisa' double spark by cutting the beam in half and Yukari as well a suika should be fast since their both god level.

Other touhou's have close to the same speed are Marisa, Sakuya, Remilia, Flandre and Aya. In that case only Marisa and Flandre have the fire power to take him out (Marisa's spell card says she can pull away planets) and flandre should be self explanatory.Sakuya could attempt with her deflation world and attacking both past, present and future at the same time but I doubt knives would hurt the Doc.

Reimu would definitely win.

>> No.3883397

Dr Manhattan is TYPE JUPITER

>> No.3883402
File: 1.22 MB, 1280x1024, 7478329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3883407

>Kaguya can manipulate time.
>Kaguya is stated to be able to manipulate instants (femto seconds)

>> No.3883409


Reimu is too hax for any powerlevel thread. She can stay above reality, what the fuck?

>> No.3883411

cirno can literally use crystal valley

>> No.3883471

What you don't believe me? Hold on let me pull my sources.

>> No.3883481
File: 338 KB, 853x1200, 03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you don't believe me?

>The power to manipulate the instant (or rather, extremely short time durations) allows Kaguya to do things almost instantaneously.

>Instantaneous = femto seconds.
>Pic related

>> No.3883487


>> No.3883498

Doc can see every moment of his lifetime with perfect clarity. If he is going to die, he knows it. He would only not know if he ventured into a bit of time and space subjected to tachyon distortion, like Bruce Luthor does to him in the movie.

>> No.3883501

she can only manipulate eternity (that means she can make things last forever) PMiSS is canonically shit pulled out of Akyu's ass

>> No.3883678

