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3878208 No.3878208 [Reply] [Original]

So /jp/, what would you consider to be the top 3 strongest families/groups in Touhou, and what would happen if they fought each other?

I'm curious to know what the most balanced high-level fight would be.

>> No.3878210

Team Moon
Team Hakurei
Team Scarlet

>> No.3878214
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Team Yuka
Everyone else dies.

>> No.3878227

#1 Yakumo Border Company

#2 Everyone Else

>> No.3878235

LLS Crew
Makai Crew
SA Crew

>> No.3878237

#1 The entire tengu society

>> No.3878239

Team Eientei (defeated the moonbitches)
Team Moonbitch (defeated everyone else)

>> No.3878240

1. Team Moriya Shrine
They have actual fucking gods after all.

2. Komachi & Shikiekiaisjhskjakfkk
The fucking grim reaper and the judge of the after life? Yeah, can't really be called a group since it's not at least 3 people, but still.

-Team Komeiji
Come on, they practically rule hell.

>> No.3878251

#2 have little power over the living.

#3 aside from Okuu who's not very sharp, are a weak shut-in, autism emotions girl, and a cat.

>> No.3878252

I'm surprised /jp/ can't seem to agree on a top 3 here. Surely there must be a clear line between the 3 strongest groups and the rest.

>> No.3878255

>weak shut-in
who can copy any spellcard
>autism emotion girl
manipulation of the subconscious: she can beat you up and you won't know she is there and she can even haunt you in your dreams

>> No.3878259

Top three strongest?
Team Yakumo : border power.
Team Malice : plot armour.
Team Shrine : plot armour.

>> No.3878262

I assumed the OP meant some kind of dumb powerlevels fight without spellcards.

>> No.3878266

Oh if its spell cards?


due to plot armour and insert coin to try again.

>> No.3878270

any power, whatever

>> No.3878274

>manipulation of the subconscious: she can beat you up and you won't know she is there and she can even haunt you in your dreams

I wonder if that would work on someone highy psychically unstable like flandre, whose will is chaotic and should be hard to manipulate by anyone including herself.
Which of the imoutohous is stronger? (Minoriko goes there too).

>> No.3878291

Her power is just reading minds. I think turning into mist like Suika, manipulating water like Nitori, etc is just a spot where gameplay is more important than consistency.

>> No.3878294

Team Yakumo
Team Shiki
Team Scarlet

>> No.3878297
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>> No.3878313


Probably the top 3 teams.

Other groups such as SDM, Shikieiki and Hakugyokurou are reasonably powerful too, but lack any characters strong enough to compete with the top tiers.

>> No.3878317

i've always wondered why nobody has ever thought to compile a group tier chart, seeing as there are plenty of character powerlevel sheets already.

>> No.3878347

Team Hakurei has only one member. It's by no means a team.

Rock, Paper, Scissors chart. A trolls B trolls C trolls A

>> No.3878388

Yakumos vs Eientei

Who wins? Or would that be a fairly balanced fight?

>> No.3878408

Genji and Youki Team
Unzan and Tenma Team
Kourindou Team

>> No.3878409

She just makes you experience the spellcards again by pulling up your memories of them.

>> No.3878428

Nobody knows the actual extent or speed of anyone's powers. There are approximately 0 examples of most people's true abilities being used. Most are poorly described or make no sense or lead to obvious instant death scenarios against practically anyone else.

>> No.3878434 [DELETED] 

Team Heroine: Reimu/Mima/Marisa

Scarlet Mansion: Really, with Flandre, Patchy, and Sakuya, that's plenty of power and hax. Then they have the most numbers of any group.

The Mooninites: Immortality, psycho waves, luck manipulation, alien technology, army of slutty rabbits, and all kinds of crazy drugs.

>> No.3878438
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The strongest team.

>> No.3878443

Team Heroine: Reimu/Mima/Marisa. They have the most raw power and plot armor. Yukari might count if she's not too lazy to hep.

Scarlet Mansion: Really, with Flandre, Patchy, and Sakuya, that's plenty of power and hax. Then they have the most numbers of any group.

The Mooninites: Immortality, psycho waves, luck manipulation, alien technology, army of slutty rabbits, and all kinds of crazy drugs. They're also the only group that can go "fuck it" and lead the moon armies to nuke Gensyoko.

>> No.3878446

>Scarlet Mansion: Really, with Flandre, Patchy, and Sakuya, that's plenty of power and hax. Then they have the most numbers of any group.

You're kidding, right? SDM is powerful, but not nearly powerful enough to compete with any of the top tier groups.

>> No.3878449

Patchouli beats oni single-handed.

>> No.3878452

Makes people blind except close to themselves
Makes the already blind people blind when close to her
Covers everyone in plague fleas or at least suck their blood and makes them itchy, or covers them in ants that eat them apart.
Freezes whatever is left.

>> No.3878456

Sakuya can fucking stop time and Flandre can destroy anything or anyone instantly. Flandre alone makes them powerful enough. Everyone else is just fodder until she destroys the opponent.

>> No.3878461

Yakumo Border Company would include Reimu, I'd assume, since Yukari pretty much considers Reimu to be another shikigami. You can also add the Netherworlders and Suika since they're friends and neither is really enough for a "group" by themselves.

Likewise, Combine the MoF and SA groups together, since they've gotten fairly close ties. It seems like Suwako has been building a Moriya Shrine Group.

Scarlet Mansion would get Marisa and Alice, since both have strong ties with Patchy. I'm not sure of Eientei, but if they combined with Scarlet Mansion they'd probably be unbeatable (So yeah, we control the past AND the future. What now?). Without them, the Scarlet Mansion team is notably weaker.

Byakuren mediates. Siki Eiki referees.

>> No.3878462


>> No.3878464

>since both have strong ties with Patchy.

>> No.3878466

Akyu lists Mokou as a heroine.

>> No.3878470


>> No.3878471

When I say heroine, I mean player characters that typically go out to solve the game's problem. I would have included Yuka but she doesn't seem to have any direct ties to anyone.

>> No.3878473

>Flandre can destroy anything or anyone instantly

Hahah okay buddy. I'd be interested to see how badly she'd be destroyed by the likes of Yukari, Yuka, Suika or even Shikieiki. Flandre may be powerful, but even she can't make up for how much power SDM would be lacking to beat other groups.

>> No.3878477

"Hero" is the term Akyu uses to describe all of her accounts of important humans/part-humans. You see she also lists Rinnosuke and Kaguya in that section as well.

>> No.3878479

>Scarlet Mansion: Really, with Flandre, Patchy, and Sakuya, that's plenty of power and hax. Then they have the most numbers of any group.
Assuming the reason Sakuya doesn't just stab people when time is stopped is because of the danmaku rules, sure. And assuming Patchy is having a good day and preferrably have had time to study and prepare spells for the specific enemy they're facing she might be more powerful than Remilia but the mistress should probably be more worthy of mention than the maid seeing as Sakuya lacks power even if you remove the limitations on her time hax.

>> No.3878481

no love for Yuyuko?

>> No.3878483

The hell can Shikieiki do to anyone?

>> No.3878484

Well, and Marisa had the thing with Flandre too, although I'm not sure that's canon.

>> No.3878486

None of them are immortal. Only Yukari could probably manipulate the boundary of her own existence and survive. It's not a matter of danmaku or magic. Flandre's power is to make things not exist anymore.

> Flandre can destroy anything she wants by moving the "eye" of the object, where the tension is highest, into her hand and pouring her power into it.
>When she clenches her fist whatever she has moved the "eye" of into her hand will be destroyed.

Any one not immortal or with border hax will be destroyed without question.

>> No.3878491

Like Yuyuko if she was to use her innate power freely. Even youkai are not immortal.

>> No.3878492

>overestimates border hax

>> No.3878493

it was a fan pairing because Marisa proposed her to get married as a joke in EoSD extra

>> No.3878499

>The hell can Shikieiki do to anyone?
>The hell

You pretty much answered yourself. Or was that supposed to be a pun?

>> No.3878503

Yeah, when Yukari did her border of death trick in PCB she had actually GO there and spend a while doing shit to change it.

>> No.3878506

Yeah, and I remember her suggesting Reimu as the bride. Groom? Still, she does spend a good amount of time around Scarlet Mansion.

>> No.3878510

You do realize all of the stage 5 bosses and higher have insanely stupid abilities that would cancel each other out if they actually used them, right?

>time manipulation
I manipulate time, I win.
>fate manipulation
I manipulate fate, I win.
>border manipulation
I manipulate the border between atoms, I win.

In before some retard suggests "You're misinterpreting the powers". You're arguing power levels from a single phrase left inside the introductory readme file for a doujin shooter. It's not meant to be interpreted, or even really considered.

>> No.3878511

I don't see how SDM can even compete. Compared to groups like Eientei and the Yakumos, SDM would be destroyed. It's not so much that SDM is weak, but rather other groups are fucked up crazy powerful.

>> No.3878513

Ha, not intentionally. But I assume she can only judge people who are dead and up for judgement. Even if it were possible, she lives entirely by rigid rules, and the boss (whoever that is) probably wouldn't like her just damning living people left and right.

>> No.3878517

You speak like it can't be dodged. *cough canon Reimu & Marisa*

>> No.3878520

Yuyuko's group can't do anything to anyone.

>Yuyuko can invoke death in mortals
Assuming youkai are included in mortals

Reimu is a shrine maiden so she is exempt from evil powers.
Mima is a ghost.

Murasa is a ghost.

Sanae is a shrine maiden.
Kanako and Suwako are goddeses.

Remilia and Flandre are undead vampires.

Mokou and Kaguya are immortal.

Shikieiki and Komachi are probably immortal.

>Youmu can move fast
That's it. She could maybe kill the other ghosts with her ghost killing sword, but that's it.

>> No.3878532

Kaguya and Mokou are canon strongest Touhous.
Zun said so, so it must be true.

That said, Eientei is #1
Argue about #2 and #3 at your leisure.

>> No.3878537

What's silly about ability discussion is that everyone always assumes the characters have perfected them all the way up to the most far-fetched interpretation of their semantics.

In reality, say, Yukari can't even make a gap to the moon capital. And this is most probably the strongest individual in Gensokyo we're talking about. You can infer from that how well the others are versed in their respective abilities.

>> No.3878538

Where did you get the mikos-exempt-from-evil-powers bit from? In any case, yeah, Yuyuko's power would affect like 5 people tops. Still, 1 of them is Sakuya. Getting rid of her would make things easier.

>> No.3878539

only to steal books
ZUN mentioned like six different strongest touhous already

>> No.3878540

Eirin > Kaguya.
Zun said so, so it must be true.
That said, Eientei is #1

>> No.3878541

Didn't she make a gap to the moon capital? What did Yuyuko and Youmu go through to steal the moon booze?

>> No.3878542

>That said, Eientei is #1

I don't really believe there is any one "most powerful" group, but of course, multiple groups that could contest the title. Of course, Eientei would be one of them.

One thing I should probably point out, but just because a character is immortal, it doesn't mean they're inherently powerful. You could always just kill them repeatedly, if you were stronger.

>> No.3878545

Manipulating fate, manipulating time and space, causing non existence, and having all the magic books in the world aren't good enough?

Each other group only has like 1 or two players with stupid crazy abilities.

Chen is not strong. Ran does not even have crazy tricks, she is just abnormally powerful. It's all Yukari, albeit Yukari has some boss hax.

Eientei would ultimately beat anyone by virtue of being able to fight until the opponent dropped dead of old age though.

I don't know exactly why anyone would think Yukari could take 4 on 1 and win. (Chen isn't getting past China, Ran will probably be used as Yukari's attacks.)

>> No.3878551

She made a gap to some place over the moon sea. Yuyuko and Youmu had to fly all the remaining way and then play MGS inside the capital. FOR A MONTH.

>> No.3878555

>having all the magic books in the world
Grimoire of Alice
and don't come up with "patchy can ask alice to lend it because their lovers :3"

Eientei lacks offensive and useful skills against the SDM anyways

>> No.3878556

Ran potentially has Yukari's level of power if she's shikigami-synching well. If shit got real I think they could focus enough to have Yukari and Mini-Yukari in action.

>> No.3878557

It's a miko's job to purify evil spirits. The shrine maidens should be able to exterminate any youkai or exorcise any ghost. Reimu never does it to anyone in game, but she could just eradicate them with holy miko powers instead of playing silly tea time games.

>> No.3878559

Grimoire of Alice is a non player because Alice wouldn't use it anyway.

>> No.3878564

but patchy doesn't have it, that's my point

>> No.3878567

I don't think that makes them immune though. HOWEVER yes, youkai are weak to spiritual attacks, and mikos are all about those. Reimu could eliminate any youkai so long as she didn't get set on fire first.

>> No.3878568

Ran is harder to beat than Yukari, anyway.

>> No.3878570

I think some people are taking the abilities argument too far. Sure, every touhou character (well, most) has some kind of insanely ridiculous power associated with them, but like another anon mentioned, it doesn't mean they have it all down pat. There are obviously some weaknesses, otherwise half those abilities are practically unbeatable, but the characters possessing them still lose fights. That alone is enough of a reason to believe that their abilities aren't everything in a fight.

>> No.3878581

Sorry to break it to you, but... They were only removed from SWR because their moveset was too overpowering for the game, not because they were "the most powerful characters in touhou".

Alice would likely be affiliated with Scarlet Mansion anyway if it came down to all-out battle between touhou groups. Besides, where do you think Alice got the grimoire?

>> No.3878582

>but the characters possessing them still lose fights
This is because in game they are playing a game. Anyone can win a danmaku fight, even that bucket girl.

>> No.3878583

Spoiler: ZUN never really put much thought into these abilities. He just picked what sounded cool.

Ever see that SNL skit with William Shatner at the Star Trek convention?

>> No.3878585

>Alice would likely be affiliated with Scarlet Mansion anyway if it came down to all-out battle between touhou groups.
she would give no fuck
>Besides, where do you think Alice got the grimoire?

>> No.3878594

Shinki and Alice confirmed for Byakuren's group.

>> No.3878602

after being sealed there for 1000 years I doubt Byakuren wants to go back to the Makai

>> No.3878605

>This is because in game they are playing a game. Anyone can win a danmaku fight, even that bucket girl.

While you have a point, the games are supposed to be a representation of the strengths of said characters. Earlier stage bosses would be lower tier. While exactle powerlevel discussions often dissolve into drawing from fan-made sources, the point still stands that there are different tiers, and some characters are clearly more powerful than others. It's just a matter of which groups have enough of those god-tier characters to win a fight against the other groups.

>> No.3878617

She is shown to care about great disasters in her SWR storyline. And when she decides she has to do something, who does she ask? Patchy. Patchy would have even answered her if Alice weren't so single-minded about the problem.

Also, I thought Alice had to go find Reimu in order to attack her, and by then there's no reason to assume that the book was from Makai. But since I don't read moonrunes, I'm not 100% sure, so feel free to correct me if you have facts.

>> No.3878622

>While you have a point, the games are supposed to be a representation of the strengths of said characters. Earlier stage bosses would be lower tier.

No they aren't and earlier bosses usually end up as extra stage mid bosses. Only stage 1 and 2 bosses are usually truly weak.

Hell, Marisa and Reimu have been stage 4 bosses a couple of times each. Is that an indication of their power?

>> No.3878627

>She is shown to care about great disasters in her SWR storyline.
i mean she would give no fuck if the SDM and Eientei wanted to fight for whatever reason
>Also, I thought Alice had to go find Reimu in order to attack her, and by then there's no reason to assume that the book was from Makai. But since I don't read moonrunes, I'm not 100% sure, so feel free to correct me if you have facts.
Yuka Extra is MS canon extra
she didn't know Patchy back in MS and the only place she knew was Makai
The Grimoire of Alice is a reference to the Grand Grimoire, a magic book that grants you Satan's power (Shinki being Satan)

>> No.3878630

And some stage two bosses end up as EX bosses. And some stage 1 bosses even come around again later.

>> No.3878654

The assumption is that if two of the great houses went to actual war, instead of having an afternoon danmaku fight before tea, it would be a great disaster. That said, I doubt SDM or eientei would bother going to war, so the culprits would be Yukari or Suwako.

>> No.3878658
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Everyone is an EX-boss when they control a robot/tank.

>> No.3878662

Gameplay obviously comes first so it's never going to make complete sense, but characters' power DO inform their danmaku skills, and intelligence seems to have a correlation, as does how much a person cares about what's happening (getting hit hurts, so someone won't keep coming back unless they really want to win).

So that's why Generic Stage 1 Animal Youkai throws some cruddy patterns at you and then fucks off, while stage 5-6 bosses bring their A game and seem to know what they're doing.

Don't try to make sense of Extra bosses

>> No.3878664

>That said, I doubt SDM or eientei would bother going to war, so the culprits would be Yukari or Suwako.

It's not so much a question of "why" but rather, "what if". It's a purely hypothetical discussion based around the idea that for some inexplicable reason the 3 most powerful groups end up fighting, and what the result of that would be.

But it seems /jp/ cannot even agree on a top 3, so the latter part of the discussion is practically void.

>> No.3878682

That's because powers are too vague to come up with a realistic power level on even an individual basis. When you have a group of even two or three people, how do their powers work together? More importantly, imagine this:

You are fighting a danmaku battle against one enemy.
Suddenly someone else shows up on the field, throwing danmaku around. Suddenly two more people show up on the field. Now you have 5 people tossing bullets around, and even if half of the other people are friendly that doesn't necessarily mean their bullets will automatically avoid you.

I think the instant you have more than two major players on the field, the field itself ends up being destroyed. There can be no winner.

>> No.3878697

Unbreakable Touhou (Kaguya) VS Touhou capable of breaking anything (Flandre)

>> No.3878698

Team Playable characters
Team Oni
Team Hag

>> No.3878700


>> No.3878718

>>Kaguya and Mokou are canon strongest Touhous.
>>Zun said so, so it must be true.
You know what I hate? I hate when people say "ZUN said so" and don't cite where. It's especially important with all the fanon in touhou to koow where and when these statements were made.

>> No.3878726

ZUN said shut up

>> No.3878727

Kaguya isn't unbreakable. She still gets hurt. Flandre makes her explode but the immrotality nonsense brings her back.

>> No.3878728


Utsuho was probably low-level before getting the NUCULAR POWA, so she might be a rookie on Danmaku when you fight her, i mean, if there wasn't for the ginormous size, her pattern is really easy.

>> No.3878741


>> No.3878749

What happens if Sakuya and Suika manipulate density and space to turn Kaguya or Mokou into a singularity?

>> No.3878753

It doesn't when known canon conflicts with other known canon, I'm looking at you Akyu.

>> No.3878755

Yeah, her attacks are all simple in construction, they almost seem like she's not making up spellcards at all and that the patterns just arise from the physics of her nuke blasting (like the middle noncard that looks like particles in magnetic field or something).

>> No.3878760

ZUN said in an interview that they were being considered for SWR or hisoutensoku but were cut because there wasn't enough time to adjust their movesets, which were too powerful. I personally wish they hadn't, because it's hard to imagine a character being stronger than Suika, Yukari, or Yuyuko...

>> No.3878786

Nobody said that. I don't know why you think they did.

>> No.3878793

ZUN did
he was going to add mokou, kaguya and wriggle

>> No.3878811

that drunkard sure likes to say a lot doesn't he

>> No.3878815

Yeah but what's this about adjusting movesets that were too powerful. They were considered and dropped in favor of adding the weaker characters.

>> No.3878817

And Nitori

IIRC Nitori and Wriggle were cut because they ran out of time while Mokou and Kaguya were cut because ZUN thought they were too powerful.

>> No.3878833

Powerful movesets just mean that the character didn't have balanced gameplay within the engine designed by the company. It's not a canon endorsement of this power levels bullshit.

>> No.3878856

Yes it is

>> No.3878896


>> No.3878910


>> No.3878911

Back the fuck up nigga...
Fire based and/or phoenix shaped attacks and Rainbow colored Danmaku are too hard to pull off...

Yet They found a way to get Okuu and her sun sized bullets in the game...all while making new attacks in the process.

Face it, Mokou and Kaguya are simply the strongest.

>> No.3878916


>> No.3878961

It's not really a power level struggle when one of the characters has the ability to alter the fabric and nature of the universe to her whim. Yukari can effectively delete anything she wants. Even concepts like 'time'

>> No.3878965


I would gladly make babies with Suika.

>> No.3878986

Yukari can't even create gaps huge enough for a train to pass through without 3 seconds of preparation and she can't even move after that.
