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38697117 No.38697117 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>38364570
Nutaku (R-18)
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>> No.38697123
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>> No.38697755

Is there someone doing a viewer/asset rip of Fortress Girl ? The game is only 1 week away from shutdown

>> No.38698486

What would THE Japanese nukige be at the moment? I have only played arknights and lost world, wanna pick something new up

>> No.38698742
File: 260 KB, 1128x637, モンスター娘TD〜ボクは絶海の孤島でモン娘たちに溺愛されて困っています〜X_-_FANZA_GAME_8Kri3VlYQD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was ignoring the game assuming it would be all shota x titty monster, but you made me check. Rolled Kraken on the first 10 pulls. Looks like I'll be giving this a chance.

>> No.38700375
File: 75 KB, 720x392, Clipboard505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another batch being done. It's looking impossible doing even half of 480 for someone that never played this before.

>> No.38700681

The 50% gacha is missing a ton of units, and while the pick tickets have a lot of them like the hero units and awakened units, it's still missing all the collab units and units released after last christmas. Ironically enough they're also missing all the base gacha girls, so I never did end up getting that last one that kept evading me.

>> No.38707457

Yeah, if you've never played the game the only units avaiable with the free resources are like 197 from ssr tickets, 54 from sr tickets and a few more that are gacha only (for sr tickets you would actually need to make tons of throwaway accounts)

But really, it's great that you managed to do this, i was already going everywhere asking for the missing 5 Karin alts scenes that aren't avaiable ingame
Can't wait for the result

>> No.38707864

>missing 5 Karin alts
for a while i wondered if i was missing something but
>hexe karin
>suzukuri collab
>sengoku outfit collab
>radio collab
>concert collab
they really made a lot of karin

also i rechecked the amount of scenes and it's 469
shouldn't have pulled the 480 out of memory last time

for now it seems like all the standing portraits and scenes work
there were even a few images and voice lines that were actually broken on the live servers thanks to a value missing from a list or a letter in the name that was accidentally capitalized in the script, but they work in the viewer now. i should probably still run a check though.

>> No.38707970

Yeah there are a lot of alts for Karin, Aisha and Renfa, Touka is up there as well.
I guess it's not surprising considering their popularity and main heroine status, but they really went above and beyond with them, at least compared to other games where a main heroine only gets +1/2 over the others (eg Eiyuu Senki)

>> No.38711105

Holy mama

>> No.38711163

Other than the support, rest aren't from the leak and finally an assassin

>> No.38711878

Glad they didn't release the SSR assassin yet, but now I'm worried about whether she'll be next with an Easter limited afterwards.
Assassin master should be until the end of next month, so maybe they'll hold off until then.

>> No.38711903

Does Nips even care about Easter? Most games would rather have White Day limited instead.

>> No.38711940

Only seen FE:H have easter limiteds but that game makes more money from outside of Japan I think

Yamato still in an interesting position since she doesn't have a good support partner for master class

>> No.38712283

What would they do for white day, isn't that when guys are supposed to give stuff?

Sariel's her only option right now, we'll have to see whether the passive is worth it.
Maybe it'll be +1 range to main and support, healers can safely attack when you don't need to heal and Takeru can properly guard against magic. Maybe make it so it's only on enemy turns during the first upgrade while the 3rd one makes it active on your turn too.

>> No.38712691

Mixed up some characters in games I was playing as white day limited because they wear white and blue instead of the usual color for valentine, but turned out they were just valentine limited.
I think the next wave of limited would start with june bride, but they may throw in something like new story chapter limited or half anniversary limited, which seem to become more common nowadays.

>> No.38712721

Shooter support that was pretty much designed for Beethoven

>> No.38712738

Got Leonidas in 50 but now I'm empty for whatever's next. Hope shooter girl is not broken.

>> No.38712745

If you have Beethoven, you better be rolling Sol for class up.

>> No.38712796

Saint class up becomes jesus, sorcerer gets more damage, Leonidas looks busted and Goemon looks pretty strong.

>> No.38712808

Leonidas' scenes are criminally boring.
Guess it's payment for Isis' scene 1 for brown girl enjoyers.

>> No.38713028

Is there any recommendation for the faction wings accessory in Legeclo? I'm thinking of getting Zenith wings for Nero but I'm not sure if there's a better pair.

>> No.38713973

How predatory are those games? Is there a game with dolphin-friendly/pass2win model thst doesn't take too much grinding? JP is fine.

>> No.38714907

Deep one update. Correct me if I'm wrong because I'm really bad about remembering names and haven't actually started it yet but I believe it's featuring Giselle's sword

>> No.38714949

Yes, it looks like a personification of Claíomh Solais.

>> No.38715095

Still can't get legeclo to run on my phone. Cool non compatible device, but I can dl app of seemingly heavier games no issue, or just run them on browser. Any but this one.

>> No.38716654

Range is pretty big, some games are dog shit and expect you to pay and some pretty f2p friendly
Of the ones I've played, mist train girls seems the best from what I've seen. Rates are pretty good, good monetization (only requirement is clear all new normal/hard/expert quests and for a limited time 600/1200/3000 payment options that give 3x the value) or just a pass that only needs you to login. Even if you don't pay, you can save a spark every 2 months I want to say? The trade off is there's a guaranteed limited banner every 3 banner rotation

>> No.38717069
File: 1.39 MB, 1194x672, Norune_nightdress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The art this time around is really nice.

I'm glad I didn't try to spell it
Shame they had to go with "future Holly is being an insecure bitch" again to start things off, but looks like the theme is where a future self ended up being the only survivor of an event and they're moody about it.

Claíomh Solais' design is nice but then I went to go hear her talk a bit
>This sounds familiar, with a hint of boyish
Oh no.
>CV: かわしまりの
Damnit. At least she seems to be trying to sound cuter than her usual roles but didn't expect to pinpoint her so easily.

>> No.38717277

Interesting that they went with her and with Misonoo Mei for Nanaba, maybe they're saving the "big" more veteran seiyuu for these three part events.

>> No.38717531

Adding the stun to sorcerer aoe is fucked up

>> No.38717688

>AOE with paralyze/stun.
That what she did back in Unitia and Techcross really wants to remind people about that game.

>> No.38717936

Is Holly's ssr not animated? Just noticed her gacha trade in is 250 instead of 300, finally gets an ssr after a year and they can't animate it

>> No.38718752 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.06 MB, 1196x672, Giselle_Shadow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For most characters that introduced her to me, she's always type-cast as masculine women but at least not prince-types. I don't know if that's just what she's known for but I tend to avoid her characters even if they're cute rather than boyish.
But thank the elevens they still keep them feminine. And she doesn't seem to do too poorly in scenes.

That's a shame, it's a nice outfit for her. Kinda worried Giselle is going to get the same treatment now since she only ever seems to get event SRs and I think her SSRs are before they started doing animations.

>> No.38718781

Don't know how I completely messed up replying to this >>38718752

>> No.38719934

Wonder if I got lucky or if they buffed the drop rates, got 2 sorcerer class weapons within 800~ ap

>> No.38720074

How giga cope is artemis for bentochan, for those who did roll Saul?
I even got her to 5 stars in preparation, and if I had to pick of course, I'd pick the one that appeals to me more, but that doesn't matter if she's a wheelchair next to the other one

>> No.38720177
File: 1.25 MB, 1196x671, deepone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My luck with Frau might be 0 but at least I can get Norn some times.

>Kinda worried Giselle is going to get the same treatment now since she only ever seems to get event SRs and I think her SSRs are before they started doing animations.
I think it's some kinda weird rule like how Story SSRs don't get animations. The first Alternate Version of the characters don't get animation either, like Asaka, Vii or Nanaba.

>> No.38720618

They're too different, Sol is better for beethoven though

Isn't Tenma Nanaba's alt

>> No.38721724

Yeah, Tenma was the alt and got the animation while Beatrice didn't in that gacha, also white Vii in the second part, not the first "past Vii", was the alt and she got the animation over Zeno.
I don't think there's a clear rule, first they do a three part event that only gives you an event unit once, so to make up for it they give each gacha unit an extra scene and keys in the event to unlock them even if you don't roll them, but then making so many scenes and having 2 animated every time is too much work(?) so they only do 1, who gets it I guess it's based in popularity or their importance in the story, maybe.

>> No.38722180

Artemis is for getting into proper fights with enemies, so it depends on whether you're bringing Shadow Hunt with you. If you aren't, then you're probably better off with Cupid.

>> No.38722389

People are seemingly rating her high for guild quest ex, but technically speaking, if artemis vs saul is regular fighting vs skill meta, I'd think the latter is more important but the former is being treated like crap since class up release. Unless Sol somehow makes up for all the resistance everybody got.

>> No.38722534

That's mostly cause there's no good single attacking archer I think. Dmitri is the only one and she's decent, but her cd's are too long and passive isn't really meant for guild ex

>> No.38723810

>Sorcerer and Saint class master skills don't have same class support requirement anymore.
Maybe they will do the same for Archer and Assassin later.

>> No.38724614

You still need to use the right support. Makes me think there's some going be some kind of hybrid mastery added later on that gives a different passive depending on the support's class.

>> No.38725154

You just got lucky. I still haven't gotten any of these mythical class weapons despite doing these shitty master quests for a month now.

>> No.38725206

Nice, Deep One finally got a first place right before the month ended, gimme my 3k.

>> No.38725964

Well, if it works like Swords Dance, then Leonidas will do well with any of the 3 master swords, as you get one of the two plain damage ticks from the plain sword.
Absolute Death is tempting was it not another blue crystal cripple stats weapon. I'd think to stick to your usual genocider suspects if that's the type of nuking you want (unless you want some 3 way nuking with bento and solomon)

>> No.38734939
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>> No.38736572

>Paizuri free character
>Paizuri new gacha character freebie
Now if only D1 did one that's animated, but that's still some good food

>> No.38741309
File: 191 KB, 1071x900, FLt5EihacAYY-Fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38742154

>geminiseed is EoS
The girls were cute but those shitty rates and awful browser experience, I'm kinda surprised how far it lasted

>> No.38744050

Gemini Seed has some of the best titties in these games, it is a shame not that it's dying but that they were retarded managing that

>> No.38751610

>Animated paizuri
Impossible. Japan has lost the technology.

Most games have their highest rarity rateup at 1% but GS's highest rarity maxed out at 1% for the pool. It was very easy to never roll anything when they always had two new URs for event gacha, and only the URs got two scenes.
Plus it always seemed like clearing maps took forever.

Looks like they're giving a pick ticket and some gacha tickets later. I never rolled the dark elf swimsuit that got me to start so maybe I'll finally get that, even though they also gave her a valentine release that I failed to get too...
>They're the ones doing Angelic Link and have a campaign for starting it
I probably won't bother.

>> No.38751663

>Impossible. Japan has lost the technology.
Artwhirl still trains in the lost arts. I know for a fact that at least one of the FruFul girls has an animated paizuri portion in her scene. (Friendly reminder that the collab comes back in a week.) I expect some of the other girls do, too, but they only sometimes show off the scenes during a news update in the R-18 version. I wouldn't know because I only go for the flatties.

>> No.38753502

I don't know when they made it more generous, but it's 3000 yen for 12,000 equivalent now

>> No.38754499

naizuri is fine too.
But I only know of one low rarity scene in Idol Wars of all things that features it.

>> No.38755298

Didn't even know those games existed, but the scenes look good

>> No.38759791
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>> No.38767586
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>> No.38768221

Ass up Halomon is good, but they keep designing these quests against her
Because she always leads with an offensive skill instead of symbol, she'll start dropping a pumpkin AoE over a group of enemies where really only one enemy gets hit, so it's a massive waste as if not doing symbol t1 wasn't bad
Whereas this layout, at least of Sorcerer, is good for Elizabeth to build stacks because she can't get ganged on t1, but either her or another attacker will die because Mary's dumb AI won't drop her passive on both, nor will she heal both when needed

>> No.38768349

Wish they would prioritize skills based on skill order instead of prioritizing attack, but then we get annoying things like symbol users not moving up when they use their skills. At least changing action order fixes some of the problems

>> No.38773078
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>> No.38773691

just leave the special pellet up in Tokyo Necro forever, Nitroplus

>> No.38779100
File: 1.11 MB, 1249x708, Screenshot 2022-02-26 114044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally done with the class books

>> No.38779685

They corrected the description

>> No.38779735

>almost finished the symbol books
>barely started the support books
>they add another page to both
There will never be enough gold and stamps

>> No.38780081

Your mantis looks weird

>> No.38781369

how often does FKG do rebalances?
I just came back for free stuff and realized my wife's abilities all suck dogshit as a debuffer compared to the collab 6* I just rolled

>> No.38786756
File: 174 KB, 1024x768, FMbuH6daAAQ4Vhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kamihime gets Nagi but Ayarabu gets Sol instead of Alysa.
Never get laid.

>> No.38787690

>halomon can stun saint master
that changes everything

>> No.38787795

I really liked Gemini Seed so it's sad that it got EoS'd. I was pretty worried when it had the limited rush with their really sucky pity system and that it gave too little gems to help offset it. At least they managed to finish their story although I bet that if it didn't die, they at least had a part 2 in the works.

>> No.38788737

>Got hype because I got the saint wand
>Forgot it's just a questionable Yamatake equip
Now I got both sorcerer and saint wands, and they are both the bad items, which sucks because the sprites are cool

>> No.38789446

>Missed 2 days of Free Rolls in FKG
>Powers it up to get a rainbow.
Not a recommended method, I must admit.

>> No.38789908

Any update for the Koihime archive ?
I has been 4 days already

>> No.38794461
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>> No.38796395

It's pretty much done. I just need to upload it now. Ended up ~9 gigabytes but I cut it up in parts to ease up the download. It doesn't seem to crash or anything even with missing voice files, though it seems to hang up a bit if you try to check the chibi sprites without having them.

>> No.38796407
File: 712 KB, 840x420, FMbMKsEagAED9Bv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda want both but are they actually worth it? Since sorcerer and saint master classes are disappointing. I don't have Beethoven yet either and there's also the SSR assassin coming.

>> No.38796447

Godspeed anon, can't thank you enough

>> No.38796496

it's weird seeing this thread actually play a techcross game

>> No.38796575

Thoughts on Eiyuu Senki going down?

>> No.38796624

Just learnt it through you and i checked their twitter, franly i'm devastated 'cause i wanted more scenes out of it

>> No.38796649

Fucking hell, my waifu only got 1 alt out of it

>> No.38796665


>> No.38798039

LNice, looking forward to it.

>> No.38798412

From what I could gather, the devs team consists of one guy, the game is profitable but not enough to hire more members. Now the one man team finally reached the limit and can't continue anymore so they decided to shut down the game.
Quite a weird way to go out.

>> No.38799124

With Eiyuu Senki is going down too
I cast away my dignity to ask for an archive

>> No.38799135

There's already a full gallery on panda, and if you want to see the scenes just download the mod for GOLD that adds all the scenes from wwx

>> No.38800296

I made hte mistaking of spending those orb awakenings when I started playing the game on Kayou. Barely use her because most if not all my characters are riskless as they are tokened if they die. That said, when I do use her because I need to shave off a fat chunk of 20% HP, and she needs to keep going, her 2nd awakening hits like a fucking monster against horders of enemies. It's hardly the strongest skill, but it's a fucking machinegun that doesn't stop melting whatever goes in her range.
Wish she was a big tankier and with a bigger attack stat because she'd unironically be pretty great.

>> No.38801982
File: 275 KB, 1136x1667, im_1006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shin Koihime rip and viewer

The html file wouldn't run with some browsers like Chrome so I wrapped it with a nwjs launcher.
If you just want to run the html file, you can use a browser that works like Firefox or do what I did while developing and host the thing with a web server and access it through localhost. I added a .txt about it in there.

The H-scenes have some extra functions now like a mosaic removal button and a button+slider to speed up the animations.
I also changed the skip button to not disappear when the animation part starts and made it so you can use it to skip the script to the next animation.
These are disabled by default to preserve the original layout though. You can turn them on by opening the viewer_config.json with a text editor and chancing "extra_h_buttons": from false to true.
The file also has some other options I made changeable, even if pretty minor.

From the testing I did everything should be there now, outside the combat skill animations I guess. The viewer itself should run with just the base stuff, but you'll be missing a lot of voices and the chibi sprites.
If you find something missing or broken, post about it in the thread now since the servers will be gone in 10 days. Right now I can still fix it.
Works on my machine though.

>> No.38802104

Also use the mosaic removal button at your own risk since a lot of them frankly look pretty shit without the mosaics. There's a few good ones though.

>> No.38802296

Marie might be nice, but I haven't needed her for my master autos though

>> No.38802936

I think it was probably two guys since the one guy didn't have any duties listed for doing the sprites/battle effects, but evidently he was doing everything else. But yeah, that's the gist of it from what I got.
Didn't that project die?

>> No.38803488

Sucks that it ended yet at the same time, felt like it was a good time to. It certainly felt like it was stuck in a rut of sorts.

With Gemini and Eiyuu Senki dying, maybe I can slowly be freed of Gacha hell. Well, probably not since Tenkai Paradox opens pre-reg tomorrow.

>> No.38803618

Thank you very much for this. It's been working perfectly for now.

>> No.38803670

Very nice. Thanks a lot.

I got some data errors when extracting the rar files, don't know if it's only on my end.
Viewer Base part 2:
Viewer Base part 3:
Viewer Base part 4:
H-scene voicelines part 2:
H-scene voicelines part 3:
H-scene voicelines part 4:

>> No.38803991

Do the files work?
I tried extracting the archives and don't see anything wrong with them, though I do have a history of breaking games if I try to do something else while extracting them.
Winrar didn't throw any errors but I'm not sure if it's checking as throughly as your software.

>> No.38804414

Anyone downloaded Fortress Girl's h-scene voice and script files? I accidentally shift-deleted 1 character's while making viewer.

>> No.38804649

Panda seems to have them.

>> No.38804941

Yes I got the image files from there, but not the scripts and audios. Tried asking there, if there is nothing then this character's is lost.

>> No.38804969

I kept checking and the files extracted really weren't any different from the ones I got from the servers.
My winrar version is pretty ancient so just to be sure I got the newest 7zip and packed them again. Uploading the .7z files right now with my insane 700kb upspeed, but I don't think the .rars really had anything wrong with them.

>> No.38805267
File: 222 KB, 1136x1280, im_1009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way does anyone have the sound files for the basic home screen BGM? The one that changed depending on the faction of your main girl. I'm pretty sure the code for the current version no longer has references for them so I can't find them, but they had some good ones so I'd like to preserve them if I can.

>> No.38805571

Which ID?

>> No.38805589


>> No.38805718
File: 998 KB, 1340x1432, stand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should be everything I think
Includes the .ab files and the extracted + decrypted files because I'm too lazy to move everything out.

>> No.38805921

thanks! much appreciated

>> No.38806468

>Giselle and Holly threesome
Fuck I wanted a shimaidon.

>> No.38806947
File: 2.14 MB, 2823x2117, 20220228_1138062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some late c99 things, among other stuff.

>> No.38807968

Nah the project just had an update a while ago with all the characters, since the game is now EoS only 2 charas are left to be added

Amazing work anon, thank you so much!

>> No.38810244
File: 648 KB, 1838x2725, Nadira.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Divine Paradox started prereg
3D tactics rpg with monster collecting

There was already one of those a few months back. Someone was grumpy that Giselle dropped the dirty words since Bridgette doesn't use them

>> No.38810422

>Divine Paradox
Hope the gacha fuckery isn't as bad as Otogi. At least pickups work in Mist train.

>> No.38810646

This is great, but i just wanted to ask if the viewer can go fullscreen or is the resolution locked? Thx anyway

>> No.38811584
File: 1.58 MB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_2022-03-01-08-31-00-534_jp.co.dmm.dmmgames.legeclox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started playing Legeclo 3 weeks ago, probably the best animated scenes out there, which are easy to get too.
Gameplay is nice as well, and having ticketless skip battle options makes it very hands off

>> No.38811722
File: 174 KB, 434x537, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38811784

>No solomon, bethoven, nero or chinge
This would have been tragic 2 months ago but now you can make do, specially because everybody is using class up Siegfried (don't have her), and also because Leomama combining a charge skill + good ranged skills + re-act will make up for no genocide character
Also Elizabeth is deceptively tanky, and really strong 2 turns in

>> No.38811985

Stupid me started extracting before all 4 parts are ready and I didn't realize at first. It's okay now.

>> No.38812273

Would be nice if the 90% HP clause to the saint wand wasn't so stupid, because it's a dope weapon. I'd even rather the clause only apply when you are at 100% HP.

>> No.38812300

yeah, went blind no-reroll. Was a bit tough at first, but Lu Bu hard carried most of the fights.
Got Leonidas 2 days ago so I'm still working on her.
Still need to play around with runes and enchantments to make the best out of what I have.

>> No.38812801

The engine has the options for full screen so it can probably be done. I'll need to take out the borders to do it though. I'll look into it and post a patch if I get it done.

Good to hear that the problem wasn't on my end at least.

>> No.38812894

This is terribly outdated.

>> No.38813142
File: 155 KB, 433x609, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No there isn't, only shimaidon is the twins, I think I was the one who made that post and it was about Katia X Giselle.
By the way, does anyone have recordings of the threesomes I'm missing?

>> No.38813374

I wish they were higher resolution and FPS, using whatever technology Magicami uses instead of just doing looped videos.

>> No.38813380

Mist train is kms but they're under another division and that's working on td monmusu

>> No.38814027

quick full screen patch

ESC to toggle in and out of full screen
You can resize the window freely when it's not in full screen but the default resolution isn't quite the same as the native one
Backup the original two files if you want to go back to the native resolution one

Also I didn't notice since I hardly tested the thing with the nwjs, but for some reason it fails to load like 1 times out of 3 when I run it with that instead of a browser. Haven't heard anyone else complain about it though so I might not just look into it.

>> No.38814670

I keep soft locking in the new tower difficulty in Deep One. Might go back to autoing the previous difficulty because tower already feels like a waste of time and I don't need it requiring planning.

Oh, Bridgette doesn't even have a furniture scene.
I have Vii x Beatrice
You seem to have all the other ones I would've gotten if I wasn't freshly ruined by a set.

>> No.38814731

I hope Master Class cuts a Napoleon a slack. Does anyone know if a Tonner de Lamperule build is even worth it nowadays?

>> No.38815028

It actually functions now I guess if that answers that question
Her attack is bad enough that she probably needs anything to boost her damage

>> No.38815374

Anyone knows where to find a viewer for Fortress Girls ? Went on a hiatus for a few months and just found out its been kil...

>> No.38815537

This anon here >>38804414 said he was making one.

>> No.38816268

Fortress Girl viewer. doing it in renpy, still incomplete for now. 25/249 characters done. So about 50 scenes. If anyone else is doing it please do.

>> No.38819074

Thank you so much man
Dunno about the loading failures, i used it quite a bit and it was perfect, in fact more than perfect since you managed to add mosaic removal and speed options

>> No.38819229
File: 366 KB, 512x1024, 14385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The good thing about the scenes being animated out of lobotomized body parts was that you could do that stuff.
I wanted to do a viewer for the game years ago but kept pushing it back, so I'm glad that I got it done now at the end and didn't end up wasting the 3 years I played this shit.

>> No.38819296

Thanks to you i won't be regretting never having played the game despite kinda wanting to, at least to check Karin scenes
When i first learnt about it i wasn't yet into DMM games so i just let it go, but then even after getting into other games like Eiyuu Senki i still never went back to pick up Koihime for some reason or another
Free resources to check scenes in the last month of the game were pretty awesome, but this viewer truly goes above and beyond

>> No.38819591

It didn't seem like a popular game. Even if the standing portraits and scenes were really high quality, the combat hardly had any user input and was pretty slow to do too.
You could still do some fun stuff like plan for the wellfare SSR to die and recharge all your cooldowns just after you blow all your buffs, then blow them again for double the effect and 1shot the enemy team/raid boss. I also liked how you could do an event in one sitting and weren't tied to resource regen since most of your keys came from the weekly crafting cap.

It's funny to feel melancholy from setting up a mini screen to do something else while you grind an event for the last time

>> No.38820650

how long did it take for your machine to load the html file? It seems its taking forever on mine and I've tried several browsers including Firefox.

>> No.38823223

Shouldn't take more than a few seconds. Did you check if the console was throwing any errors? F12 to open dev tools in Firefox

>> No.38823258

Oh yeah. Just to be sure. I'm talking about the "index.html" file in the "package.nw" folder. The "credits.html" isn't anything important and just came with nwjs.

>> No.38823692

welp, was downloading hscene voiceline 004, and now it is gone.

>> No.38823818

I'll upload it for you
I could share it by mega but i dont want it to get nuked like the original

>> No.38823824

I like this add, and the animation style reminds of Magicami, hope it's good.

>> No.38824031

anonfiles com/p5k10dL9xf/H-scene_voicelines.part4_rar
here u go

>> No.38824160

viewer Re upload please.

>> No.38824164
File: 4 KB, 209x155, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, but I think I screwed up and somehow downloaded mixed files. 7z and rar

>> No.38824422

I'll reupload the koihime viewer but need some time as i'm not too fast, i'll share when ready unless some other anon does it first

>> No.38825177 [DELETED] 

Seems like it got linked on 5ch. I don't want to get caught between the devs and the japs asking for links, so I'm noping out for now. There's always time when the topic is no longer current.
Thanks to everyone who helped test it.

also deleting this post

>> No.38825191

Huh is that why all these megas are getting deleted recently

>> No.38826386

hey anon, sorry to bother you. Can you share 10008800 's hscene voice files.

>> No.38827005
File: 64 KB, 732x70, Clipboard512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38827262


Seeing as the copyright trolls on the Koihime thread on 5ch are aware I recommend torrenting it via sukebei.nyaa.si or something similar

>> No.38827560

Maybe wait for it to be dead ded before reuploading.
The anons that have it can find bugs to fix in the meantime.

>> No.38829650

quite lucky I actually have with this one since I realised a few hrs before the shutdown some of the files didn't download properly.

>> No.38831409

thanks again. somehow my voice files are incomplete and corrupted for this one.

>> No.38831616


Cross Origin Request Security - this had to be set to false, and now it works. If you injected some fishy code in there, please be nice to my personal information I guess? Thanks though for this viewer.

>> No.38833914

Wait, you gave me 10018800 not 10008800

>> No.38834285

Going dilsescik

>> No.38839261

is there a Legeclo guide out there

>> No.38839665

Does anyone know the URL for koihime APK version mentioned in 5ch?
They say this one has no mosaic.

>> No.38841237

What's up with that Escalation Heroines ad, the MC became impotent? I don't play it.

>> No.38841927

New legeclo characters outside of the normal gacha banner period

>> No.38842055


>> No.38842465

I didn't expect Ayarabu to still be alive after legend clover came out

>> No.38842543

They are already cutting corners with the H scenes and having like 4 different limited banners running at the same time. They are milking it dry.

>> No.38842584

...did I fuck up by starting a techcross game

>> No.38842622

Let's just say after Unitia's shutdown there's enough precedent to be worried when they're running more than 2 games

>> No.38842674

Legeclo should be able to last for a few years, but it's hard to tell what they have in store for Ayabaru, when 80% of the new characters they have been released are limited.

>> No.38843273

They keep releasing titties

>> No.38844669
File: 231 KB, 896x1228, DV-XjqjW4AEXCRu.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Peperomia!

>> No.38847272

>gaijinlocked out of the PC version of Aigis and some other shit
>but fucking pricunny of all things is fair game
how does this make sense

>> No.38848257
File: 1.18 MB, 1138x642, 2022-03-04 11-18-40 Revelation_Paradox_X_--FANZA_GAMES_-_Google_Chrome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't take long.

>> No.38848278

Artstyle is kind of a turnoff but the animations look mgcm quality at least

>> No.38850819

Fortress Girl viewer update

>> No.38853433

Crimson Demon War started a few days ago. I guess nobody here bothered with that?

>PC version of Aigis
99% chance it is a lazy port using their custom Bluestacks which checks region. So you may as well use your own bluestacks with the DMM app store.
I think Precum is stand-alone.

>> No.38855603

All PC games on DMM can be played fine, Aigis is just special. They probably don't want filty gaijins on their superior emulated game, not surprised.

>> No.38855613

The literal GOD

>> No.38855618

>I think Precum is stand-alone.
Yes and Alchemy Stars too, both can be played by non-japanese IP without problems even if sometimes AS gives some problems with the patcher but that's just the game working bad sometimes.

>> No.38855640

Any chance of a reupoad my good sir

>> No.38855735

NTA but i'm just waiting to reupload it after the game closed for good

>> No.38855759

I'd love a re-upload but it's up to you...

>> No.38855921

Thank you mi'lord

>> No.38856703

Aigis is outdated

>> No.38856711

I know.

>> No.38858907

>released the mandatory booba girl from the original source material
>no paizuri
poor meru

>> No.38862034

sir anon, do you have 10014200 's voice.

>> No.38862075


>> No.38864512

instead of fucking up your browser security it's better to just get https://nwjs.io/ for your os and move the package.nw there
assuming you're not on windows

>> No.38865837

I somehow entered a co-op room and took over someone else's team down to the player name in legeclo

>> No.38865939

why are S tier souls so expensive to unlock
can't they just copy granblue again and only make you do the weapon unlocking step once?

>> No.38865981

I quit Kamihime age ago because I can't stand the late game grinding progress anymore, they manage to make it even more boring and tedious than granblue, that's a very impressive feast.

>> No.38866167

I am really dreading how bad the upcoming T5s are going to be.

>> No.38867779

Quick look seems to indicate that it has both the usual animation in DMM games and the MGCM-style one. The latter one seems to be for the highest rarity where they have 2 scenes for both type of animation.

>> No.38870533

Where did you see that? Are there more samples?

>> No.38874590

They added range resist to floor 70

>> No.38874766


Just that this character is one of the highest rarity from the pre-reg Gacha and we have seen another H-scene for her in the previews.

The childhood friend also has 2 scenes and both are that anime-style animation but in her case, she's probably the tutorial scene.

>> No.38876628

I thought the banner picture Paradox had for months before the prereg would be the party brown girl, but this game has like 10 brown girls with big titties. Most of them of whack rarities.

>> No.38878153

thanks again
Fortress Girl viewer update https://cloud.acgc.win/s/k4pyUX

>> No.38880323

Another festival campaign starting on DMM

Also Monmusu TD is starting service on White Day.

>> No.38880592

Done with floor 70, overall it's still easier than master quests.

>> No.38881004


>> No.38881400

A Grisaia gacha huh

>> No.38881538

Nice, i'm always up for more Amane scenes

>> No.38881866

>Microbikini idols in Tokyo Necro
Wew. Kinda sad the titmonster won't have an animated scene but at least she's not gated to scout gacha.

Weren't they the ones that botched Djibril?

>> No.38882183

Can't seem to be able to install Legeclo on emulators, is it an issue on my end or did they block emulators?

>> No.38883065

It doesn't work on older android versions which most emulators use by default. Needs to be 64 bits too. BlueStacks P64 beta works for me.

>> No.38883298

Hard carried by Cuchulainn

>> No.38883310

Thank you, it worked

>> No.38883375

They really went ham with Monster Musume's rates, as people expected anyways. Dropping some alts just in case and one got 3 highest rarities back to back

>> No.38885537

Well let's be fair, they have to do that since no one would eve bother checking out these games if they can't get shit with the prereg gacha.

>> No.38885550

Hope the mmtd game isn't like the pre-reg where it pauses if you're not focused on the screen

>> No.38885568

I would just drop the game if that's the case honestly.

>> No.38885620 [DELETED] 

Is there an emulator that actually frees up disk space when you uninstall apps? Just noticed that both bluestacks and mumu global don't do that, got to the point that i had instances of 30gb and 70gb from all the apps i got in the last year that didn't get properly deleted after uninstall

>> No.38885633

Is there an emulator that actually frees up disk space when you uninstall apps? Just noticed that both bluestacks and mumu global don't do that, got to the point that i had instances of 30gb and 70gb from all the apps i got in the last year that didn't get properly deleted after uninstall

>> No.38885842

from the UI elements it's pretty clear they're leaving the development to techcross
which means they have 4 games running
tick tock, ayarabu, kamihime

>> No.38886281

Ayarabu is the only one at risk here, they won't close down Kamihime which is pretty much the face of their company.

>> No.38886294

they can't shut down Kamihime until Sol completes the element bingo

>> No.38886387

So the other Grisaia gacha failed and now they realized they have to rely on porn and the original cast to succeed? It looks like it might be Magicami style with a limited cast getting new versions constantly, but with an even smaller cast so I wonder how it'll do.

>> No.38886483

Is it even worth shutting down ayarabu? Previous legeclo banner release, ayarabu was in 1st and legeclo was in like 3rd or 4th

>> No.38886585

Ayarabu got a limited collab banner with Kamihime, that's why it jumped to top ranking while Legeclo new banner is just your average one with nothing to write home about.

>> No.38886802
File: 700 KB, 1128x693, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I got Mitcher easily so I'll sit on it, fap and then drop it.

>> No.38887235
File: 1.04 MB, 1168x680, rng pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also Monmusu TD is starting service on White Day.
Nice, i just rolled for my dogo, 2 times.

>> No.38887504

Went up to the guaranteed (plus the first step of the second step-up) and didn't get Tien. Decided to use the 3k stones to get her. First time I used them too, been rolling too many banners recently.

>> No.38889660

>I have amnesia
>Okay, do you remember how I lent you 20k?
>This guy's your father by the way
>why do you even exist
bully the macaron

>> No.38889906

Git filtered at 65 with double bird. Don't have master weapons

>> No.38890130

You don't need master weapons, though soldier class up would be nice but still not necessary

Just get a tank and have everyone be in range of guard. If it has trouble surviving just either use Marie's passive or Asclepius and have her cast regen and you should be good

>> No.38890777

A good tank and healer are more important than class weapons. the birds have huge ass damage resist and HP so you have to tough it out and kill them slowly.

>> No.38890977

Thanks for the update.
Thumb images seem to be lost.

>> No.38891070

Wonder if legeclo's getting a second banner today or if it'll just continue with the current one.

>> No.38891370

No announcement of even the event character still so I'm guessing not?

>> No.38892171

Still nothing for an event character, guess that means it's guild quest EX for a week and the new banner/event will start after that?

>> No.38892473

New event type with no character it seems

>> No.38892516

Seems like an equipment events. Hope those are at least better than the generic SSR gears.

>> No.38892530

First one gives +3 move, too bad it's only for mages/saints

>> No.38892537

The weapon gives*

>> No.38892648

Looking at them again, the demerits almost make them not worth using and this event runs for 2 weeks

>> No.38892820

The gear may be bad, but the event itself seems alright. You can RNG some of the usual SSRs or even win 1000 stamps.

>> No.38893085

wow why is Minhoa's sex scene in Tokyo Necro not animated

>> No.38893125

>gets legend in monmusu reroll
>keeps legend
>continue rerolling for items
>reroll bugs
>common in keep
fuck this whatever

>> No.38893285
File: 266 KB, 1660x1211, コラッツVictoryPose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to use the trade-in for Halloween and ended up having one after New Year because rolling for special limited breaks is ass.
I completely whiffed on swimsuit Echika rerun and raid event Sonia, but Tien showed up from the roll I could do from raid ranking rewards. Also I basically have no way to farm extra smaterial outside of marching through story. Well, the new limit breaks, but every time I say I should be collecting all the bullshit to do them, I find something else to do.

Because she's a 4-star, so like every 4-star, it's not animated. They didn't really pick a good position that's suitable for huge tits either. It's difficult to tell if they'll ever do another release to rectify this transgression.
High chance that the other two idols get a "similarly tiny" swimsuits in a raid event or something later.

>> No.38893328

Cleopatra got a nice buff with this little bug fix, now she can hit and run while still getting the full effect of her talent and class up.

>> No.38893350


>> No.38893379

>last war god
>water terrain, no song, no shamans, quest is water only/bring 2 castles from kyushi+okinawa
>last monthly quest
>poison map, explosions everywhere, only healer i can bring is kinojou
>this month
>water terrain, no swords, spears, bows, crossbows, guns, all castles have to be from kansai
Man, turns out Shiropro is hard when you can't Edo everything. I thought hells prepared me for this, but no.

>> No.38893453

Has anyone created a scene viewer for UNITIA?
I have the audio and other asset files, but do not have the means to play them.

I would like just a scene viewer if you have one.

>> No.38893654

I'm working on something that may be able to help with that.
If you can upload all the files for a single scene somewhere and I'll be able to see if I can do anything.
At minimum the files required are the script, H CGs/videos and voice files but of course if there's character cgs and other files for the scene include those too. A scene that includes every type of asset would be best.

>> No.38895510

somone have new scene from otogi ?
gilga and mura

>> No.38895776
File: 360 KB, 1920x1080, hO87zVjlLS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1.5k stamps on day 1
This is the best event ever! Lots of rainbow equips and scrolls too.

>> No.38897738

how about gemini seed? that game is also going to close soon

>> No.38898660

How do you get the assets? I want to start preserving other games

>> No.38898746

Is there a way to delete your account's progress so you can start over without having to change account?
I know some games actually have an option to delete your data, but is there a way to do it for the games that don't?

>> No.38898770
File: 17 KB, 802x233, 1622519039435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

highlighted text on the bottom right
I think, never have actually done it.

>> No.38898824

There are some games that allow you to delete your DMM stored data like in >>38898770 but it doesn't always wipe your account. Varies by game. All you can do is try, but know that it may not work.

>> No.38898905

Thanks, unfortunately the game i wanted to try it on (sugar conflict x) doesn't seem to have that option there, too bad i guess
Would be nice if all games let you start on a guest account and then take over the data with an existing account

>> No.38902164

These links only give me blank pages.

>> No.38904406

Rolling for the youkai rate up kimono girl
Got a youkai dog girl you can only use one of, and does a fixed 4% HP damage, she looks alright
Guess I'll take the L on Yoyuki, keep this doggy and keep my 300 stack for hero banner

>> No.38906063

I've put together the necessary assets, is this sufficient?
Please let me know so I can delete it when I get it.
Let me know if you need another file.

>> No.38906067

Same, what is supposed to appear?

>> No.38906549


>> No.38906964

Yeah you seem to have everything required (at least at minimum) for a scene viewer.
The project I'm working on has no ETA right now so I can't say when you'd get something from me but another anon may want to take you up on it.
If you want to upload all of the files somewhere like https://gofile.io/ you'll get a viewer from me eventually(TM) or I'll just try and let you know when I can get something done.

>> No.38907916

You may wonder what I am talking about here, but I don't want to upload openly.
If you are able to do it and have an image of the viewer, I would like to upload it.
And that's only for you (the viewer creator).

>> No.38908310

>30 more rolls
>got yoyuki
should be able to keep a decent stash for the next hero banner, maybe enough for 2 pities

>> No.38910226

>Monmusu TD doujin game
>no playable assassin
This has to stop.

>> No.38915853

Yeah, I would love to get a scene viewer for Gemini Seed too. Since it's from the same dev as Fortress Girls, I wonder if it's stored similarly.

>> No.38915945

>Since it's from the same dev as Fortress Girls
So they axed two games within a similar time frame? Is Angelic Link doing that much better comparatively?

>> No.38916345

I've ripped all the files I can think of.
Both games use a completely different system for their scenes.
The gemini seed scripts look like they'll be absolute cancer to work with.

>> No.38916931

It hits top 3 sometimes but there's literally nothing to talk about in game.

>> No.38916979

Just heard about Eiyu senki. Crazy how it was all on a single guy being worked to death.

>> No.38917072
File: 872 KB, 1126x634, image_2022-03-09_232016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hail the preregistration lucklord

>> No.38917674

>single guy
he alive

>> No.38917930

I mean yeah, they stopped the game before he croaked
Can you even call your place home after living like that?

>> No.38918693

>Belial won the second FC battle except she wasn't allowed to so Lucifer won
I guess people just cba to change from their favorite. It was amusing watching the other starters being top 3 for so long until Gargoyle came in to nab second.

>> No.38924783

I wanted the dogo and i got my dogo

>> No.38928150

How likely is Meshiya to actually come back after it goes down? I wonder if anyone is recording the scenes, also if I should just spend all the gems.

>> No.38932441

Preview videos of the 4 pre-reg legends if anyone still hasn't decided.

Wish they didn't zoom in so much for Kraken, so you could see whether using her tokens ate up a deployment slot. Hopefully not since you're putting them on an existing unit instead of having their own spot on the field.

>> No.38932526
File: 223 KB, 878x482, 1646998475620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess Minashigo side finally gets the proper collab event.

>> No.38934614

Louise is that popular?

>> No.38934787

>March 11th
Game's already closed, so it might be safe to reupload now

>> No.38934815

i have this reupload
gofile io/d/pdE30z

>> No.38934953

thanks anon

>> No.38937279
File: 1.55 MB, 1920x1080, 1620839617109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38937783

Hey anon, can you share 10022000 's?
Also update 3 and 4

>> No.38937831


>> No.38938981

Thanks for the great work of anon

>> No.38939130

did anyone know how to decrypt gemini seed asset file with xor? the game is going to dead soon.

>> No.38942869

>Divine Paradox has a stand-alone installation
Neat. Better than the lazy bluestacks shit everything else uses. I don't think I'll actually get too involved with the game but they have a rather high ratio of brown girls compared to most games.
Too bad I saw that date for discontinuing support for the old launcher

Depends on what they actually fix. I think they killed off their initial hype with how they handled currency. And then the inconsistency in events and their rewards and the amount of skipping involved.
And I think their finish button should've been a cum button instead, to allow consecutive shots instead of the "done already?" situations that they went with. Otherwise the duration was so long for some that there wasn't much merit to trying it out.

>> No.38946488

>Nike was also paizuri
>Dropped 30 to get Richi lady
Really hate the lower rates of supports because they already feel like they are less, and you get with a lot of main characters that are bare naked and supportless, also another aerial SSR woulda been nice even though for master quest, I'll just shift Ammy around between Lu Bu and Elizabeth

>> No.38946726

Richelieu has better paizuri scene anyway.
And I always find the whole support/summon/etc have lower rate in these games annoying. It would make you feel like shit when you rolled them instead of the characters you want, and at the same time it would also make you feel bad if you tried to roll for them and get fucked by the lowered rate.

>> No.38947341

>Too bad I saw that date for discontinuing support for the old launcher
Well that's one way to find out all the shitty mobages I play are going to be region locked in a week

>> No.38947543

Just use a VPN? You should only need it to launch the games.

>> No.38947704

It's just annoying turning on a vpn just for this, though it just gives me another reason to drop priconne

>> No.38947835

>My youkais are yoyuki, kayo, kibahime and two whack ones
>Realize I can buff them with eastern buffers
>The maid looks good
>Check in my stash and she's there

>> No.38949707

thanks anon, and another one please 23002100

>> No.38951120

>Luxuria ASMR
I'm glad I hate ASMR because this would be very dangerous otherwise.

Even a temporary vpn sucks because it disrupts everything else you're running. I'm hoping there's an easy work around.

>> No.38951812

actually 23002100 32001500 32010200 33002500 34010400 for now. Plenty of missing voices it seems.

>> No.38958874


>> No.38962451

Minashigo got a google play version right? Is it faster to reroll there? I gotta prepare in case I don't get the deep one girls on my main.

>> No.38962493

It's going to be faster rolling on this unless you have a bunch of salted accounts

>> No.38965236

At what time does Monmusu drop?

>> No.38965496

Should be in areound 3 hours from now, based on their last twit

>> No.38967149

I've been playing Escalation Heroines since late October and only just realized how valuable the てかる栗 are for raids. I didn't think for a second that the raid bosses were actually capable of being stunned by normal attacks. My high score has gone from like 500K to 850K with one simple trick, click here to learn more.

>> No.38967270

did you also know that you can fill up the break lamps by manually pulling out units

>> No.38967406

I did know that one, thankfully. I'd probably still be in the 5 digits without it.

>> No.38969735
File: 733 KB, 840x420, FNyd60hVIAAsKYc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their new release schedule is whack. They just drop new banners out of nowhere and call it a day.

>> No.38969843

It's up now.

>> No.38969936

>Napoleon again.
Out of everything to get dupes in that game, why it always has to be that useless bitch.

>> No.38970095
File: 131 KB, 722x508, kO91jtWihA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monmusu rates.
150 rolls for a spark.

>> No.38970491

Got 0 Legends from the starting 12k.
Off to a great start.

>> No.38970604

Recently started sugar conflict, can anyone who's playing tell me if i should do 1h commissions since they drop character shards or can i keep doing 6h-12h ones so i dont have to check the game every hour? Ty

>> No.38970632

>Your monster girls raping the antagonist girls in story cutscenes.
Remind me of Girls Symphony, not as brutally though.

>> No.38970727

any idea if asaka and bridgette will share a banner or do I just fart roll it up all in this when I don't like erika

>> No.38970782

They won't have the same rate up banner together but iirc they will share the same pool and pity tokens.

>> No.38971630

Got the mantis and the queen bee in one go
Not bad not bad

>> No.38973954

How good are scenes in minashigo?

>> No.38974227
File: 1.07 MB, 1141x647, lancer died!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classing up sure is a lot easier than in Aegis, all you need are the equipment drops and the right level. No choices though, just one upgrade.

>> No.38974251

Thought it was just me having a lot of jagged's on the UI

>> No.38974295

Maitetsu and taimanin collab with mist train

>> No.38974324

I tried to zoom 200% in the game and everything still looks pretty clear, so the game was probably made with pretty huge resolution then scaled down to fit browser window.

>> No.38974535

Is that how it works? Not sure i wanna unlock that h-scene

>> No.38974733

Mostly vanilla stuff, but there's a few non vanilla scenes (gangbang/monster rape/etc) for the characters from guild battle events.

>> No.38974996

One ssr from initial rolls
It's the pre-reg I picked...

>> No.38977249
File: 1.48 MB, 1420x800, incubus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might want to avoid the succubus' incubus sister then.

>> No.38977936

H-scene if you manage to get the legend drop from premium dungeon, not sure if it's for each or if it's just one

>> No.38978105

H-scenes unlock at certain level, so if you use her a lot it's going to happen anyway.
Right now I'm going to assume it's just how the Japanese misuse English words they encounter.

Too late. RNG has no forgiveness. Rolled her on my first 10-roll and my prereg pick already took Shota-kun's butt virginity while giving him a BJ.

>> No.38979114

I love that we have a monster girl gacha focused, I hope it can last for a while

>> No.38979153

Compared to Deep One I like all the inner dialogue from the girl's perspective but they're a bit too short to satisfy me .

>> No.38980650

Monmosu feels extremely cheap compared to Mist Train Girls, reminds me of the shitty goblin game.

>> No.38980675

