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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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38696048 No.38696048 [Reply] [Original]

Can somebody explain Japanese idols to me

I am not a man of culture to the degree of some of the gentlemen on this board, the most I've gotten into "otaku culture" was watching more or less mainstream anime (my favs right now are Ranking of Kings and Sonny Boy) and then researching the producers and stuff because I was interested in how they got made.

One day I went down a bit a wiki/news rabbithole of some major idol groups like Nokizaka46 and AKB48, and all I could think at any given moment was -

"What on the actual fucking earth am I looking at right now?"

- Everything about it is off-putting, and the more clinical explanations of wiki articles don't help with that.

Besides being music groups, it seems from a distance like an advanced exploit of how fan-bases grow and act for profit, but it seems more complex than that.

>> No.38696070

Wait til you hear about the coomhand. The war between purity and degeneracy is an eternal one.

>> No.38696076

Is that like a legendary weapon or something

>> No.38696101

girls like them cause they can have someone their age to look up to, guys like them cause they can have someone half their age they can jerk off to

>> No.38696111

Think of it as Hollywood and Stan culture.
Think of it as 40 years of Disney Channel stars now combine the two and multiply it severalfold.

>> No.38696122

homovan more like homovan 90b get suck my balls

>> No.38696252

A classic idol fan move is to go to a handshake event, and while in line, crank out a fat one. Then, they shake the idols hand with their semen-covered hand, smearing it all over.

>> No.38696305
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>> No.38696318

this is a pretty epic image bro
what board you normally post on i wanna check it out

>> No.38696337

Do the managers/companies of these groups implicitly support this behavior in their fans because it means that they have a more loyal consumer base?

>> No.38696344

>actually believing this is common and didn't result in criminal charges the couple times it happened like 15 years ago.
Are you retarded?

>> No.38696353

I only use 4chan when I need people with overly specific knowledge, such as now

This is like the 5th result on duckduckgo for "sad crusader"

>> No.38696367

Idols exist to exploit lonely men. They pretend to be innocent virgins with great personalities.
Their "personalities" are completely manufactured and they sleep with several different men, but their fans just pretend that's not the case, while wasting absurd amounts of money in merchandise.
They are basically the original version of female streamers and simps.

>> No.38696375

lol internet

>> No.38696386

lol internet

>> No.38696390
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>> No.38696397
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>> No.38696418

It doesn't happen. You have to sanitise your hands beforehand.

>> No.38696426


>> No.38696458


>> No.38696570

It's the same shit Disney does with young singers except in Japan.

>> No.38696578

"I think a big appeal of idols, is the fact that they're so young, like most of them are under the age of 20. And at first your like: 'wait this is kinda weird, like why are people so obsessed with these young girls,' but its actually, uhm, there's a lot of, uhm, I don't wanna say propaganda... but there's a lot of... uhm, material built up around the fact that, like, the girls are growing up and going through middle school and high school and you're there to kind of, chronicle your journey with them and you're watching them grow and become more successful and reach their dreams in the entr- entertainment industry. So, I think um, I think it's kind of an interesting concept that doesn't really exist here." (Takoyaki Party! 4:45)

I think that was a good explanation of the less heinous appreciation as opposed to what much of the thread describes.

>> No.38696592

the real idols are the bros we meet along the way

>> No.38696605

They're really like substitute daughters as opposed to substitute girlfriends which a lot of people seem to think of them as. Daughters you can jerk off too without feeling bad.

>> No.38696666

remove that last bit if you wouldn't mind

>> No.38696839
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go watch 父と息子の地下アイドル

maybe it can help you understand idols

>> No.38697261

local idols are wholesome

>> No.38697374

It's parasocial in nature much like Vtubers and E-Celebs.

>> No.38698257

they still do it, they just wipe their hand the bare-minimum so it's indistinguishable from regular greasy sweat and can enjoy the thought that they got their spermies all over A-chan's pretty hand. Really even the thought that waifu shook your filthy hand after jerking off is enough, even if you washed it.

>> No.38698338

kpop but unpozzed and based

>> No.38698421

The whole idol scene is very complex, in general it's another form of escapism for guys and womans , like games etc... It can be really fun to follow if you don't take it seriously and have a open mind , you can see pretty girls and learn about japanese culture.

>> No.38698685

You will get into it because of the girls.
You will stay because of the bros >>38696592

>> No.38698691

fuck off with this stupidity, what a dumb thread overall

>> No.38698693
File: 419 KB, 716x403, ren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we love them...

>> No.38698713

>he has no bros

>> No.38698804

Speaking from experience, you delusional nutcase?

>> No.38699806

there are two things you need to know about idols:

- they exist to exploit lonely men without any chance of reproduction
- they are entertaining, cute and deserve your support

>> No.38706863

>if you are posting here, you are the target demographic
>so might as well enjoy

>> No.38711835
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Nicely put. Still better than holoturds in any case.
Mike more like kike, am I right?
