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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 128 KB, 1048x828, damn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3868084 No.3868084 [Reply] [Original]

Farewell /jp/. I leave you with my stash, which I will start updating daily. Can't be arsed to look for new proxies that will get banned for CP anyway.


>> No.3868093

What will happened to the gangbang touhou doujin you're editing?

>> No.3868098

Nooooooo. Dont leave me with these brutes. On the other hand, good riddance. Heres to hoping you can get rid of your NEET ways and get laid and finally form a family with a cute 3D girl that you love and will eventually marry.

>> No.3868106

That is some bullshit. Sorry to hear it.

>> No.3868119

Meh, happened to me at work too. Good thing I got two connections running at home.

>> No.3868130
File: 62 KB, 408x408, Sacchristmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that isn't very christmasy of the mods

>> No.3868134

Can we erect a virtual statue?

>> No.3868149

stop spamming ur shitty board on A n o n t a l k . com

>> No.3868156

What the fuck is this shit? Hong is one of the few people on /jp/ who make this place awesome. Blocking off an entire ISP range seems kind of harsh, what exactly happened?

>> No.3868160

well that sucks fucking moot

>> No.3868161
File: 27 KB, 485x395, konagj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you CP bot and whoever created you!

>> No.3868166


it is probably temporary until the spam bots changes host.

>> No.3868170

Watch out guys, it's full of viruses and malwares.

>> No.3868172
File: 8 KB, 307x106, ratios.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't Meiling post on /t-h/ too? Also, heh.

>> No.3868173


What ISP? I don't supposed it was already added to the FAQ.

>> No.3868175


Thanks Derek! Where would I ever be without you?

>> No.3868185

Not watching porn or using free rapidshare link generators, thats for sure

>> No.3868196
File: 560 KB, 638x900, meilingback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn you Meiling, you can't leave. Where else will I get my fix of quality doujins now? And we still haven't played that 12.3 match I keep asking you about.

I suppose you got an IP range ban because of some troll. I know it's irritating when you have to deal with those underaged morons that have the same internet provider as you. Sorry to hear that.

This really sucks.

>> No.3868207

can you post on touhou-project.com or something

>> No.3868211

>Where else will I get my fix of quality doujins now?


>> No.3868220
File: 8 KB, 453x400, 1206202768928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That really sucks.

Blocking off an entire ISP seems a bit over the top, hopefully it's only temporary.

>> No.3868223

That would require too much work.

>> No.3868227

Aren't you lazy. Piss off. Not saged for the rest of this thread.

>> No.3868233

It's not the same when the links are posted as a reply to a sample image, so that I know what I'm getting.

>> No.3868237

Give it a few weeks, then email moot. The spammer/troll would have probably moved on by then.

I'm sure he'll understand.

>> No.3868240

Goodbye Hong Meiling Gate Gate. I'll miss you. You're the only good Polish person I've met in my entire life.

>> No.3868242

Don't tell me you use Neostrada, Meiling...

>> No.3868244
File: 394 KB, 509x3353, 1259118442116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, and I liked Hong Meiling too.

>> No.3868245

What is your ISP/region?

I can say this without doubt that you were easily one of the higher tier users of /jp/. As far as tripfriends go you weren't much for conversations but you made up for it with your unrivaled contributions to /jp/.

Assuming this isn't just a temporary block of the ISPs of the botnet that brought down the static server yesterday, do you want us all to go into #4chan and demand they unban your region? If enough of us email moot or bother the mods on IRC, they might listen to us.

If this is truly the end, you will be missed.

>> No.3868247

Don't you use the same ISP as Hong Meiling 門門?

>> No.3868259

I have been informed via IRC that this is the 3rd and permanent ban on my ISP. If I wanted to blame someone I would blame the kiddie users of Neostrada. The ISP block started because of some trolls on /v/ and /b/. A few months before /v/ and /b/ blocked posting on my ISP, now it spread to all of 4chan.

>> No.3868263

Why don't you just change to a better ISP?

>> No.3868270

Then how did you post this thread?

>> No.3868274

Read his post carefully.

>> No.3868284

just post on the ghostside.

>> No.3868292
File: 735 KB, 2307x1600, 1259803507226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's time for you to pass the torch. And by that I mean someone has to become the new Hong Meiling 門門. My vote goes to the Remi tripfriend (since he/she reminds me of you). Give Remi your tripcode and Remi will become: Remilia Meiling 門門 !!CkFE91f1n9T

Alternatively, you could just start posting on the ghost board. I'm usually there 24/7 and if I saw any of your post on the ghost board I could redirect them to /jp/.

>> No.3868307
File: 401 KB, 200x86, 1256470728694.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's TPSA?

Pic is me

>> No.3868311

Just hijack someone's wifi connection and browse the internet for free.

>> No.3868314

Fuck no.
He's a good uploader, but a shitty poster.

>> No.3868339
File: 69 KB, 532x542, Tenshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The best tripfriend on /jp/ banned

>> No.3868342

As mentioned just use the archive and when someone spots your post they can easily just relay your message.

>> No.3868359

That sounds like a hassle.

>> No.3868364


Not really, plenty of people use the archive and it only takes a few seconds to copy and paste a message.

>> No.3868366

He is already dead

>> No.3868371
File: 16 KB, 320x240, 1260072452751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminds me of this FBI propaganda video to scare pedophiles, except this time it's real.

One of the two trolls that kept posting Taikodrum Master shops and Dawson pictures got his ISP banned. AoRF used to spam /a/ and he also got his region banned. Lesson learned kiddos, don't spam up and/or shitpost on the board. That anontalk guy is Swedish.

Polish, Russian and Swedish people don't know how to behave. This is what happens when you're raised in countries with extreme left laws.

It's a shame they took Hong Meiling down with them.

>> No.3868376

I actually get ISP region ban at times for some reason, but when I reset the modem, I have proper access again.
Seems almost like a bug.

>> No.3868379
File: 85 KB, 633x505, YouTube - heroicblues's Channel_1260290868567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One of the two trolls that kept posting Taikodrum Master shops and Dawson pictures got his ISP banned.

Here it is case you were wondering.

>> No.3868391

See ya, bro. You will be missed.

>> No.3868392

>That sounds like a hassle.
It's not. I'm usual there for hours and redirecting a few links wouldn't be a problem. (Especially if they're contributions to /jp/.)

>> No.3868403

Im having trouble understanding this mentality. Are people who partake in these activities just really bored individuals, or retarded? Maybe both? Maybe im just getting old, but i cant see the entertainment value in this kind of debauchery.

>> No.3868410

Rude sage.

>> No.3868410,1 [INTERNAL] 

Hong is now dead. I want to see his ghost.

>> No.3868455
File: 11 KB, 356x224, scream2pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im having trouble understanding this mentality. Are people who partake in these activities just really bored individuals, or retarded? Maybe both? Maybe im just getting old, but i cant see the entertainment value in this kind of debauchery.

Have you ever seen the Scream movies before? It's easier to grasp their behavior if you think of them that way. But at least they're having fun when they do it. What I don't understand are the daily dose users. What's so fun about reposting these things everyday:

-Japanese Bird cooking spaghetti.
-You frustrated?
-I'm going to post this everyday until you like it.
-Why is /jp/ so shitty?
-I'm going to post this everyday until the KS-devs remove it from the game.

Taiko at least does other troll things besides reposting his unfunny spam. But again, I just don't understand the bot guys.

>> No.3868456

Maybe he just really dislikes that portrait

>> No.3868466

Good job. We do not need 2hu retards on /jp/. GTFO CANCER

>> No.3868466,1 [INTERNAL] 

A black day for /jp/. I'll miss you, Hong.

>> No.3868499

>I just don't understand the bot guys

Almost all of them are nekofags and 2hu retards, their primary characteristics are tripcode, self-hate, narcissism and the wish to become normalfags. So to endure their pitiful circlejerk of self-hate and superiority complex they feel the urge to troll everybody who does not feel the same way, especially if the results are devastating to the common playground to show the public how they don't really care about this whole nerd stuff.

>> No.3868501
File: 44 KB, 359x450, american-eagle-and-flag-ii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I bet the daily spam guys have a grudge against 4chan since their ISPs were blocked. Is it a coincidence that some of the more noteworthy daily dose spammers all had their regions banned:

1) Anonymous of the Russian Federation - the guy behind Nameless Fairy of old /a/.
2) Dawson - the guy that keeps reposting "why is /jp/ so shitty?"
3) Kimmo - Anontalk.
4) Anon Jones - the new wielder of the Nameless Fairy spamscript. (As far as I know Jones hasn't gotten his region banned *yet* but he has gotten his tripcode banned.)

They are a more dangerous breed of troll because they don't hate, us, the users; they hate 4chan itself. They hate it for its freedom. And they hate the laws that were put in place to protect said freedom. They want anarchy.

>> No.3868514

You are not alone, but to understand why they are doing this you have to think with their heads, and to draw a conclusion from their posts and their style. It's not that hard, really

I could even say that you should turn the chessboard over. Muhohoh

>> No.3868520

Damnit, Meiling, you were here since the beginning of /jp/

>> No.3868524

gtfo tripfags

>> No.3868527

>They want anarchy

4chan is anarchy so this can't be right. It's just superiority complex.

>> No.3868532

But he left his reaction images somewhere the way here. I miss "china_X.jpg"

>> No.3868536

>laws that were put in place to protect (...) freedom

You're not making any sense.

>> No.3868539

>Hong Meiling 門門 !!CkFE91f1n9T
Good-bye. You were one of our better tripfriends since the beginning of /jp/. If you're gone it's like a part of /jp/ has died as well.

>> No.3868540
File: 309 KB, 1973x1400, =D (23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bye Hong Meiling

>> No.3868545
File: 9 KB, 100x100, china_cry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is an abomination. I refuse to believe one of our best has been defeated so easily.

>> No.3868548
File: 24 KB, 400x307, awawawawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't news, but it's still saddening ;_;
Here's to hoping someone lifts the retarded ban.

>> No.3868554
File: 14 KB, 317x367, 1219088115187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily-dose threads are fine as long as it's kept under control. But 5 daily dose threads each day; that's just wrong. Not including the ones that are easily filtered, the ones like "are you frustrated" cause a lot of harm.

Even though it only takes a total of 4 seconds to acknowledge, groan, and hide these threads. 4 seconds times 100 users is 6 minutes of manpower wasted each day. Try doing that calculation with 5 or more bots and you can see why that's a problem. And that doesn't include all of the man hours that are wasted for the few users that are dumb enough to respond to said threads.

Seriously, you daily dose spammers have done more to harm 4chan than King of GETs or that Taiga tripfriend of /a/. And for what, your sick little revenge against team 4chan for enforcing the rules?

>> No.3868555

i always hated that guy

>> No.3868557

Fuck you suigin why did you ban him

>> No.3868558

Am I the only one who's glad he's gone?

You guys act as though he improved the overall quality of the board and that /jp/ would somehow become shittier without him.

>> No.3868568
File: 48 KB, 200x112, 1244087429126.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3868573

You must be new here.

>> No.3868576

so the competition is gone?

thus begins my reign over /jp/

>> No.3868587 [DELETED] 

Since mods seem to be on a ISP-banning trip, may I ask them to consider toggling the Japanese IP filter on again?
Japanese faggots mistaking this place for a subsidiary of 2ch and pestering us with the same poorly-written shit every so many days are seriously starting to bother me, as well as many others, I'm sure about that. I would go as far as to say they are the harm they cause is second only to that of the daily dose spammers.

>> No.3868590

>You guys act as though he improved the overall quality of the board and that /jp/ would somehow become shittier without him.
He set an example for us lazy /jp/ers by contributing to the board. In terms of helpful doujin links/uploads, no two tripfriends combined can match Hong Meiling's hard work.

He will be remembered as an expert of Touhou doujins. A shymoe tripfriend that was always willing to sacrifice some of his time to help a bro in need.

He was the guy to go to if you ever needed the source of a doujin. If that's not setting an example for /jp/ers, then I don't know what is.

>> No.3868596

Now this is someone who needs to get a permaban.

You suck too much cock to take China's place, boof. Go choke on a dick as you always do or something.

>> No.3868597

I'd say you are fucking delusional.

>> No.3868598

Since mods seem to be on a ISP-banning trip, may I ask them to consider toggling the Japanese IP filter on again?
Japanese faggots mistaking this place for a subsidiary of 2ch and pestering us with the same poorly-written shit every so many days are seriously starting to bother me, as well as many others, I'm sure about that. I would go as far as to say the harm they cause is second only to that of the daily dose spammers.

>> No.3868600

UNACCEPTABLE. I motion we appeal to moot directly.

>> No.3868602
File: 38 KB, 140x148, 1242720032033.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's because that's exactly the case.

Alas, /jp/ is dead now.

Bye. I'll try going outside.

>> No.3868603

A valid comment followed by an image macro and a catchphrase. I see the effects of "Hong Meiling" leaving are already in action.

>> No.3868615

Meiling, you got a GG number? I think I've got a neat proxy for you to try out.

>> No.3868621

I always thought those were trolls pretending to be Japanese.

As far as I know, 2chan/2ch users have never showed an interest in our boards. Back on old /a/ we used to shit up their boards via proxies and they still didn't pay us any attention. The only thing moot needs to do is make some autoban filters for the daily dose guys.

Daily dose threads are the worst form of trolling. At least the traditional trolls put effort into their troll attempts. But with these daily dose guys, all they do is type "/run java_trollbot.exe" and that's their idea of good trolling.

>> No.3868624

Someone make a proxy for him, it's not a big deal.

>> No.3868627

/jp/'s always been like this since early on.

It's just the fact of when you choose to see and accept it.

>> No.3868628

He's still a true bro even after his leave.
>Farewell /jp/. I leave you with my stash, which I will start updating daily.

He was one of the few that didn't become a cockgobbler like >>3868576.

He was a fine example of a tripfriend, and an even finer example of a /jp/-regular.

>> No.3868629


>Bye. I'll try going outside.

Good god.

>> No.3868636

>UNACCEPTABLE. I motion we appeal to moot directly
Agreed but see:
It looks like the mods are serious about this one.

The offer is still available. If Hong Meiling wants me to bother moot then I would be more than willing to do it.

>> No.3868637

If Japanese bird gets banned I'm quitting 4chan. ;_;


>> No.3868638

I won't accept you and I won't acknowledge you since we can't create pixel arts and homes from giant blocks anymore

>> No.3868644

Hi Jones and/or Anonymous of the Russian Federation.

>> No.3868646

so, are the bots out?

>> No.3868647

I'm right behind you on this, and I'm sure others will rally with you, so as long as Hong Meiling chooses.

This is like a ban against us all. You've helped us out so we should be able to help you out too, bro.

>> No.3868652

Yeah, he actually contributed from time to time and stayed out of the tripfriend circlejerk threads.

The only thing I can say that was good about Boof was his Minecraft server. Whatever happened to that, btw?

>> No.3868657

You know bro, I upload/link a good ammount of doujins as well.

>> No.3868658

>The only thing I can say that was good about Boof was his Minecraft server. Whatever happened to that, btw?
Shitty people cannot sustain good things.

>> No.3868660


But you are also a shameless shitposter.

>> No.3868666

People kept flooding/crashing it left and right.

>> No.3868670

I hope all the spammers are gone as well

>> No.3868672

Bullshit. You took them from China's lists. I even checked.

>> No.3868677

Not anymore.

>> No.3868690
File: 64 KB, 355x349, AnonCro Suprise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3868703

70% if the time I got the link from /t-h/

but for older ones, not on that board any more...

>> No.3868715

If my ISP ban will keep all the spammers off 4chan, then I welcome it. The ban, at least motivates me enough to update my stuff on a more regular basis. If I had the money and server capacity I would really like to create something like World of Gensokyo 2. For now I am satisfied with what mediafire offers. If I ever have something important I would like to share I will just look for another proxy.

>> No.3868720

I wish the tripfags and tripfag supporter would all die in a fire. Suddenly 4chan would become a neat place again, at least for some time

>> No.3868724

you will be missed.

>> No.3868729

I've got a few proxies, but I'm sure that if I just posted them here some lolkids from TPSA would use them for their pathetic CP spam needs. Thank god I switched to Dialog.

Anyways, just tell me where could I send them to you?

>> No.3868734
File: 47 KB, 345x267, 1239401300219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im having trouble understanding this mentality. Are people who partake in these activities just really bored individuals,

Out of all the dailydose spammers and shitposters, Taikodrum Master is the only one I can understand. He's basically a bored Asian living in Australia that just so happens to be friends with a guy named Taiko. Both of said asians are from 4chan so they dick around with each other by posting photoshopped pictures of themselves. Personally, I blame Australia's gay/circlejerk culture. In no other country of the west is gay curiosity more commonplace than in Australia. (The UK being a close 2nd.)

Here's a video of one of the aforementioned Australians: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v84CbvoaBNc

Example of his lackluster trolls:

tl;dr A mixture of gay and boredom is what makes this shitposter tick.

>> No.3868737

Go back to bed, Taiko.

>> No.3868737,1 [INTERNAL] 

This crying just proves that none of you know how to find doujins for yourselves. Pathetic.

>> No.3868749

Taiko never sleeps.

>> No.3868751

Are you kidding me? I fear that I might kill on sight this "Taiko" person should I ever find him. Such is my hate for these shit posts.

>> No.3868763

This is a joke post, right?

Come to think of it, >>3868371 and >>3868501 also sound pretty surreal. Same person on a trolling trip?

>> No.3868773

Well in the case of me I don't hate the trolls like Arc or Taiko. They are easily ignored. But those dailydose threads are annoying. There shouldn't have to be 5 hidden threads on the first page of /jp/ whenever I click on it. And sifting through all of said threads waste time.

I'm one of the guys that kept reposting those "4chan filters" threads. I didn't care about filtering shitty tripfriends or trolls, I just wanted more people to start ignoring these dailydose threads (hoping that the posters of said threads would get bored if they recived no activity). But day after day /jp/ers continued to give these threads attention. Do you guys really have to post in every "Japanese Bird cooking spaghetti" or "are you frustrated" threads that you see on the first page?

You know what would be funny, a dailydose bot that post dailydose topics in each dailydose thread. Maybe that would somehow kill any conversations that may be started in those threads.

>> No.3868783

people ignoring those threads will never happen, those are pretty much the /jp/ equivalent of a bug zapper.

even if they where ignored, new ones would take their place.

>> No.3868790

Well, I'm kinda sleepy and someone brought up the topic of dailydose.

>also sound pretty surreal
Some of those post are very much true. Can you point out anything that was factually incorrect about them?

>> No.3868791

5/10? More like 9/10 and sometimes I can't keep up to hide all those 2hu image posts. Why don't you retards get back to bun. Nobody cares about your shit here? Discuss 2hu in one thread and that's it

>> No.3868795

Excuse me, what the heck is a 2hu?

>> No.3868795,1 [INTERNAL] 

Pretty sure the inability of 4chan users to find their own porn has been there since day one. Hell, if I didn't had an epiphany back in 2006 I would be on the same train but now I suffer for the opposite: Very little of the stuff relevant to my interest gets scanned.

>> No.3868806


Two. Hu. 1+1. I thought it was pretty obvious.. but I could be wrong.

>> No.3868808
File: 49 KB, 848x480, nyun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3868818


Diferent reading bro. Might wanna learn some basic japanese before spamming a new meme.

>> No.3868828

Is that what 2hu means? For a second there I thought the mods wordfiltered /bun/ to 2hu.

>> No.3868847

Tsufu? Never heard of it.

>> No.3868859

Oh god no. Please keep posting sometimes on the ghost side, sir.
By the way, posting to check if I got an ISP ban too. Damn, I don't want that again.

>> No.3868897


thanks for all this, i am sad now.

>> No.3868907

Well assuming 2hu means Touhou I'll give you a serious response (because I assume you're not trolling).

Touhou is the one topic that no one dares to argue against on /jp/ because without Touhou this board wouldn't be here. Assumming you already know the history of /jp/, I'll spare you the history lesson.

If you're disappointed by the recent increase in secondary-fan faggotry then blame the Mokou tripfriend. He's the one behind the recent string of lackluster/survey threads. I defended him when others were spamming his livestream channel but after observing his behavior for a while I see that he's not compatible with us. He's better suited for a place like pooshlmer. Like many people on pooshlmer, the Mokou tripfriend wasn't around back in the days when Touhou was on old /a/. So he hasn't matured with us.

>> No.3868942


>Diferent reading bro. Might wanna learn some basic japanese before spamming a new meme.

What? It's been used as '2hu' everytime so how the fuck should I know it's even remotely related to moonspeak? And I was also somehow spamming a meme in my post too? Incredible.

>> No.3868967

Yes, and you're an idiot. American? Can't pronounce foreign words correctly even when it's blindingly obvious how it should be pronounced. Fucking uncultured swines.

>> No.3868974

To add, I haven't seen "2hu" used before this thread, so nice try with your failed forced meme.

Polite sage for everyone else in the thread, rudeness implied for faggot being talked to.

>> No.3868985

Because of you being a cancerous disease. 2hu exists since the creation of /jp/. Period.

Sure is newfag in here. GB2/bun/

>> No.3868988

How is /bun/ a place for "newfags"?

>> No.3868991

Shut up Tohno

>> No.3868992

Please don't feed the troll.

>> No.3868993

It's always a sad day when somebody gets indirectly banned like this.
I would evade it anyway, personally, but I guess it's your choice.
Good of you to leave a parting gift of porn (:

Just for the record, I never saved Russia's scripts when he posted them back on /a/.
The current Nameless Fairy user either is Russia himself, or wants you to think he is Russia.
And he has yet to target a thread that doesn't deserve it, so more power to him.

>>all posts containing 2hu
I bet you think you're really cool and edgy with that nickname. Although I hate to be the bearer of bad news, you're going to have to realize at some point that it makes you (and the other content of your post) look incredibly silly and hard to take seriously.
"Toho" is one more keystroke. "Touhou" is three more keystrokes. This is the equivalent of using "u" instead of "you", you know.

>> No.3868995

oh you americans

>> No.3869004

Just did a search on the archive. "2hu" has been used before: a total of 92 times since the archive's inception, including the times it's mentioned in this thread. Now take a quick glance of the type of posts found with it: http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp?search_text=2hu&task=search&offset=48

It looks like it's just one person who's been using this failmeme for more than a year (notice almost all posts are alike: "niggerz", allcaps, /b/ faggotry), and from the posts it seems to be a complete imbecile too.

>> No.3869007

What's your ISP, exactly?

>> No.3869010

Sure is retards in here. Nice to see the narcists circlejerk jump in agony once they have been exposed.

Now to blow your mind: PEOPLE USE WORDS THEY LIKE.

2hu is here since /jp/ creation. Period. You say something else, you are a lying newfag. And now gtfo especially cancer like jones. Sure is 150 IQ in here amirite

>> No.3869017
File: 77 KB, 556x556, 1257509841490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meiling, you were a good poster and a fine gentleman. I will surely miss you.

>> No.3869018 [SPOILER] 
File: 28 KB, 583x1074, Alicia-dfc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is buttmad Sion-chan in here.
Pic is always related.

>> No.3869024

>>3868985 2hu exists since the creation of /jp/.
Get the fuck out.

>> No.3869026 [DELETED] 

Cool story bro. 2hu users are and always were the cancer that is lurking /jp/. It's my lifetime duty to protect this holy land and I will so to do until god himself decides to put and end to this board.

>> No.3869032

Cool story bro. 2hu users are and always were the cancer that is lurking /jp/. It's my lifetime duty to protect this holy land and I will do so until god himself decides to put and end to this board.

>> No.3869035

There is a distinctive lack of SHITHOU in that post to be considered a Sion post.

>> No.3869036

Looks like you've been exposed as being the single person on /jp/ using that "meme". Based on the quality (or lack thereof) of all the posts found on the archive containing the phrase, I advocate "2hu" become an instant ban.

>> No.3869038

Would you guys be so kind as to shut the fuck up already? Im giving you one more chance, after that its REPOT and hide time.

>> No.3869041

Sadly for you, touhou fans outnumber you.

>> No.3869052


Oh no, whatever shall we do if you forsake us.

>> No.3869057

Protip: I did not invent the term 2hu, am not the only one using it, mostly use it to fight the cancer that is lurking /jp/ with derogatory means because I care about /jp/. If you knew who I am you would certainly shit brix.

>> No.3869060

For what it's worth Meiling, this is goodbye.
Shared some good stuff and I start finding sources of shit in your name, I hope this isn't farewell just see you later.

>> No.3869064

back to /b/, please

>> No.3869065

Shut up nekofag

>> No.3869069


>> No.3869070

Wait, how are you fighting cancer by bastardizing words?

>> No.3869073

You, get the fuck out.

>> No.3869074

M-My tears, they just k-keep flowing. Baka

>> No.3869075

Kill yourself, Robotechguy.

>> No.3869078

He's just a lame troll. Let's ignore him and hope he fucks off and leaves us alone.

I would like to take this moment to apologize for having played a part in turning your farewell thread into a meta thread about trolls and bot herders. I guess we started loathing on trolls because it was trolls from /b/ and /v/ that got your ISP banned.

Note to trolls. It's all fun and games until you get an innocent third party region-banned.

I don't know how you manage to do it. Getting proxies these days is a task for me, but finding one that can last longer than a week is almost impossible. /b/'s userbase has doubled in the last two years and anontalk's spam gets multiple proxies banned by the day. Ban evading via a proxy isn't what it used to be.

>> No.3869082

You're the only person who's used it all this time, and all your posts are filled with nothing but memespeak, trolling and general idiocy. Can you even make a post not containing the word "cancer"? Mods, this is exactly the kind of shitposting lamer that you should ban to get this board's quality back on track again.

>> No.3869088

I don't even want to lick your filthy tears.

>> No.3869083
File: 72 KB, 340x315, 1243614647531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just leave already you stupid attention whore.

>> No.3869092

>implying the tripfag does not deserve it, nor that he's the real reason for his ban

Tripfag sure got told. Nice times to be alive.

>> No.3869092,1 [INTERNAL] 

RIP 門門

>> No.3869092,2 [INTERNAL] 

>Kill yourself, Robotechguy.

Oh please, don't insult me by accusing me of being such a low level troll. I've only made 2 post in this thread and this [>>3868907] was one of them.

>> No.3869092,3 [INTERNAL] 

Can't Meiling be a full time ghoust bro?

>> No.3869092,5 [INTERNAL] 

It's almost as sad as the time
Popcorn Mariachi stopped
posting on /r/, almost.

Wouldn't be as bad if banned people
could still browse the boards(posting bans).
>Someone get an American ISP banned
That'd be awesome, JONES get to it!

>> No.3869092,6 [INTERNAL] 

But I don't want to switch ISPs. This one is bundled with my phone plan and I save some money, and it's fairly reliable and has decent speeds.
All of the other DSL providers in town will charge me for shit I don't want on top of that, or make me have two separate bills.

>> No.3869092,7 [INTERNAL] 

I doubt moot will ever ban US or UK ISPs as they are where the money comes from. Banning large Anglosphere nations ISPs would hit him in the pocketbook.

>> No.3869092,8 [INTERNAL] 

Well this is cute. Now /jp/ is just left with shitposters and retards who spam every thread they don't like. Can we declare /jp/ to be officially dead now, or at least as bad as /a/?

>> No.3869092,9 [INTERNAL] 

Its been like /a/ for a good while its still better than /a/ though.

>> No.3869092,10 [INTERNAL] 

>Its been like /a/ for a good while
You're not helping, Sion-chan.

>> No.3869092,11 [INTERNAL] 

Sorry fagget my name is Anonymous. Sion is one of Jones' bots.

>> No.3869092,12 [INTERNAL] 

>Well this is cute. Now /jp/ is just left with shitposters and retards who spam every thread they don't like. Can we declare /jp/ to be officially dead now, or at least as bad as /a/?

Yeah, that's starting to get out of control. I realize that whoever is behind the hijacks is most likely from the ghost board.

Seriously, knock it off. If it was just one guy that was doing the Nameless Fairy hijacks it would be fine, but on 4chan that could never happen. If you continue doing that there WILL be imitators. I don't want /jp/ to become a place where everybody starts hijacking threads they don't like. So far, all the threads that have been hijacked deserved it in my opinion, but once more people start doing it, there will be chaos on /jp/. (Can you imagine what it would be like if one of those wapanese idol fans started using imagebomb scripts on threads they didn't like.)

Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. If you have the power to program something like that you should show some restraint. Wikispam started out as a harmless joke on /a/, but once people started to monkey it, /a/ almost became uninhabitable according to some of the n/a/tives. If this message falls on deaf ears, then only use your thread hijacker script on extremely rare scenarios.

And one more thing, there's a BIG difference between hijacking a thread under the name Anonymous and under the name "Nameless Fairy." In the case of the former, it looks as if some bored Anon is just dumping some of his favorite Touhou images. But in the case of the latter, it looks as if someone is hijacking a thread they don't like. In no situations should you hijack a thread without Anonymous in the namefield.

>> No.3869092,13 [INTERNAL] 

You think >>3866034 deserved to be hijacked?

>> No.3869092,14 [INTERNAL] 

You think >>3866034 was a positive contribution to /jp/ and not a misplaced /d/ thread?

>> No.3869092,15 [INTERNAL] 

How else is _____ supposed to get NA ISPs banned from 4chan؟

>> No.3869092,16 [INTERNAL] 

At least it tried to be a decent thread, unlike a lot of the shit threads that are made.

>> No.3869092,17 [INTERNAL] 

Objectively speaking, even Sion's anime threads are better, because he usually forgets about them instead of repeatedly bumping them.

>> No.3869092,18 [INTERNAL] 

I think it's just some idiot rather than the OP.

>> No.3869092,19 [INTERNAL] 

>In no situations should you hijack a thread without sage in the emailfield.

>> No.3869092,20 [INTERNAL] 

You know Hong, if you want to, I can hook you up with a proxy just for posting to bin.

>> No.3869092,21 [INTERNAL] 

>forced meme

>> No.3869092,22 [INTERNAL] 

Where are all my friends? What happend to them? Why did they leave?

>> No.3869092,23 [INTERNAL] 

In the end, they weren't actually autistic. They were just stupid and stupid kids still grow up.

>> No.3869092,24 [INTERNAL] 

Hong Meiling left about five times and came back every time.

I wouldn't worry about it. We're all still here!

>> No.3869092,25 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah wasn't he just here in late 2012?
