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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 84 KB, 800x600, alcg0100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3866500 No.3866500 [Reply] [Original]

>>A single European knight-errant conquers an entire nation of Samurai.jpg

>> No.3866505

Well, it is Rance.

>> No.3866511

I wouldn't put it past Rance.

>> No.3866532

As expected from a superior european manbeast.

>> No.3866549


As if we needed any more evidence.

>> No.3866609

I am more than content with my lot in life, I consider myself fortunate.

However, if someone told me I could become Rance instead, would I do so? Of course.

>> No.3866751

rance is stronger then cirino discuss

>> No.3866757


>> No.3866826
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>> No.3866858

What's Rance's remuneration?

>> No.3866863

He need sex after everytime he conquer a land with his power.

>> No.3866882

>However, if someone told me I could become Rance instead, would I do so? Of course.

Only a faggot wouldn't.

>> No.3866902

If he takes a break and fucks girls, he loses levels.

Then again, that hasn't stopped him yet.

>> No.3866906

The translators are conspiring against us.

>> No.3867452

Having my fighting skills increase by a hunderd fold, my dick size increased by at least 10 cm, my stamina improved by ten fold, my teeth changed into razors.
Let me think about this for a moment.

>> No.3867464

I'd do it faggot

>> No.3867526

So I went into the oil dungeon after 5 gourds were broken and I went into isoroku's route.
Hojou has been beaten, ran exploded... but I have yet to see sooun. That fucker hasn't shown up at all since the dungeon.
I just lost ran, gained nothing. shitsux

>> No.3867545

Have faith, and take it easy. i.e. don't move the plot forward for a bit. He's a low-priority event, but it will happen if you don't rush along important events.

>> No.3867547

get more national powah

>> No.3867570
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Do I get the mysterious pink heart?

>> No.3867578

where's a decent torrent of this?

>> No.3867586


>> No.3867609


>> No.3867611

six monkey kill routes done for getting the takeda bonus and still nothing...

>> No.3867614

It's also available on the /jp/ FTP.

>> No.3867688

/jp/ has an FTP?

>> No.3867716

He's an idiot. It's VDZ's FTP.

>> No.3867717


Username: Anonymous
Password: /jp/

>> No.3868026

Damn Rance as a virtual reality game is a must!

>> No.3868054

How about you make Rance into your reality

>> No.3868071

Then we can't be rance. Then the three fucktards of a supergods will kill us for entertainment. We can't rape women since rance will kill us and we would all become hanniwas.

>> No.3868077

Is this from the game? If so, from which part? I've only played True History, and I've yet to encounter such a scene.

>> No.3868082

You could do it in true history in Morocco
Search for mysterious temple
then sex change rance

>> No.3868881

Being a hanny sounds like fun though

>> No.3868893

>A European knight-errant AND his waifu AND 1 Subservient Ora Province conquers an entire nation of Samurai.jpg

>> No.3868894

Not on the first playthrough

>> No.3868979

details details

>> No.3868997

That was just the first province he took over, with his magnetic personality. Oda clearly surrendered to him.

>> No.3869107

What now /jp/?
I finished true, kenshin, ran and the isuroku route.
This game is too damned awesome.

>> No.3869122

Kill the monkey route for sandboxing and for finishing everything what you haven't yet

>> No.3869133

Is there a way to get a version of this that skips the porn scenes?

>> No.3869138

Just close your eyes and hold down the ctrl key, anonymous.

>> No.3869139
File: 108 KB, 800x600, ALCG0014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres just too much porn in this game to remove it entirely. The CTRL key is your best friend really.
Also, have you killed your Kenshin today yet /jp/?
I'm amazed that even Rance can feel compassion sometimes. Though its probably just a mere afterthought over the waste of perfectly good fuck material.

>> No.3869145

I still have to get that bloodly eyeball family bonus. I just captured his harem and conquered his last territory... on the turn before the end of isoroku's route

>> No.3869148

>complain about dumb jocks in real life
>secretly wish you were one

>> No.3869153

There are dumb jocks that are popular in highschool and become losers in the real world and there are jocks that conquers nations, defeat demons and fuck princesses in a fictional world

>> No.3869163
File: 65 KB, 188x220, 3G.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not kill Kenshin-san off like that!

>> No.3869166
File: 68 KB, 200x217, kenshin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not quite dead yet...

>> No.3869171

The porn is so ridiculous and unerotic in this game. I find the cgs on their own to be much more erotic-- the completely unthematic music, Rance's GAAHAHAHAHA, the raping girls in front of their father, all sort of ruin the mood for me.

>> No.3869175


>> No.3869177

You, sir, are a faggot.

>> No.3869186

Can you REALLY masturbate with Rance's rock and roll national anthem blaring in the background? I can't stop laughing. The hentai is too hilarious to fap to.

>> No.3869190

sounds like you dont jerk off often enough

>> No.3869199

It just gives me a better stroking rhythm.

>> No.3869204

>implying the anthem of East Germany did not already arouse me

>> No.3869205

I agree with you sir
I do find the ero scenes to be extremely hilarious though.

>> No.3869207

Yes, yes I can.
The only H-scenes I haven't fapped to are the generic-hime scenes you get when taking over a province, and the 4-some with the maid sisters.
Oh, and that one with 7 or 8 Suzumes. I does go a little overboard..

>> No.3869217

>I'm amazed that even Rance can feel compassion sometimes
He slaughters a prostitution house because they fuck girls for money. In his mind the rape he does is consensual.

>> No.3869219

What the hell? Nothing gets me in the mood more than Rance's theme.

>> No.3869225

so you DID masturbate to the one of Xavier raping his daughter while dragging his nails into her flesh?

>> No.3869228

It was a lolita girl prostitution house.
And one of the girls lost her eye from abuse, and was kidnapped back there.
And Rance had known her for some time.

>> No.3869233

Rance's only line was "why would anyone do this" which just means like "why kill a woman if you could fuck her instead". Not really compassion.

>> No.3869234

Yes, yes I did.

>> No.3869248

You didn't?
She's pretty much a little brown girl.

I wish there were more scenes with a lot of the side characters. Yuzuhara in that goddamned swimsuit, more Noir, one with Torako, etc.

>> No.3869260
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I came across this scene RIGHT after I read your post.

>> No.3869261

I know I did. That spreader bar attached to her nipples with the leash, very nice.

>> No.3869263

>Yuzuhara in that goddamned swimsuit

>> No.3869286
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>> No.3869289

Does rance ever fufill his goal of fucking the demon king?

>> No.3869296

You fapped to Kouhime getting violated?

>> No.3869306

If I remember correctly... he did fuck a demon queen once, in a previous game.

>> No.3869314
File: 109 KB, 800x600, do it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it was only so easy.

>> No.3869329

He fucked Demon King Gele but she only had like 1/1000~ of her real power.

>> No.3869332

Ergh. Thats the only scene I ctr'd through. Fuck, that was some sad shit.

>> No.3869338


ragefap is the best fap

>> No.3869373

I really like East Germanys national anthem. It sounds nicer than Germanys actual anthem.

>> No.3869385
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Erich Hoenecker would have been proud. and so would the Red Army faction be

>> No.3869395

i'm in Ran's route.. how can i kidnap Kurohime?.. it requires 50 in Search... and one only can send 5 commanders... 5 commanders with 10 search each is nearly impossible..

>> No.3869398

do as much as you can, it will fail.
Then the cost will be lowered by that amount.

>> No.3869413

5 commanders with 10 Search each *is* impossible, it only goes up to 9.
Like the other dude said, do it in multiple attempts. Each attempt will reduce the difficulty of the Search.

>> No.3869425



>> No.3869438

Why does this game never get old? I'm on my fifth run and still loving it.

>> No.3869472

I just started playing last night. Goddamn, this has to be the only legitimately funny thing to come out of Japan ever.

>> No.3869476

stop spamming ur shitty board on A n o n t a l k . com

>> No.3869553

First playthrough, turn 66, getting flanked by the Demon Army, went online and found a walkthrough since this is the first time I've been challenged since the beginning of the game. Apparently, you're supposed to have more than 2 action fans at this point along with a character called "Leila". I have neither. I'm doing it wrong, aren't I?

>> No.3869616

Leila is a satisfaction bonus character
You get more action fans by using SAT bonuses, you get additional fans at 50/160/250 SAT

>> No.3869634


Yeah, I haven't even used any of the satisfaction bonuses once. Oh well, time to reload to 15 turns ago.

>> No.3869729

Anyone have the link to all the Rance themes spanning from the first game to the latest ? I can only find the two versions of "My Glorious Days" from Sengoku Rance.

>> No.3869771


>> No.3869782

Are Fuuka (the miko you get at around the beginning) and another commander that can become kabuki actor any good ?

I'm tempted to fire them out but still unsure whether they would have some kind of awesome power later on.

>> No.3869786

Maeda is good once you have kibuki'd him twice
And keep Fuuka if you want to fight Orochi.

>> No.3869803

I chose Zeth Reinforcement for Rance bonus.

>3 turns passed,getting raped from all around


>> No.3869807

Thanks bro.

>> No.3869808

Don't feel too bad, I just figured out how to do it myself.

My general approach to videogames is to do as much as I possibly can on my own and then use a walkthrough the second time.
This strategy is fucked in games which allow you to screw up past the point of recovery, which is what I'm worried about.

>> No.3869810

with the anthem at the end, it all fits in place now. for some reason, it didn't fit in my head before.
but now it all makes sense.

>> No.3869814


Patience. They'll come, they just need to get across the bridge and then travel unseen through enemy lands to get to you.
Not sure exactly how many, but they should show up in a couple of turns.

>> No.3869827

>And an ice block


>> No.3869828

>And a nice block

>> No.3869831

That was truly a nice block. Unlimited source of ice, cold and water. Isn't it awesome?

>> No.3869851

what kabuki do to Maeda actually?

>> No.3869853


What happened to Kensei after he killed off his niece ?

If he's still alive then it proved that he isn't complete tactless, since he will be definitely be killed when his niece is still alive.

>> No.3869855

+3 attack +3 defense +3 wikireading
The questions asked in this thread are pretty sugoi.

>> No.3869858

oh man, i can totally see rance shaving ice off of the block for his drinks while sill tears up helplessly in her prison


isn't it sad, sil

>> No.3869860

>The questions asked in this thread are pretty sugoi.
Rance threads make me more and more angry.

>> No.3869865

Rance will just get horny and drill into the ice with his hyper weapon.

>> No.3869866
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Are you fustrated?

>> No.3869873

I have no cup of soup. ( ._.)

>> No.3869880
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>> No.3869881

I am angry.

>> No.3869882

I heard somewhere that you don't have to post in threads if you don't want to.

>> No.3869898

I like the game and I like the discussions about it. I do no like seeing retards asking the same questions again and again since the motherfucking april

>> No.3869900

Sup A-san.

>> No.3869934

I don't want to sound patronizing, but you realize that it just means that more people are picking up the game, due mostly to the fact that you and the other posters have been making threads about it since April?

The wiki is very difficult for a new player to make sense of, and /jp/ is like the only place on the internet that talks about the game.

If you nuture noobs now, it's the only way you'll have more people discussing the game on an advanced level.

>> No.3869938
File: 139 KB, 800x600, ashigaruonly16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure you use two Def books on Maeda before you kabuki him the 2nd time. He'll go from 6 Def to 9 Def. You can give him 6 Att too if you've got books to spare so he becomes a 9/9/x/x monster able to defend and attack with the best of 'em.

>> No.3869939

You were deceived. Obviously, if you don't want to post in a thread you must post in it telling everyone your opinion.

I think I'll just post these three links in every Rance thread that pops up, along with a sage, until the only questions asked are ones that aren't in the guides.

>> No.3869956

>If you nuture noobs now
We were doing it for 6 months. There is such a giant base of knowledge right now (massive hongfire thread, archive, wiki) that anyone should be able to play without asking about goddamn basics.

>> No.3869991

Can anyone post the log when Gekkou blows up? I never bothered to save it.

>> No.3870038
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What else can she say?

>> No.3870054
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>> No.3870247

So oily...

>> No.3870255

Why is she so oily?

>> No.3870258

Would you eat toads with her?

>> No.3870260

Little brown girls are the best.

>> No.3870261


Was this in Sengoku Rance? I don't remember anything like that...

>> No.3870263

Nah, it's not in Sengoku.

>> No.3870271


No wonder then. Btw, about the other Rance games, has Sil ever gotten herself in as bad of a situation as she did in Sengoku?

>> No.3870280


I suppose that depends on your definition of a bad situation, but she's never been this close to death, no.

>> No.3870289 [SPOILER] 
File: 57 KB, 800x600, sillice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It doesn't get much worse.

Unless you count Miki trying to break the ice and succeeding all too well.

>> No.3870332

She was frozen in ice or even die (in Demon King Rance/Satella Route/End) in Kichikuou. And in 3 Sil and Rance get teleported to a place beyond Space and Time where no one could possibly reach them (literally even with Gele at full power cannot escape) with Demon King Gele but then a God literally kicked (actually kicked) them out (during the game they were jumping on said Gods' dinner plate so it was pretty fucking pissed).

>> No.3870360

I couldn't fap to this very well before I tried to see what would happen if I tried to get the loli and now I can't fap to this after I tried to see what would happen if I went for the loli.
If it's a problem, just keep it out...

Why do they go through so much effort just to make a loli and say over and over again that the main character isn't into that?

And they don't have anything else of interest in it either.
The whole thing just gave me an uptight impression of it and I couldn't stand it any more.
Seriously. Loli isn't mandatory or anything, and I really just wanted to see what happen.. But ultimately, it really did just leave me stone cold.
Boring porn.

>> No.3870371

Forgot; Again, not just the loli thing at all.
The porn really was boring and generic to begin with.
That was just the very, very last straw.

>> No.3870383
File: 20 KB, 427x640, ChrisHansen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(during the game they were jumping on said Gods' dinner plate so it was pretty fucking pissed).
lol wut

Why don't you take a seat?

>> No.3870396 [DELETED] 

Eh.. I don't know.
Maybe I could try playing it again.

Maybe it's not all generic boring porn.

>> No.3870414

SHIT! So that's why it was there.
They were waiting for me to post to /jp/.
Damn you Chris Hansen.
Damn you to hell.

>> No.3870462

Well, there is a loli scene in the game (just that one I think), but it doesn't involve Rance and it's a "guilty fap" kinda thing.

>> No.3870468 [DELETED] 

stop spamming ur shitty board on A n o n t a l k . com

>> No.3870483

In Ranceverse Gods are really just being made to entertain Giant Whale.

And when Rance was in a cave (called the Akuma Cave) Rance was told to prove he was evil so he jumped on the plate of the Light God.

Later during the ending of the game; just after raping Demon King Gele he gets teleported to a dimension of complete darkness. They were SUPPOSED to be trapped forever. SUDDENLY, the Light God appears, pissed off that they were fucking around on his plate he kicked them and they went back to their dimension but they were on the flying city, Ylapu (which is really a Toushin).

>> No.3870523

Fine. Samefag takes back what they said any way.
I don't know... It just felt so... generic..
I don't really know why.
It was an interesting set up, but it just seemed boring to me all together.
Maybe I didn't far enough.

>> No.3870529


God is a giant whale? What?

>> No.3870540


>> No.3870542


Well, I don't know about others, but I liked Sengoku Rance for everything else. The gameplay's fun and simple. It's got a few laughs in it, and I like some of the characters. Which makes it hard at time to fap at some of the BAD END stuff.

>> No.3870551


>> No.3870581

Well, the bad end I got didn't have anything.
It was just Rance takes about raping loli, then it showed some messages describing in few details what was happening or something.
Then it had this message about "The authors morals prevent this part from being shown. Please fantasize in your head" or something.

>> No.3870589

There also the fact the he impregnated the devil which is impossible. Implying that rance technically isn't human.

Makes me wonder if rance is a direct offspring of the whale like Rathowm, it might explain his infinite level cap (OVER 9000!!!) and ability to impregnate teh devil ferris.

>> No.3870600

>Rance game

I need one of those "what the fuck am I reading" reaction images.

>> No.3870611


Infinite level cap? He has a cap of 99...also, I'm reading the thing found at >>3870540 and according to that, she just had a period of time where she could get pregnant and Rance sexed her up during then, resulting in baby DEMON RANCE.

>> No.3870629

>Infinite level cap? He has a cap of 99.
Not according to canon.

>> No.3870633

Humans cant have children with the devil. Similar to how humans can't procreate with monstergirls. His infinite level cap is stated in rance 6 therefore its canon.


>> No.3870651 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 400x400, what the fuck am I reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Far as I remember..
Rance has ordinary sex with woman who also happens to be his slave, but this does not affect the act of sex.
Rance has sex with unskilled prostitute.
Ordinary sex.
Rance has sex with ninja.
They mention weird traps being placed around her body and ninja techniques.
Nothing else.

And almost everyone has large breasts.

As far as I remember there were no vibrators or anything..
Yeah, okay, I like weird shit I admit it.
I want raep and bondage and tentacles everywhere in my porn.
Not just sex.
Consensual sex in the missionary position is for... Everyone who isn't me.
Alright, fine. I'm a fucked up pervert who expects too much from people.

Also, saying "hyper weapon" turns me off for some reason.

By the way, here's your image.

>> No.3870658
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>> No.3870664

The point was that in terms of gameplay Rance is not generic at all.

>> No.3870668

Rance was stated to be a bug in the Hero system. Nothing else. And the Hero System auto gives the Hero an infinite level cap. But Rance does not have some things the Hero is supposed to have, like, for instance his level cap drops. The Hero's level does not drop even if he's lazy for years. If Rance does that he's back to level 1.

But even then it should still be impossible for Rance to get a level beyond a 150ish. The only one I can see becoming over level 500 in Rance world is Hunty (this is of course discarding Demon King Devils and Gods, however it does include Demons). Too bad Hunty does not have Chaos or Nikkou. I mean she's already in the 120's and her level cap is 1000. And the strongest Demon in the world is like 250 something.

And guess what? Hunty hasn't even been fucked yet! Kalar when they get fucked get a power boost. And if Rance fucks a female their level cap goes up too.

>> No.3870671

but, all those things are in this game.
rape, vibrators, tentacles, futanari, spacesuits, drugs, guro, strapons, bdsm, 3p, 4p, miko, fuck even chaos the sword has an orgy.

>> No.3870674
File: 62 KB, 512x396, H45XFU2PUI23U4TUDDXRFW62UIUUCAX4..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get the hell out of here.

>> No.3870689

Inb4 him fucking the kalar queen

>> No.3870730
File: 98 KB, 800x600, 1255628545870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why so surprised?

>> No.3870747


Oh, okay. So Rance technically could be more powerful than anything else in the world given enough time/effort/luck.

But since he's too obsessed with having sex, he never quite gets there. And in-game, he gets a cap of 99 just for the sake of "balance".

Also, he somehow raises the level cap on women when he has sex with them? How does that work?

>> No.3870761

>How does that work?
Sill level cap is technically 50. Because Rance fucks her too much, she can go way beyond. Same goes for all the other females. Although I'm pretty sure it's temporary. It was one of the gameplay mechanics in 6.

>> No.3870764
File: 673 KB, 640x480, ALCG000C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his imperial juices gives them a power up. Its really that simple.

>> No.3870791

Kalay people get a power boost when not a virgin.

>> No.3870798

ITT: Only play'd the game for 5-minutes.

>> No.3870867
File: 86 KB, 800x600, 1252539142035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would be very careful to use the word "generic" about any game which even hints at a giant disembodied eyeball riding an orange sentient dragon-shaped gokart while making sweet love to a paintbrush-toting cyclops, a giant partially humanoid black widow wielding the power of humongous pen0r-shaped webbing, a sparkly majickal lightning toting nine-tailed fox lady and an Edo courtesan/ninja with the Great Race of Yith emerging from the back of her head.

And once again, the big boss up there is a whale.

>> No.3870879
File: 108 KB, 800x600, firststar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too fucking fabelous!

>> No.3870886

might I suggest you at least finish the game once before you type shit on the internet? Now you just look like a retard

>> No.3870897
File: 104 KB, 800x600, gigailove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ah, love.
Love is always beautiful!

>> No.3870901

Is it possible to play Rance6 without knowing any japanese?

>> No.3870922


>> No.3870924


What. WHAT?

>> No.3870930

>Rance OVA

>> No.3870936

no subs

>> No.3870938

Yes, in the same way that a horde of monkeys with typewriters could possibly write a work of shakespear.


>> No.3870940

Only the 1st episode is subbed. It's not bad.

Torrent: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/showthread.php?t=79642

>> No.3870943

I played Rance 6 just fine, and I barely know any Japanese. The alicesoft wiki helps. It's an incredibly fun game.

>> No.3870948

What game is it based off of, or is an original story?

>> No.3870957


A Rance OVA? Is it half hentai half comedy? Or is it "toned down"? Because I can't imagine Rance without imagining...well...Rance.

>> No.3870960

I would guess the first one.

>> No.3870975
File: 53 KB, 640x480, snapshot20090925043355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an original story.

It's not really hentai. Mostly ecchi. Not as extreme as the games. But there is a bit of rape and the like.

>> No.3870998

Fuck it, I don't need subs. Raws where?

>> No.3871001

Share. The raw second episode is included in the torrent link, though.

>> No.3871032

Thanks anon
I saw the opening to the OVA a few days ago but couldn't find a torrent to it anywhere.

>> No.3871049

That faggot does NOT look like Rance.

>> No.3871060
File: 44 KB, 600x213, 1253751746546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3871069


Why does this remind me so much of the old rpgs on the saturn?

>> No.3871085

Never forget that Rance is fucking OLD.

>> No.3871141

the picture on the right side looks kinda QUALITY

>> No.3871147

first Rance looks like a heartless psychopath.

>> No.3871157


>> No.3871226


Those are all 1990's games.

Rance looks best in 1989 and post 2000.

>> No.3871251

Anyone else think Kentaro = Rance and Sill = Miki? As in, they're alternate universe counterparts?

>> No.3871256
File: 219 KB, 640x480, Rance Angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Rance's design in 6 the most. Kichikuou is a close second, followed by Sengoku.

>> No.3871291


>> No.3871602

sill=miki i might understand but rance=kentaro... those two have nothing...

>> No.3872413
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How do i lift mouri's curse? Purple option with ryoma doesn't appear.

>> No.3872460


Well, it's not like Kentaro's world's Totoyomi Hideyoshi was a shoulder monkey or his Tokugawa Ieyasu a huge tankui youkai.

Aside from their personalities, Rance and Kentaro are pretty similar - similar age (22/21), similar weapons, similar caps and attacks. Rance is a better offensively, but now Kentarou is a demon, so he has a much better defense.

>> No.3872463


Also Rance became the Demon King in Kichikuou Rance

>> No.3872487


You have to accept Mouri's all out war challenge, raise Ryouma's affection to trust (I think?) and/or beat Mouri down to one territory.

Tip: There's a nightmarish monster at the bottom of the Road to Hades. Don't go that far if you don't want to get buttfucked until your playthrough.

>> No.3872502

>beat Mouri down to one territory.
I think this.
I got the option even with Ryouma at normal and didn't get the Mouri challenge event.

>> No.3872513


not canon

doing so would require him to kill Miki, which normally Rance does not do to girls

>> No.3872521

Nothing in Kichikuou is, technically.

>> No.3872530


If Takeda took over 3 of my villages but not the entire territory and I take the entire territory beside them, does it count as a total takeover?

>> No.3872537


>> No.3872546

Really? I only stopped one of the 4-man blitz and am not one hose today to taking out that orange diamond..

And Texas and Tokugawa breathing down my sides.

>> No.3872550

I mean, just one house. Either way... that means, I'm good for Takeda?

>> No.3872554

When you got the option to attack hounnoji if you choose to wait what will happen ?

I chose to attack and this is what I got. btw are deaths in solo battles like this permanent death ?

>> No.3872557
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Forgot the pic

>> No.3872562

The Kou rape scene would've been the best scene had it not for Rance being hypocriteOHNOES THERE GOES MY LOLI VIRGIN

>> No.3872564

No permanent death in Solo battles and most of the time, if you lose, you can retry.

>> No.3872565

When guys are out of moves you have to switch them.

You can stall the temple forever if you want, but its not a good idea to wait too long. You will get 0 points anyways in your first game so just attack and die, you can continue and the bosses will be weaker.


put them on everyone you can, if you put it on 10 commanders you will end up with 25 points instead of 5, massively useful.

>> No.3872568

Shitty and weaksauce commander.
Just use continue since you will end up with 0points anyway.

Next play through, get better and high lvl commander like Okita, Natori, Uruza and etc.
Also release 5prisoners each time to get a +1lvl item.

>> No.3872577


I got the blood coughing girl but she has such a shitty stat. Does she get any better later ?

>> No.3872586

she's a bad commander but awesome dungeon fighter. Just look at her level. Give her the working bee for more attacks if you want.

>> No.3872587

She is only good for solo battle.
She is probably the best melee slasher after Kenshin. If I am not wrong she start at lvl50.

>> No.3872588


>> No.3872590

The Best melee slashers (assuming same level or close to that) are Kenshin, Masamune, Baba, Kentarou and Rance.

>> No.3872592

Useless little oily girl, only good for her convert action ;_;

>> No.3872600

Yes get her and put her at the back row.
Then keep using Kenshin strongest attack and convert her action.

>> No.3872601


But Kenshin has like 7 atk/def/int/spd and this girl has like...what 3-4 atk/def. How can she be any good in dungeon or does the dungeon fight not take the stat into account ?

>> No.3872602

Okita, Kentarou and Kenshin are arguably the best dungeoneers for the first game.

Kentarou's a beast once he becomes a demon. The level-up options is AMAZING and he'll max out the fastest

>> No.3872605

lolno, kentarou is low tier. you can get him only in demon army routes, starts at a very mediocre level, huge work is needed to get him past level 50. Nozomi starts at lvl 50 which is already way better than Kentarou (until he turns into a demon of course)

>> No.3872608

The only stat that counts in dungeon fights are levels and speed.
Atk/def do shit in solo battles.
It's all about the level and the weapon the character uses (thats why Ai is so shitty)

>> No.3872610

Troop stats are irrelevant to dungeon stats.
Dungeon depends on their level (the higher teh cap is, the better), the weapon type (swords>spears>shurikens>unarmed attacks, for example) and unique character stats you cannot see.

>> No.3872612

She starts at 50, which makes her a great dungeon fighter, especially in the first game

You could get Iyeasu who's okay in the battlefield and the dunfeons, but then that would mean giving up Senhime.

>> No.3872614
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Which is a damn shame, at least it looks into a lot of characters.
This is pretty awesome, how did it happen though?
Ranceverse has so much interesting stuff to read that is pretty much out of reach for average /jp/ user

>> No.3872616

But he makes battling Xavier a lot easier.

Use Kentarou against the gay demon every time he appears and poof: lvl 99

>> No.3872618

Kentarou has a very good attack modifier, Nikkou which gives a damage bonus and is the easiest guy to whore levels (adventures and gigai).
Utility aside, if you took every character at the SAME level (let's say 50), the 5 characters mentioned do the most damage.
Okita's high level(pretty much her cap) makes her useful for dungeons (if you have not leveled up the rest) and she costs 0 points, but she is overshadowed by many units if you bother doing dungeons or raising level through affection.

>> No.3872622

Thats a crappy way to level him up especially if you play efficiently. There are better choices than him to put your effort into, also you might not have demon kentarou when Gigai shows up so.

>> No.3872625

Fail to rescue Sill. Rance is pissed.
Accept Satella's proposal to become Demon King. Miki due to Sill and Kentarou issues does noot resist. She still has 30000 HP, so Rance slashes at her the whole fucking day. Rance becomes Demon King after slaying Miki, with Satella at his side. Game ends. Non-standard path/game over. And quite cruel.

>> No.3872633

Depends, It's a more difficult to buff Rance out but with 4 action fans, its good.

Besides free levels are a thing to waste

>> No.3872635

If you have conquered Senkan Nagato early on (which is easy if you have done Mouri during your earlier battles), you get Demon Kentarou fast.
Also, the Gigai events are done outside your turns, and IIRC, you do not even have to kill him to finish the game.
So, while you efficiently run towards Xavier, you can fight Gigai, do Kentarou's adventures and give him levels through items and/or affection. Plus, dungeons you may do. You do not need to worry about troop battles, since as a demon he is an unstoppable meatshield (thus, has uses on both fronts).
No matter how fast you are,True route or Isorokou, he will have a ridiculous level and chop 300+HP from Xavier.

>> No.3872648

That's quite a twist right there.

>> No.3872694

>I got the blood coughing girl but she has such a shitty stat. Does she get any better later ?

Most of the characters who make good army troops are shitty dungeon crawlers, and visa versa. The exceptions are the top-tier characters like Kenshin, Rance, and Kentarou.

>> No.3872705

>You do not need to worry about troop battles, since as a demon he is an unstoppable meatshield (thus, has uses on both fronts).

Is this true? I stopped fielding him altogether since he liked to die a lot, but I never actually fielded him as a Demon. Is he invulnerable?

>> No.3872707
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How can i get mouri party where kojika arrives? I lift his curse and such but nothing. Picture semi-related.

>> No.3872710

Yes, he drops to 1 unit and stay to the end. You may want to dismiss rest of his unit.

>> No.3872712

>you can get him only in true and isoroku

>> No.3872718


What? I don't know what you mean.

To get Mouri family bonus you need to deploy all 4 commanders at the same time.

To get kojika you need to beat Mouri and she has to be serving in the territory by the time you get there.

>> No.3872720

>she has to be serving in the territory by the time you get there.

>> No.3872896
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So how exactly did Rance get Chaos again?
Before his encounter with Gele or after it?

>> No.3872908
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also Nobunaga looking like Nobunaga

>> No.3872948

sup dawgs, did you read you're FAQS today. harhhahrharharhahrararar

>> No.3872950
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>> No.3872953

Yeah, at first I thought it was a glitch (looks pretty funky when his whole army is gone and he just stands there, holding the line by himself and nobody can touch him)

On my last playthrough, isoroku route, suzaku showed up waaay before kentarou turned into a demon, so I had souun kill him off, which was a bit of a shame since I wanted to level kentarou up..

>> No.3873049

Is Akechi Mutsuhide any good ?

There's the option to tease him in satisfaction bonus, did it do anything ?

>> No.3873056

Do it twice, replaced by a tactician with slightly better stats.

>> No.3873059

there should be a satisfaction bonus to have his daughter join your army or something. No, he's not good. I only ever used him for declaring war or scouting - he serves that purpose well enough, I suppose.

>> No.3873076
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He sux.

Ai, Uruza and Sanada are all superior.

Also beating the blitz is easy, beat it in my first try without any house bonus. If I have the Mori and Youkai house bonus I can probably do it at the start without conquering 3/4 of the map.

>> No.3873135

I fought Baba in the blitz event and the next turn his buddy invaded my territory while I don't have enough manpower.

Should I just stay on defense here until the event end or what ?

>> No.3873148

They will blitz every 3 or 4 turns, all 4 commanders will attack with their army.
Try to have at least one tactician for baba/yamagata to debuff them. Having a lot of foot soldiers is the best idea really.

>> No.3873154

If you have 4 good footsoldier commanders it would be enough to beat the blitz.

The blitz is a 1time event where you fight 4battles in a row.
First two is a walkover with Kousaka and Sanada.
Save your good commanders for the last two fight where it is much tougher.

>> No.3873160

>every 3 or 4

Wait, so the blitz won't ever stop until you conquer that house ??


>> No.3873163


The problem is I have Ieyasu on my back as well so it's 5 battle in a row.

And no, I don't have that two commander you mentioned.

>> No.3873172 [DELETED] 

stop spamming ur shitty board on A n o n t a l k . com

>> No.3873175

He means the attack order. The blitz attacks with the following order:

Kousaka (Ninja), Sanada (Tactician) and Yamagata and finally Baba Shouen. While Kousaka can assassinate, he and Sanada are not nearly as dangerous as baba shouen and yamagata.

>> No.3873183

Those twos are the commanders that you fight against in the first 2blitz and they are much easier compare to the other two.
Just let Ieyasu attack go through and rape Takeda.
Once you beat the 4blitz the event to assassinate Shingen will appear and you automatically take over their provinces.

But you should really conquer Ieyasu first, Senhime is the best footsoldier you can get before Gon and Teru.

>> No.3873192

Is he even in a second game yet? You can't assassinate Shingen in your first game. Attacking Takeda in a first game is just a grand mistake imo.

>> No.3873206

I am not sure what trigger the event.

I did this >>3873076
Basically I conquer Takeda normally first time where you have to fight 3commanders with Rance.
Then I reload my old save then went and beat the blitz and the assassination event trigger.

>> No.3873208 [DELETED] 

stop spamming ur shitty board on A n o n t a l k . com

>> No.3873228

Not completely correct
Kousaka (Ninja), Sanada (Tactician) and Baba Shouen and finally Yamagata
Is the order they attack in.

In my last game I got blitzed by takeda (while waiting on the assassination begin of the turn event to show up) and the demon army brothers on the same turn. Pretty fucking hardcore.

>> No.3873246

You can't assassinate Shingen in a first game, really?
What happens if you meet the requirements? The event just doesn't appear?
That sounds too lame to be true...

>> No.3873318

need new rance thread

>> No.3873385

Oh shi-
