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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 5 KB, 417x127, remilia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3860337 No.3860337 [Reply] [Original]

Google IME is amazing. It even knows Touhou names.

>> No.3860341

gb2/v/ and stream more starcraft fag

>> No.3860345

But does it run on GNU plus Linux?

>> No.3860346

/jp/ - Google/IME

>> No.3860347

Fuck off.

>> No.3860348

Why all the hate, /jp/?

>> No.3860352


I am wondering that too. Have a fucking bump.

>> No.3860376
File: 10 KB, 518x226, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3860380

Japanese seems ill-suited to computers.

>> No.3860385


You are ill-suited for computers.

>> No.3860386

Why is google such touhou fan?

>> No.3860387
File: 125 KB, 890x497, its_shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google apps don't work on 64bit systems.

>> No.3860396

>I use 64bit
Now you have two problems.

>> No.3860399


for a second I was like wait, what?

And then it sunk in and I lol'ed. I need to work on my kanji recognition speed, though.

hi fu mi hi fu mi hi fu mi hi hi fu

>> No.3860401

Are you the fellow Debian user?

>> No.3860406


>> No.3860404


>> No.3860408

Ubuntu is better then youre n00b Debian. Psssh, get a real OS, none of those fake Windows ones like youre Debshit

>> No.3860414

With a few specific exceptions, the only reasons why a program cannot be built for x86_64 are because the code assumes too much about the target system.

>> No.3860427

In other words, Google devs are idiots?

>> No.3860436

Well yeah google's keylog...*erm* IME does indeed work great. Dictionary is much better than the default included in some OSs. And yeah it does know about every japanese word you ever heard in relation to the topics discussed in here.

>> No.3860439

Is it actually popular in Japan?

>> No.3860442


I bet Google wishes we all spoke Japanese or some other language where these are needed. Maybe they could even put little ads in the candidate lists...

>> No.3860445

its still in beta.
and average japs rely more on microsoft than your average american
like, most of them still use IE/wordpad etc

>> No.3860466


And their fucking webpages look like they're stuck in 1999. Srsly just look at 2channel, fucking hideous. That shit would never fly in a civilized country.

>> No.3860468

Don't know. I have no idea how it works.

>> No.3860484

I'd choose that over flash ridden web2.0 shit everyday.

>> No.3860489

Cancer everywhere. Yes you are cancer for supporting google corporation, part of the technology department of the Empire. Have fun playing the guinea pig for modern 1984 style Big Brother. How can people be so damn stupid?

>> No.3860494

>How can people be so damn stupid?
Stupid? I thought you were just trolling.

>> No.3860498

Second'd! But well some web 2.0 pages are well made and clean from bullshit.

You srsly did not noticed yet that we are also currently using something from the said "1999".

>> No.3860496


Have you ever fucking BEEN to 2ch? You need a fucking dedicated special browser for it to even become useable.

>> No.3860501

Where did you get the impression I was trolling? Implying google is not part of the Empire or that somethig like Google Earth would be possible without the backing of the strongest intelligence and military intelligece agencies.

>> No.3860503

My main problem with Japanese sites is when they don't handle encoding properly. ZUN's for example.

Still, I can tolerate checking "Shift_JIS" versus some of the ugly mess most sites are.

>> No.3860531


Selecting encoding in a browser is no big deal, but dealing with those fucking archives with shift-jis filenames and mp3s with shift-jis tags make me...frustrated.

>> No.3860559

Thanks for reminding me. Yay for mojibake text files and music tags and filenames and I'm getting seriously angry. Adopt UNICODE already.

>> No.3860578

It says fatal error 1603 when I try to install it.

>> No.3860616

At least you're not me. I'm on OS X, so there's literally no hope for fixing mojibake.

>> No.3860620

There must be a script out there which fixes this problem.

>> No.3860644


Oh yeah? Well I'm on fucking Linux and you better believe it is a problem here too.

>> No.3860654

foobar2000 has foo_chacon.dll extension that fixes all problems with encoding with mp3 tags. You can then rename files using data from tags (with foobar, again) to fix problems with file names.

You can try this in osx with wine, too.

>> No.3860661


Faggot detected.

>> No.3860671

Go back to /g/, retard, there's nothing fundamentally wrong with osx. And, no, I am a Windows user.

>> No.3860673

I'm that OS X user a few posts up, and I can't believe I forgot to mention this.

At least you don't have linking issues with opengl. Apple incredibly fucked something up since Leopard and hasn't bothered to fix it, because it only affects X11 programs.

>> No.3860675

Yeah, it's called a "web browser".

You can't make an "web 2.0" AJAX site usable no matter what you do, though. Poorly written scripts break all the customizability modern browsers offer, no exceptions.

>> No.3860685

use iconv?

>> No.3860689
File: 4 KB, 289x149, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is really useful, I'm gonna use it over the normal IME from now on.

>> No.3860700

Oh god damn it, this thing just won't install for me. Has anyone with 64 bit win7 managed to make it run?

>> No.3860706


>> No.3860708

It will not work on 64-bit systems, no matter how neckbeard you think you are while browsing /g/. Please send your feedback to the Google dev. team

>> No.3860712

I don't browse /g/ and I demand an apology for such rudeness towards my persona.

>> No.3860728
File: 59 KB, 818x514, utf8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, this program looks pretty useful. Yet another good reason for the CLI to exist.

>> No.3860746


That won't work for filenames inside an archive will it?

>> No.3860752

Macfag reporting in. Running Snow Leopard on 64bit and Google IME on 64bit. Sucks to be a windows user once in a while huh?

>> No.3860772

Good for you.

>> No.3860810

Doubt it. You'll have to manually extract them and use convmv on them instead. Neither of these programs are point-and-use. eg: You need to specify from-to encodings, and probably script them to be of any use.

>> No.3860812

>Look at me, I'm so fucking awesome by being technologically 10 years behind

>>3860752 Sucks to be a windows user once in a while huh?
Not as much as being a mac user all the time.

>> No.3860822

Don't ruin their fun. They have to feel good about themselves once in a while.

>> No.3860935

My fun was had.

>> No.3860939

Macs aren't so bad. They're like a pretty linux that doesn't come with GCC by default.
