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File: 219 KB, 800x600, ALCG0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3858304 No.3858304 [Reply] [Original]

Geez woman, I nearly got a heart attack

>> No.3858527

what did she do with her mouth anyway? The game description was a bit confusing...

>> No.3858537

Wow, she's pretty cu--OH GOD WHAT IS THAT

>> No.3858538

Ah, yes, Futakuchi-Onna.

The women who can give two blowjobs at the SAME TIME.


>> No.3858540

Fire, kill it with

>> No.3858578

Whether or not it's a score depends on which mouth you get.

>> No.3858584


Both are fine.

>> No.3858588
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>> No.3858593

The pleasure of losing your dick inside

>> No.3858598 [SPOILER] 
File: 348 KB, 900x900, 1237751135588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

superior lifeforms thread?

>> No.3858608 [DELETED] 

i would fuck her brains out.

>> No.3858625

I can't fap to her anymore after seeing some of the images on pixiv.

>> No.3858640

the medicine hit the road again

>> No.3858801

What is this?

>> No.3858811

sea angel, I think

>> No.3858964

oh god, moar like this!!!!!

>> No.3858993 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 900x900, 1237743973149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ask for more, as that's my last one.
guro is fine too.

>> No.3859289
File: 9 KB, 185x221, clionepenis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how the author turned a sea angel (normally a rather vicious sea snail, or so I hear. ) into this. At least he didn't incorporate some of their more interesting mating habits, like eversible tentacles and hooks, a penis bearing a sucker or being hermaphrodites and crossing their penises to both take and receive semen at the same time.

>> No.3859462

Exactly my reaction as well. That was the part when I started regretting invading the youkai territory
And she looked pretty normal to begin with...

>> No.3859548


>At least he didn't incorporate some of their more interesting mating habits, like eversible tentacles and hooks, a penis bearing a sucker or being hermaphrodites and crossing their penises to both take and receive semen at the same time.

Have I got some news for you...

>> No.3859566

from what I can tell from the youtube video's in Japanese featuring sea angels they only care about the things feeding habits.

>> No.3859578
File: 268 KB, 392x1087, sea angel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Given they switch from peaceful, even adorable swimmers to tentacle-filled death machines in less than a second (picture is very accurate, down to the number of buccal cones for Clione limacina. ) upon detecting prey and literally rip fellow sea snails out of their shells only to swallow them alive and whole, I'd say their feeding habits do matter.

>> No.3859649

Orime is fucking adorable!

>> No.3859691

>Orime is fucking scary!

>> No.3859695

can't it be both?

You know like an albino toddler?

>> No.3859743


I didn't notice until after like a minute of staring at the thumbnail.

>> No.3859841 [SPOILER] 
File: 69 KB, 800x600, holyfuckingshitthefuckholyshitshitshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3859847

If you fuck his mouth can you scum inside her brain?

>> No.3859849
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>> No.3859850

Oh fucking wow.
I wonder what it feels like to have your penis sucked by that mouth?

>> No.3859855


It'd probably get bitten off.

>> No.3859859

I'd say she doesn't directly control that mouth and it has a basal animal mind. It'll immediately chomp your dick off. Fun thing is, you never get fat but still gain nourishment if you eat with that mouth. It generally manifests on anorexic girls and takes control of the girl's hair to reach for nearest food.

The only bad part is that your hair will get dirty, honestly.

>> No.3860054

and the eyes at the shoulder blades
holy fuck
they're watching me

>> No.3860059
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>> No.3860065


>> No.3860067
File: 43 KB, 400x238, img213_mokumoku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mokumokuren is worse. The walls have eyes indeed.

>> No.3860075


Yup. And you have reason to be afraid. Very afraid.
Seeing how that mouth never gets full no matter how much it eats, anything she swallows probably disappears from existance entirely.

And as >>3859841 shows, she can probably dislodge her jaw to swallow things bigger than herself. Although I never saw her do anything quite that drastic in the game.

>> No.3860313

Man I screwed up with the Masamune, oh well. Might as well start a new game

>> No.3860333

She's probably the worst of the One Eye units. A shame, since she's kind of fun. I tended to give her dungeon scout and Sonic Shuriken, though, and those two things made her fairly useful.

>> No.3860393

Ninja's aren't that great of a unit anyway. Like archers, only a few specific commander abilities can make them useful

>> No.3860425
File: 41 KB, 217x264, Futakuchi-onna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so moe!

>> No.3860429

Has anyone ever used Battlefield Construction or Leaves Hiding? You know, those 'other' abilities.

>> No.3860431

Modern futakuchi-onna, had they existed, would be quite attractive, if not a bit too thin. But harionago is the best.

>Her name literally meaning "Barbed woman," the Harionago is said to be a beautiful woman with extremely long hair tipped with thorn-like barbs. Her hair is under her direct control, and she uses it to ensare men.

Hook-tipped hairjobs would be awesome.

>> No.3860435

Battlefield Construction isn't that bad if you can use it first. Leaves Hiding usefullness depends on the unit.

>> No.3860449

I tried leaves hiding but then nobody attacked that unit. Only wasting precious action flags.
Can't see much use for it, unless you want that ninja unit on the front line for some reason.

>> No.3860795

So how to get Sooun? In ran's route he is a useless puppet. With the houjo family bonus you only get idolmaster and Ran.

>> No.3860807

Suzume is good placed on front lines if you use her for assassinate.

I've got her with 200 some troops and first turn I try to assassinate, doesn't matter what happens next as she can't die.

>> No.3860842

Same way you start Ran's route, only you have to save Souun after the 5th gourd is broken.

>> No.3860871

SO it's impossible if you start with the houjo family bonus?
Thanks anyway.

Speaking of Ran's route. Xavier gets sealed again when he only had 4 gourds or so.
How does that work anyway? So they take his essence of those four gourds and split it again in 16 different gourds? What about the stuff that's in those remaining unbroken gourds?
Also, what happens when 3 different persons each absorb a different bit of essence from seperate gourds? 3 Xaviers?
What kind of retarded system is that anyway? Those damn gourds broke when it was dropped on a tatami. Even a damn kid could break the seal on Xavier.

>> No.3861080

What would oda nobugana's level and stats be if he was an actual dungeon commander?
Probably higher then lv40 at least.

>> No.3861517

1 action - poor health
Level 60+ - can easily beat early game Rance.

>> No.3861529

>Also, what happens when 3 different persons each absorb a different bit of essence from seperate gourds? 3 Xaviers?


>> No.3861827

I... am trying to get this image out of my head... failing...

Makes total sense.

>> No.3861840

The gourd was broken when a demonic monkey started dicking with it. Might be related.

>> No.3861851

Well, gourds are supposed to be protected. It's just that people kinda forgot about it, after 4 hundred years (life is short during medieval, generations change fast).
Monkey was perfectly normal. Xavier turned it apostle.

>> No.3861940

Hmm, I haven't fapped to the Orime H-scene yet. Reloading game!

>> No.3862057
File: 112 KB, 800x600, ALCG0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so sad that they are taking credit for things that they never did.

>> No.3862064

It was about ingame world.

>> No.3862081


Remind me of Korea.

>> No.3862117

there is no CHINA in rance world

>> No.3862150

When you pick the Houjou bonus, the game assumes you've captured Ran. Souun is basically inside the Oil Dungeon from Turn 1.
You can enter the Ran route, or unlock the Oil Dungeon and complete it after entering another route to get Souun if you want.

>> No.3862158

If there were, JAPAN wouldn't exist.

>> No.3862159

The dungeon is unlocked by raising ran's affection?

>> No.3862202

No, not really, at least not beyond the two affections points she'll get from you talking to her.

It works just like usual: you have to talk to her twice. The first time is a basic purple event, and the 2nd purple event (the one where Rance blackmails her) becomes available once Houjou is fully conquered. This 2nd event unlocks the dungeon.

>> No.3862218

Thanks a bundle mate. This will be very helpful to me on my current playthrough.

>> No.3862312

>there is no CHINA in rance world
It truly is a wonderful world.

>> No.3862384

if you ignore all the demons and whale god etc.

>> No.3862448

I'd almost take it, but Rance World has Sand Niggers as well.

>> No.3862463
File: 122 KB, 800x600, wittycomebackftw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fight was frustrating me a lot, I just couldn't do enough damage to win.
Wittycomeback for the fucking win.

>> No.3862469
File: 87 KB, 800x600, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3862508

No CHINA? But what about my Three Kingdoms?!

Can't have Sengoku without Sangoku after all.

Or maybe I think too much about Koei.

>> No.3862542
File: 126 KB, 800x600, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, Demon Army has been in the same 3 territories all game. Why do they have 3 times my troop count? ;_;

>> No.3862558


Delicious Noir.

>> No.3862578

How to increase moves?

>> No.3862624

what kind of moves are you referring?

>> No.3862701

If only she had a high enough level limit to be able to one-shot those orochi girls..
And then she wouldn't even have enough fans.

Fucking hell.
Now all my commanders are on their max level, so if I can't beat that snake tomorrow, I don't have any idea about how I'll go about it.

Even though it just used that completely broken earthquake move one time (took out 5 commanders who still had moves, left Rance with 50HP), I still didn't stand a chance.

Definitely much worse than that 7777 laser gunship in the Road to Hades dungeon.
At least Sekimei will be a complete walkover with Rance at 99.

>> No.3862704
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looks like I forgot my commander list.

>> No.3862725
File: 163 KB, 800x600, lolno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think I can win this one?

>> No.3862734

No chance.

Dousan-chan is the smoothest operator there ever was.

>> No.3862743

Did they seduced your oily girl?

>> No.3862748


Vs Aburako? You stand no chance. The oil is just too much for you to handle.

>> No.3862793

No, it's FFA and they had her since really early on.

>> No.3862841

i want to increase commander turns.

>> No.3862848

find some action books for that

>> No.3864068

I see a lot of questions on people asking how to get Souun, but I've only EVER gotten him. I've always ended up capturing Ran even when I don't want to, it's hard to not do that.

What happens if you don't? Same old brute force final battle like against Takeda, Mouri, etc.?

>> No.3864260

>Even though it just used that completely broken earthquake move one time (took out 5 commanders who still had moves, left Rance with 50HP), I still didn't stand a chance.

What strategy did you use...? I just killed off the Orochi girls with whatever I had ranged (usually Baba) then had Rance use Rance Attack like 40 times with refills from Sill or monks. That should kill it pretty quickly.

By the time Rance went down I still had about 10 commanders to throw at it, one of which was Masamune (who was enough to finish it off).

Also Gunadan is a nightmare if you attack it on clearing the dungeon for the first time, because so many of your commanders have been used up already. At least the Orochi battle starts you off fresh.

>> No.3864886

If you capture Ran and don't conquer Houjou right away, Souun goes to the Oil Dungeon.
If you capture Ran and conquer Houjou right away, Rance fights and kills Souun in a sword duel.
If you don't capture Ran, Souun and Ran attempt to run away through secret passages, but Gigai comes out of Ran and kills Souun.

>> No.3864986

So I did a run and when I conquered Mori, he died straight away. Is there some kind of time limit I have to conquer him in?

>> No.3865002


You have to lift his curse first if you want him to join you

>> No.3865015
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In the real world, panda's are incredible fucking lazy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENn_R02AxVI
In Rance world, Panda's are one of the most fearsome brutal creatures around.

>> No.3865346
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>> No.3865807

Do I have to block takeda's blitz twice before I can assassinate shingen?

>> No.3865845

No. You're supposed to get an event where Rance laughs and says it's time to take out Shingen

>> No.3865856
File: 27 KB, 559x261, akashi rolls again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a start of turn event, so it may have been overridden by a higher-priority event

>> No.3865891

Shitsux, i've blocked the first blitz (with a lot of pain and effort) and now i'm getting blitzed again. They just have one damn castle remaining, I hope that event better comes soon.

>> No.3865895

It should appear, if not, you may have to block the blitz again, bad luck, not much you can do

>> No.3865897


Apparently if you block the blitz once, and get blitzed before you get the event, you dont have to block the second blitz

>> No.3865926

I'm trying to get One Eye House bonus and wiki says that I have to get a start of turn event with all of them. I've had them all for 10 turns with no event and I keep getting the same Nobunaga taking Kou someplace scene. How do I get them to be the start of turn event? I've talked with them and made it to Normal for all, is there an indication I can get to know I've got the bonus?

>> No.3866071

seems like the wiki got an update.

>> No.3866191

I think i'm almost done with the game ;_;
Doing the last route now.

>> No.3866206
File: 100 KB, 800x600, ALCG0025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah!

>> No.3866218

who the hell is that?

>> No.3866224

Oh dousan-chan, will we ever get tired of you?

Also, I recruited that guy with the animals. He gets +500 troops every time you do a panda hunt with him in hojou terrain. I already got him up to 2800+ whereas the rest of my forces are around 1000 on average. Never spend a single thing on him.

>> No.3866443
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>> No.3866478
File: 101 KB, 800x600, ALCG0027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really oily!

>> No.3866493

Why is she so oily?
