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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 959 KB, 1920x1080, 5724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
38579734 No.38579734 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>38519339

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.38579850
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>> No.38579881

I wish WA2 had good original songs instead of just bastardized remixes of 1.

>> No.38579911

So you're saying I should just play 2 and forget about 1?

>> No.38580015

Your call. I'd still play it since it's a much shorter game than 2 and you'd appreciate the nods handed by the sequel.

>> No.38580236

Shuuichirou is a master-class bullshitter when he puts his mind to it.

>> No.38580284


>> No.38580721

How do I stop downloading/wanting to download every eroge I find? My browser has over 500 tabs of eroge pages. I always think what if this site or upload dies and I can never play it? But I'm slow reader so I spend more time downloading than reading. How do you handle backlog?

>> No.38580751

Just buy more storage.

>> No.38580760

Start buying eroge either in download form or physically. That tends to enforce at least some discipline.

>> No.38580820

why would you stop? archiving them is a noble task, and if one does disappear, you can be the one to revive it

>> No.38580875

find someone to work with and split the work

>> No.38580990

More harddrives. Also recompressing isos often gives some pretty good results.

>> No.38581047
File: 1.23 MB, 1281x722, ss_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, I had a dream that this was going to be the new Baki. You didn't disappoint. Are you haunting my dreams? Know that I won't let you have all of them.

>> No.38581149

the true true final credits of henpri just decided to ripoff avengers endgame's styling

>> No.38581773

mekuiro and mekurabe are fantastic. Still never got around to playing yureaka.

>> No.38581906

you can always just come to this thread and ask someone to reupload from AB for you if there is something that is missing everywhere
there is literally no reason to hoard anything these days outside of some obscure/dj shit

>> No.38581953

can you get me https://vndb.org/v17875 with the manual scans, thanks

>> No.38583116
File: 50 KB, 814x133, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ボクらのヒミツ基地大作戦 is a piece of junk. Wasted half an hour troubleshooting. Goes fullscreen and crashes with the left script error. The config tool had all the usual kirikiri settings but no window/fullscreen setting. Really nice that all files are in a single 1GB xp3.

I was about to give up but changed my screen resolution from 720p to 1080p and the game worked. When starting it on 720p now I get the right error.

How does a native 720p game crash on 720p? Some of my nukige also reset to fullscreen despite selecting windowed the last time. This is why every game should default to windowed mode.

>> No.38583399

So how long is the game? Is it really as long as Fate/stay night?

>> No.38583646

There's a lot of games for this universe huh.

>> No.38583767

Are there any obscure PC98 titles worth trying?

>> No.38583796

You'll never know until you try one.

>> No.38583799
File: 592 KB, 1920x1080, kuso oyaji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started Basenjin and it already feels like 90% of Seijuurou's lines are just Yoshiya insults kek.

>> No.38583957

It was inevitable that such a cute Tsubaki will come up at some point.
All Tsubakis will be mine eventually.

>> No.38584807 [SPOILER] 
File: 215 KB, 1600x900, 5UjAuUi40Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(henpri noah route)
jesus this scene was brutal

>> No.38585147

https://vndb.org/t17810 lmao

>> No.38585282 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.78 MB, 1597x899, cumtornado.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Sofurin. Fandisc route when?

>> No.38585411
File: 1.40 MB, 1272x715, LIKE A PUPPET WITH ITS STRINGS CUT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

学園淫奇譚 is turning out to be pretty good. I'm impressed.

>> No.38586094
File: 1.50 MB, 1280x720, hp212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, that escalated quickly 草

>> No.38586744

anyone have tokyo necro or soushinjutsu rei? Can't find 操心術0 anywhere and I tried to apply the updates for tokyo necro but got caught up in compatibility errors and antivirus when trying to run the patch (can't move it in the game folder, can only create a link .... I've applied patches before on other games, but for some reason I can't do it for this game). Thanks for the help bros.

>> No.38586813

I need ビッチ games that feature girls with flat or budding breasts. There's too much mega milkers in this category.

>> No.38586845

pass: www.onlyhgames.com


>> No.38586921

then look for mesugaki

>> No.38586956


>> No.38586966

Cool, but are there any in the ephebophile range and above too? Gotta broaden my selection.

>> No.38587018

oh wow, there actually are fade to black h-scenes in magatsu barai
what possessed them to release the all ages version of the game - on the switch only no less, before the pc 18+?

>> No.38588057

this is a working tn crack

>> No.38591142

>game isn't on nyaa but i don't want to touch my ratio on ab

>> No.38591144
File: 96 KB, 1231x693, SiglusEngine_pq2xuiUovy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Childhood friend entered the shower by accident
What do?

>> No.38591166

I need that Mizuri H.

>> No.38591172

Prpr following places: armpits, pussy, ass.
Then throatfuck.
Then assfuck.

>> No.38591189

There was a freeleech a week ago. You have only yourself to blame.

>> No.38591203

although i heavily partook in the freeleech, i just learned about the game today, so unless you propose some sort of time warping scenario, not much i can do

>> No.38591228

What's the game?

>> No.38591260

Maintaining ratio is stupid easy on AB though, I have a TB of leeway and my maximum upload speed is fucking 100 KB/s

>> No.38591263

sir this is the prologue aka heroine's automatic plot amour field.

>> No.38591267
File: 1.99 MB, 1600x900, 抜きゲーみたいな島に住んでる貧乳はどうすりゃいいですか?_2022-02-13_23-07-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do seiran residents really

>> No.38591286

nah i mean my ratio would be fine, i just don't like touching it, even if the raw ratio doesn't matter

i move around a lot so i can't reasonably have a setup with a bunch of storage and seedboxes and shit running

>> No.38591288

Okay then just kun-kun her. Though that's better when she's clothed.

>> No.38591459

i might download this just for this qt, not too interested in the other character designs

>> No.38591507

She has pregnant sex too. Pretty decent childhood friend route.

>> No.38591519

well, bit of a spoiler there, but that is preposterously based

>> No.38591676

i'm digging the sprites so far. Look overly flashy for my liking but this particular one is very cute.
c'mon it's a vanillage to let you indulge in your fantasies so spoiler alert is meaningless

>> No.38591888

>vanillage to let you indulge in your fantasies
Anal sex?
Threesome with the heroine's mother?
MC having a sister to threesome with the heroine?

>> No.38591902

that's vanilla in my book
nothing can faze this vet anymore

>> No.38591915

yeah that feels pretty vanilla, not like it's scat or ntr or something

>> No.38591995

Indeed all pure love vanillage should include it.

>> No.38592028

how long until they ichacha
i need to know

>> No.38592098

The whole route is ichaicha.

>> No.38592120

what about the route with the red haired chick whose name i forgot

>> No.38592191

No idea, I only did Marika, Sora and Rikka's routes. I started Misa's route but I got filtered by all the infodumping so I've had the VN stalled ever since.

>> No.38592246

i see
whats the estimated time of each route btw? since i'm still a noob

>> No.38592416

Maybe around 10 hours or so? I remember them being pretty long.

>> No.38592674

Yep, all the routes are a solid 8-10 hours long, Rikka is probably the longest too since you did that one.

>> No.38592687

you could get a seedbox online for 5-10 bucks, autodl seasonal anime for a month and have enough UL for let's say a year

>> No.38592733

I recommend not downloading stuff.

Just this morning I went through another round of culling in my collection. Ultimately I find it more valuable to only keep you truly feel special about. Like, I sometimes see a game discussed or an image posted and it looks kinda cool so I DL it. And all these inevitably end up being the ones I cut.

The real issue is that I'm still at like 500 VNs and nothing more feels okay to cut. I guess I just have to wait till next round can start.

>> No.38594005

What the shit?

How many cracks are there? This is the fourth one I've seen.

First CRC32 DBE1B602 which I have titled "Mikocon".
Then F8407360 which is "Girlcelly" so I presume I grabbed it on A-S.
Third one is DBCCA8DA, which is "jp". This is a corrected one made by someone from here.
And now yours is FC340B0D. So what is it?

>> No.38594197

Do you keep the ones that are super obscure? I may take those off your hands.

>> No.38594254

Is the Perfect Edition really perfect? I've been very skeptical of "enhanced" editions for cutting stuff/fucking things up.

>> No.38594349

Only some and ones that already got uploaded here anyway.

>> No.38595989

it basically has a few more cgs and scenes than the original pc version and that's about it.

>> No.38596071

thanks so much!

>> No.38596600

I think it was made after win10 fucked up every other crack that was here

>> No.38596798

So what is the best routing order in Sakura Moyu? From what I have heard so far Haru is supposedly the best one then goes Chiwa, Kuro and Hiyo seems to be the worst one
I think to do Chiwa->Hiyo->Haru->Kuro (if Kuro must be played last) to get the most balanced experience, does anyone have other thoughts? Also are there any bed ends etc or it's safe to just go by kouryaku?

>> No.38596862
File: 530 KB, 640x480, 1626320055811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't stop reading.
Why can't I just be a neet.

>> No.38596876

>Why can't I just be a neet
pretty sure you could, it would just quickly force you into suicide.

>> No.38597004

Sure I could, and already was. Would prefer to get back to that.
Polite culinary herb.

>> No.38597401

Ok wtf I just installed Maple Colors just because I saw mc being voiced by Mikorikawa and now when I launch it... oh, surprise, mc isn't voiced at all. Are there any patches or something because so far I can't find anything, just don't tell me that he is voiced only for ps2 version.

>> No.38597526

>playing something for a male voice actor
Anon I...

>> No.38597545

I was thinking of playing that since Ayakashi was so good.

>> No.38597554

Midorikawa >>> all of the woman seiyus combined together, prove me wrong.

>> No.38597562

But can he make your dick hard?

>> No.38597629

He makes my ears hard instead.

>> No.38599084
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>> No.38599339

Anyone have this on hand?
All links I found were dead.

>> No.38600140

Really, anon?
Go check anime-sharing, rapidgator links are all up.

>> No.38600509

He isn't voiced in either version of the game, only in the OVA adaptation

>> No.38600585

velka's rg links are up but they're always premium only.
If anyone else wants the game, I found it on AS under the eclat label rather than flyingshine.

>> No.38600692

I not even found valka's link I was talking about the flowertradewinds link because that's the dlsite version, usually easier to find links of and run from.

>> No.38601245

It literally does not matter, last two routes are locked anyway

>> No.38601316

I have it, I'll upload it and post the link when I'm done.
(It may take a while....)

>> No.38601656

Done, the hoster is 4n0nFil3s:

>> No.38602321

I can recommend you
it has MC voiced by Midorikawa (PS2 only) and emulates well, already checked it out.

>> No.38603223

Thanks very much anon.

>> No.38604413

Fucking ruined, which schizo even put that into vndb in the first place... I could still read it just for Sugita's character but damn it definitely falls way beyond in my list.
Oh nice, it's from the Toushin writer, which automatically makes it good already.

>> No.38604723

Wasn't paying attention and got surprised when I opened Tomefure and there were Valentine lines.

>> No.38604755

Wait, I can't seem to found ps2 version uploaded anywhere, can you upload it if you can?

>> No.38604856

seiya-saiga shows all the games which have specific date lines and you can change your windows date to listen to all of them.

>> No.38606066
File: 2.24 MB, 1600x1800, 抜きゲーみたいな島に住んでる貧乳はどうすりゃいいですか?_2022-02-14_20-29-56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deepest lore...

>> No.38606767

wow they go to the nukitashi island in henpri? so epic!

>> No.38607168

shittiest links known to mankind, it's like they want to upload stuff but don't want anyone to download it

>> No.38607522

more like want people to say fuck it and buy rapidgator premium with their partner links instead or fucking with downloading 10 parts each 5 hours long

>> No.38611378


>> No.38611575

Huh don't remember seeing this site before, thanks

>> No.38613329

i'm not sure how to say this, but even for a game called 女子のおしっこいじめ ~女子便くんといわれたボクの6年間 i was expecting more sex and less pee

>> No.38613836

Sofurin's totally in the right, though. Noah's actually delusional and needs to move on.

>> No.38613891

The girls don't even undress kek.

>> No.38614883

With the aging consumer population, I was expecting there to be a lot more daughter and enkou focused games.

>> No.38615469
File: 491 KB, 1920x1080, higoromo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright so she was cute at first, but this bitch is just too fucking crazy.

>> No.38615506

Totally agree, Noah is borderline yandere.

>> No.38615872
File: 399 KB, 1920x1080, shippers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38616058

I have Senshinkan in my radar but need a special mood to read through 80 hours of Masada chuunisim.

>> No.38616245

It's bread and butter for my chuuni heart. I'm actually a bit sad to think that I'm almost done with his catalog now. After Bansenjin, I just have the short Bey one left to read. I guess I'll be waiting for Avesta like everyone else.

>> No.38616417

it's not 80 hours long lol

>> No.38617304
File: 263 KB, 1600x900, ヘンタイ・プリズン_-_Ver1.0.4_『調子に乗るなよ、社会のクズが』HENPRI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Borderline? Noah is pretty explicitly a yandere. It's just that her derangement isn't aimed at MC, so it comes off as unhealthy instead of cute. The game does a pretty good job of showing that she means well but she's genuinely not comprehending how much damage her actions are doing.

>> No.38617393

Was thinking in Senshinkan + Bansenjin. Amantes Amentes did took over 80 hours without voice skip, that was quite the ride.

>> No.38617454

>Was thinking in Senshinkan + Bansenjin
Oh, sounds exhausting then.

>> No.38619434
File: 381 KB, 1920x1080, Ryujinx 02_15_22_06_42_54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously what the fuck is this setting, just a few hours ago there were literal figures of Ragna and Bergshrine fighting
not to mention the ash in kaien's name, and how his technique is a fucked version of Ash's Sphere Bringer

>> No.38619482
File: 443 KB, 1920x1080, 1644921235740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's fucked up man...

>> No.38619637
File: 1.70 MB, 1280x720, 景の海のアペイリア_2022-02-15_11-59-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, it is actually literally konosuba.

>> No.38619679

My boy Ash deserves the references, no matter the context and as far as I'm concerned ragnarok confirmed he's living the haremshit life with his three multiculti wives

>> No.38620791
File: 48 KB, 459x469, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here familiar with a company called Fairytale? I'm trying to run an ancient game of theirs that uses an engine called AGS (Advanced Game Script Interpreter) but when I try to play the game I get these two errors. Does anyone have an idea what these errors mean and how to do them? I've tried using compatibility settings and changing the display but nothing seems to work.

>> No.38620916

Have you tried reading the error message?

>> No.38621339
File: 216 KB, 396x409, voItzIErW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Qruppo, thank you for bringing this goddess into my life

>> No.38621399

install gentoo

>> No.38622157

Anyway, I managed to get it to run by messing with the display settings (basically changing my screen resolution to something lower like 1200 or so).

Anyway, my main problem now is I can't understand how the fuck to play this game. I'm trying to get the blue haired girl's route, but none of the walkthroughs for the game I could find (https://finalion.jp/game/fandc/tamaQ/yayoi2.txt, http://als.sakura.ne.jp/ko-ji/game/fandc/tmq/tmq2.html and http://kuzusu.fc2web.com/tamakyuu/tamakyuuend5.htm)) have been of much help. Apparently it has to do with combining shells or something but the problem is that the shells I need to collect don't always come out. Even when I select the right choices.

>> No.38623623
File: 1.41 MB, 1600x900, 抜きゲーみたいな島に住んでる貧乳はどうすりゃいいですか?_2022-02-16_01-42-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can a frog tell me how is that supposed to taste

>> No.38623779

Does this get better? I dropped it after a ridiculous scene where he's naked and does some attack

>> No.38624031

Yes, that's the moment where it got better.

>> No.38624152

How is that not a great scene?

>> No.38624985

are the japanese versions of sukitosuki and koikari uncensored or just the english?

>> No.38625092

I was expecting it to be more serious and got tonal whiplash.

>> No.38625213

Oh really dude? Up to that point, what exactly made you think it would be serious rather than funny? Either way, I'm staying for Apeiria, she's super cute. The way she does batsu and maru with her fingers while talking is so moe.
You can replace files to get uncensored CG for the JP version, there's an account on twitter which checks every localization like that

>> No.38625283

I expected comedy, since it opened with him jerking off and getting caught, but if I recall correctly, it was a desperate situation and they were fighting something trying to save the AI and the other MMO players? It's been years so I don't exactly remember why I thought this or even the chronology of events.

>> No.38625370

Nah the first naked slash is pretty soon and it's not really in a serious situation, just playing around.

>> No.38625622

anyone have the ps2 version of playm's realize? the one in the archive's down

>> No.38626486
File: 1.29 MB, 1920x1080, 景の海のアペイリア_2022-02-15_23-44-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too cool for school

>> No.38627017

which account?

>> No.38627215

Seiya-saiga personal aka. Better learn to search through an ocean of tweets.

>> No.38627439


>> No.38627627

What version of White Album should I play? The original is 18+ but is 640x480, the remake is all ages but seems to have completely redone assets.

>> No.38627864


>> No.38628615

thanks anon. just to note, although the alt link anon mentioned here >>38600585 worked, it didn't include the bonus cd or nocd patch from your reupload

>> No.38629235

>it didn't include the bonus cd or nocd patch from your reupload
I'm happy to have been useful.
I started to hoard everything that got posted in these threads just in case, and I always try to save the most complete version.

>> No.38629601

there's an update patch you can get from web archive if you didn't already grab it. there were also some prequel pdf novels i think but the links for those are dead

>> No.38629799

>there's an update patch you can get from web archive if you didn't already grab it
The link is not working.....
>there were also some prequel pdf novels i think but the links for those are dead
Same for the novels and the opening video...

>> No.38629914

>The link is not working.....
the first capture of the 3 dl links works

>> No.38630107

>the first capture of the 3 dl links works
I get an error when I try to download..

>> No.38630188
File: 14 KB, 1067x72, !.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38630256

fug, i'm dumb.
I've downloaded all 3 of them now, thank you!

>> No.38631905
File: 1.16 MB, 1600x900, 2022-02-16_02-49-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having sex is having sex, you can't say it's only 0.5 times having sex

>> No.38632084

Okay, "Henry".

>> No.38633443
File: 945 KB, 1920x1080, 景の海のアペイリア_2022-02-16_13-25-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Educational eroge. Do you think they put this shit in just because the author found a physics experiment interesting and wanted to share it?

>> No.38633461

they put it in because basically every scifi kusoge puts it in

>> No.38633690

Beside Schroedinger's Cat, what other pseudoscience do eroge love to reference? Causality?

>> No.38633984

Umineko unironically had a great realization of that

>> No.38634028

Mister kew, i am very sorry i spent less time on Cyanotype Daydream -The Girl Who Dreamed the World- than you did, please do not report my vote and do not cancel me, i am very scared and sorry.

>> No.38634043

it's not kew I will have you know, it's one word from my language

>> No.38634247

Using the double slit experiment is at least better than using Schroedinger's Cat.

>> No.38634484

They never gonna mention fucking cat in aperia, tho. Not even once. Only schrodinger equation few times.

>> No.38634602

Yeah there's a double slit scene alright

>> No.38636373

Sauce please?

>> No.38636414

ユーディット isn't exactly a common name, anon. I believe you can look it up yourself.

>> No.38636973

Haven't seen any good bestiality eroge in a while. Shame, in the mood for something along the lines of Reika Bitch Training.

>> No.38636993

Ew what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.38637010

I want girls being fucked by animals. I'm not asking for the world here, dude.

>> No.38637650

Slits are truly mysterious.

>> No.38637964

I wish Umineko was written by someone other than R07. The concept of trying to piece together what a person was like in real life only through fictional representations of them is so cool, but Umineko has a lot of other bullshit that comes with it. I don't think I've seen anything else pull off that concept as well as Umineko either.

>> No.38639948
File: 23 KB, 500x500, c1167222charab1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peak heroine design

>> No.38639949
File: 273 KB, 1920x1080, shitposting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Japs make threads about their classmates in anonymous imageboards to talk shit about them in real life too?

>> No.38640089

>trying to piece together what a person was like in real life only through fictional representations of them
Fata Morgana is kind of like that. I guess it's kind of similar to Umineko in general really

>> No.38640147

Is Senshinkan good to read as my first Masada or should I read Paradise Lost/Dies Irae/KKK first?

>> No.38640177

Yeah, that's actually real

>> No.38640199

There's nothing stopping you, but Senshinkan (especially the first one) has several Dies Irae/shinza references that will go over your head. So in general, I'd just say start off with Dies Irae like everyone else, but in terms of story/etc. there's absolutely nothing wrong with starting with Senshinkan instead.

>> No.38640235

Alright, got to the OP in Apeiria. Not exactly the kind of plot development I expected though the line about parallel universes after slit observation scene was very suspicious..
The anon who dropped it, try again and get to the OP. See if it gets you interested.

>> No.38640245

might as well go play the debutopia games

there's almost no bestiality games coming anymore especially that focus on it, lately it's always just a single scene from a mahou shoujo and whatever with monsters that maybe sort of look like animals. who even last made any? a delta sub brand? meanwhile there's a million doujin coming out with all the FGO girls taking horse dick

>> No.38640258

Man japs are nuts. Back in my day, we just told people shit to their face. I guess nowadays kids only talk shit on social media or whatever.

>> No.38640367

Probably not that guy, but I dropped it way back then because of that garbage along with the so-called humor.

>> No.38640513

playing white album for the first time and trying to do mana's route, bitch sure isn't making it easy

>> No.38640734

Where can I get VNs. I'm looking for PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス 選択なき幸福

>> No.38640810

At the VN store.

>> No.38640936

speaking of, is the 1998 a lot different than the 2012? or did the anime just add a lot of anime original stuff? 2012 is nothing like the anime at all

>> No.38641116

Do you also get into chimpouts like the turd worlder that you are?

>> No.38641217

>Senshinkan good to read as my first Masada
Yes, it's self-efficient enough.
> Paradise Lost/Dies Irae/KKK first
I read DI first and i noticed a bunch of very funny DI references in there and some KKK references even without reading kkk, those added even more fun, but not something mandatory, also nothing plot related. Or you can just always reread senshinkan later after you're done with everything else.

>> No.38641684

>meanwhile there's a million doujin coming out with all the FGO girls taking horse dick
Maybe with Uma's popularity we can have more of this.

>> No.38641726

Considering the anime came out in 2009...

>> No.38642086

right, but my assumption was that the 2012 version was mostly just updated graphics, not the story, so it wouldn't make any difference when it came out, that's why i was asking if the 1998 and 2012 versions were actually a lot different story/character wise.

i was told to just play the new one since there's no reason to play the old one, which wouldn't make sense if the content is a lot different

>> No.38642143
File: 1.01 MB, 1235x659, PVPJVW2ZlE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C'mon, don't be down on yourselves, Qruppo.

>> No.38642169

don't the devs for that meltdown if anyone makes any porn of that? i don't see how that would help anything in any way. though i just remembered that NDNL3 is being worked on so that's something to look forward to

>> No.38642204

It's not the devs. It's the horse owners and not completely out of the blue either since trolls from 2ch/5ch egged them on with vore and other degenerate fetish.

>> No.38642417

is it worth playing wa1 before wa2?

>> No.38642502

might as well

>> No.38642945

hey lads new here what jlpt level are you. anyone here native level aka n1

>> No.38642956

I'm N0. It's a secret rank they don't tell you about.

>> No.38643109

not going to give some kike money to take a test that you can pass while getting 45% of the answers wrong

>> No.38643155

i've heard about it before you have to pass n1 with full score ten times to unlock it

>> No.38643165

but do you know japanese?

>> No.38643168

No, I just pretend so you guys will like me.

>> No.38643432

N1, except for real.

>> No.38643610
File: 937 KB, 1920x1080, 景の海のアペイリア_2022-02-17_09-46-57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always awkward when you moan the name of the erohon heroine and her name has the same pronunciation as your sister who happens to overhear it.

>> No.38643643

Fake sister*

>> No.38644339 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.48 MB, 1280x720, HENPRI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my boy is too great

>> No.38644398

If only he wasn't such a broken degenerate.

>> No.38644504

It takes talent to be a fkn degenerate with no common sense, say the most absurd lines possible and still look like the coolest guy in existence

>> No.38644515

>and still look like the coolest guy in existence
... if the reader is 13.

>> No.38644530

>native level

>> No.38644557

Well, you are on 4chan.

>> No.38644667

He's normal, it's society that's wrong.

>> No.38644699

What are you doing here and not reading real books? I recommend you 砂の女

>> No.38644827

wow how many people here are also on djt

>> No.38646615
File: 1.04 MB, 1600x900, 2022-02-09_02-21-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38647229

I got Maitetsu last run to avoid the steam censorship confusion but apparently the game is censored natively as well? Will the steam patch change this? This is the first time I've experienced censorship from the makers themselves.

>> No.38647265

There's a patch for it that adds an option in the settings to restore uncensored sprites

>> No.38647288

Oops I linked the wrong patch
Its this one

>> No.38647302

Thanks, is it only the sprites that are censored in the original while leaving the H scenes intact? Seems like a strange decision to make.

>> No.38647334

Yeah, for the common route they just copied over the console version as the most definitive version but its obviously censored. People complained really hard so they made a patch to fix it.

>> No.38647348

Ah so it was devs taking a shortcut which backfired

>> No.38647397

Yeah it's kinda a shame the LR release was filled with so much outcry over the censorship and chinese pandering and EGS vote spamming, since the game itself is actually really damn good, I was a massive fan.

>> No.38647638
File: 649 KB, 522x781, x4R9rjOyFp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38648019


>> No.38648804

read a bit further in 僕の彼女はガテン系, currently in the third part, and it's feeling pretty uninspiring now

the whole blackmailing is pretty cookie-cutter stuff so far and it's hard for me to imagine how the game would get interesting again

>> No.38649053

are there multiple endings for each girl's route in white album, or is there just no sex with mana and she just fucking leaves

i can't really find any good resources

>> No.38650080

wait, the remake is fucking all ages with no sex? i can't believe someone told me to just play the remake this is retarded

>> No.38650302

If the porn is the only thing you care about then you should go play a nukige or something, retard.

>> No.38650347

if it was the only thing i cared about i wouldn't have played it in the first place, there's sex in the original game and the anime so it makes absolutely no fucking sense for there to be none in the remake

>> No.38650674


>> No.38650726

There's always the autismo method where you read the all-ages version for the extra content, but then switch to the 18+ one when you get to a part that clearly was an H scene in the original.

>> No.38650747

that's what i'm trying to do now, but apparently white album 1 only runs on 32 bits and i'm a little retarded so figuring out how to run it is going to take some time

>> No.38651005

MTL level

>> No.38651205


this says windows 10 fix but it doesn't work in the same way the other versions don't work, so i can't imagine what the 'fix' is

>> No.38651255

Why the hell isn't スキとスキとでサンカク恋愛 not on nyaa, isn't this supposed to be their most popular game? Every other one seems to be on there.

>> No.38651262

When it comes to 32-bit shit that straight up doesn't run, I just use a VM (xp usually) desu.

>> No.38651308

The problem is just that the installer doesn't work, so the "fix" is to put a portable version of the game in an archive.

>> No.38651337

>Release Date: 2016-11-25
Got lost when the old nyaa died around that date, the torrent is on anime-sharing and nobody bothered reuploading.

>> No.38651340

yeah i'm trying to figure that out right now

>> No.38651351

it's on there in english but i guess that's not what you're looking for

>> No.38651486

it's not
>the torrent is on anime-sharing
any idea where to find it? I've never really used the site and non of the links I tried there seem to work anymore.

>> No.38651541

>non of the links I tried there seem to work anymore.
anime-sharing in a nutshell

>> No.38651546

to be fair, the english release is uncensored, though i myself am looking for a way to play the uncensored version in japanese

>> No.38651625

It's kirikiri so just extract the images with garbro and copy them inside a evimage folder, or just straight up copy the entire evimage.xp3 from the EOP release, it might work.

>> No.38651644

This is the torrent that ons a-s, dunno how well seeded it is.

>> No.38651673

>dunno how well seeded it is.
not too well it seems, but thanks anyways.

>> No.38651804

Any good lolige the EOPs don't have access to? Preferably with impregnation, but not necessary.

>> No.38651823

Every Yoru no Hitsuji game has impregnation and pregnant sex.

>> No.38651871

>Any good lolige the EOPs don't have access to?
All of them.

>> No.38651921

try this https://anonfiles com/R6DcA7Ifxb
its patched already as well, the nyaa one isnt
you just need to download and install _inmm to play the ripped bgm

>> No.38652229

what is it, exactly? still trying to figure out virtual machines and stuff

>> No.38652237

Wasn't actually bad at all, I got it to work so thanks again.

>> No.38652315

let us know if how uncensoring it goes if you're going to try that

>> No.38652382

Be nice guy and upload it on nyaa so others don't suffer the same, there's a bunch of games from the end of 2016 that never got reuploaded.

>> No.38652466

Speaking about censure, did anyone manage to get uncensored sprites into japanese version yet?

>> No.38652471

You already know it works, retard. I told you where to find proof.

>> No.38652479

japanese version of Muramasa*

>> No.38652502

i didn't rewrite that right, i wasn't asking him how to do it, just if it works fine for him if he tries it

>> No.38652868

wait holy shit it works by itself, what is this magic?
also thank you anon you're a true american hero, even if you're not american

>> No.38654190
File: 170 KB, 1920x1080, ゴキブリ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cockroach at the soba shop
My fucking sides on this scene.

>> No.38654264

Should I have just gotten the regular release? Don't really like pandering of any kind

>> No.38654511
File: 437 KB, 1595x897, kugitani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised Qruppo managed to get a big name voice actor like Horiuchi Kenyuu, even if he's just a side character. How did they even afford him? Was Nukitashi that successful?

>> No.38654742
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x1080, 景の海のアペイリア_2022-02-18_04-41-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is thousand times more funny than nukitashi, I tell you.

>> No.38654887 [SPOILER] 
File: 897 KB, 1003x750, aOY1Ef2MRh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(henpri grand route)

>> No.38655181

The uncensored art is terrible. I made a patch to put the mosaics back before realizing that shit was English-only and an unreadable (((translation))) at that. Waste of time.

>> No.38655214

>The uncensored art is terrible
Shocker. I wonder if there are any games where it's actually decent?

>> No.38655221

Can someone share https://vndb.org/r46190?

>> No.38655248

I've seen decent and even good ones but I care so little for them that I don't remember the titles. Mosaics are just better and leave everything to the imagination. Mosaiced assholes are weird though.

>> No.38655781

Is Henpri anything like Cross Channel? If it is I might read it.

>> No.38655789
File: 1.07 MB, 1600x900, ヘンタイ・プリズン_-_Ver1.0.4_『“推し”』HENPRI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess in the most basic, general sense, as they're both about a group of weirdo autists trapped in a location. But not really.

>> No.38656107
File: 1.76 MB, 1600x900, 2022-02-09_14-47-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38656119

Nukitashi was really, really successful. It's the biggest hit from a brand-new studio in years. Plus Nukitashi was pretty low budget.

>> No.38656416
File: 1.96 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plotge kino

>> No.38656767

所長's a real cutiepie. A really really dumb cutiepie.

>> No.38657031
File: 3.05 MB, 1920x1355, top.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP atmosphere is quite a bit different from the usual Lump of Sugar. I love it.

>> No.38657398

What a shitty kiss cg

>> No.38657414

This game isn't as popular as it should be. I had a good time with it besides the Ren route.

>> No.38657570

why some people can repeat mindless battlefield matches for hundreds of hours but can't sit down and read an interesting visual novel for a few hours straight?

>> No.38657640

Because lizard brain is more fundamental than human brain.

>> No.38657651

It's not shitty. Cheek kisses are awesome.

>> No.38657664

Voice samples, she didn't go as loli as I expected but still nice.

>> No.38657687

>Shocker. I wonder if there are any games where it's actually decent?
Dead end aegis.

>> No.38657700

Is Waffle's website loading slow or not at all like anyone else?

>> No.38657722

And SaDistic BlooD
Hopefully they do more Metawo games, art is pretty good uncensored.

>> No.38657738

sorry i don't read edgy eroges

>> No.38657778

Release should be quite soon if it has already finished recording, right?

>> No.38657803

>finished recording
Just started it seems like.

>> No.38657974

I think this is what you're looking for

damn this link sure takes up space

>> No.38658013

Is the Saint Dorei Gakuen Remaster better than the original? I'd prefer not having to waste time dowloading the latter if need be.

>> No.38658052

We're so close, lads...Are you all preparing yourselves for the greatest eroge ever written?

>> No.38658134

You don't need all of that.

>> No.38658165

welp, guess I'm today's lucky 10,000
thanks for the tip

>> No.38658202

why are you excited for some trash generic-looking shitge?

>> No.38658264

From what Scaji has been saying about how this is his ultimate passion project and how he doesn't care if he goes bankrupt or dies after it comes out I'm not expecting anything less than the greatest eroge of all time

>> No.38658314

you should really just be expecting him to go bankrupt and die

>> No.38658320

i only read visual novels for the plot so i don't really understand what is so "hyped" about those trash moeblob fests

>> No.38659343

Please tell me that they made fun of her for getting it wrong otherwise my autism won't forgive this game.

>> No.38659885

I really don't get how people can play those grindy games. That shit feels like having a fucking job. It's not fun.

>> No.38659932


>> No.38660070
File: 2.17 MB, 1600x900, 抜きゲーみたいな島に住んでる貧乳はどうすりゃいいですか?_2022-02-18_23-12-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38660363

h-holy based

>> No.38660394

sink cost mostly. Once people realize all their efforts are only paid in a handful flips of transistors they will reconsider what they've been doing real quick

>> No.38660686

you can stomach this vomit of a design?

>> No.38660736

the "bad art!!!" false flagger has logged on

>> No.38660747

>false flag
false. I just came here from /int/

>> No.38660748

based on what?

>> No.38660771

>no only virgin heroines tag
i will not play your game

>> No.38660808

We're not talking about Japan here. You can fuck off now.

>> No.38660831

>"Mother, others said i have shit taste bwaah"

>> No.38660838
File: 1.03 MB, 966x900, pdiL9i4Z2J.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38660878

you could say the same about eroge. your effort in reading is repaid by a bunch of cum-filled tissues in the bin

>> No.38660907

my personal reward is the self-affirmation that whatever insanity is ruining western women will never affect my appreciation for beautiful anime cuties or real girls in general. It sounds weird but we have been battered by ugliness for so long that some may think liking beautiful things is a fringe nowadays

>> No.38660912

do people actually jerk off to eroge? i just read them then jerk off to something else

>> No.38660980

I'm not that anon, shitposter.

>> No.38661136

Well yeah, I at least give a scene a try. That's what it's for.

>> No.38661160
File: 1.19 MB, 1600x900, 抜きゲーみたいな島に住んでる貧乳はどうすりゃいいですか?_2022-02-18_23-28-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally (You)

>> No.38661185

How successful was it? I see people claim that a lot, but I have no idea what the numbers are.

>> No.38661193

are the non-virgin heroines at least optional?

>> No.38661261

I read up to the ejaculation beating my meat but never cumming. I let the sexual energies simmer for a few hours and then I bust a nut to some JAV. I do this to NTR the game's creators and trigger /jp/sies

>> No.38661294

I do

>> No.38661307

read eroge
stop after the blowjob
open any black lilith game, jerk furiously to a gangbang scene until just before ejaculation
tab back to said eroge, skip to the end and coom along with mc

>> No.38661373
File: 417 KB, 969x621, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Designs are not really my type but not bad. It's a different style from the usual so I'll take it. Akira and Mitsuki show promise. Hiiragi's one of the worst sub heroine designs I can think of. 144cm yeah right. Artist can't draw loli.

>> No.38661407
File: 280 KB, 330x751, KOEy5x1yp6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a lot of reverse rape in Nukitashi, so no, all of the non-virgins are in the common route. The sequel has only non-virgin main heroines, ignoring the afters.

>> No.38661449

That's the one and it works. Thanks anon.

>> No.38661468

in that case i'll stick to lolige

>> No.38661486

Any used goods lolige?

>> No.38661500

if there are, i don't want to know what they are

>> No.38661507
File: 953 KB, 736x714, J2C81SvAPQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That'd probably be for the best. Nukitashi only has older, experienced onee-sans who are definitely not lolis.

>> No.38661522

fucking pedo

>> No.38661534
File: 1.23 MB, 1600x900, 抜きゲーみたいな島に住んでる貧乳はどうすりゃいいですか?_2022-02-18_23-28-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally (You)

>> No.38661551
File: 195 KB, 1293x757, yuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks like a bulge. Please don't be a trap, please don't be a trap...

>> No.38661565

but i am

>> No.38661637

What's that VN about a meteor about to hit Earth or something? Someone posted screenshots of it in one of these threads once. It looked interesting but I cannot remember the name.

>> No.38661660
File: 436 KB, 1600x900, BPgpZHiRWz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuki is cute so it's okay if she has a penis.

>> No.38661666
File: 232 KB, 1360x768, kinkoi_gt_MjleFD0iZA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here played Kinkoi's FD recently?
Started reading it directly after the first game and I feel like audio here is kinda different from the first game. Feels really sharp and mastered badly or something.

Anyone else experience the same kinda thing?

>> No.38661738

Isn't it on a different engine than the first game?
Audio mixing in VNs in general is usually a disaster, though. I can't even think of a single VN that I've read where I haven't had to immediately go and turn down the music volume.

>> No.38661800

I usually turn the music up kek. I like really loud music.

>> No.38661808

I guess it's on the engine? Because I lowered the voices and they're still sharp.

But I highly doubt devs would record high-paid VAs just to mix their voices badly.

>> No.38661930

I dont like "stuck in xxx with 6 people" mystery bullshit but the girls look cute.

>> No.38661992


>> No.38662116

He says all this vanilla and purity shit and what does he do on his first time?
Master-servant dog play.

>> No.38662155

Yeah, it's probably a personal taste thing. Most of the reason I read VNs is for the voice acting, so I turn the music down so I can hear it better.

>> No.38663164

>used goods loli, kouhai, senpai, itoko, imouto, onee-chan, onee-san, oba-san, okaa-san
>used goods same age girl, classmate, childhood friend
instant turnoff

>> No.38663175

I mute music so I can self-insert better. The MC doesn't hear any music.

>> No.38663183

>not having a constant soundtrack going in your head 24/7

>> No.38663192

Who are you quoting?

>> No.38663195


>> No.38663197

>he doesn't have a didgeridoo playing tulpa

>> No.38663877

I just started 十三機兵防衛圏 in Japanese and it's pretty amazing. Maybe not a full VN, but close.

>> No.38664079

Would you say having sex scenes will enhance it?

>> No.38664116

Is White Album 2 written in some weird prose or some shit? I get the same gross feeling when I accidently read Chinese

>> No.38664216

Perhaps yes, considering how cute the girls are.

>> No.38664222

I know what gross feeling you mean when it comes to accidentally encountering chinese, but how are you getting that from white album 2?

>> No.38664261

I feel like they talk in a more round-about way that sort of throws me off. Might be just the infodumps or grammar points that result in me "getting the meaning" but not being able to describe what they just said.

>> No.38664838

Damn, Apeiria going full battle of wits. Cool stuff.

>> No.38664964 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.02 MB, 1920x1080, 景の海のアペイリア_2022-02-19_00-45-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Apeiria, but this is exciting as fuck.

>> No.38665974

New thread:


>> No.38666164

this is the 2dj upload from tailon, girlcelly's torrent which was an upload from AS had additional manual scans and the sofmap tokuten

>> No.38666206



Those two torrents contain the Sofmap tokuten. I'm not sure how well they are seeded.

>> No.38666330
File: 878 KB, 1600x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see charm of nukitashi now.
