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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 16 KB, 320x240, thumb_1259822011197_0p07906385659902515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3857394 No.3857394 [Reply] [Original]


>"It didn't appeal to me," he said. "I was looking for >women my age, so I just wanted to download >'College Girls Gone Wild' and accidentally >downloaded underage pornography."

>About a year later, FBI agents showed up at his >family's home. The family agreed to let agents >examine the computer, and at first, they couldn't find >anything.

Don't have accidents, guys.

>> No.3857400

You can't have accidents if you don't download 3D whore shit.

>> No.3857402

Accident my ass. They had to have had a reason to search his computer in the first place.

>> No.3857404

I accidentally 50MB of CP, is it bad?

>> No.3857407

This was posted 3 days ago in /jp/.

Fuck off.

>> No.3857410

Let the witch hunt begin!

>> No.3857417


>> No.3857421

>"I asked them, 'Where did you get that? I don't remember that.' I asked them, 'Could I access that if I wanted to?'" Matt said. "They said no."

Accidentally downloading illegal porn, deleting it, and then not being able to access it 2 years later is a crime.

>> No.3857442

Can't find it in the archive. Got a link?

>> No.3857469

This is why you never agree to let the police do anything without a warrant.

>> No.3857491

His parents agreed. He couldn't have done anything about it.

>> No.3857498

I dont know whats worse, the fact that he used Limewire for his porn needs, or the fact that he looks like a diddler.

>> No.3857501

Glad I only like tits and 2d girls.

>> No.3857502

Format your harddrive every month. Go over it several times with good cleaning software.

Alternatively, if you don't want to get caught in the first place. Buy a used laptop in cash (pawn shop or garage sale) preferably in another state. Go look for some unprotected wifi, preferably in another city. Download whatever you want.

>> No.3857503

How exactly can they recover the file after so long?

>> No.3857507

Or you could just not fap to 3D loli. You sick fuck.

>> No.3857508

Probably what he did was accidentally download an FBI honeypot; they keep track of the IPs that download them.

>> No.3857510

That isn't the point. Just from browsing 4chan, you likely have a CP thumbnail or two sitting in your harddrive somewhere. If for whatever reason your PC was searched you could be arrested for that.

>> No.3857511

>Format your harddrive every month.
isn't that going a bit far?

>> No.3857513

Secret FBI Computer Science Magic

>> No.3857518

Yeah but naming it "College Girls Gone Wild" is just a dick move period, unless they gave him plenty of signs it was really CP.

>> No.3857519

Good thing I don't own any of the computers I use; be a NEET, use family computer, get parents busted for sea pee.

>> No.3857523
File: 26 KB, 566x486, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The FBI could not comment on this specific case, but said if child pornography is ever downloaded accidentally, the user needs to call authorities immediately. They may confiscate your computer, but it's better than the alternative.

What the shit, they're treating it like it was some sort of biological hazard. INFORM THE AUTHORITIES UPON CONTACT, DO NOT EXPOSE YOURSELF TO IT, ON PAIN OF DEATH.

>> No.3857525

Why are you typing in such a silly manner? All of this >stuff makes you think you simply inserted the greater >than sign at the beginning of every single line in the >comment field, instead of after hard returns.

>> No.3857528

Every month? I've never formatted my drive. Is that bad? I just can't give up my favorite old apps which cannot be replaced...

>> No.3857529

You can never be too paranoid. Hell, if I had the money I would buy a new hard drive every month and destroy my old ones with thermite.

>> No.3857530
File: 10 KB, 240x250, 1258082927266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3857537

Well being raped by huge, black inmate penises is close to a death sentence. Not many bungholes can withstand the jackhammering.

>> No.3857538

>>3857528 favorite old apps which cannot be replaced
Have you never heard of a CD-R, or a USB hard drive?

>> No.3857541

Maybe you should just stop looking at child porn

>> No.3857542

how does one go about thoroughly destroying a hdd? with a hammer? lol. I can't stand kids, even ones related to me, at all and my parents can attest to that.

>> No.3857544

I don't have CP. CP doesn't interest me int te least

It would be for the high schooler, straight shota and incest hentai manga, dojins and hentai anime I have prolly. Its a very slippery slope.

>> No.3857548

They don't.

>> No.3857550

Running the HD platters through a shredder would to it.

>> No.3857551

That's nothing; some jerks learn about these FBI honeypot images and anonomously make websites that hotlink to the CP images, scaled down to 1x1 pixel so the browser can't see what they are. On the FBI's side, it still looks like your IP downloaded the CP, and it will appear in your browser's cache just as if you had viewed the whole image.

>> No.3857554

Well yeah but I'm talking old stuff, stuff I never bothered to save the executables for. Such as like Winamp version 1 or something. Newer versions are memory consuming shit full of crap I don't need or want. Or in my parents case, AOL9.0. They found out the hard way that even if you d/l the 9.0 exe the AOL network will still install the craptastic 9.1 version.

>> No.3857558

>>3857544 high schooler
I hope you mean 2D high schooler, or that you're very sure they're all 18+ high schoolers.

>> No.3857560

monogatari sugoi aniki

>> No.3857565

I had to format my PS3s hdd once before I could send it in for repair..... fucker took (seriously now) 32 hours. To put up with that on a regular basis... no, just no.

>> No.3857568

2D all the way. But it doesn't seem to matter. They are taking people to court and winning over 2D.

>> No.3857573

I don't, but refer to >>3857510

>> No.3857581


dban, nuke it just to be sure.


Occasionally write over unused hard drive space, clearing your browser's cache & history before hand. You can track that down yourself.

>> No.3857583

>>3857554 Winamp version 1

>> No.3857585

You don't need installers for quite a lot of programs you know. You can just copy the folders and they'll still work.

>> No.3857587

There's no need to format your hard drive if you don't give them a reason to search your computer in the first place.....

>> No.3857596

FBI seems to have some great tech. Good for getting the real bad people but then you have stuff like this. I don't know, even if it is a plea bargain the guy is pleading guilty so there might be something to their case. Unfortunately me may never truly know one way or the other.

>> No.3857597

It makes me wonder; does possession of vintage CP would still get you partyvanned?

>> No.3857598

"Turn yourself in and you will only get 3.5 years" is what they mean. You never give the man information. No warrant and they can get lost and then if they have a warrant you still don't talk to them and you never plead guilty. The man is not your friend.

>> No.3857600

In the US they haven't actually "won" any 2D cases, but some idiots have decided to settle rather than fighting far enough to get the case to the Supreme Court, where the laws would almost certainly get overturned.

>> No.3857601

Any type is vanable

>> No.3857602


You're on 4chan. Chances are you've seen CP due to some jackass. That means in has been (or is) in your browser's cache. There's also >>3857508 & >>3857551 .

>> No.3857607

This is fucking terrible. Doesn't he have like a ten year old brother that he could blame it on?

"Oh, my little brother gets on there all the time. Who knows what he does."

>> No.3857608

if you download stuff to an external/card/etc does would it still go through your pc's hdd or would that be clean of said content?

>> No.3857613

Depends, are we talking young girls running around naked not doing anything explicitly sexual, or baby fuck? Nudity alone doesn't make something vanable.

>> No.3857614

good luck getting to the Supreme Court with a public defender. The Public Defender is going to want you to plead guilty to a lesser charge and be done with you. You can expect no competent defense from them. Just being accused of CP means the hand picked jury will be out to hang you.

>> No.3857618

I'm surprised at you, /jp/.

No one mentioned Degaussing equipment for hard disks yet? It destroys your hard drive so thoroughly that nothing can be retrieved from it, period.

>> No.3857619

Hilarious. Just the mental image of them grilling the kid had me in tears. Seriously now, why didnt this dude think of that?

>> No.3857623

Really wish CP didn't exist. Its even then, dare I say, furry shit. Disgusting fucking people always ruin it for the rest of us. I say we convert these people to the religion of 2d!

>> No.3857625

The hard drive is where your browser's cache is, so it'll be on your hard drive. Even if it wasn't, the FBI can see the IP addresses that have accessed the file, so unless you're using someone else's wifi you're pretty much screwed.

>> No.3857627

Isn't mentioning running it through a shredder enough?

>> No.3857629

I could see them losing if they took it all the way to supreme court. After all a lot of these cases come down to popularity contests and it's hard to look good when you're caught beating it to little kids. Real or no.

>> No.3857636

That's what I'm wondering...I don't get how they could put one guy in jail for all those years...how do they even know it was him? If he said he lets all kinds of people on his computer, how could they trace it back to him?

>> No.3857642

Right, of course a public defender will want you to plead. But think of it this way: How much is NOT spending years in prison where everyone knows you're the scrawny little white boy that was caught downloading child porn worth to you? That's how much you should be spending on lawyer fees, I don't care if you have to pawn everything you own.

>> No.3857646
File: 20 KB, 375x313, 1231726675267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How exactly can they recover the file after so long?
Brotip: when you delete things on windows, the files aren't really deleted. With the correct software, anybody with access to the computer can easily recover any deleted files on windows. Said files will stay there until they get overwritten by new data. Also, unless you're using the correct software, moving your files leaves plenty of fingerprints. (I.e., copy & pasting things into Truecrypt isn't a good idea.)

Another thing bad about windows is that it keeps a giant thumbnail cache in your appdata folder(s). It also has multiple temp folders that keeps track of your off/online activity.

The combination of the following 3 software can save your ass (literally).

1). Truecrypt (For storing. Passwords should be at least 25 characters long - with all of the special-case characters used.)
2). Eraser (For the secure transfer and deletion of data.)
3). Common sense 2009 (Don't under any circumstances download illegal files without a proxy and/or tor proxy. Beware of government run open proxy list and never leave a trace of yourself on the Internet.)

>> No.3857647

They can't, but he still bears responsibility. Tangentially related, someone tried to use the "I have open wifi" defense in a case against the RIAA, he still got busted for it.

>> No.3857648

just use truecrypt, it's what russian CP dealers use

>> No.3857653

The supreme court isn't like that; it's a life-time appointment, so they don't have to give a shit about popular opinion. And in the past they have shot down quite a few laws that defined child pornography overly broadly.

>> No.3857656

stuff like this make me paranoid as I do no wrong and yet unbeknownst to be could have garbage like this. I mean any good well known site could be hacked and filled with this stuff one day and then everyone that visited it would be fucked. imagine if that happened to amazon or something, god. I don't want to see sick shit period yet it could happen of no fault of my own and I'd be fucked. :(

>> No.3857657

I'd honestly take a bullet to the head before serving that sentence. Well, I'd at least try to leave the country, then shot myself if I get caught.

Beats taking black cocks for four years.

>> No.3857660

To be fair, they're in Russia, as long as they don't say anything bad about Putin the government doesn't really give a fuck.

>> No.3857661

But even then theres a good chance you'll lose.

All the jury is going to see is a sick pedo and theres a worldwide witch hunt going on for them right now.

It's stupid, and wrong, but these guys we're pretty much fucked.

>> No.3857662

That's some serious fucking bullshit.

>> No.3857669

>Brotip: when you delete things on windows, the files aren't really deleted.
How does that work anyway? Is that why my hdd space is so low? Because I still have stuff I deleted but its really still there taking up space?

>> No.3857670

No, you DO have garbage like that; you know the image spam bots that have been shitting up 4chan lately? About half of what they post is CP, so it's pretty damn likely that your browser has some CP thumbnails in its cache.

>> No.3857671

I imagine if it was amazon that got hacked and suddenly MILLIONS OF PEDOS AROUND THE WORLD the FBI would call shenanigans.

Someplace like 4chan however?

This kind of shit makes me want to quit the internet.

>> No.3857674

>All the jury is going to see is a sick pedo
Even if you're a hapless femanon? =(

>> No.3857675

I'd really love to see a really popular site like Google or Amazon or Yahoo get covered with CP images one day. Would they really try to prosecute everyone who visited the site?

>> No.3857678

No, the sector of harddrive where the old data sits on is marked as "can be overwritten", but nothing is done to the data on it.

When window calculates empty space these sectors count towards space.

>> No.3857680

>How does that work anyway?
Complicatedly. When you delete something, it doesn't physically remove it, it just marks it as an area that's ready to be written on.

>Is that why my hdd space is so low?
No, windows sees "deleted" files as free space.

>> No.3857683

The only CP "boogeyman" is the one the news manufactures. Limewire? A year ago? As a fake "College Girls Gone Wild"? Anyone who downloaded that would be getting it from many sources and would have no idea what it was. I've done data recovery, it takes a lot less than a year for deleted files to degrade. If something could be recovered in an intact enough state to satisfy forensics, I'm convinced this guy intentionally downloaded CP, got caught, and deleted it not too long before the FBI showed up. He's making excuses. The FBI without a doubt does set up sting sites and baits CP downloaders, but why would they disguise it as fake adult porn? They want to catch people who are actually trying to download CP. This kind of thing shows up on sites all the time. Lots of us have probably seen it be accident, has the FBI knocked on your door yet?

>> No.3857684

No, let me explain how it works:

When you "delete" a file, the operating system doesn't write that hard drive space to all zeros. Instead, it just raises a flag that says "anyone that wants to use this space can claim it and overwrite it with whatever". So until that happens, the old data is still there, and since hard drives can be rather large you can have old data that stays around a long time.

>> No.3857685

I know where you're taking this, lets try not to have a shitstorm this time.

>> No.3857688

lol america

>> No.3857697

>"I asked them, 'Where did you get that? I don't remember that.' I asked them, 'Could I access that if I wanted to?'" Matt said. "They said no."
Ok, I laughed.

>> No.3857698


I just looked through .mozilla and had a look at the browser cache nothing older than last night with a default install of mozilla firefox 3.5

Is there anything beyond this? The only place where I might have seen CP thumb nailed is 4chan. I always report the shit with the report function.

>> No.3857699

Never works out in your favor, either. Assignment I accidentally deleted by pressing 'up' too many times from the console and grabbing a delete command I didn't mean to? It's been ovewritten with garbage five seconds later when I start up my undeletion tool (kept in my quicklaunch bar for emergencies). A thumbnail of something some jerk posted on 4chan back in 2005? Probably still there.

>> No.3857701

Things are stored on your computer in physical memory addresses; these addresses are stored in a table that controls a computer's memory, where something is and something isn't. The things we call icons are just pointers to/through memory addresses that are reserved for the code that belongs to the program. Icons are like pointers to the entry points to that code.

When you "delete" something, you usually just erase those pointers and the log of that information, allowing your computer to write anything to that memory address when it needs. Until then, all previous data still exists in those addresses.

>> No.3857704

This. The FBI doesn't care about small-timers like the majority of 4chan, they have bigger sick fucks to deal with. As long as you're not sharing it, downloading gigs of it, or happen to live/work near a middleschool, you don't have to worry about getting v& because a spam-bot posted that image of the little girl with a dick in her mouth to every board on 4chan.

>> No.3857705

So if I have a TB of CP on my HDD, delete it all, and fill that HDD with something completely different, the files have been completely removed?

>> No.3857707

No the way it work is, you pay the Russian CP guys money into their dodgy swiss / tax haven bank account. They will then send you instruction on how to access a secure VPN to tunnel into a virtual machine they've setup for you on their server. They will then send you a different key for True Crypt volume (with decoy passwords and sectors) on the virtual machine for you to mount. The CP is in the True Crypt volume.

>> No.3857709

>Would they really try to prosecute everyone who visited the site?
No, because the law doesn't work that way. The site has to be one that you can "reasonably expect" to have CP on to be arrested just for accessing the site.
It's also a legal defence that you deleted it as soon as you found it, which makes me call bullshit on the article's story.

>> No.3857710

Techanon to the rescue! So if I used up all of my hdd space older things would be overwritten? Pretty interesting that stuff only doesn't really get deleted until such a line is crossed. Wonder what the idea was behind that?

>> No.3857716

Your guilty just for being accused. Hand picked jury just to hang you.

>> No.3857717

>Pretty interesting that stuff only doesn't really get deleted until such a line is crossed. Wonder what the idea was behind that?
Performance. Deleting files is fast because only a byte needs to be overwritten (on fat, anyway, no idea with ntfs).

>> No.3857718

Seriously, don't worry about it; the FBI doesn't care about people like you. I strongly suspect that we aren't getting the full story about the guy OP posted about.

The report button doesn't do shit, by the way.

>> No.3857722

>>3857709 No, because the law doesn't work that way. The site has to be one that you can "reasonably expect" to have CP on to be arrested just for accessing the site.
We're fucked, guys.

>> No.3857725


Not necessarily, some programs can piece together what you've deleted and overwritten from the "rubble". The only surefire way of getting rid of data is to physically destroy the drive. This one security company purchased a computer with a wiped drive where the entire drive was overwritten with 0s and they were able to find the guy's credit card number and contact information and shit on the drive and actually contacted the guy.

>> No.3857726

Not completely. Due to the way magnetic media works, there is still a 'shadow' of the data remaining. It'll be exceptionally hard to get said data back so you're probably safe, but...

To securely delete data, you basically need to overwrite it a few times with random bits. There's software around to do this for you. (eraser, unix 'shred' command...)

>> No.3857731

You people should be more worried about the RIAA

>> No.3857732

Solution: never use the internet. Ever.

>> No.3857734

If the police were to come searching for my HDD to inspect it, and I just happened to destroy my HDDs, would that count as proof that I was partaking in illegal activities?

>> No.3857735
File: 33 KB, 300x329, child_prison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one here that gets turned on by the thought of prison rape?

This prison rape scene has manga in it:



>> No.3857737

God damn those spambots. I browse /jp/ and /v/ with my PS3 and PSP. Do I have to take an axe to them now?

>> No.3857738

Why would /jp/ care about the RIAA? Last I heard they didn't represent IOSYS.

>> No.3857742

I'm really concerned about why the fuck the FBI would give a fuck about this.

Keep our country safe, boys!

>> No.3857744

There's only small portions of it that hold the data. Even if you were to slam it to the ground and bust it into six pieces, they'd probably be able to recover it.

>> No.3857746

It would be pretty suspicious, but it wouldn't be proof.

>> No.3857750

If you're really worried about the need to destroy hard drive quickly, the way to do it is thermite.

What the russians do is they place all their harddrives in a vertical stack, at on top they place a stash of thermite with a fuse. When the cops start busting on their door (reinforced with metal bar), you light the fuse and the thermite will melt through a dozen harddrives in seconds.

As for CDs and DVDs, use a microwave.

>> No.3857751

Depends. If it happened before you were aware of the investigation, you're safe. Afterwards, you're destroying evidence, which basically fucks you over completely. Seriously, it's better to get caught with CP on your computer than to destroy the computer once it has become evidence.

>> No.3857753

That's what FBI does. Gives a fuck about you. CIA and Homeland security are supposed to keep your country safe

>> No.3857754

For the same reason, not saying the truth when asked a question doesn't make you guilty.

>> No.3857756

How do you know so much about russian CP

>> No.3857762

I can't believe /jp/ is so gullible. Do you really think the FBI is wasting their time trying to ruin 22 year old white college students lives? There's obviously a lot more to this story, but "22 YEAR OLD PEDOPHILE CONVICTED" doesn't get a quarter as many hits as "GOVERNMENT CONSPIRACY DESTROYING OUR LIVES, BURN DOWN THE WHITE HOUSE, DESTROY YOUR COMPUTERS, ANARCHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I'm not saying the government is flawless but there has to be way more to this story.

>> No.3857763

The best and fastest way is to degauss the harddrive. Instant and completely unrecoverable.

But I don't think any of you can afford the electromagnets strong enough

>> No.3857764

Actually in needs to be overwritten with 1's and 0's at least five times. They have recovered data that has had that done to it before though.

Pretty much what they will tell the jury. Enjoy prison.

>> No.3857765

It can be tampering with evidence, depending on the circumstances; once something becomes evidence, you don't want to fuck with it, because the legal system will fuck you harder.

>> No.3857767

Would a basic reformat of a hard drive completely get rid of everything on a computer?

>> No.3857772

Agreed; I want to know how this guy got caught before I start working with high explosives. More likely to blow myself up than actually get a knock on the door from the FBI.

>> No.3857773

Because hes obviously a high tier dealer.

>> No.3857775

Nope, see http://www.dban.org/ if you want to completely get rid of everything on a computer.

>> No.3857776

Depends on the situation, and country.
In most cases, they already have records of you downloading it/accessing the site; the contents of the hard-drive itself aren't necessary, they only want them for that "nail in the coffin" effect.
In the UK, there's a legal ruling that judges and juries may draw "negative inferrance" from someone refusing to hand evidence over, or destroying it. What that means is that they're allowed to say "Ok, we *suspect* there was CP on that hard-drive, but then he destroyed it, so he *must* be hiding something, and we're going to assume it was the CP."

Whilst I don't know the US's laws enough to say that they can use it in this case for certain, I have heard of it being used in drug possession cases over there.

>> No.3857779

No, it's pretty much impossible to recover data if you cannot get the platter to spin evenly. And if the platter is in 6 pieces it obviously can't spin.

It is possible to scan the pieces with electron microscope and see the magnetic signatures even if the platter is smashed into pieces, but it's far beyond existing technology to get meaningful data out of it.

>> No.3857781

All of a sudden this reminds me of the first couple minutes of that shitty SciFi movie "The Core", where they go to get that neckbeard to help him and he's magnetizing all of his hard drives and microwaving all of his CDs. I can just picture everyone on JP throwing their CD's full of eroge inside a microwave right now out of pure terror.

>> No.3857782

To take you to the jury they'd first need evidence.
Otherwise I could start randomly suing ugly looking people and have the jury decide that they hurt me just because they look mean.

>> No.3857785

Basically music piracy nerds all seem to know a guy that knows a guy that knows a guy that knows about the Russian CP rings and how they operate, and they all just kind of take this "thermite" bullshit for gospel.

>> No.3857789

You don't know how the government works yet do you? This is exactly what the government does. No government employee ever does anything that is hard to do especially government law enforcement.

He makes a good poster boy and scare tactic. Look at how much coverage its getting.

>> No.3857790


Should have looked for a DDL you stupid faggot.

>> No.3857793

Technically you CAN sue all those ugly people, but the judge will throw the cases out and hit you with a huge fine for wasting his time before it ever reaches a jury.

>> No.3857796

Files aren't deleted, I don't know about other operative systems, but windows marks a file so that it can be overwritten when you delete in the Recycle bin.
Also, getting the tolls to break into your computer and recovering deleted files as far back as 6 times overwritten is a piece of cake.
I have said software on an USB memory stick.

Access through mini EXP, go to HDD, run recovery program, BUSTED!
That said, I live in Norway, 2D loli is OK.
Sucks for you british anons. Stay strong etc.

>> No.3857808

There was a great trick in the book Cryptonomicon where they put magnetic coils all around the doorway to the server room so when the authorities took the hardware out it crossed through the field and automatically wiped everything. I have no idea if that's sound science.

>> No.3857812

>Actually in needs to be overwritten with 1's and 0's at least five times. They have recovered data that has had that done to it before though.
By "recovered" you mean planted, right?

>> No.3857813

Limewire's the key here. The FBI doesn't knock on random doors seeing if people downloaded CP a year ago.

1) FBI sets up server with Limewire, offers CP under innocuous names
2) FBI logs IP addresses, locates the victims, builds cases together, then knocks on the door and seizes the machine

If you think about it, that's the only really possible way this could have gone down - they don't have the resources to monitor every single Limewire transaction and, given that the name of the file didn't indicate that the file was CP at all, there is literally no way the FBI could have known otherwise.

>> No.3857816

No you can't do that in the US because of the The Fifth Amendment. You can't be forced into self-incrimination.

Let's say for example you have a True Crypt volume, and you're too stupid to use decoy password. The government can't force you to give them your password. Or rather, your refusal to give them password cannot be used as evidence you're doing anything illegal.

>> No.3857817

Legal status in Norway

Any images or videos that depict pornography in a childish context (which also even would include i.e. an adult model with childish clothes/toys/surroundings) Lovdata - Straffeloven, 19. kapittel, Seksualforbrytelser, § 204a are to be considered child pornography. Lolicon are therefore counted as child pornography, and not legal, in Norway (although this has not been proved by Norwegian court). So far, however, this law has only been used to sentence individuals in possession of real child porn. Lovdata - Straffeloven, 19. kapittel, Seksualforbrytelser, § 204 - "Pornoloven" ("The porn law")

>> No.3857819

>Also, getting the tolls to break into your computer and recovering deleted files as far back as 6 times overwritten is a piece of cake.

[citation needed]

>> No.3857820


Yeah okay.

>> No.3857824


the fbi spreads CP?

those sick bastards

>> No.3857825

There has to be a decent reason for it that either the news is trying to cover up. Come on, if anyone I know had their entire life destroyed because of one CP file they downloaded by accident an entire YEAR ago, they'd be fucking bawling their eyes out all over national television. Even the shittiest of public lawyers should be able to get less than a four year sentence if this guy is telling the truth. It's just too outrageous to actually believe.

>> No.3857827

>Lolicon are therefore counted as child pornography, and not legal, in Norway (although this has not been proved by Norwegian court). So far, however, this law has only been used to sentence individuals in possession of real child porn. Lovdata - Straffeloven, 19. kapittel, Seksualforbrytelser, § 204 - "Pornoloven" ("The porn law")

Exactly, it's a "gray area". It wouldn't even be brought to court, I'd get off with a fine and a slap on my wrist.

>> No.3857829


The same goes for the FBI.

>> No.3857837 [DELETED] 

>recovering deleted files as far back as 6 times overwritten is a piece of cake.
If by 'a piece of case' you mean 'literally impossible' then yes!

>> No.3857840

>recovering deleted files as far back as 6 times overwritten is a piece of cake.
If by 'a piece of cake' you mean 'literally impossible' then yes!

>> No.3857841

can you be a sex offender if you've never had sex?


>> No.3857847

SHRED(1) User Commands SHRED(1)

shred - overwrite a file to hide its contents, and optionally delete it

shred [OPTIONS] FILE [...]

Overwrite the specified FILE(s) repeatedly, in order to make it harder
for even very expensive hardware probing to recover the data.

>> No.3857848

I actually work for the global information security department of a major financial institution, our Ukrainian ex-cyber criminal guy does classes for our staff regularly

If you want to set up phishing sites, Ukraine is appreantly the best place to go. The ISPs there are so dodgy.

>> No.3857850

Google Hirens.

>> No.3857851

Unless they had some other reason to want you out of the way.

Luckily us on /jp/ aren't exactly the kind of people that do things with our lives, so we're pretty much free to fap to our loli in peace. Just don't do anything that will make people with strong vested interests uncomfortable.

>> No.3857860


And from what I've heard, overwriting the data once makes it exceptionally difficult to recover. Unless you're looking at recovering the location of 20 tons of gold, nobody is going to go through the trouble.

>> No.3857861

The fact that this "story" has so much exposure makes me wonder if its true or if its our yearly "reminder" from the feds that they could be watching so we should be good boys and girls.

>> No.3857862


take this and drill it into you head and the heads of anyone you live with. No talking. No searches without warrants EVER. Never invite the Cops inside your residence EVER.

>> No.3857863
File: 90 KB, 1024x768, 1255857337554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More the reason why Japan is superior.

>> No.3857866

To be fair, that was one company that did it, with rather expensive equipment that the FBI isn't going to bother with for a small-fry CP case like they would find here on 4chan.

>> No.3857876

that is what all these busts are for.

>> No.3857885

There's no way it's a real case, and if it is the guy is probably way more guilty than the article is portraying.

>> No.3857886

Actually, you're wrong.
The supreme court ruled that when you co-operate with the police (that is, answer any question other than "what is your name"), you waive your 5th amendment rights. Once you've waived them, you may *not* reclaim them until after the trial.

Thus, if you so much as say "Yes that's my hard-drive", "yes I live here", or "Ok, you can search my room", you HAVE TO hand over the password.

Source: http://supreme.justia.com/us/271/494/case.html

The negative (or Adverse) inference doctrine IS in use in the US. It's such a strong piece of "evidence" that there was actually a statement released by SCOTUS saying to try to avoid using it as "the giving of an adverse inference instruction often terminates the litigation in that it is 'too difficult a hurdle' for the spoliating party to overcome."

>> No.3857897

As a said, getting the required tools to break into your computer forcefully (even if you have a gazillion character password with signs and numbers and caps and lower case characters) is easy as pie.

Breaking into rar archives can also be done.
When downloading CP you can never be safe.
Just pray that they can't be bothered with you.

>> No.3857898

But are they REALLY busts? Or are they merely actors in the FBI's charade? Even the court records regarding such cases could be a facade.....

>> No.3857902

The FBI doesn't knock on your door for downloading a single file off Limewire 2 years ago.

He obviously had more and is lying about it.

>> No.3857905

I always knew cp = bad.

>> No.3857908

The cops can't enter your house and take away your computer by force if they don't have a warrant.

But if you let them in, it's game over.

Lesson to be learned, FBI is not your friend and when they come to your house it's because they want to fuck you in the butt so close that fucking door of yours and throw that hard disk on the next garbage can.

>> No.3857918
File: 23 KB, 500x667, 1230346656537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with all of the Anons posting in this thread with fear in their post? I thought /jp/ers were more techsavy than this. These are the type of responses I would expect to find on /a/.

I'm currently sitting on 30GB worth of captain planet episodes, but do you see me crying about it? Use eraser to move your data and truecrypt to store it. This isn't rocket science, people. No one is going to catch you.

I lied, enjoy your prison rape. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAS4uSDJe9k

Learn to use frostwire.

I miss the old days when 4chan had real pedophiles like aorf and aog.

>> No.3857925

Yeah well that's what decoy passwords are for, fuck yes plausible deniability.

For your decoy volume though, you need to put something there that's a bit illegal, or else it's too suspicious. So in the real hidden volume you may have CP, but in your decoy volume put your pirated ISOs and music and movies.

>> No.3857928

Frostwire? I use PD.

>> No.3857929
File: 43 KB, 241x309, 1236962130493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kid is small-time.

>> No.3857933
File: 78 KB, 350x405, 1240885315164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy new hard drive.
>Tie old one to a bag of sand and throw it in an ocean trench.

>> No.3857936

Underage models are an inherent problem with human porn. Stick to your lolicon instead.

>> No.3857937


>> No.3857940

Go through this site.
The read this guide.
Then visit egydown.com and look for Hirens.

Also, don't even think for a moment that setting a password on BIOS or your hard drive will save you.
All you need is a little jumper, or you could just remove the CMOS battery and the password would reset itself.

>> No.3857950

But even my 2D lolis are illegal.

>> No.3857953


So about recovering files that have been overridden at least once? I didn't see anything about that in your script kiddy army knife.

>> No.3857970

Say I set my browser to not display images. Text-only all the way. Would said spambot bullshit STILL manage to get cached?

>> No.3857972

Oh great, I just bought a new computer last week and gave my old one to my cousin that lives another state.

Here I thought formatting my hard disks would suffice but noooooo. Now I think she uses those shitty sharing programs that infest your computer with spywares and other crap.

Thanks for such a great thread guys, shit can't stop coming out of my anus now!

>> No.3857975

why have I never heard of this place before

archive.org pales in comparison to the awesome which is this

>> No.3857976

Q.E.D. actually.

>> No.3857978

Those can be found on the disc.
And there are several, Undelete is just one of them, or you could be real jackass and look one up and add it to the list.

>> No.3857981

1. Go to google.com
2. Search for r@ygold
3. Profit

>> No.3857985

Be sure to put in something embarassing like beast porn, too. You need to have something there to justify why you acted so worried about letting them see what was there.

>> No.3857989

Move to a free country.

>> No.3857991

>instav& lol
Reported, some idiots fall for that shit.

>> No.3857992

The point is you can't recover a file that's been overwritten six times with random passes. Not with your boot disc, not with any software, not with an electron microscope. It is gone.

>> No.3857993

Is 2D loli bad in the US?

>> No.3857999


I did it once because I saw it mentioned on here and didn't know what it was.

Am I fucked?

>> No.3858000

What shit?

>> No.3858001

I was just about to fall for that too, thanks for looking out.

>> No.3858002

>175 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.3858013

Meh, it was probably just hype.
Be ware, I haven't successfully recovered such files.
The oldest one I can think of was 1 year old and even then it was hard to properly recover (working one day, corrupt in the next)
I'm just repeating what I've heard from a friend.

>> No.3858017


This is bullshit.

There is nothing they would be able to prove other than the fact that you searched for that term, and that itself is not a crime in any way.

>> No.3858024

Yes, but it has to be labelled "Obscene" by the Miller test.

They could count it as "accessing or attempting to access". Given the context of the thread, you'd be hard pressed to prove otherwise.

>> No.3858030

Actually it is.

>> No.3858031

Google logs certain search queries.
You're not fucked, yet.
It's like with searching for 'child porn' or 'lolita' on imagefap.
Someone has your IP, but they probably won't do anything with it, hopefully.

>> No.3858033

This has been all over 4chan today.
(I'm from /g/)

Encrypt Everything.

>> No.3858037

What is the community for the Miller test when we're talking about the internet? Because if something is only obscene if 4chan considers it obscene...

>> No.3858041

except you're allowed to take things out of peoples' trash

>> No.3858042

Don't bother with encrypting if you don't understand the science behind how it works, and where else on your computer you're leaving behind traces; you're just going to bring attention to yourself.

>> No.3858046

I don't think it likely that FBI agents sat on an arrest for an entire year for one instance.

He's hiding more than he says.

>> No.3858050

Maybe they just have a really long backlog?

>> No.3858051

I think you misunderstood that link.
It refers to testifying in court, not answering a question from the police.

>> No.3858052


I'll believe they can recover overwritten data when the 18 minute gap on the Nixon tapes has been restored. There is more interest in that than what some pervert masturbates to, and would be far easier to recover, if it was possible.

>> No.3858053

The genius of True Crypt is the hidden volume. Which is an encrypted volume inside another encrypt volume. These two volumes use two different passwords (or should, unless you’re a dumb ass). Without either password, the data on the disk looks like jumbled binary, which you could easily claim is empty. If you are under duress, by given up the password to the outer encrypted volume the authority can gain access to the data in that volume. However even after been decrypted by the other volume password, the inner volume still looks like a jumble of binary, which you can still claim is empty. And no one can accuse you of hiding anything else because that’s what indeed empty space on a hard drive look like.

An example:

You have a 500GB HDD

You setup an other volume of 250GB, and an inner volume of 250GB.

Without any password, the disk looks blank, but of course you’re not fooling anyone with that, so adversary could pressure you for a password.

You give up the password to the other volume, the adversary mounts the other volume and see a 500GB encrypted hard drive with data stored in the other volume and AT LEST 250GB of space

Note that if the inner volume is not mounted (and thus protected by OS), writing to the other volume can correct the inner volume, since there is no way to tell where real spaces are and where the inner volume data are.

>> No.3858058

In this thread everyone gets life in prison for accidental downloads.

I'm upset, /jp/, I really am. This article is something that would have my grandmother panicking, but to see well informed, technologically competent people like you shitting the bed over this probably fake/exaggerated article is pretty terrible. I can't believe there are people encrypting their hard drive/erasing all of their files six times because of this. It's sad. Now you're fucking paranoid about google searches? You've fallen to a new low. You might as well just quit using the internet and go hide in a cave somewhere, because if the FBI is really "out to get everyone" like they apparently were for this "innocent kid", there's nothing you can do to stop them. Just take it easy.

>> No.3858065

The FBI doesn't have backlogs like that.

They don't suddenly say, "Oh shit, Gary. We still have that kid who downloaded one misnamed CP avi a year ago to go bust. Gas up the Prius!", then ride off to go bust his knuckles.

He was probably trafficking.

>> No.3858085

The law doesn't specify, since it assumed printed media (thus, "The Community" basically meant the town/city).

There's not yet been a case where it was brought up.

I think that you may have misunderstood (or, possibly, I linked the wrong article), since it refers to the case as a whole, meaning everything from the initial arrest right up to sentencing.

There's no relevant difference between police questioning (even on the street), and court questioning.

Whilst a year is pushing it, they'll generally wait a while after finding the initial evidence to try and find anything else relevant, building up a case before they arrest you.

>> No.3858092

It's like that with everything.
Big brother mentality is a sad reality, sure you can't go around being fucking paranoid all the time, hell I can't even be bothered to properly hide my loli doujins much less encrypt them.
But you can't trust everyone on the internet either.
Even a simple news site might be giving you tracking cookies to track your net history.
How do you think they get some of their user info?
By playing nice? Hell no.

I say let them catch me, I'm waiting.

>> No.3858104

I wish I had a cave, it would be just like Dwarf Fortress!

>> No.3858106

Ask yourself this question. Why does the USA have the highest percentage of its population locked up in prison of all developed countries? The answer is not "LOL niggers". This is the kind of shit that has our prisons filled up.

>> No.3858119

Have you forgotten the "war on drugs"? I somehow don't think the prisons are overflowing because millions of college seniors accidentally the whole CP.

>> No.3858121

I doubt anyone was really panicking bro.

>> No.3858126

Wouldn't they just call you out on having a single 250gb partition on a 500gb hard drive with random data in the rest? It's not like they never heard of truecrypt before.

>> No.3858127

This concluded the thread.


>> No.3858131

When you get chucked in prison for carrying a fucking baggy, I'd say your fucked up drug laws are the real problem.

>> No.3858133

The war on drugs IS the same shitty mentality.

>> No.3858139


I'm not flipping out or anything, I don't have anything illegal on my computer, I would just not enjoy a couple of FBI agents showing up at my house tomorrow because I searched for a term on google because I didn't know what it was since, you know, that's what google is for.

Honestly the mere idea of the FBI going that far for a google search is absurd.

>> No.3858143

No because when you mount the outer volume, it will show up as 500GB. The entire inner volume will apprear as blank space inside the outer volume.

>> No.3858144

>This article is something that would have my grandmother panicking, but to see well informed, technologically competent people like you shitting the bed over this probably fake/exaggerated article is pretty terrible
Well I take it a step further and argue that even if the op's article wasn't fake/exaggerated, who gives a fuck? Since when do /jp/ers fear the feds? With the combination of a few software and safety measures, anybody with half a brain should be able to enjoy their lolis (and kiddie crotch videos) without fear. I'm a CS major, so maybe I'm seeing this through a different perspective.

Seriously, some of the comments in this thread are youtube and piratebay tier.

>Say I set my browser to not display images. Text-only all the way. Would said spambot bullshit STILL manage to get cached?
What are you 12 or something? That has to be the most dumbest thing I've read on /jp/ in months. And this is just one out of many underaged quotes in this thread. I am disappointed in you /jp/.

>> No.3858148

>random data
"Random data" is identical to free space. You just say "gee officer, I haven't saved that much shit yet".

The best part is when it's not even a baggy with anything in it; it's just arbitrarily "drug paraphernalia".

>> No.3858149

Actually, the typical approach is this:
1. 500gb truecrypt partition, with a password etc. as a 'decoy' partition.
2. 250gb truecrypt partition on top of the decoy partition, at the end. The idea is that encrypted data looks the same as random data left over from securely wiping the drive to begin with, and if you haven't filled up much of the initial partition there is no danger of overwriting your real partition.

>> No.3858152

What's a good program to completely wipe the hard drive?

>> No.3858153



>> No.3858154

It's called 'Hammertime'.

>> No.3858155

I don't know, maybe we just have a better law enforcement system? A lot of countries don't want to pay to keep criminals locked up or can't afford to, but America loves pissing their money away. I honestly can't believe there's some giant conspiracy like this, I'm sorry. There has to be more to it. It's only making such news because stuff like this NEVER happens and is unheard of. (I don't believe that it's happening accord to this article either, let alone on some massive scale.) He'd at least fight this if he was telling the truth. I mean, 3.5 year plea bargain and 20 year maximum sentence in prison for one video, that is an entire year old, has been well deleted off the computer, and labeled as completely normal and legal porn? It's unreal. There's something missing here, you shouldn't buy into it.

>> No.3858158

Not everyone is a CS major. I for example, fucking bake cakes for a living.

>> No.3858162

True Crypt can let you mount the other volume while protecting the inner volume from corruption. You need to give it both passwords. It will then not allow the OS to write to the space occupied by the inner volume when you write to the other volume.

>> No.3858168

Delicious cake?

>> No.3858175

Is there any other kind?

>> No.3858179

Hey I know you, you're the one who labels otherwise standard cake as "sugar free fat free" and charge more for them.

>> No.3858180
File: 21 KB, 180x253, honeypot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you guys keep talking about honeypots? If the guy in the op's post got his cp from limewire then anybody could have seen what he was downloading. Last time I checked, limewire displays your IP globally. All the feds had to do was contact his ISP.

Keep in mind it's the FBI's job to track down illegal files, so 99% of the time when you download something illegal, there's going to be a fed IP on your peers list. Those seeds on your torrent that stay at a certain number are in fact feds.

>> No.3858181

srs question, were people still buying as many cakes as they used to during the financial crisis?

>> No.3858191

Why would the FBI be tracking 'College Girls Gone Wild' unless they knew it was CP in the first place: in other words, unless they had planted it themselves.

>> No.3858196

>99% of the time when you download something illegal, there's going to be a fed IP
You are a paranoid motherfucker.

>> No.3858199

Cake makes you happy :3
Makes all the bad go away.

>> No.3858205

If it's an old torrent, there's probably a plant seeding it.

>> No.3858207


>> No.3858213

if the plant is the only seeder, isn't that entrapment?

>> No.3858218

You should stop those torrents whether or not the FBI is watching.

>> No.3858221

No, because nobody is forcing you to torrent the file. You're the one looking for it.

>> No.3858222

No, because you approached them. A street clothes officer can't go up to you and ask if you want to buy some pot from him, but if you raise the subject he's free to arrest you. Same with cops as under-cover hookers; they can't proposition you, but if you look raise the topic of paying them for sex they can nab you.

>> No.3858226

what's a plant

>> No.3858233

Is it legal for them to offer real CP though? Usually they share fake, clearly named files and use intent as the clincher. Somehow I don't think a fed computer spreading real CP would fly but I might sadly be wrong.

>> No.3858239

I don't think I've ever seen an arrest for pedophilia based on what was said or done online here in the Netherlands, and I doubt that that's what's going on in America. I wouldn't worry so much, the guy has probably victimized someone.

>> No.3858243


The torrent file must be offered in some manner before the download begins. It would depend on the details of the setup.

>> No.3858263

>Why would the FBI be tracking 'College Girls Gone Wild' unless they knew it was CP in the first place: in other words, unless they had planted it themselves.
Well technically the Girls Gone Wild video is also an illegal video. Also, if you've ever seen the way tags/names work on limewire. The video he downloaded most likely looked like this: "College Girls Gone Wild, pthc, (r@ygold) underage rape"

The pedos for reasons unknown to me enjoy naming their videos like that. (And so do the spammers.)

>You are a paranoid motherfucker.
I was referring to illegal cp videos. Because chances are, they've already found most of the cp p2p downloading locations. Brotip: if you've managed to find the cp torrent/video what the hell makes you think they haven't found it. The FBI isn't a small group, it's a giant network of people working together for a common cause. CP is just something they prefer to track because it's good shit. Married men will dump their wives for child porn, druggies would go without their drugs for a few weeks if offered cp. CP is one of the highest forms of human pleasure. Consequently, it's also one of the most taboo.

To sum this up, the feds could choose to spend their time tracking drug kingpins or spend their time finding giant stashes of cp. All men are pedos by default so they choose cp.

>> No.3858275

As a college student who aspires to be an FBI agent I find this thread extremely hilarious.

>> No.3858283

>Oh would you look at this, a 250 GB harddrive confiscated from a known sexual offender under suspicion that it might contain child porn.

I can imagine this.

>> No.3858288

kill yourself.

>> No.3858296

>2D lolis
>knows about us

>> No.3858298

The mere fact that you browse 4chan is going to cause you to fail your security clearance/check.

>> No.3858305

>I was referring to illegal cp videos.
Ah, I see. I thought you meant illegal things in general.

>> No.3858307


>> No.3858309

Prolly not.

>> No.3858321

"That in the trial of all indictments . . . against persons charged with the commission of crimes, offenses, and misdemeanors, in the United States courts . . . . the person so charged shall at his own request, but not otherwise, be a competent witness. And his failure to make such request shall not create any presumption against him."

The immunity from giving testimony is one which the defendant may waive by offering himself as a witness.

Answering a question on the street is not offering yourself as a witness.

>> No.3858350

>Answering a question on the street is not offering yourself as a witness.
Yes it is.

>> No.3858352
File: 86 KB, 1302x372, lesson learned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3858353

>His parents agreed

>> No.3858370

>The mere fact that you browse 4chan is going to cause you to fail your security clearance/check

I actually have a "Working with Children" permit, my folks host a 14 year old chinese girl in our spare room.

>> No.3858374

The problem with the FBI and CIA is that they have too much power, and most of the time they're not being watched by their peers. There's really nothing stopping a fed from confiscating the cp evidence for his own personal use. I'll never forget the day I read that article about a man that got busted with 250GB worth of cp on his harddrive. I cant remember the exact number (nor can I remember where I read the article). But after reading said article, I immediately knew what makes the FBI agents tick. They're not after the cp you would find on 4chan (that's small time). They want the heavy dosages, and by that I'm talking about the 40 to 80GB bust.

The only reason why they go after the distributors is because the distros are the guys with the biggest stashes. Plus there's the benefit of potentially being able to break into the house of the pedophile that kidnapped the underaged girl.

"FBI agent: So here's the house of the underaged girl I've been fapping to all of this time; now I finally get to meet her in person."

These FBI agents make me sick. They're the worst breed of pig.

>> No.3858376

So, how (relatively) safe is Winny/Share in these cases?

>> No.3858378

Working with Children checks are nothing like FBI clearance checks.

Working with Children checks are, literally, nothing more than a criminal record check that ONLY shows sex offences. You can be a drug dealing, niggah stabbing, arms dealing mafioso and still pass a Working with Children check.

>> No.3858380


This is what paranoid people actually believe.

>> No.3858384

>There's really nothing stopping a fed from confiscating the cp evidence for his own personal use

Apart from the fact that all evidence access is logged.

>> No.3858397

Nothing stopping him cloning a drive for his own use before its logged in.

>> No.3858404

Some Japanese people got busted for sharing CP to foreigners on Share a while back, which is apparently the best thing they could go after given Japan's crazy CP laws. I don't know if the foreign countries went after the downloaders there or not. Point is, someone's watching Share, and I would never trust Winny.

>> No.3858420

>Apart from the fact that all evidence access is logged.
They're the ones that deliver the evidence to the evidence room though.

FBI agent #1: Wow, I cant believe he had such a big collection in here.
FBI agent #2: Yeah, this is pretty bad.
FBI agent #1: Well, I'll be on my way. I have to deliver this to the evidence room. But first I'm going to take a quick stop at a friend's house before delivering it....
FBI agent #2: .....

The feds are also the ones that have physical access to the monitor logs. With their training it would be easy to undermine the security protocols.

>> No.3858426


you make yourself sound like a some genius who discovered the way to irrigate your corn crops.

No shit they will go after the big fish, the chances of any of us here on /jp/ getting caught is slim to none. As one anon said, the only ones that will stop us is ourselves.

>> No.3858496

Yeah, I know both of them have been cracked, I would just find it odd for the FBI to monitor foreign file-sharing programs, when there are larger networks (Limewire(lol), etc.) in the US.

>> No.3858502

I think you misunderstood the (subtle) inner message I was trying to convey.The reason why they don't go after us small timers is because they don't care about justice. They just want to a) be known for their giant CP bust, or b) get their hands on a massive amount of CP. If they really cared about the law they would go after anybody that violated the law, regardless of the amount of illegal stuff they downloaded.

Maybe I'm just saying this because I'm a human. But I just cant fathom why an FBI agent would want to lock someone away for passing around computer bits of zeros and ones. 10 years in prison and being labeled a sex offender for downloading data? Most of the time the people they raid are still virgins. (Since when are virgins sex offenders?)

The only logical motivation I could find for their behavior is the thirst for more kiddie crotches.

>> No.3858526

The odds of anyone watching are probably lower so yeah if you HAVE to get CP from a P2P network get it from a foreign one with semi encryption and filenames that look like garbage to most people.

>> No.3858530

You seem to misunderstand my job and why I'm a Federal Agent. I don't want to meet her, I want to save her before she is murdered.

You're a fuckwit, We have nowhere near as much power as the CIA and niether of have the authority of the DoD. They're the ones who already know your IP, we have to contact the ISPs to find it out, They're the ones who can literally wipe your existence off the face of the earth and people will never know you're missing.

So enjoy your paranoia, pedophile.

>> No.3858535

>Yeah, I know both of them have been cracked
What, that's news to me. I thought only winny was cracked?

>> No.3858587 [DELETED] 

When you download a file, it is recorded on your hard drive, you all should know that.

Most of you should also know that when you delete a file you don't actually erase it.

Now, the process for freeing up hard drive space is that nothing is blanked, only the sectors that the data was recorded are now flagged to be over written.

So a deleted file can remain on a hard disk for years before being over written, and when it finally is, it may be only partially. We can recover parts of a file and reconstruct it into a partially readable file.

Another thing is that files are fragmented often to fill gaps when enough free space is unavailable. So chunks of a file will be scattered around, and when the table is flagged that that data is over writable, we can find those chunks, recreate the file and recover it.

We can also read magnetic data that's been over written many, many times with a scrubbing tool like Boot and Nuke by looking at it with an electron microscope.

>> No.3858592

Hey guys, about that truecrypt thing.
Is it possible to have 2 passwords? One would show the secret container as empty. Other one would show the true files.
Police can't prove which kind of password is that, so they couldn't sue you for hiding evidence. (and you fucking gave them a password.)

>> No.3858594

>I don't want to meet her, I want to save her before she is murdered.

Alright, now you really have to go.

I've been to plenty of pedo gatherings (and no, I'm not just referring to tor sites), and I've never heard a pedophile wish harm upon one of the victims. Don't get me wrong, if given the chance they would have sex with the girl if the girl gave them consent. Again, no one wishes harm on the victims, and most pedophiles want to move the victims to better homes. (You don't hate the things you love.) That'd be like /jp/ers wanting their waifus or Touhous to die.

But these feds that lock innocent people up for 'thought crimes' not only undermines everything our country and rights were built upon, it also undermines the Internet itself. The guy in the op's post for example was clearly not a distributor, but did that stop them from digging through his private belongings for evidence? FBI agents are more dangerous than pedophiles because they are pedophiles in denial. There are some like you with dopamine-induced (binary) morals of good and evil. But most FBI agents are pedophiles.

>> No.3858628

Yes, hidden volume. But you wouldn't make the outer volume empty, you should put less incriminating stuff in there.

>> No.3858673

>I've been to plenty of pedo gatherings (and no, I'm not just referring to tor sites), and I've never heard a pedophile wish harm upon one of the victims.

Odd, you chose the word victim. Child rapists who make up the bulk of hardcore cp often kidnap their victims, aka people who unjustly suffer, rape them and cause severe internal damages and most often irreversible emotional scars that they suffer the rest of their life. If they're lucky. Often what happens is they're murdered and we never find out who they were, or they continuously suffer in the hands of their tormentors. They never come out and tell the truth because they're too ashamed of being raped and fear for their lives. The ones who live are your child models, and they live in constant fear and abuse, most often their from their own parents.

You say you wish no harm, but there is nothing that isn't harmful about cp.

>most pedophiles want to move the victims to better homes

Bullshit, if you had any moral sense, you'd eunuch your self right now and spend the rest of your life stopping child porn.

>The guy in the op's post for example was clearly not a distributor, but did that stop them from digging through his private belongings for evidence?

Ignorance of a crime, does not justify innocence. He should have immediate contacted the local authorities to confiscate the computer.

>FBI agents are more dangerous than pedophiles because they are pedophiles in denial.

The only one here who seems to be in denial is you.

>There are some like you with dopamine-induced (binary) morals of good and evil.

Once again, you confuse us with the CIA and DIA and their investigation tactics.

>But most FBI agents are pedophiles

You do realize that we do other stuff than bust you sick fucks?

>> No.3858697

>Ignorance of a crime, does not justify innocence. He should have immediate contacted the local authorities to confiscate the computer.
Ok now I know you're just trolling.

>> No.3858712

A Fed on 4chan?
Not sure if troll, in case you aren't then you might want to take a look at /v/. For the past few days some idiot has spamming every thread he doesn't like with CP depicting child rape.
Kinda fukken hard to have a DragonAge discussion when every thread you make is filled with CP.

I grinned.

>> No.3858779

>Odd, you chose the word victim. Child rapists who make up the bulk of hardcore cp often kidnap their victims, aka people who unjustly suffer, rape them and cause severe internal damages and most often irreversible emotional scars that they suffer the rest of their life.
Nice strawman. What does that have to do with anything I was saying? You seem to be confusing the CP consumers with the CP contributors. My argument was that the FBI agents are no better than the CP consumers.

>If they're lucky. Often what happens is they're murdered and we never find out who they were, or they continuously suffer in the hands of their tormentors.
Yawn, more strawmens. We all know the CP creators are sick fucks, what part of that do you not understand?

>They never come out and tell the truth because they're too ashamed of being raped and fear for their lives.
What like that Vicky girl? I heard she's made quite the profit out of her ordeal.

>You say you wish no harm, but there is nothing that isn't harmful about cp.
It's rare, but there are some times when the kid enjoys the sexual relationship. Also, would you dare to try to defend the ridiculous age of consent laws?

>> No.3858782

>Bullshit, if you had any moral sense, you'd eunuch your self right now and spend the rest of your life stopping child porn.
I can stand by what I said because the evidence is all around us. Want me to link you to a few pedo hangouts? You only need to read their comments to see that they want to help (and love) the children. Just go to tor and click on any pedo forum of your choice. Better yet, try asking them about it.

>Ignorance of a crime, does not justify innocence. He should have immediate contacted the local authorities to confiscate the computer.
Oh so just because he accidentally downloaded something illegal means he has to contact the cops? Get real, now you're just pretending to be a tight ass upper-middle class (christian) conservative. If the average /jp/er called the authorities for every illegal thing they downloaded the police wouldn't be able to keep up with the thousands of phone calls. How much illegal software and/or music have you accidentally downloaded and reported to the authorities? Also, no one told him he had to contact the authorities. Is there a sign some where that says you have to report every illegal file to the authorities? If so, is there ANOTHER sign that says deleting the illegal material isn't good enough? The truth of the matter is that the data was deleted. He no longer had access to the illegal material, it was the feds that went and dug it out of the harddrive grave.

>> No.3858795

This kinda reminds me of that thread where 2 anons went crazy eachother for having a job. It's just as funny, too.

>> No.3858797

He's not talking about software piracy, he's talking about a serious and violent crime.

>> No.3858802

>The truth of the matter is that the data was deleted. He no longer had access to the illegal material,
The data was deleted and was of no harm to anybody.

>it was the feds that went and dug it out of the harddrive grave.
And by doing such, the FBIs created a stawman out of forgotten data.

It's this type of "thought crime" nonsense and "intellectual copyright" laws that bothers me.

>> No.3858818

>He's not talking about software piracy, he's talking about a serious and violent crime.
[Citation needed]

>> No.3858847

They didn't recreate the data, it remained on the hard drive. He failed to follow the legal procedure and that was what he was busted for.

It has nothing to do with though crimes, or intellectual property.

If you wander onto some one else's property and you were caught on video tape without knowing, you're supposed to let them know of your accidental presence and not try and cover up your tracks.

>> No.3858852

>Implying the support of child exploitation/rape isn't serious and violent.

>> No.3858874
File: 54 KB, 305x325, lolcow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.3858978

To the FBI agent. Have you given up? Or do you want to suspend this match until another day? Thanks to you I've stayed up an hour past my bedtime. I'm probably going to end up being really sleepy tomorrow.

If this thread dies we can always continue this debate on the ghost board: http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/thread/S3857394

>> No.3858985

I think he's gone. I know I've screenshotted this thread and am uploading it to ED tomorrow under sick fuck. Thanks for being such a lolcow

>> No.3859018

Well, that's a shame. I still had lots of arguments and rebuttals for him. It took him so long to respond that I started creating counter responses for his potential arguments. Should I post them any way?

>> No.3859086

Sure, more shit I have on you you sick fuck.

>> No.3859288
File: 57 KB, 1393x628, Age_of_Consent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright but you asked for it. Keep in mind that this post was going to be used as an argument and/or counter argument directed at the FBI guy.

Being on 4chan, I have stumbled upon many Capt Planet pictures/videos and the majority of them have girls that seem to not enjoy their situation. The reason for this is because most of the time there's no consent on the child's part. And this to the pedo community is unacceptable. Hence the reason why the vast majority of CP consumers agree that consent is the first prerequisite of a sexual relationship.

You argue that the victims never enjoy the sex. Here's something that will blow your mind. When I was a teen there was a girl from the apartment below me that was much younger than me. If I could make a guess, I'd say she was 2 to 3 years younger than me. And for whatever reason, she was attracted to me. To give you example of what this girl was like, she was basically a more precocious version of Rin (from Kodomo no Jikan). The following is some examples of her behavior: she would lift up her shirt, randomly flash her vagina, and kiss me underneath the first floor steps. I was pretty blind about sex for my age so during this relationship I basically followed her lead and advances. Luckily the relationship never went any further than dry humping in the rodeo position while kissing. (Funny thing about the kissing is that both of us were too young to know we were supposed to close our eyes. So whenever we kissed, all we could see was our zoomed up eyes. Which looked pretty silly).

>> No.3859303


Those were good times indeed. But the moral of the story is that no one told this girl to behave the way she did. As far as I know she seemed to have a decent relationship with her mother and step father. Her behavior was from her instincts. All men were NOT created equally. We mature, die, and learn at dramatically different rates. There's a reason why your god gave us the ability to reproduce at such an early age. I doubt we would have made it this far as a species if our ancestors didn't rape as many females as they could find.

By the time I reached the age of 17 I was more smarter than both of my parents. Yet these "age of consent" laws don't care about our individual intelligence. End. I'm going to sleep now. Fuck, I hope I didn't stay up this long arguing with a troll.

>> No.3859393

You think it' OK for adults to trick kids into sexual acts?

If a little child masturbates, or "plays house" with another child, then they're exploring themselves, but you're talking about adults advantage of their naivety and ignorance of sexuality.

Children have no right to consent, both morally and legally. Especially with an adult. And that is why you are a sick fuck.

>> No.3859531

I understand you're suffering from a very severe mental illness, and you're feeling backed into a wall, but you need to understand. You are a danger to children. Please, seek out professional help and turn yourself in to the police. If you can learn to regret what you let yourself become, you can change.

>> No.3859549
File: 17 KB, 460x300, h9991308-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole purpose of the post was to show that all laws don't work for all people. There are some males as young as 15 that are several times smarter than females of the age of 30. Saying everybody has to be of the age of 16 or 18 to procreate is wrong. If I had it my way nobody on Earth, regardless of their ages, would be allowed to have children unless they manage to pass a certain literacy test. Think of it as a drivers license test, except the license will be for fucking. Unlike the boys, the girls would also have to take a physical exam to determine if their sexual organs are developed enough to have safe sexual intercourse. With our current consent laws you might be able to protect some girls that weren't smart enough to make decisions for themselves but what about the inbred and mentally ill girls? Once they reach the age of consent they're fair game according to our current laws.

Never forget that no two hearts, vaginas, or penises are the same size. With some girl's development speed they can be penetrated without harm at ages as early as 10. The same thing goes for breast feeding and having babies.

Again, I'm not arguing that all underaged girls can have sexual intercourse. I'm just saying there are some exceptions. Now I'm really going to sleep this time. Hopefully this thread will still be here when I wake up.

>> No.3860642


>> No.3860758
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>> No.3860817



>> No.3860817,1 [INTERNAL] 

This thread was pretty active. Back in the earlier days of /jp/, threads that moved at this speed were common. Nowadays, the only threads that get this much activity are the MangaGamer threads.

I thought I should share this thread with some of the banned ghost that might have missed it.

>> No.3860817,2 [INTERNAL] 

How many do you think are still banned?

This thread blazed in speed/ I just checked /jp/ and it full of /a/ and stuff that would go in /b/ if /b/ was not full of normalfags.

>> No.3860817,3 [INTERNAL] 

Heh. XD

Anyways, talking about CP; Esolkp are you going to do anything about the see pee threads posted on /t/ or are you saving them on purpose?

>> No.3860817,4 [INTERNAL] 

I find it hard to believe that any /jp/er (other than maybe Suigin) cannot ban evade immediately.

>> No.3860817,5 [INTERNAL] 

I find it hard to believe anyone who knows about the archive and actually comes here can't get are around a ban almost "immediately". For me it takes ten minutes for my ISP to release the current IP address linked to the MAC address on my cable modem. My old Motorola gave up my IP address much faster. This ARRIS doesn't let go as fast it seems.

>> No.3860817,6 [INTERNAL] 

Pretty sure this piece of shit happened before the threadbans(or at least the first 50).

>> No.3860817,7 [INTERNAL] 

it was mostly over by then

>> No.3860817,8 [INTERNAL] 

It only takes me 50 seconds to change my IP, and as far as I know I don't have a dynamic IP.

I use windows' shitty modem diagnosis tool that comes with most versions of windows. When the option of "automatically get a new IP" appears I select it and let it load for 2 seconds. Then I unplug my Ethernet cable for 3 seconds; finally, I plug it back in and let the disgnosis tool finish loading. And that's all it takes to renew my IP.

>> No.3860817,9 [INTERNAL] 

You are not running a router? Are you on ADSL or Cable? Its going to be different for everyone due to hardware and ISPs. I have RoadRunner.

>> No.3860817,10 [INTERNAL] 

Like we have to hide any of this stuff...

>> No.3860817,11 [INTERNAL] 

What? The land of the free?
Whoever told you...

>> No.3860817,12 [INTERNAL] 

Can't believe that guy making these huge posts at the end of the discussion couldn't see he was arguing with an ED loser. As if "I'm an FBI agent" didn't make it obvious enough he was full of shit.
