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3855423 No.3855423 [Reply] [Original]

Fifteen people are trapped aboard a ship that's going to sink
in exactly 20 minutes. Their only chance of survival is the
five-person life raft stowed on their vessel. To make matters
worse, the waters around the ship are teeming with man eating
sharks, so swimming to safety is out of the question.
A round trip to the nearest island and back to the boat takes
nine minutes on the raft. How many people will live to see dry land?

>> No.3855428

all of them

>> No.3855427


Nine, right?

>> No.3855430


>> No.3855432


>> No.3855436

All 15 people will live. Superman was coincidentally vacationing on the ship at the time of the accident.

>> No.3855438


>> No.3855440

13, because one person has to bring the raft back the first two times

>> No.3855442

13. 5 go, 1 returns, 5 go, 1 returns, 5 go.

>> No.3855443


>> No.3855446

none, there will be to much fighting on who goes first and no trip will be made

>> No.3855448


why is a painting attending class

>> No.3855449

Five people take raft to island. Four people are dropped off. One goes back to the ship. (4 people saved, 11 minutes remaining) Four more people go to island. Person goes back. (8 people saved, 2 minutes remaining). Finally, another four go back to the island while the other two die in the remaining 2 minutes.

Answer = 13.

>> No.3855450

Are there any witches involved?

>> No.3855451 [DELETED] 

0 <-5<-10
4 ->1->10
4 <-5<-6
9 -------dead
9 make it

>> No.3855468

Turns out the "island" was actually a Star Spawn. Those eaten by the sharks were the lucky ones.

>> No.3855469


If there are, I will stop them, and ensure that all 15 people survive in an alternate reality.

>> No.3855472

Are you always so insensitive towards people's disabilities?

>> No.3855478

Considering they are not all sea gypsies they have already seen land in their lives. So nevertheless if they die or not they will have lived to see dry land. /thread

>> No.3855483 [DELETED] 

The first answer is right, it's nine you idiots.
20/9 = 2.222...
So, two round trips are given.
5 cross one come back. 4 are in the safe.
5 more cross, nine are in the safe.
They will see that going again will result in death, and choose to not go again.
6 die.

>> No.3855487

No one is bringing back the raft through the sharks once he gets his ass to safety.

>> No.3855488

Depends - how many people are required to operate the boat?
If one, nine survive.
If two, eight survive.

>> No.3855489

By logic puzzle rules, 13 live, but by real-world? All of them. Just because a lifeboat is rated for five people doesn't mean that's the absolute limit. You could easily fit six by having one lay down in the bottom.

>> No.3855492

Should be 13 and 11; a full round-trip is nine minutes, not nine minutes each way.

>> No.3855491 [DELETED] 


One sacrifice is chosen to distract the sharks.

>> No.3855494


One sacrifice is chosen to distract the sharks.

>> No.3855495

19 out of 15 survives? That's truly amazing.

>> No.3855498

Logic rules apply, because otherwise there's far too many variables to consider.

>> No.3855500

five people go to the island, then spend the remaining time bickering over who goes back to fetch the others. meanwhile, the ship sinks.

>> No.3855501

If they're smart, they attach a long rope to the life raft and reel it back in with the anchor pulley once it's made it back to the island and all live.

>> No.3855503

All of them will see land. It's extremely fucking extremely rare for sharks to attack humans. I'll just string a rope behind the raft and drag everybody ashore behind the life raft.

>> No.3855507

Those are man-eating sharks. They were trained for years to make them eat people by delivering painful electric shocks if they try to eat anything else. They better start eating people.

>> No.3855508

Hurr hurr sushi train.

>> No.3855509

That, and if it's a nine-minute round trip? They can probably already see dry land in the first place, regardless of whether they actually reach it.

OP: Being a wording-nazi doesn't make you clever, it just makes you a dick.

>> No.3855519

So, wait. The ship will sink in 20 minutes, but its 9 minutes to get to land? Why don't they just... you know take the ship to land before it sinks?

>> No.3855525

All of them are.
Question, who takes the lifeboat back to the sinking boat after making the trip to the island?

>> No.3855533

Shut up, troll.

>> No.3855542

9 minute round trip so like 4 and half to get to land

>> No.3855556
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>> No.3855563

9 min back and forth.

>> No.3855564

This question violates international shipping regulations, therefore it is invalid.

>> No.3855567

11 people

3 on the first trip
3 on the second trip
5 on the final trip

>> No.3855609

This question could only work in a solid math context. Realistically, there is typically no penalty in stuffing a sixth person on the life raft. Realistically, some time after being half-sunk, a ship will have no suitable place to stand on to protect the remaining passengers from the sharks AND there is always the undertow of the ship sinking which would make repeated trips to the boat difficult. Then you'd have to factor a slight but perhaps significant increase in the "time to sink" from removing the added weight of people.

>> No.3855621

I'm no expert, but a ship that's in the process of sinking is probably hard to sail.

>> No.3855625

>Then you'd have to factor a slight but perhaps significant increase in the "time to sink" from removing the added weight of people.

This. Why didn't I think of that?

>> No.3855626

It's an SAT word problem, you pedantic fuck. None of that matters.

>> No.3855639

OP assumes that five man lifeboats must only fit five people. Unlikely in such a situation, people will fit as many as possible without sinking.

>> No.3855668

Assuming only mathematical factors are taken into account (no people stabbing each other, refusing to go back for others, that "dry land" is not already visible from the boat, etc) and that only one person is required to operate the raft... it'd be 13 people saved total.

Kind of a pointless question though, as it realistically wouldn't happen that way.

>> No.3855698

None, because those are flying sharks.

>> No.3855728
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Honestly, I thought all of /jp/ had a Nintendo DS..

>> No.3855729

I prefer those peanut butter eating sharks, much nicer breed.

>> No.3855731


>> No.3855737

doesn't someone have to bring the raft back to the boat to get another 4 people?

>> No.3855772

13 people.
0 minutes -> 10 people still on the ship, 5 on the raft, 1 person will always be on the raft to control it.
9 minutes -> 6 people still on the ship, 4 on the raft
18 minutes -> 2 people still on the ship, 4 on the raft
20 minutes -> the 2 left drown.

Although if we want to be creative we could save everyone by simply leaving people away from the sharks and let them swim to the island while going back for the others.

>> No.3855774

Overload the raft on the final trip since it's doubtful the raft was designed such that only 5 people could board it or it would instantaneously sink, it's not like extreme safety is all that much an issue compared to certain death.

>> No.3855776

>How many people will live to see dry land?
>How many people will see dry land?
>see dry land?

>> No.3855802

this question has too many flaws, like,
9 mins of a round trip consists of how many people paddling? 1? 5? what happens if some of the passengers are fatasses that can't paddle?

>> No.3855808

>A round trip to the nearest island and back
>Nearest island
>Implying they can see it

>> No.3855831

Been there, done that. >>3855509
Was ignored.

>> No.3856197

If five can fit you could cram up to 7 most likely with out risking to much meaning that everyone can be saved just make sure to pick up the heaviest persons last

>> No.3856215


>> No.3856276

They'll all make it as long as none of them are bleeding. The only way for the sharks to sense them by smelling blood or hearing them swim. If they're within 9 minutes' paddling distance of an island then there should be an inward current. They merely need to lay on their backs and float to the island, which is much safer than paddling in a tiny life raft and attracting the sharks.

>> No.3856290

>They'll all make it as long as none of them are bleeding. The only way for the sharks to sense them by smelling blood or hearing them swim.

And a spider sense that makes them able to detect muscle movements and heartbeats.

>> No.3856296

What if Nero is throwing sharks nearby?

>> No.3856305
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Then everyone's fucked

>> No.3856469

