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File: 2.46 MB, 4560x2640, ElonaWorldMap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3853821 No.3853821 [Reply] [Original]

Elona thread.
What race should I be if I'm a pianist?

>> No.3853824

Snail. Because well, just imagine a snail pianist.

>> No.3853840


>> No.3853842

Fairy, because all pianists should be 12-inch pianists.

>> No.3853844

Unlock other races.
Become Catgirl pianist
Be awesome.

>> No.3853849

What's so good about pianists?
They can't even kill anything.

>> No.3853850

I would like to play Elona too

1 - Can I use a joypad with this?
2 - Is there a newfag tutorial with this game? I keep getting raped at the beginning.

>> No.3853855

I have only ever played as fairy pianist.

>> No.3853857

>1 - Can I use a joypad with this?
>2 - Is there a newfag tutorial with this game? I keep getting raped at the beginning.
I'd like to know this too.

>> No.3853865

You can make tons of money. Way more than you think you can make now. And also get panties.


>> No.3853891

ashura. well, 4 arms is better than 2

>> No.3853913

What does incarnate an adventurer do?
And how can you do it?

>> No.3853941

Basically its a resume adventure-button.

>> No.3853967

If you didn't realize it yet, you can have pets. A number of pets dependant on your charisma (1 per 5 points of charisma, minimum 1).

Pianists have high charisma.

Think about it a bit.

>> No.3853976

You can marry a slave if they get to love or better in affection (which improves as they kill things for you or if you give them engagement items, among a few other things). If you're married, try going to sleep next to your waifu next time you're sleepy.

You can use deeds of heirship on your current character to put items in your heir trunk to give to your next incarnation. I have no idea if there's any other benefit.

>> No.3853991

Why settle for four arms when you could be a mutant and have 13 arms?

>> No.3854262
File: 139 KB, 805x629, elona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My harem is awesome.

>> No.3854332

How can you unlock catgirl ? what else can you unlock ?

>> No.3854333

Can you play Elona without numpad? I don't have it at my laptop.

>> No.3854338


The first line says what to do to unlock all sorts of races.

>> No.3854341

Just started playing the game.
Are those death messages I occasionally see randomly generated, or are they from other players?

>> No.3854343

FN + F11 turns on numpad... On most/alot of laptops?

turns "yjm,kiol." or something like that, into your numpad.

>> No.3854347

MachineGod Pianist

Clank clank

>> No.3854351

Other players. They only appear if you're online, obviously.

>> No.3854356

Someone needs to wash his mouth out with soap!

>> No.3854358

The items that go in the heir trunk are the parent hero's inventory at the time that said parent hero fucked his/her slave/spouse. The deeds of heirship allow the child character to claim items from the heir trunk.

Also the child gains base stat/skill growth based on the parent's stats/skills.

>> No.3854359
File: 161 KB, 814x633, woops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've accidentaly mounted my Little Girl.
How do I get off?

>> No.3854362

same way you got on, only targeting your own square rather than the little girl's.

>> No.3854363

Why would you want to do that?

>> No.3854430

Thanks, now off to get rocks thrown at me whilst trying to play a piano.
She's too slow.
If you catch my drift.

>> No.3854431

Are you sure about that? I've incarnated a good number of characters and never gained any additional skills, and never seemed to have higher potential in skills. Potential for stats also didn't seem different, but it's harder to tell for those.

>> No.3854478

Teleport loyter away before you play.

>> No.3854483

Where do i get this?

>> No.3854484

I'd need a scroll of teleportation for that.

Doesn't Loyter like music at all?
I feel that even if I had 2k charisma and the highest performance score possible, he would still be one shotting me with those damned rocks.

>> No.3854499

Actually, you'd need a rod of teleportation. The scroll won't teleport others.

He's level 50, so you need a performer of 50 to play near him. He's not even the highest leveled guy that appears in party quests, as arena masters and sisters are higher than him, and Whom Dwell in Vanity the highest. He's just famous for being really fucking strong.

>> No.3854526

do the quest from the bomb girl in derphy to blow up palmia

>> No.3854527

Go to Derphy, buy the nuke from Noel. Do what she asks you to do with it (try to get naked aside from the bomb first, and stable your pets). You'll die and lose a ton of karma, but next time you talk to Noel she'll give you the treasure.

>> No.3854532

>He's just famous for killing 80% of all npc bards who dare to play in Vernis.

>> No.3854540

Fuck, someone stole my piano.
What now?

>> No.3854542

Now you go to puppy lair and die over and over again till you give up and roll a REAL character, instead of a bitchmade wannabe-bard. How many deaths are yo uwilling to go through? Im betting less than 20.

>> No.3854547

You left your piano lying around in a public place?

I recommend traveling around until you hear a sound fitting kings, or something like that, then killing all bards in that city until you get a good instrument.

>> No.3854556
File: 281 KB, 803x1164, elona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a lvl 9 and have 24k gold. What should I buy/do?
pic related

>> No.3854564

a house

>> No.3854569

How do I make sure my gold doesn't go down?
I've bought a chest, but for some reason, am unable to put money in it.

>> No.3854573


>> No.3854579

Haha, I accidently summoned a bunch of mobs along with a Goblin Shaman who set half of the town on fire.

>> No.3854587

My little girl pet died in the puppy dungeon. Any way to resurrect her?

>> No.3854591

Go to a bartender in a bar in any city.

>> No.3854592

Belgan the bartender in the pub of Vernis can call back your allies for a certain ammount of gold.

>> No.3854606

why does the op pic remind me of that damn sicp snake?

>> No.3854612

There is no protection against etherwind, goddamn. I had the vindale cloak on long before getting exposed to the wind, and still got symptoms.

>> No.3854613

Where does one find pets?

>> No.3854620

Wasn't there a v1.17 yet?

>> No.3854625

There's no perfect protection. You can get the disease by traveling with pets who have the disease. Apparently if all your gear is vindale you have perfect protection, but I haven't checked that.

When you go to Vernis you get a free pet. When you go to Port Kapul, in the lower left corner there is a mad scientist who will give you some monster balls. Think of them as pokeballs, throw 'em at really weakened monsters and catch them, then use the ball to turn 'em into pets.

>> No.3854630

It's 9 o'clock on a Saturday
The regular crowd shuffles in

>> No.3854655

Do pets given by gods count to the maximum number?

>> No.3854667

Yes. As do escorted NPCs in jobs.

>> No.3854690

You have the disease from even the prologue of the game. You can only slow it's progress. The etherwind merely speeds it along.

>> No.3854815

What does equipment with "maintains luck/dexterity/insert here attribute" do?

>> No.3854824
File: 38 KB, 628x62, catnconnect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone has any idea why can't I connect? Or is it always this way?

>> No.3854846

Certain attacks can lower your stats temporarily. If something is lowered from your base it'll show up as red on the bottom (except speed, which can be lowered by weight, stamina, etc). They can be fixed by drinking potions (or the spell) of restore body/spirit, or visiting the healer. Maintains x prevents it from ever dropping in the first place.

>> No.3855081

"Prostitutes are added in 1.14 as residents of Derphy. Unlike most NPCs one can speak with, they can be caught as pets using one of the normal methods."
What exactly are these "normal methods"? throwing monster ball? does domination rod work?

>> No.3855155
File: 89 KB, 627x402, panty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes! Fucking finally! My rampage against god damn nobles ended in success.

Also, Asuras are taking forever to multiply at ranches. Can't you guys hump a li-i-itle faster? I kind of need those hands of yours, you know.

>> No.3855164

Meh, it's not like Shena is wearing those often.
I'd tap Shena's ass.

>> No.3855166

Holy hell, your stats suck balls.

>> No.3855176

Oh god I see it

>> No.3855206
File: 259 KB, 750x716, feats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What feat would you suggest? I am a melee/ranged claymore (warrior with little proficiency in magic) with Shena's scentful (Yes, >>3855164, scentful) panties.

>> No.3855226

At what level did you get those panties?Is level 11 to low to confront the nobles?

>> No.3855231

this game is so fucking frustrating

>> No.3855238

Roguelikes are designed to be frustrating. They grow more powerful the more tears you shed.

>> No.3855246

At level 15, but I had bell with 1d58 panties, a little girl with <Rankis> (8d4+11) axe, and another little girl with two cool daggers. Nobles were abound level 20, we were gangbanging them one at a time, 10-30 turns per noble. You need to kill hordes of these pricks, failing lots of performance quests.

>> No.3855252

Scroll of oracle, chump.

>> No.3855264

Lots of them?

Or do you mean reload the game if there is nothing new and keep a scroll?

If latter you can just tail -f elona/save/sav_Your-name-here/art.log since game saves every time you enter a performance quest. Both this and reloading to keep scroll would be cheating I guess.

>> No.3855272

The only real frustrating part about this game is the grinding, at least until you run into Death Word. There's very little sudden death in this game until then as long as you don't do something really stupid like play near Loyter at level 1 or try to clean out the slimes. Monsters don't get stronger as you kill more of them like in ADOM, so grinding enough will solve all problems.

>> No.3855286

Them damn slimes.

I stubbornly died quite a lot to them wondering what I was doing wrong until I figured out that * showed information about the target.

>> No.3855294

It's not like they are worth keeping, in one of my first runs I used to reload and stock them but after a while I realized it was pointless since gold isn't a problem later on anyway.

>> No.3855340

They're actually easy to kill once you know what you're doing. The trick is to always keep a putit (up to 3 is better just in case. More than that you might not be able to always see them) between you and the slimes and only fight in the narrow corridor. Use a stone to hit the slimes repeatedly until they leak acid and kill themselves. It's better if you can get multiple slimes/the bubbles next to each other, and make sure you get rid of your pet first. Just be careful of the acid melting your putit meat shields.

>> No.3855405

Figured it out after a while, but they still are as fast as me so if there's no meatshield then you can't fight. Learned that the hard way.

I just met Flandre, what's she doing here? and those items taunting me..

>> No.3855434
File: 178 KB, 1024x768, zero health.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why am I alive?

Got bored as a Pianist so I made a warmage and I got brought down to exactly 0 health yet was able to still go into my inventory and use a potion.

>> No.3855457

You only die at <0 health. Think of health points as of points that save you from dying when being hit.

>> No.3855473

I got owned the first time I tried fighting them, it became a lot easier once I got a leash for my little girl so she wouldn't charge forward into the acid. I was a lich wizard and just blasted them with line attacks in the corridor while my little girl tanked

>> No.3855506

Is it normal that my (level 4) wizard is much more effective with a sword than with a machine gun?

>> No.3855513
File: 265 KB, 801x598, Dibujo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf... i dindt edit the sprites or change something in the game folder....

>> No.3855518

Lots of stuff are missing from that wiki( or maybe I just can't find them)
Two questions, first: Are there any downsides in playing a lich compared to other races?

Also, how do I raise attributes like charisma? Seems I don't get points for them at level up, but seen people with 100+ values in them.

>> No.3855524



just take it easy.

take it easy man.

>> No.3855537
File: 127 KB, 648x486, 6369648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I know how many points of faith I have? I'm offering bows and corpses to Luwly everytime I can, but she never gave me a gift/pet/item...

>> No.3855548

I'm level 6 and have a lot of money from quests.
I'm also a claymore, what do I do now ?

>> No.3855552

Get people drunk and sleep with them (gives money, too).
Play musical instrument.
Drink water from fountains and hope for +5 CHA mutation.


Just read this wiki article you somehow missed.


>> No.3855554


>> No.3855560
File: 71 KB, 530x720, 4904c2b7908018631074bb62a726662626ce556d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fairies for Pianists

>> No.3855568

Aren't Sheena's panties considered an artifact? Using the oracle scroll to check if a noble spawned with one would save you alot of time.

>> No.3855571

same here, and my god seems to be indiferent to my gifts now...

>> No.3855572

Play blackjack, win 4 times in a row, get potions of cure corruption, exchange them for cool equipment, search casino chips in dungeons of levels 1-5, repeat.

Continued >>3855552:
People say that beggars drop a +10 CHA amulet when killed sometimes.

>> No.3855578

Thanks, though I gave that just as an example, I meant learning stat points in general since couldn't increase them during level-up.
So basically do stuff that's related to that stat point and/or find food or books that increase it?

>> No.3855581

That is only helpful if it is spawned in a town. Same with beggar's pendant, which can also be found in the party. I've never once been lucky enough to have an artifact like that spawn in town, but I have gotten several from party time quests. Using scrolls of oracle on every party time quest is obviously infeasible, although checking the logfile directly would work.

>> No.3855585

You need to train your faith skill/you will.

>> No.3855588

Well, yeah, we talked about it already. I think wouldn't have had enough scrolls of oracle to actually panty even if I wasn't selling all of them.

>> No.3855590

There are 3 charisma skills; negotiation, performer, and investing. Learn those skills and then use them. All of them are extremely useful (and the money from performer will help you raise investing), so if you keep their potential up you'll be able to gain charisma points with ease.

>> No.3855592

Am I going to regret if I sell expensive but currently mostly useless things like curse removing scroll, cure corruption potion, enchant scrolls that I've been keeping in my inventory?

>> No.3855595


Speaking of, has anon revised his excellent image of said tower from the previous thread?

>> No.3855608
File: 41 KB, 512x512, Captain FReisen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Quit praying so much.

Every prayer drops your favor with your god by 15%

Just do it after you've given a shitton of items. Try to keep track manually if you can.

>> No.3855610
File: 81 KB, 606x579, FUCKINGHARDCORETOWER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not yet, i'm pretty lazy.
I can't find chips.

>> No.3855613

Yes, because gold is worthless but potions of cure corruption can be traded for good items.

>> No.3855627




>> No.3855642

Just keep searching every heap of trash while clearing dungeons, you'll find few sooner or later. Finding chips of course should not be your main concern, but since they can be used to gain potions, it's important to search for them.

In the port town, there is a mad scientist. Complete his quest and fuse few slaves/horses into your pet to make it better. It nets you enormous amounts of Learning stat and some experience points too.

>> No.3855653

Already did that quest.
I don't see any heaps of trash but whatever, i'll keep looking.

>> No.3855689

Places where you can collect materials. Of course you've seen them, you were probably just ignoring them.

>> No.3855708
File: 6 KB, 128x192, Edo1_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the only thing i need to do is cut off her head to use this as clothing? Cuz i still want a kimono, and i'll probably take 3 hours to make it the bland white basic color.

>> No.3855791

Where can i find all the customs, guys?

>> No.3855800


>> No.3855875

moonrunes instructions?

>> No.3855899


>> No.3855939

Fucking awesome. The author should take advantage of this shit.

>> No.3855965

Why is there a penis worm in the map?

>> No.3855971

Its a graboid. Learn the difference.

>> No.3855986

I get how to change my sprite, but can I customize my pets as well?

>> No.3856007

Id assume so, since it has a sprite assigned to it. Now you just have to find the templates and replace them. Im assuming they use the same method as all the other sprites.

>> No.3856009
File: 49 KB, 800x333, olm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sort of reminds me of an olm.

Olms are, by the way, unexpectably awesome animals. They are pretty big (biggest are about 40cm) and were thought to be dragon larvae. They're also neotenic, that is, they have an infantile appearance for all their lives. They are so adapted to their NEET lifestyle that males don't bother to fight and lose energy during mating conflicts, they make displays. Their slow, easygoing lifestyle allows them to live for up to 70 years and they can survive without food for about 10 years.

Some sort of hikikomori dragon/salamander loli.

>> No.3856010

Search wiki for customization.

>> No.3856023

Why is this game so fucking ridiculously unfair at times?
I accept gray level hunt missions and do them easily most of the time. Sometimes I get teleported into the middle of 5+ ranged enemies who kill me in one turn no matter what I do. Or a fucking drake that brings me to -80 health in one hit. Some consistency would be nice, instead of "cakewalk 90% of the time, instant death 10% of the time". It's annoying as hell.

>> No.3856027

It's a roguelike.

>> No.3856034

Play Crawl, die in a torment storm, learn to appreciate Elona.

>> No.3856062

It's equally difficult on average

>> No.3856083

Why did my stats drop from 3 to 1? How can I restore it? I can't carry much now with 1 strength.

And holy crap, my character is level 7 and I already have an ether disease for some reason, even though I used shelter every time there was an ether storm. I wonder through towns in search for Cure Corruption, but with no luck. Why is this game so unforgiving?

>> No.3856173

Because its a roguelike. With a somewhat thought out plot and setting. And animu. Play FOnline for a few hours and come say that Elona is frustrating again.

>> No.3856188


>> No.3856289
File: 5 KB, 256x76, hurrdurr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Them bakas, man.

Them fukken bakas!

>> No.3856355

I want to perform, but how do i get an instrument early in the game. Something light, im thinking harmonica

>> No.3856362

Kill bards.
A hundred of them.

>> No.3856393

There's a graveyard to the east near the mage town. In it, an instrument lies on a grave.

>> No.3856417

I downloaded some bigger sprites from the Elona web up there, does the game automatically resize them?

>> No.3856453

When does this game get fun? I usually get bored halfway through the puppy cave.

>> No.3856461

I traveled to a different town for the first time and the game stopped loading my save. Do things like this happen often? After trying to load my game 10 times I concluded that it destroyed my save game and reloaded a backup, which was thankfully 10 minutes old.

>> No.3856463


Rather, choose an skill/activity, and go to town with it. Perform at parties, monsterball creatures, build a museum, whatever.

>> No.3856471

Is there an artificial limit in the game on the number skills you can learn? Or can I decide to learn and train every skill I want to as long as I buy them for platinum coins and for example become a decent peformer even if I started as a mage with 2 charisma?

>> No.3856473

what's the best way of getting books of magic dart? even while grinding the puppy dungeon I barely find any

>> No.3856496

Here's a tip, remove all your items before going to sleep.

>> No.3856502

Interesting. What does that do?

>> No.3856513

My character is so pathetic. Even my pet is stronger and basically fights for me in combat.

>> No.3856525

I know how you feel. My loli steals all my kills, and then smiles at me and pops a heart above her head. The cunt!

>> No.3856526

Prevents the event where your items get cursed/doomed while you sleep.

>> No.3856529

I think I love you, anon. Thanks for that tip.

>> No.3856530

I can never keep my pets alive. They just keep getting killed. I'll never have a waifu at this rate.

>> No.3856537

Puppy cave again and again.

Also, heavy weapons on them.

>> No.3856553

What's so damned special about the puppy cave?

>> No.3856556

It's easy.
And close to a town to sell all the crap.

>> No.3856569

It's funny.. I tend to die first.

Mostly because I'll try to protect my loli by displacing her behind me and trying to tank the monster even if it's higher(SLIMES!!!!) than me and will kick my ass.

If you couldn't tell by now, I absolutely despise slimes. My run ins with them combined with my stubbornness/foolishness and my indecisiveness on what class I want has caused me many deaths.

>> No.3856576

get something between them and you.

>> No.3856577

Does leveling up "Long Sword" eventually raises up Strength stat? Or do I have to do something else in order to increase it?

>> No.3856582

Resurrecting a pet is much, much cheaper than dying.

I'm playing as a wizard and use a gun to mark targets for my pet. I keep her leashed, but when I shoot an enemy with my gun she runs up to that guy and whacks him with her sword.
It works pretty well. She instantly attacks the target that you attack, so your gun is essentially a targeting laser for her. I take out 90% of the enemies this way, and only use spells for the tougher ones.

>> No.3856606

here are tips for noobs:

- create a new character
- make a lot of quests
- Buy an armorer
- invest in the armorer until he request more than 20k of gold
- Buy the best equip you can afford

If you follow this tips, you should be having 90-110 dv-pv at lvl 4, this will make easy your first steps.

Another tip:
If you are seeking for a melee character, be sure to have tactics and a secondary way to kill creeps from distance

>> No.3856610

I am a level 15 Wizard here and I have 34 hitpoints. I have grinded Before it's too late! and Delivery quests for monies and spellbooks and now my magic annihilates most things. However magic attackers have a good chance to kill me in one hit. How do I get more hitpoints?

>> No.3856631

raise up con, mine the shit out of towns

>> No.3856641


>> No.3856662

Con, Str, and Will all raise hp, so get the Weightlifting skill and never be under Burden, do a lot of digging, and eat boring food.

Pets will *usually* attack the enemy that you are targeting. However, the priority is on the last enemy that attacks you/them. So, if you don't have a ranged weapon for whatever reason, you can just use the Target key.

>> No.3856669

Yeah, but with the ranged attack button I can clear out rooms by just holding down 'f'

>> No.3856684

downloading now :3

>> No.3856693

I've had a few "accidents" from holding down f. So I stopped doing that after a while.

>> No.3856703

>Take delivery quest that makes me go to Noyel
>Barely make it there in time
>NPC i have to give it to is asleep
>Quest expires


>> No.3856714


>Loli drinks from well
>Get wish
>Wish for seven league boots
>Forgot I had 'your feet are now hooves' mutation


>> No.3856718

You can "bash" sleeping NPCs to wake them up.

>> No.3856771

That's why you always carry around a whistle, bro.

Get one, they are incredibly useful. Using one wakes up NPCs with no problem.

>> No.3856793

potion of corruption, bro

>> No.3856812

Are Cure Corruption potions even sold in the shops? I've been checking for them for hours and I can't find any.

>> No.3856822

rarely they are, but they're really expensive. Go to Palmia Casino. Win 5+ games in a row. You get a potion along with anything else you win.

>> No.3856880

Who ever thought it was a good idea to have those floors in dungeons that have that huge mob of one type of monster, I mean really, I can't even count how many times I've died because I came down the stairs right in the middle of a mass of kamikaze yeeks or all those random human mage enemies.

>> No.3856912


>> No.3856941

It's all part of the rogue-like experience; honestly Elona is pretty forgiving for a roguelike.

>> No.3857005

"Hey, let's follow a shitty and broken game mechanic what only a few percent masochist players enjoy!"
Oh well. Fuck it, I just alt-f4 and reload anyway.

>> No.3857012

There is a reason they are a niche game genre.

>> No.3857031

I've gotten into the habit of saving right before going down stairs because I fear that I may end up walking right into that horde of yeeks just waiting to gleefuly blow themselves up all over me. I'm so glad that the floors are only set when you get to them and not when you enter that dungeon...

>> No.3857039

That's because they are turn based random dungeon crawlers.
The death system doesn't define the game, it's just a small nuisance. At least in Elona.

>> No.3857047
File: 557 KB, 1286x800, oh god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck do i get out of here

>> No.3857132

You seem to have no idea of what features define roguelikes. The crawling is incidental, so is the turn based or RPG aspect, it's the unforgiving frightening aspect of the games that defines the genre. And as everyone so far has pointed out, Elona is hilariously lenient to the point where it's not even that much of a Rougelike anymore, a more standard Rougelike would have you low on supplies so you'd treasure every fucking healing item, almost never or just planly never provide the ability to rest and recover and force you to ration shit.

Seriously, people complaining about the difficulty need to shut the fuck up. Go play something like the PS2 Druaga game to know what unfair really means.

>> No.3857143

Also, death in most rougelikes tends to be catastrophically crippling. Elona is barely on the level of Diablo where death is just a passing nuisance.

>> No.3857148

Hey genius, you know you can just exit through the edge of the map, right?

>> No.3857159


>- make a lot of quests

I can't do most of the killing quest due to one fucking strong mutant as the last mob.

>> No.3857175

Take it easy.

>> No.3857182

So, potions of descent only decrease your level, not your stats, right?

>> No.3857201

Normal ones, cursed ones also lower stats, blessed ones actually raise your level. Atleast thats what the wiki says.

>> No.3857630

I play elona when I need a break from being raped up the butt by other, harder roguelikes

>> No.3857702

>a more standard Rougelike would have you low on supplies so you'd treasure every fucking healing item, almost never or just planly never provide the ability to rest and recover and force you to ration shit.

>> No.3857703

The only thing that bothers me in Elona is the random stuff that will give you sometimes crap while you sleep or drink water off a fontain.

>> No.3858613

>go to sleep
>develop horrible mutation


>> No.3858622

>mix potion with well
>a well is dry
>a well is dry
>a well is dry


>> No.3858629

Taking off every part of an item you're currently wearing everytime you want to rest can become really tedious.

>> No.3858646

Once you mix a potion with it, wells gain the ability to go >completely< dry, which makes them unrecoverable.

Pay attention to whether or not it says completely when a well dries. Also you might be able to blow it up and let it respawn.

>> No.3858648

then have sex with a drunk person first. doesn't that de-equip you?

>> No.3858660

I mean negative ones.

>> No.3858669

so i just blocked myself from a quest with a rod of wall creation...
is there a way to undo that?

>> No.3858686

Dig it down? rod of door creation? Teleport?

>> No.3858687


>> No.3858736

so digging will work even though it tells me that i get tired after several attempts?

>> No.3858740


Yeah, just keep trying.

>> No.3858758


Cool thank you all

>> No.3858836

Dammit, I haven't played this since /jp/ went crazy about it and promptly lost interest. Now I really want to play it.

>> No.3858895

Why do NPCs like to CONSTANTLY get in my way and make it so I can't move?

>> No.3858913

trolls, all.

>> No.3858996

How the hell do you actually kill things as a low level caster?
every time I even read spellbooks I just get teleported around.

>> No.3859005

With little girls. Keep reading books, sooner or later you'll start gaining spells.

>> No.3859106

get bells for pets
their speed is 655
they take 6 turns before you do one
also account for they are almost impossible to kill

>> No.3859529
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>> No.3859530


read spellbooks of hero and magic arrow at first, you can eventually work your way up to fire/ice/lightning bolt then darkness/nerve arrow then darkness/mind bolt. Once you get into the mages guild spellbooks become a non issue since there is a store that you can choose what spellbooks they stock in there.

>> No.3859534

Cats... Why are they so cute?

>> No.3859642

Elona thread is now the new Sengoku Rance thread.

>> No.3859663

Damn, I haven't played with my 3D custom girl in a while. I hope she isn't mad.

>> No.3859834

Something happpend in Vernis and now a few NPC's just teleport all the time, it's really annoying.

>> No.3859889
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Ok, what now?How do I dig?

>> No.3859917

The latest version is really annoying in that NPC equipment seems to somehow become more and more cursed over time, leading to citywide teleportitis and nobody being where they're supposed to be. The only cure for that is liberal nuclear bomb application.

Shift+d, num 5.

>> No.3859918


>> No.3859920

You can't do that while you're in a global area.
Should I enter the area and try to dig on every square?

>> No.3859925

Did you just try doing it on a global area?

>> No.3859928 [DELETED] 


>> No.3859930

Because it worked perfectly for me. I wonder if your input key is different, because the command for digging does work in global map.

>> No.3859949

I had to press Z and then Dig. Thanks anyway.

>> No.3859962

Yes you can do it in the global area.
'D' (Shift+D) + Num 5.

>> No.3860068
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>> No.3860082

Sucks for you man. Now you have to charm her using your cock.

>> No.3860088

The random-teleport is getting on my nerves.

>> No.3860096

Can you just eradicate a town with not much ill effects? Do they just respawn and act like nothing happened?

>> No.3860107

Yeah, if a town burns down it'll come back after a few weeks or so.

>> No.3860111

Gigantic karma hit.

>> No.3860117

Outlaws 4 lyfe

>> No.3860131

Not if you Summon Monster until you get Believers of Fire.

>> No.3860133

How do I get cool things from the Gods?
I just gave about 30 ores to Opatos and I didn't get anything.

>> No.3860155

Couple things to note: First of all, sacrificing things only gives you "piety points" up to your max Faith skill. You'll get a special message when it's "full" and you need to increase your Faith in order to get your god to like you more Second, that they come in order. I think it's protection spell -> item -> pet. And you need a fairly high Faith to be filled to get the item and pet, around 17 for the item?

It's simple to use the Faith - just pray (p button).

Hope that helps!

>> No.3860172

If you're directly responsible, you lose karma and any adventurers killed will kill you forever whenever they see you.

>> No.3860187

Why hasn't anybody posted Younger Sister House and RAGNAROK screenshots yet?

>> No.3860188

I'm always dying from hunger, and it's getting really annoying.
Is there an easier way to manage food?

>> No.3860192

Always have at leas 10-20 cargo on hand.

Get food from the innkeeper every time you visit a city.

Eat anything perishable as soon as you see it, or as soon as you can.

>> No.3860201

Goddamn i hate the gene machine quest.

>> No.3860202

Are you serious? I have tons of shit that i cant identify, because i have no money due to dying all the time, but food is one of the things thats easy as shit to come by.

>> No.3860209

Any place to get gene engineering material quickly? Ranches are too slow, slaves are too weak, and can't cast domination because I'm a warrior.

>> No.3860210

Go into a wilderness outside of town. weaken random snails or crabs. capture.

The mad scientist doesn't need them all at once, so you don't need to carry 5 10-pound monster balls at the same time.

>> No.3860215

You can only train faith with random sleep events and scrolls of faith.
Where, pray tell, can I find these scrolls of faith?

>> No.3860218

You pretty much eliminated everything but rods of dominate, scrolls of ally, and using normal monster balls. Try the ranch thing with horses, though. They have high Breeding power.

>> No.3860221

You can also train it with skill points. You will tend to get a lot of faith skillups sleeping on a blessed bed.

>> No.3860234

And blessed beds would be found...?
I'm a pianist, and I'm guessing to make any impact physically, I will need a lot of good pets.
Gods give out good pets.
pets require a shiton of faith.

>> No.3860249
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Here's a little hint that will make maybe make your lives a bit better.

>> No.3860250

best pets are bells. Other pets can be awesome, but you will not find anything else with as much of an impact. (use bottles of poison/acid to weaken, make sure to save often to make sure they don't escape before being captured)

I don't recall ever seeing any blessed beds in cities. You can buy them rarely, and more often I find occasional blessed sleeping bags or even real beds in dungeons.

>> No.3860251

Is there a way to display your pets HP?

>> No.3860265


>> No.3860272

> "Onii-chan, I finished your tie, but it's a bit crooked."

>> No.3860273

I'm level 4 what slaves should i get?

>> No.3860281

You mean teaching my little girl to say things like Onii-chan?
Yeah, it made my life better.

>> No.3860282
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I just brought a slave and he had this on him.

>> No.3860283

If you're talking about buying slaves, don't! If you insist, Fallen Warriors are good, as are Yerles. You'd be best off getting a Bell or if you're a slow race and can ride, a horse.

>> No.3860285

Of course you should get little girls. You do not prefer company of men, do you?

>> No.3860294
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I taught my little girl only one word.

>> No.3860327

I don't bother teaching my pets anything. I guess if I figure out downloading touhou skins that might change, though.

>> No.3860328

Fuck i hate being a fairy pianist. Being able to equip only 0.1 stuff sucks.

>> No.3860340

>I'm a pianist, and I'm guessing to make any impact physically, I will need a lot of good pets.
No. Nothing stops you from taking the 10 minutes it takes to grind your skills to warrior-level. Your class means just about nothing.

>Gods give out good pets.
God pets are bad. It's not worth investing in a mediocre pet. Wait until you can get a REAL DEAL pet like Chaos Dragon/Spiral King. Then again, by the time you can pull that off, you'll be too kickass to need a pet. Until then your little girl is just as good as anything else.

Alternatively you could trade small medals for a girl's diary. She throws random potions, casts mist of frailness and heals every so often; that's alot more useful than your average godpet, and you get a moe~ little girl too.

>> No.3860357
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No one cares about either.

>> No.3860360

B-but aren't they the best things in this game?

>> No.3860362

should be uu~u

>> No.3860375
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fuck no, the best thing in this game is using love potions on food and then feeding the resulting aphrodisiac to one of your younger sisters you bred on a ranch.

>> No.3860381

>Spiral King
Yiths make better pets. They're also lower level and thus easier to capture

>> No.3860397
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and then adding her to your collection of wives.

>> No.3860418

Is there a way to find npcs in towns easily? Specifically, for the "I want it" quests.
I get teleported to the quest giver, but I have no idea where is the guy who I'm supposed to trade with.

>> No.3860424

The owner in an I want it! and recipient in a delivery quest can be located by talking to guards. They give you a direction and a rough distance estimate. Honestly, for an I want it, just don't take it unless you already have the item. Stockpile junk like dead fish, animal bones, straw, and all types of ore (but NOT ore pieces!) because they commonly appear in birthday/I want it quests

>> No.3860456
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>Something goes to hell
Wait, what?
How did this happen

>> No.3860463

Ask guards where the NPC is.

>> No.3860506

Special type damage (Nether)
Other fun things:
>loses its mind and commits suicide.
>resonates and breaks up.
>dies from neurofibroma.


>> No.3860507

ore pieces do in fact get used in I want it! and birthday quests.

>> No.3860513

They also fucking weigh a ton for an item that has no other use. And one that can be readily picked up in the wilderness.

>> No.3860802

Can you buy potions of evolution from shops or is it wish only?

>> No.3860978


>> No.3860985

Why would you want to put items into it?

>> No.3860999

Manage my shit better. Weaponry and books, mostly.

>> No.3861006

I don't know if you can put items into it, try with 'o' (open) or 't' (use).
But you can throw anything in your home to the ground and it won't disappear. Or buy chests from vendors.

>> No.3861078

Can pets use both a melee and ranged weapon?

>> No.3861088

You know, the fact that Juere can have good charisma basically means i have to prostitute myself, until i can persorm.

I'm a priest, just saying. What does karma do wit you?

>> No.3861197

Go see the guards with low karma...

>> No.3861216

Hey guys, I'm level 4 with around -40 karma.
I can only enter fucken Derphy now, what the hell am I suppose to do?
Prositute myself!?

>> No.3861247

Mission for sickeness. I think those up karma. Enter the town, gather your reward, return to Derphy. Rinse and repeat

>> No.3861261

Run around dungeons till you see corpses with the option to loot or bury, burying the body gives you 5 karma.

There's probably better ways but it's better than being killed by guards.

>> No.3861578

Thanks guys, but my karma has been reduced to -60.
Seems like I will be a resident of Derphy forever and ever.
Also, does anyone know where to get the secret treasure of the wicked?

>> No.3861919
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Why are several of my attributes slightly lower than the base value in the bracket?
I don't have any negative status effects, sickness, disease, no negative mutations on feats page, no cursed equipment or gear that lowers stats or anything.

>> No.3861944

you get it from that bomb girl in derphy after you do the quest she gives you to blow up palmia.

Incidentally, you gain -100 karma for doing it. Yo should find a disguise kit, maybe

>> No.3861949

then it's because you died. Just get your attributes restored.

>> No.3861993

Thanks, that worked.
