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3852225 No.3852225 [Reply] [Original]

You will never trace a Caliburn.

>> No.3852228

You will never touch your waifu

>> No.3852226
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>> No.3852229

because, you know, I wouldn't trace a Caliburn.

>> No.3852248

I've traced a Caliburn. Got an A on it, too.

Spring semester.

>> No.3852255

Yes I will.

Let me get a pencil and paper.

>> No.3852352

In before japanese bird tracing a caliburn

>> No.3852359

I'd trace a car.

>> No.3852382

If by "trace," you mean "erecting," and by "Caliburn," you mean "penis," then I have indeed traced a Caliburn.

>> No.3852404
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That's not what I meant at all!

>> No.3852408

I would trace money.

>> No.3852410
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>> No.3852641


>> No.3852659

Who the fuck cares, K&B is better.

C- Rank my ass, those things are fucking awesome

>> No.3854047

Can someone confirm it's tape?

>> No.3854059
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Caliburn is smalltime.

>> No.3854065

Awesomeness is unfortunately not proportional to power.

I would trace Rule Breaker, probably. I can think of any number of rules I'd enjoy breaking.

>> No.3854091

>Awesomeness is unfortunately not proportional to power.
Shirou still completely raped (dark) Saber with them.

>> No.3854093
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>> No.3854096

You mean he used a shield while Rider beat Saber? I'm not sure where you're getting Shirou beating her by himself from.

>> No.3854097

I like the 'car-liburn'-pun.

>> No.3854102

I forgot the exact end, but if you don't recruit Rider you get a bad end where Shirou fights Saber on his own and wins using K&B to their full power. However he lacks the power to finish her off, so she regenerates while lies there and dies.

>> No.3854103

No, I mean him fighting THE MOST AWESOME FIGHT in the whole game by going one-on-one versus Saber, with him using his last sane minutes tracing a few pairs of K&B's and attacking her with full force.

>> No.3854106

It's not a -bad- end, just an Alternative End.

Actually, would that mean that Shirou stalled Saber long enough for Rin to kill Sakura?

>> No.3854113

Rin can't kill Sakura. She's weak willed bitch.

Angra Mainyu born END.

>> No.3854114


>> No.3854110


Bad End 38, aka "sparks liner high".
Shirou, using only a triple (read: sextuple) projection of Kanshou and Bakuya, single-handedly defeats Black Saber and fries his brain in the process.

>> No.3854124

Oh, I didn't get most of the bad ends. But if you're talking about the ending that >>3854102 described, he lost.

>> No.3854125


Rin never kills Sakura, remember? She tries, fails at the last minute, and Sakura curses herself.
Angry Manju doesn`t let her, though, and is presumably born.

>> No.3854132

Youtube Link:


>> No.3854137


No, he won. He just brain-fried before he could stab her motionless not-quite-a-corpse.

>> No.3854141

And then she killed him. I think that counts as a loss in a life-or-death battle.

>> No.3854147


No, she left his brain-dead body staring at the ceiling whist she regenerated.
By the time she regenerates, "it will already be over".

>> No.3854159


I`m pretty sure if your opponent is CUT IN HALF, and will remain so for about 7 minutes, you can say you won. Even if your foe survived because of magic.

>> No.3854163

You are dead, your opponent is still alive.
You "won"

>> No.3854174


There`s a difference between besting your foe and killing them Your own death does`t enter into it.

>> No.3854177

"Then I have won, Shirou"

... lol.

The guy dies. He doesn't accomplish what he set out to do (save Sakura), nor does he even permanently defeat Saber. It's completely his loss.

>> No.3854186

He lost in an overall sense, but he still bested her in combat.

>> No.3854204


That might be it, but it was still a splendid fight. I love that end just because that's the way it is.

>> No.3854210

How do I get it through your thick head that battles don't work that way? When you're dead, it's over! A pyrrhic victory isn't!

If your last pokemon uses Explosion and defeats the opponent but dies, is that a victory? No! It's a loss! Get back to the nearest pokemon center and try again!

You lose, sir, good day!

>> No.3854223


It`s a loss, but you still defeated your opponent. The statement was "Shirou using K&B defeated Black Saber", not "Shirou using K&B achieved victory over Black Saber".

>> No.3854255

How can you say you've bested your opponent if you die and they live?

>> No.3854282

This is true, and I regret saying I'd stand by Sakura if I missed it because of that.

Stop being an idiot. It was an awesome fight, but futile in the end, and he lost because he died. In ten minutes she would regenerate, and he would still be braindead. He didn't even remain standing (so he would be declared winner as far as a match goes). No, they both fell at the same time.

At best you could call it a mutual KO, but only one of them will ever get up.

>> No.3854290

Thats a victory in Shirou's mind if Rin was able to save Sakura, Rider, and possibly Saber after she regenerated.

>> No.3854286

By achieving your goals and denying your opponent his.

Say your opponent's goal is to defeat and kill you in combat to prove to the world he's better, and your goal is to save this woman.

So, you sacrifice your lifespan to fuel a magical transport to teleport her away to a safe place, and die.

Your opponent can't show he's beaten you and you've saved the woman. He's been bested by you.

>> No.3854318

Saber's only goal was to stop Shirou there. She had no other purpose, so it was her victory. Had Shirou moved on, even if he'd had no strength left and would have died with his last projection, he would have won, because that was his goal.

Dark Saber wins, Shirou loses.

Arguing sophistry about the nature of winning and losing doesn't change this - there's no definition of victory that applies to Shirou winning in this case. It was an awesome try, but a loss. Accept it, move on. Try to win next time - the next parts are pretty awesome in their own rights.

>> No.3854324

Well yeah. I was arguing that it was possible to win while dying and your opponent living.

Shirou lost that one.

>> No.3854335

I'd rather trace the sword's scabbard, if you know what I mean.

>> No.3854357


my fucking letters
and stop
twisting my fucking words.


Not "Shirou wins Black Saber loses".

>> No.3854367

And you're still an idiot - he couldn't finish her off, so the best he got was a draw which cost him his life. If you're talking about the extremely short term. In ten minutes she'd be regenerated, and he'd still be dead. That's what we call in english a "loss".

>> No.3854379


Quiet, faggot. Men are talking.

>> No.3854399

Saber is down because Shirou kicked her ass.
Shirou bested her in combat. That's decided.
In the aftermath:
Shirou keels over due to brain shattering.
Shirou lies there, Saber will get up.

Different things.

>> No.3854400

Smooth trolling, broski.

>> No.3854410

And I`ve not said he "won"! What I`VE said is that he "bested her in combat", which you cannot refute!

>> No.3854414

Combat englobes the aftermath as well.
Saber had more endurance than Shirou.
Saber won.

>> No.3854418

No, it doesn't.
If in boxing, after the gong rings, the other boxer dies, they won't say 'Victory annuled'

>> No.3854439

In boxing, if both boxers are down after the gong rings, which is what happens, at best they'll get a tie.

And I said, at best he got a tie, because they both went down at the same time! What he did accomplish was awesome enough - why do you have to misinterpret it as something else to try and make it seem even better?

>> No.3854450

Your definition is just way too fucking narrow.

>> No.3854465


Shirou won the fight, you silly baka. Saber acknowledged that she was beaten, and was waiting for him to kill her.

Now, if he had been killed by HER attack as he was beating her, then that would have been a draw. However, she had no part in his loss, so it was more like a win that became useless afterwards due to circumstances.

Besides, he bought time for Rin.

>> No.3854467


If both fall at the same time but one was punched out while the other collapses due to a fatal heart attack, heart-attack guy still wins.

Shirou was still sentient at the moment of the decisive blow, so he bested her.

>> No.3854468

I cannot take you seriously, sorry.

>> No.3854473

You wouldn't trace a Caliburn.

>> No.3854477
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You would not trace Zelretch's dildo.

>> No.3854482


No good, huh...

>> No.3854486

Drop the weeaboo name and using 'baka' and we can start over.

>> No.3854490



>> No.3854497

Yeah, fuck you.

>> No.3854507


Precision is by definition narrow. If you want to be narrow about whether or not it was a "victory" or "winning a contest at arms" I can be narrow about what constitutes winning the contest at arms.

When Perseus's mirror shield reflected Medusa's gaze back upon her, killing her, Was that not a victory for him? Oh, do you think that's not related? Saber's defense was too strong for Shirou, so in trying to defeat her he killed himself. She would be able to get up fairly soon after, although she wouldn't be able to fight for a few minutes - but he would never get up again.

How can you call this "shirou defeating saber"? In chess you can sacrifice your queen, your rooks, and your bishops, and still win because you maneuvered your opponent into an untenable position. In a magic:the gathering game your opponent can destroy every card you hold and every card in your deck, and all but your last life point, but if he has to draw a card and can't he's the one who loses. And in a battle, if your opponent can get up but you can't, you're the one who loses.

>> No.3854521
File: 85 KB, 804x602, victory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disregarding your irrelevant example of a different situation, since Shirou cutting a defenseless apple would result in his brain breaking. Concerning a fight, and teh result of it, not the aftermath and who gets toenjoy the ground more.
Let's do this simply.
'Hey, F/SN, did Shirou beat Saber one on one?'

>> No.3854522

Tracing violates copyright, mongrels.

>> No.3854535

No, he needed Archer's arm, and died just getting a draw.

Ask your heart. You know it's the only answer.

>> No.3854543

The circumstances of Archer's arm are known to us, since it's the reason he keels over.
Under the circumstances of the specific duel, Shirou kicked Saber's ass.
He just did not have the energy to do anything else after that.
Consulting the heart for matters of simple logic goes nowhere.

>> No.3854558

Matters of simple logic would state that it's not 'one-on-one' in the first place. If we accept that it's one-on-one, he still didn't win, because she's able to get up shortly after, and he's not. Since he can't fight on, it's his forfeit.

>> No.3854566

Of course it's one on one.
And the fight does not go on forever in the grand scheme of life. It stopped the moment he slashed at her spine and she fell on the ground.
It was not a fight anymore. Shirou did not finish her off, and will never do anything but breathe, but who cares.
He scored the winning goal, qualifies for the finals, but will never play again. Which is irrelevant.

>> No.3854588

She regenerates really, really fucking quickly. The fight was only over at that point because Saber's duty was complete the instant Shirou was unable to fight any longer. From there on she just had to wait for Sakura to call her and heal her up to full strength to finish of Rin, or for Sakura to beat Rin by herself.

>> No.3854703

She would heal in 10 minutes. In the interval which happened right after Shirou killed Saber Alter, the fight between Rin and Dark Sakura ended. He bought Rin enough time by defeating Saber Alter, Rin knows that Shirou can't kill Saber Alter alone. Thus the result is.. Dark Sakura is killed.

If you want to go as far to say Shirou lost because Saber Alter will get back up, I could just say that in the time it would of took Saber Alter to regenerate, Rin would of killed Dark Sakura. Thus causing Saber Alter to have no master and disappear before she regenerates. So that result is that Shirou both directly and indirectly caused Saber Alter to disappear, Shirou might of killed his mind.. but he is still "alive".

Either way, they both "lost". Shirou can't save Sakura and he fried his brain, and Saber Alter can't help her master and will disappear.

>> No.3855059

I liked this thread.
Why can't we have more shit like this?

>> No.3855142

Heaven's Feel thread?

Was anyone else pissed that True Assassin didn't create a contract with Kotomine?

Or was one worm enough for the old fart to keep his command spells?

>> No.3855194

No, Hasan did break off from Zouken since ol Z didn't have enough mana left to hold him, I think.

I'm pissed off that he didn't ally himself with Rin, Ilya, Shirou, or Kirei too though.

Why did Kuzuki have to go down like a bitch in this route?

>> No.3855211

Because Caster, the bitch ass whore, was all that Kuzuki had. Without her, hes nothing but a regular whimpy Japanese cocksucker who couldnt get laid even though Taiga was practically shoving dat punani into his face. Bitch made fuckers go down like bitches when they dont have their SUGOI pokemen with them.

>> No.3855215

Exactly. He didn't seem to have any loyalty to Zouken, much less Sakura.

Kirei is a master, and he was right there. I half expected the entire thing to be a JUST AS PLANNED so he could get another servant.

>> No.3855228

Why did Fake Assassin have to go down like a bitch too?

Fuck, now I remember why I don't like Heaven's Feel.

>> No.3855261

Wimpy? Kuz was a boss. Perfect breathing and shit. And when Caster's killed by Archer (DOUBLE TRAITOR), Kuzuki just looks at Archer and says "Well shit. Let's finish this." and went down like a man. Died with his boots on. Then assassin just kills him in his sleep in HF.

"Hey, we both throw knives and are more or less evil motherfuckers. Howszabout that teamup?" Plus there's two masters, Ilya and Rin, rollin around dick deep in mana without a servant,

He took Hasan's place. Hasan was born out of the fake. Damn shame though.

>> No.3855298

I was just playing some Fate/Unlimited Codes on mah PSP, and Fake Assassin's Story mode is great.

He manages to defeat every servant and master, and forced Caster to use all of her command spells. He then promptly kills her as well. Then he disappears.
