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3844192 No.3844192 [Reply] [Original]

So I heard MirrorMoon is dead because Takajun left it and there's no other translators.

But I just visited their site and checked the staff name, he's still in the list and there's still a project going on..so I guess they're still alive and well?

>> No.3844201

Or nobody cares enough to update the site.

>> No.3844210

>So I heard
>Takajun left
Mah parrot said that Mirror Moon is alive

>> No.3844214

LOL I wonder where why they still let Message stay in their group after those fiasco

>> No.3844222

What fiasco exactly?

>> No.3844225


'sup Message.

>> No.3844226

Because he actually was doing something good, productive, and appreciated in that time but didn't want to ruin the surprise?

>> No.3844227
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>Best installer ever

>> No.3844238

No, I'm serious.

>> No.3844240

What fiasco, shit actually installed to my toaster.

>> No.3844260

No translator wants to put up with their faggotry, and that's the end.

Remember when they were practically running a JLPT test for people who signed up to help translate Saya?

Yeah, I bet those fags would accept even hentai manga-level translators these days without fliching.

>> No.3844288

>Remember when they were practically running a JLPT test for people who signed up to help translate Saya?
Wow, I... I didn't know that. Anything else?

>> No.3844292



They seem to have mistaken themselves to be some kind of "LOLBESTTRANSLATOR EVER"

>> No.3844304

But Taka's level is quite high, isn't it?

>> No.3844314


TakaJun is more awesome due to fast than quality. The FSN translations were just an accomplishment of editors as they are his.

>> No.3844315


It's not the issue of whether the installer work or not. It's the ridiculous amount of time it took him to make it. He basically dug his own grave in that post.Go see it for yourself if it's still around.

>> No.3844318

I don't see what's wrong with that.
Lots of people out there who think they can translate stuff with zero knowledge of the language and a dictionary.

>> No.3844319


Are you fucking serious..?

>> No.3844320

Uh, Taka is Japanese so I'd expect so.
I actually see no problem with this. There are lots of amateurs who think they can translate, and end up messing up the script.

>> No.3844333

I was joking, that was one of the most potent displays of being a faggot I have ever seen in the VN community.

>> No.3844334


>> No.3844336

>MM thread
Quick,someone post that unlimitedinstallerwork.jpg

>> No.3844342

>I heard MirrorMoon is dead
>MirrorMoon is dead

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.3844348

Links, links, pal.

>> No.3844349

Okay, the installers took a lot of time, but they were awesome in return, yeah?

"It has come to my attention that there is a huge problem with the Tsukihime v1.2 update installer: It *will* mess up your save files, and the only thing the user can do to prevent it is manually backing up the saves before upgrading. What's worse is that, if you're in bad luck, it might even destroy your Fate/stay night English saves..."

Maybe not.

>> No.3844364

I thought Taka has already moved into yandere group ?

>> No.3844391

Mirror Moon could find a translator if they wanted. Hell, it'd be excellent start for new guy to scene, work with the guys that did FSN and Tsukihime!

No, the reason MM is considered dead is because rest of the team is bunch of slow fucks. Hell, Farland Symphony has been translated for ages now yet there's practically no progress. Remember that TakaJun released Brass Restoration through Yandere? That's because Mirror Moon wasn't doing their work at all.

>> No.3844397

>Lots of people out there who think they can translate stuff with zero knowledge of the language and a dictionary.

>I actually see no problem with this. There are lots of amateurs who think they can translate, and end up messing up the script.

I agree with quality control. I don't agree with asking for awesomeness from people willing to work for free.

When people show up to translate your goddamn game for you, take the offer and shut up if you don't want to pay for their work.

Saya no Uta was something that was dumped on tlwiki on a whim during a Saya/Mirrom Moon thread and translated by a random guy in 3 months if I recall. We gotta thank the existance of tlwiki, without those guys we would still be stuck in the dark ages of elitism faggotry.

>> No.3844430

hmm... I don't know where the post is (otherwise I'd screencap it and post it) but it's basically message rambling on about how he doesn't care that people are waiting for it or how long the installer is taking to make while completely disregarding what everyone else thinks.
Even the other people on the project wanted him to hurry the fuck up.

>> No.3844436


I agree.

The main reason translatorfags avoid translating games like a plaque is because they have to work in groups. And most delays wouldn't come from the translator but the others.Still,the translator has to take the blame for it.

>> No.3844456

>like a plaque
A plaque isn't a huge deal, I don't see why you would have to avoid them too much.

>> No.3844463

>translated by a random guy

Makoto isn't really a 'random guy' in the tl community.

>> No.3844465
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That random guy is Makoto who's now doing work for JAST. He's practically the idol of some tlwiki members due to tl quality etc.

>> No.3844489

He also translated Kikokugai.

>> No.3844494

he stopped tl'ing demonbane at 50%


>> No.3844499


Yessss now this thread is completed.

>> No.3844506

It was said in the beginning that he'd do only the main route. Blame the installer for not getting to play it before JAST license.

>> No.3844513

He stopped months before moogy and loss went batshit insane, sucking jast cocks

>> No.3844519

I just remember one thing. Is insani group alive?

>> No.3844520


I'd rather not play a game/read a book at all if I'm getting a complete different translation than what the author intended. It is completely reasonable to quiz a persons knowledge of the language they're translating, not only for the end user, but the original creator of the novel. It's a big deal, and a certain level of quality should be demanded.

It's well within their right to refuse people who don't know what the fuck they're talking about. If I was dedicating a lot of my time to a project, I wouldn't want to let one person ruin it with a bad translation. I don't see any problem with this at all.

>> No.3844521
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Ah found them.
The posts that forever put message on the pedestal of faggotry.

>> No.3844530

I think Makoto was only going to translate Al's route at first and just release it like that, but then JAST came in and he's working on the rest now.

>> No.3844536

Is Makoto really a good translator? I can't compare his translations with original texts due my lack of japanese ubershitaskillz.

>> No.3844538
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>> No.3844540

Anti-localization stance eh? Well in that case there'll be games/titles which is impossible to translate or doesn't worth it to be ruined by translating into English.

>> No.3844548

I don't know about his Japanese, but one thing that makes Makoto a great translator is that he doesn't need an editor, his translations read great.

>> No.3844550
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Yes. Fast as bullet!

>> No.3844554

why was a installer necessary? couldnt they put it in a .rar? i remember dling a extract & overwrite version of their melty blood patch some time ago, it was the only way i could patch that fucking thing since the installer didn't recognize my .iso

>> No.3844556

Why so sage?

>> No.3844557
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>> No.3844558
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>> No.3844559
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meanwhile at mirror moon...

>> No.3844562

Weren't they the ones translating narcissu 2?
That came out in... 2006?
I'm going to say they're probably dead.

>> No.3844566

Welcome to /jp/.

>> No.3844572
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Yes, yes, I remember Narcissu 2. It was an amazing translation.

>> No.3844581

Due to Message, those-still-small English VN readers community got nothing new or to talk about for 6 months straight. The mood of the community is way different now with tlwiki and pollfaggotry with lots of project coming and going and new stuffs for conversations.

>> No.3844587

I preferred those days, before /jp/ wasn't a bunch of spoiled faggots. What happened to when we just took what we were given without complaining?

>> No.3844589

Fuck, the community really has changed in two years.

>> No.3844590

So let me get this straight, Takajun has already left their group but they're too ashamed to admit it and still put his name on their staff list without his consent ?

>> No.3844591

Real deal only now

>> No.3844593
File: 70 KB, 248x252, 1259121007090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is moogy such a nigger and removed the sumaga translation when JAST didn't even anounce a possible release?

Way to suck mancocks.

>> No.3844595
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>> No.3844596

Umineko, tlwiki, and pollfags destroyed our community we are a shell of our former self.

I used to play all of the VN's that would come out, since we only got a new one about every six months. Now that there is becoming such a large selection I can't focus anymore.

>> No.3844598


So basically you like the idea of centralism while we have no say in it whatsoever ?

>> No.3844605

Next year /jp/ will get sick of real deal. I'd love to see more Disney (Liar-soft) and highly rated niche game like Parfait soon.

>> No.3844609

There is a distinct lack of moe game translations

>> No.3844610

Sure. If you don't like it, you can always learn Japanese.

>> No.3844618

I do, but I'm pretty sure most of the people here would call me a newfag.

>> No.3844621

Agreed, some more light-hearted stuff would be great.
Sumaga is still being translated, you fool. You just can't see the files, progress is at 67% or something.
It was removed because JAST is considering Sumaga as possible release after Jingai and Demonbane.

>> No.3844622
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Community growth is done often at the cost of oldfags. Sorry for that.

Or maybe we'll get GAR titles instead, like Ayakashibito, Comyu and Dies Irae.

>> No.3844626

What the fucking shit does "Disney" mean? I see people use it in the same generalizing condescending manner as "/a/-level" and have no fucking idea of what they mean by it, other than the guess that it's both derogatory and widely subjective.

>> No.3844627
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Or, I can just use tlwiki.

Did I smell asspained?I think I just did.

>> No.3844628

Why should we have any say in it? They're doing these translations for free.

>> No.3844633


'sup Message.

>> No.3844639

Disney - Shit I don't like
Real Deal - I liek

That's for negative use. For the other it's used for games using hefty disney-like fantasy/magical element, furry character etc.

>> No.3844643


>> No.3844652

Some guy that was butthurt that Baldr Sky didn't win Amaterasu's second poll started calling Inganock "Disney". After that everything not "Real-deal" was called "Disney" by idiots.
I'd love to get Comyu translated, but you have to understand already: It's not so much about manly and awesome fights and stuff, the main weight is on relationships.

>> No.3844655

>Disney - Shit I don't like

>> No.3844672

How did REAL DEAL originate then?

>> No.3844674

Oh right, all that misunderstanding issue. Less FSN, more YMK/Clannad/Kira Kira thing?

>> No.3844681




>> No.3844686

There is a project going on, you know.

>> No.3844696

Disney is probably some forced meme shit that one or two guys keep posting.

Sort of like Bawson and the KS devs.

>> No.3844697

I honestly don't remember. Most likely somebody just came up with "awesome" thing to call stuff like GSS and Baldr Sky. Which is silly since two are not very similar.
Rather RuiTomo, with fights occasionally included. Although not quite as good.

>> No.3844699
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Translating with the speed of light

>> No.3844707

You don't even believe yourself that it's still going on.

>> No.3844711

GSS really deserves a translation. Not another moe shit, you know.

>> No.3844716

I see we hardly get bawson thread this week. Good riddance.

>> No.3844719

not real deal enough for you

>> No.3844721

All you have to do is check the site; the files are public. Progress is being made. It's just a really long game, and the progress isn't as fast as it could be.

>> No.3844723

For some reason, people have decided to start using it unironically, and it has since become a meme.
It would be better if people weren't faggots.

>> No.3844730

what is the site

i need a link

>> No.3844732

Funny that you'd mention GSS!
> Although school got a lot busier than I expected, I'm almost halfway through file 01. I've been editing as I've been going through it, but no doubt somebody else could probably do it better. Christmas break is coming up soon so I should be able to get my translation of the files op1 and 01 before Christmas itself. Also, I've been waiting for a voiced character to say it, but does anyone know the actual name of the mountain in file 01? If nobody knows then I'm just going to go with Nishimori, until I get some clear evidence stating otherwise.--Vermilion Raven 13:37, 1 December 2009 (UTC)

>> No.3844734


>> No.3844739

Does this new-age horde of translators and hackers have some kind of vendetta against fucking Princess Maker?

Seriously, PM2 has been played to the point of insanity, I would have expected that, if it ever came to pass that games got a sudden rush of translators comparavle to anime and manga, ine of those games would be high priority.

Well, my other guesses at a sure-hit were Rance and Utawarerumono, so I guess I was 75% right. Still, dude, they've translated Men at Work 2 and other crappy studio e.go half-assed TRPGs, why not PM?

>> No.3844740

It's going to be a babelfish-tier translation, but it's not like a game like GSS really needs an amazing translation.

>> No.3844744

In the wiki, right?

>> No.3844748

But ste is almost dead. No news. Nothing. I've been checking his progress since late 2007 when I saw KGNE-anime. Later I read KGNLE, lol. But I don't mind to read it again in english.

>> No.3844751

The guy doing machine translation was chased off the TLWiki, this is a different guy, you know.

>> No.3844760

Machine translations? No fucking way.

>> No.3844765

It's dead as possible.

Someone should just translate the Akane route. It's all the people really want anyways.

>> No.3844776

Now that I think about it what happened to Ryuusoul (Translator of Tsukhime)?

>> No.3844784

No, we need MANAMI

>> No.3844785

The KGNE project hasn't had any translation done on it for like, a year.

The updates you see are just minor edits on already translated portions

>> No.3844788

I said babelfish-tier translation, not a babelfish translation. Check his message.
>I just found out about this game last week from the BL forums, and I downloaded the script files that were posted and started translating (while playing the game). Admittedly, I'm currently just a second year Japanese student, so a number of the grammar (particularly at the beginning of the 01 file) is beyond me. So I've been asking my sensei for help with the grammar I don't know. So far I've translated the op1 file and about the first 10th of the 01 file. I wonder though, are all the script files in the GSS_Spt.rar file. Because when I downloaded it it only had, _staff, 01 trough 08, 082, akane, and an aoi file that both my IZArc and 7-Zip said was broken; it didn't even have the op1 file.--Vermilion Raven 16:49, 31 October 2009 (UTC)

>> No.3844789

Are you checking the Wiki or the forum?

>> No.3844796

BL = Boy Love? Or Beast's Lair

>> No.3844820

Wiki. And it's pretty dead as well.
Put the Princess Maker 5 scripts to TLWiki, I hear it's pretty short. Scripts being available always increase chances of translation.

>> No.3844879

<~Moogy> it's not like we won't just release sumaga anyway if it's completely ready and there are no plans for JAST to release it

>> No.3844884

who the fuck is moogy

>> No.3844899

Welcome to /jp/. Please enjoy your stay here.
For your courtesy, we request that you google before asking stupid questions.

>> No.3844903

Translator, and founder/leader of tlwiki.

>> No.3844915

Muramasa WHERE?

>> No.3844921

so he has an anime blog? doesn't every faggot around here have one of those?

>> No.3844923

Moogy is just an editor, not a translator.

>> No.3844925

Even Makoto isn't willing to translate it.
He's not a translator.

>> No.3844927

Weaklings, all of them.

>> No.3844930

so what is he

>> No.3844935

Founder of TLWiki, editor.

>> No.3844940

I just fucking want to play iM@S SP or Love Plus. Is that so hard to ask?


>> No.3844944

You might try working on that shitty taste of yours, son.

>> No.3844965

this is moogy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhqrr_Wkg38

>> No.3844966

No one cares what you want.

>> No.3844979

My mom cares. ;_;

>> No.3844982

She's humoring you

>> No.3845028

>so he has an anime blog? doesn't every faggot around here have one of those?
In /a/? Sure every faggot around there have anime blog.

>> No.3845037

>anime blog
>VN thread
