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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3834766 No.3834766 [Reply] [Original]


Um janitor, did you delete our thread out of spite or was it a request to suppress release information?

>> No.3834801 [DELETED] 

>Implying japan cares about america talking about it's things.

>> No.3834803

Janitor doesn't like Japanese things.

>> No.3834811

Email moot about it. Moot agreed, don't bother him about it.

>> No.3834815

Who is the cute girl in the OP, and why don't you post her more often instead of the less cute ones?

For shame, idolfriends.

>> No.3834818

Might want to direct those questions to the fag who starts them, he's had a habit of deleting them as of late.

>> No.3834830

This feels like a strange trick, although I'd like to talk to moot about /jp/ every once in a while.

Why would I delete our thread on a day like today when so much news came out and there wasn't any trolling.

>> No.3834837

It's over, we're finished. Let's move over to /s/ guys.

>> No.3834843


Kids thread was deleted as well. Couldn't have been him. Although he is a faggot for ever ragedeleting threads in the first place.

>> No.3834850

If idols aren't allowed on /jp/ anymore, where else could they go?

I think /s/ is mostly for hardcore porn now. Would bunbunmaru tolerate idols?

>> No.3834851


Now that I think about it, you've been here for almost a year now, haven't you? Same trolling tactics every single day for an entire year. How do you do it? I'm confused as shit.

>> No.3834857

More likely a trick to connect emails to IP addresses.

It can't be a copyright request, I mean its 4chan to begin with and the new draconian Japanese copyright laws don't start until next year.

>> No.3834858

>bunbunmaru tolerate idols

Oh, this would be so amusing. I highly suggest you attempt it.

Also, if our meido is really deleting idol threads, I'd be willing to suck him off.

>> No.3834861

Yes go there.

Take your 3D friends with you.

>> No.3834865
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Kamei Eri

>> No.3834875

I have a slight suspicion that the new janitor is in fact anti-H!P and pro-Akb
Maybe he is powertripping right now?

>> No.3834876

>Why would I delete our thread on a day like today
You've always struck me as functionally retarded... no offense.

>> No.3834905

You seem to forget the days of boat spam and earlier troll attacks where people were told to delete the thread.

And as I have explained in the last week or so, a lot of our threads have been straight up disappearing.

Probably just another joke on us.

>> No.3834913

>a lot of our threads have been straight up disappearing.
Not like this.... Before it's been rage deletes due to trolls.

>> No.3834966

see >>3834875
There was probably 1-2 thread deletes for very good reason. But lately there are rather obvious hints from thread cleanups that we are on the new janitor's shit list.
In fact I would point out the multiple posts simply quoting our posts as AKB trolling. Not to mention the unusually low level "get the fuck off my front page" comments, like some powertripping was occurring.

But again, probably just another trick on us and no Moot involvement as usual.

>> No.3835050

Are you honestly this paranoid?
