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3833604 No.3833604 [Reply] [Original]

greetings from /a/

i decided to try out touhou and i'm wondering which ones are worth playing. i hear 1-10 are good but 11 and 12 suck?

>> No.3833612

1 is the only good Touhou.

>> No.3833626

The real touhous start from 6. Play 6 for vanilla touhou, playing the later games if you want some variety. 8, for example, has a team system where you switch characters when you focus your fire. Playing 9 seriously is for children and mentally disabled people.

>> No.3833627

7 and 8 are the best, 6, 11 and 12 are okay, 1-5 are way too old and the rest are kind of meh.

>> No.3833628

4-12 are worth playing but do 10-12 first.

>> No.3833634 [DELETED] 

Don't play 8
anyone suggesting 8 is trolling you

>> No.3833632

>greetings from /a/
/a/ and /jp/ are practically the same thing.

>> No.3833643

>7 and 11 are the best

>> No.3833644

You are alone in this regard.

>> No.3833649


>> No.3833656

Just pick the one that has your favorite touhou to start with. If you don't have a favorite touhou, go play Ikaruga or something.

>> No.3833658

Don't listen to Suigin, OP, it's a queer. Play Imperishable Night, by far the best Touhou, with the best cast: Eientei.

>> No.3833659

I recommend starting with 12

>> No.3833665

where do i download

>> No.3833671
File: 151 KB, 826x1200, reimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright, sounds like the plan is to start from 6 and go from there

thanks anon

>> No.3833680


>> No.3833682

Google touhou torrent for games, touhou.wikia.com has english patches

>> No.3833675 [DELETED] 


>implying IN isn't the best touhou

>> No.3833684 [DELETED] 

I stated it

>> No.3833685

sifting through /rs/ is a pain, i'm getting mine from http://www.doujinstyle.com/ right now

>> No.3833686

Playing 1-5 is like playing an old school Genesis shooter game. You don't want that crap in this day and age.

EoSD is straight Touhou, no strings attached. This is Touhou HAADO MODO, and if you want to make all the other look like cake, play this one first and foremost.

PCB is a bit simpler because the Border system gives you a free hit, but is still a challenge. Fuckin Prismrivers.... Some say this is harder than EoSD, I feel the opposite hold true. Either way, this makes for a nice candidate for a newcomer.

I started with IN, and after playing those two, I sort of wish I hadn't. IN truly is EASY MODO compared to the first two, so if you don't want to get too into this beast called Touhou, play IN and call it a day.

>> No.3833687

Actually, I'd suggest playing 2-5 first so you can appreciate how much ZUN has evolved. Most people avoid those games, because they think they're too hard.

>> No.3833688


In hell.

>> No.3833695


You say Genesis shooters are old, yet suggest playing upgraded 2D shooters when full, 3D games like Halo and FF exist??

A pity...

>> No.3833700

Why don't you just try then all?
I did 8 then 11, 7 ,6, 10, 12.

I liked the 11 more than the others though.

>> No.3833698
File: 30 KB, 640x365, miko_reimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3833730

Funny thing is they're actually the easiest.

>> No.3833757


Nice opinion-voider there and point missed there, guy. Also, what does Fatal Fury, Final Fight, Final Fantasy, or Fatal Frame have to do with ANYTHING 2D shooter.

>> No.3833821

UFO was the first one I did

If you do this first then the others will seem a breeze

>> No.3834244

who cares. It's all the same shit

>> No.3834278

6 > 7 > 8 > 10 > 9.5 > 11 > 4 > 5 > 12 > 2 > 9 > 3

>> No.3834298


Wait, is this a crack at final fantasy?

>> No.3834311

IN is decent, but I wouldn't recommend starting with it. It teaches way too many bad habits to beginners, and on Easy and Normal it's really pathetically easy, which will encourage you to keep playing it instead of the others, further cementing these bad habits.

EoSD is basic, as people have said, but a lot of it is the amount of random patterns. It relies a lot more on sheer dodging skill than manipulation, pathfinding, and understanding. Good to start with, but it won't teach you much about playing.

PCB is more lenient, but introduces the Cherry system, which is good incentive to learn scoring systems and play around them. If you're the type that can't learn to play to win before playing for score, this might not be the best one for you.

PoFV is commonly insulted because people have no friends to play with, but when you start playing against human opponents it's really fun. Actually takes some level of analyzation of the dozen or so playable characters.

MoF is another relatively simple one. Very good to start with, the scoring system is existent but not at all complex (Stay active and points won't stop being worth points) and it actively encourages one of the biggest rules: Bomb more. Excellent to start with.

SA is fucking hard on Easy and Normal, but it's a lot of fun when you get into it. Basically the complete opposite of EoSD, the patterns are mostly aimed or static and make you think about the patterns. Planning and understanding will make much of the game trivial, but random reflex dodging will make it nearly impossible.

UFO is actually the most lenient of the games. I've managed to leave stage 4 with maximum lives and bombs. The problem is the system itself, which seems to give most people a lot of problems. Probably not the best to start with, but a lot of fun if you can wrap your head around UFO collection.

>> No.3834341

As for the PC-98 games, they're very different from the Windows games and are largely ignored simply because they're less polished and less readily available. Admittedly, I haven't played them quite as much, either. Between the pixellated graphics and the forced windowed mode, playing them makes my eyes bleed, but the few times I have seen the patterns in the danmaku games have been a pleasure. They really do have some interesting, unique, and innovative patterns which are drawn on for inspiration in the Windows games occasionally.

Regardless of what you start with, if you get into the series don't let other people's opinions bother you or influence your own. The best thing about this series is the originality and creativity of its fans.

>> No.3834372


You can find the Windows games here. If you click the parent directory the PC-98 games are there too.

>> No.3834384

>Playing 1-5 is like playing an old school Genesis shooter game. You don't want that crap in this day and age.
this is why touhou fans are the smash players of the shmup community

>> No.3834413
File: 279 KB, 950x900, 1254531100044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MoF and EASY?! WTF!?
For me is MoF harder than UFO! Ok, MoF Stage 1-3 is ok but Stage 4, 5 and 6 is fucking hard! UFOs Stage 4, 5 and 6 is easy. I suck hard in MoF and Kanako is a hard last boss. Byakuren is sooooo easy...

>> No.3834415

Shmup != FPS
It's rather shocking just how often I have to point out the difference to other supposed gamers.

>> No.3834437

MoF is pretty hard. I've never played UFO so I can't say for sure, but I've heard that it's the hardest.

>> No.3834452

Stage 4 is hard. Stage 5 is the 2nd easiest in the series. Stage 6 is hilariously easy for a final boss except for the last card, which is a total bastard card.

>> No.3834454

>>3833682 Google touhou torrent for games

All the torrents are DEAD, FUCKER!

>> No.3834461
File: 244 KB, 650x860, 1251736910896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me is UFO not so hard like MoF or SA.
Byakuren is a pretty easy last boss.
For me is Kanako the hardest last boss.

>> No.3834494

MoF is hard is you never bomb, if you do then it becomes pretty easy.
Virtue of Wind God is the hardest spell card in the entire series to my experience.
Am I the only one who gets out of whack shmupwise after playing FPS for a while?

>> No.3834588

MoF is really easy except for the last boss.

IN is easy, but it's also my favourite game in terms of setting, characters, and gameplay, so don't just skip it.

Not going to comment on anything else except that EoSD is really annoying because there's no visible hitbox. The game would be much easier with one.

>> No.3834597

Real men don't need visable hitboxes.

>> No.3834734

>>3834588 Not going to comment on anything else except that EoSD is really annoying because there's no visible hitbox. The game would be much easier with one.

Bullshit. There is never any situation in any Touhou game where you have to squint at the screen so closely that having the hitbox visible is anything more than a crutch to stop you from having to learn where the damn thing is.
