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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3830835 No.3830835 [Reply] [Original]

If you were the little girl anon, and you have a nii-nii that you secretly admire, what would you prefer him to do?

[ ] pussy foot around the topic when you try to steer the conversation to relationship and sex, never make a move on you
[ ] push you down after inviting you to his car and ram his piston of love deep into you while you cry in a tsuntsun way

>> No.3830840

Can I have both? Like say, in succession?

>> No.3830845

Why do these threads always have you paired with a guy?

Why can't I have an older sister instead?

>> No.3830850

This is one of the best drawings of Luna Child.

>> No.3830871

And why can't I be a little boy instead?



>> No.3830874

[X] pat my head and call me a good girl.

>> No.3830879

[x] push you down after inviting you to his car and ram his piston of love deep into you while you cry in a tsuntsun way

>> No.3830880

But anon, you were the little boy and you squandered your time by not having sex with older men.
You cannot be trusted as the little boy.

>> No.3830883

Who says I did?

>> No.3830885

But you already were the little boy.

>> No.3830886

the little girl is a little boy.

>> No.3830888

This. ;_;

>> No.3830889

I get to be the little girl again?
I would prefer him to hug me and rub my head. I always enjoyed that.

>> No.3830895

Go back to /v/.

>> No.3830898

I was never in /v/

>> No.3830916

Give me another chance man!

Also i'd prefer having sex with older women because shit yeah that's just how I roll.

>> No.3830964
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What is it like to have an oneesan give you an induction to sex?

>> No.3830968

If he picks option 2 I'm going to scream for help and party van his ass. I expect him to take the time to seduce me and make me feel good. His cute little sister is worth it.

>> No.3830974 [DELETED] 

stop spamming and ddosing Anon Talk .com also stop trolling and harassing us and remove all clones and troll articles and lies and leave us alone if u do this well stop posting these msgs forever

>> No.3830981

What makes you think any anon on /jp/ would be a cute imouto?
We'd most likely be the fat, unappealing monsters that everyone hates.

>> No.3831004


she'd go straight to sex.

>> No.3831008

I've had an imouto fetish for most of my life. I know more about how to be a cute little girl than I know about being a man. If I were to be placed in a little girls body I could seduce any man on /jp/ without issue.

>> No.3831016

tamaki is the best oneesan evar

>> No.3831017


same here minus the seduce everyone in /jp/ part

>> No.3831029

disgusting. Her boobs are too big and her bottom part looks like a roast beef sandwich.

>> No.3831042

You wouldn't give your fellow anons a little hope by seducing them? You don't have to sleep with them.

>> No.3831050

Half of /jp/ are physically and psychologically incapable of being seduced by anyone, due to a deep-seated, crippling phobia of sexual contact from another person.
The other half are a blend of normalfags who wouldn't have sex with the little girl no matter how hard she tried, and depraved fetishists who would fuck you whether you wanted it or not.

Either way, your seduction attempts would prove either ineffective or unnecessary.

>> No.3831055


well, I WOULD sleep with you anons, but...

>> No.3831061

I would sleep with Sakura.

Anonymous? Probably not.

>> No.3831065

>cute little girl
>seduce any man on /jp/

yeah, great achievement there.

>> No.3831079

If I were a cute little girl I'd spend my life scamming rich pedos via blackmail.
Then I'd send them down anyway after I'd got my money.

>> No.3831091

With the amount of money some folks on /jp/ spend on figures and other Japanese items I'm sure I could find a good anon who could support me. With love, food in my belly and a roof over my head I'd be happy.

>> No.3831101

Half the fun would be seducing the normalfags. Making them blush and feel desires that they know are wrong would be great.

>> No.3831135

And then after you had finally convinced to to admit that they wanted you and they tried to touch you, you could call them a sick, perverted fuck and walk away form them in disgust.
Imagine their confusion.

>> No.3831319

It's obvious
[x] push him down after inviting you to his car and ram your piston of love deep into him while you cry in a tsuntsun way

>> No.3832125


>> No.3832138

Just to have him run to you, knock you out, and probably chain you in a cold basement for a couple of decades until you either manage to escape or he is captured.


>> No.3832299

Why would I want to escape living the greatest life imaginable? No work, no worries, just chained to a wall waiting for sex? Oh god ... if only I were the little girl.


>> No.3832316

Cry in a "tsuntsun" way? Alright there, Gaia bro.

>> No.3832317

Cosplay as Marisa.

>> No.3832326

I don't think that's a bad end.

>> No.3832338
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But, violent rape?

>> No.3832361

Being the little girl and getting raped is my fetish.

>> No.3832390

>If I were to be placed in a little girls body I could seduce any man on /jp/ without issue.
That says nothing about your skills, anyone could seduce any guy on /jp/ as a little girl.

>> No.3832399

Quick! Smash through the wall and run away!

>> No.3832402

I just wanted to be loved and not in a sexual way

>> No.3832419

What? I don't understand isn't that like "I want to eat but not food"?

>> No.3832436

I was thinking more like a 15+ visual novel love but whatever I guess sex isn't so bad

>> No.3832449

I want to be the trap.

>> No.3832456

Do you have sex with your pets?

>> No.3832463

So you want to be a human loli pet?

>> No.3832470


Neither because I am not a faggot. Seriously though, just because I become a little girl doesn't mean I want cocks.

>> No.3832488

Little girl hormones would make you like cocks wether you like it or not. In the end, the amounts of sexual frustration you'll build up being torn between holding on to your long-gone manhood and giving in to the urge for cocks will turn you into a humongous slut the moment you finally break. If you accept your new nature and the love of cocks that comes with it, you might end up as a good girl.

>> No.3832493

>>>Little girls like cocks.

>> No.3832505
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>does not want cocks
