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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 46 KB, 796x586, 1250617588769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3830015 No.3830015 [Reply] [Original]

recomend some non-anime flims from japan guys
pic unrelated

>> No.3830020

What the fuck, there's not enough steel in the fucking universe to make a rod 5 light years in length unless it's like 1 atom thick.

>> No.3830024

There is if you use the Kaleidoscope

>> No.3830029

I know it's just a joke, but that pic always makes me rage.

>> No.3830040

The rod wouldn't move instantaneously if you bumped it. The atoms have to bump into each other to cause the rod to move. You would merely send your "bump" at the speed of sound in steel.

Battle Royale is good.

>> No.3830046

Rewatch Kurosawa's films

>> No.3830047

Steel cannot be a single atom thick.

>> No.3830048

Oh man, that fucking pic...

>> No.3830052

I can't imagine the force needed to move something that heavy back and forth at the speed required to transmit information, even in space.

also this >>3830040

>> No.3830054


Sound? No, much faster than that; movement is transmitted by the electromagnetic force.

>> No.3830057

Also, the energy required to let alone move that much mass of steel (even just in one atom of thickness) would be incalculable.

>> No.3830069

Survive Style 5+

great fucking movie

>> No.3830070

One molecule in thickness, you mean. Steel isn't an element.

>> No.3830076

Diamonds, on the other hand...

>> No.3830078

oh ho

>> No.3830077

Cha no aki by Katsuhito Ishii
aka The taste of tea.

>> No.3830081

agreed but getting ONE sub file for that movie is the hardest thing known to man

>> No.3830085

There really isn't a 'steel molecule' either, since it's pretty much a mixture.

>> No.3830086


Density of iron: 7.874 g/cc
Molar mass of iron: 55.85 g/mol
Avogadro's number = 6.0221415 × 10^23
Number of iron atoms in a cc: (7.874 g)/(55.85 g)*6.0221415 × 10^23 = 8.49030298*10^22
Number of iron atoms in a centimer of one atom thick steel: (8.49030298 * (10^22))^(1/3) = 43951570.3
Number of iron atoms in 5 light years of that: 43951570.3 * (1 light year / 1 centimeter) = 4.15805079 × 10^25
Mass of that: (4.15805079 × 10^25) / (6.0221415 × 10^23) * 55.85 g = 3.856 kilograms

Less than 4 kilograms for 5 light years of one-atom-thick iron. Steel would be similar, I guess.

>> No.3830088

Wouldn't it just be Fe and carbon ?

>> No.3830095

are you dumb?

i personally like this one better

>> No.3830100

Psychic powers travels faster than light. You can send your thoughts to another person's mind at the other end of the universe in an instant.

>> No.3830101

Enjoy one of the most fucked up trailers you will ever see.

>> No.3830106


Yeah, but it's not a molecule, at least not in the classical sense. Metallic bonds are weird.

>> No.3830107

Thoughts are electrical signals though.

>> No.3830114

You know how to transmit information faster than light?

The Motherfucking Flash, thats how.

>> No.3830116

Steel is around 2% or less carbon by weight. Fe atoms weigh about 5x more then C, but that's still a lot more Iron atoms than carbon. So I guess the closest you can get to a 1 atom thin steel cable would be a bunch of Iron atoms line up with a carbon thrown in once in a while. I raelly doubt you could call that steel though.

And in general, metals don't form covalent bonds, so I doubt you will find an FeC molecule

>> No.3830123

/jp/ - high school chemistry

>> No.3830135

ah, I got the movie before said torrent

>> No.3830167


Didn't you love redox reactions?

>> No.3830195

it doesn't matter if you could build build this and it would hold up structurally. you're all forgetting that everything in the universe is actually MOVING AT BLAZINGLY FAST SPEEDS

>> No.3830259

Iron. Carbide.

>> No.3830277

There are problems with this rod thing.
1) as pointed out transmission would not be instant
2) space has density and mass and shit floating around in it and at that length you will get things colliding with your rod (even in the "vacuum")
3) the locations at both ends are not fixed in space.

>> No.3830297

You'll need an ansible

>> No.3830299

Oh man, Survive Style 5+ WAS an awesome movie.

>> No.3830373
File: 44 KB, 500x683, rep_tardis_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You couldn't bump a rod that long easily. It would have enormous inertia. To apply enough force to move it, you would either destroy your end of the rod trying to move it too fast or you would have to push for a very long time.

You can't really send information faster than light. You can send it back in time though, which is almost as good.


>> No.3830377


>> No.3830384

>things colliding with your rod

Sounds kinky.

>> No.3830397

Doesn't he have something better to do than transmit information?

I mean sure I wanna call luthor a faggot but he's on the other side of the universe, i'm sure The Flash would be far too busy to take time aside just to call Lex a faggot for me.

>> No.3830420

Pay attention, the speed at which sound (or any vibration/wave) travels depends on the medium it is traveling through.

>> No.3830427
File: 976 KB, 1377x763, Picture 39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just watched that again today.

Pic related. Most hilarious scene.
Well, to me anyway.

>> No.3830435
File: 48 KB, 290x249, greenlexluthor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I wanna call luthor a faggot

>> No.3830436

Well think of it this way - if anyone was going to run out of stuff to do, who would it be - your mundane average human or a super-hero whose sole ability is being able to do things excessively fast?

>> No.3830443

What if the Flash decided to insult every singe person in the universe, starting with the most evil, after being furnished by a sorted list complete with coordinates by an avatar of the Source?

>> No.3830454

He'd finish in a few seconds. He's the motherfucking Flash.
