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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3828602 No.3828602 [Reply] [Original]

What's your gear when the FBI comes and busts you for loli? Do you have any traps at your house?

>> No.3828612

No, dawson anon.

>> No.3828614

I live in the UK, so no FBI for me.

I do however have a collection of knives hidden around my house, so there's never one more than a meter away from me.

>> No.3828623

I would go down in a blaze of glory. This is what Rika would wish of me.

>> No.3828625

my entire house is wired to explode when I shout the word NIPAA

>> No.3828627

Law enforcement model m-4 and two magazines next to nightstand, shitty soviet bolt action rifle at foot of bed, 400 rounds between the two in the closet.

Final destination.

>> No.3828629
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>> No.3828634

I just use Truecrypt.

>> No.3828638

I've already deleted all of my real stuff, so I'll only get ten years instead of twenty-five.

>> No.3828641

Mossberg 500 with 00 buck. They gotta take my lolis away from my cold dead hands.

>> No.3828642

I sure hope you don't tend to speak out what you type then.

>> No.3828647


Ew, you actually looked at real stuff? What's wrong with you?

>> No.3828653

Loli is legal in the US guys...

>> No.3828658
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Yes, I also have traps.

>> No.3828665

You would rather kill a federal agent and get life than go to prison for a few years?

>> No.3828670
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my traps are Satoko aproved

>> No.3828675


You'd be a sex offender so you'd probably be raped in prison. Oh and you won't exactly have much of a life to come back to when you get out seeing as you are registered.

>> No.3828676

Life? No, that's the death penalty

>> No.3828677

Well personally I'm not into loli enough to store it. Though it's another story when it comes to my waifu. The moment I hear anything about personal belongings being confiscated, I'd grab the first potentially lethal object I can find and proceed to take with me as many of them as I can knowing my waifu is waiting for me at the other end. ;_;

>> No.3828680


Not for Handly it isn't.

>> No.3828700


Because the idiot plead out. If he appealed it higher he would've gotten away with it and probably could have counter sued the government.

>> No.3828779

Bestiality isn't

>> No.3828800


Illegal to do but legal to own

>> No.3828823

Have the house installed with security cameras. Store all loli/shota material into SD cards. Get them into the microwave. There will be no traps, no gear. I will take nothing else but their lives.

>> No.3828828

I will make a moat and have sharks in it.

>> No.3828842

Cyanide capsule + simultaneous gunshot to the head. They'll never take me alive.

>> No.3828938

Ironically I keep some belladonna concentrate underneath my Nanoha fig.

>> No.3828965

Loli isn't legal, and I never save anything real that I come across, (even if I do sometimes take a peek when it is posted on /b/).

>> No.3829012


Loli is legal.

The PROTECT Act 2003 addresses the Court’s concerns about the "appears to be" language and substituted:
"[C]hild pornography" means any visual depiction, including any photograph, film, video, picture, or computer, or computer-generated image or picture, whether made or produced by electronic, mechanical, or other means, of sexually explicit conduct, where…such visual depiction is a digital image, computer image, or computer-generated image that is, or is indistinguishable from, that of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct[.]
In addition, the PROTECT Act 2003 defines "sexually explicit conduct" for the purposes of the new amendments: "[S]exually explicit conduct" means --
(i) graphic sexual intercourse . . . whether between persons of the same or opposite sex, or lascivious simulated sexual intercourse where the genitals, breast, or pubic area of any person is exhibited;
(ii) graphic or lascivious simulated;
(I) bestiality;
(II) masturbation; or
(III) sadistic or masochistic abuse; or
(iii) graphic or simulated lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area of any person[.]

"[G]raphic," when used with respect to a depiction of sexually explicit conduct, means that a viewer can observe any part of the genitals or pubic area of any depicted person or animal during any part of the time that the sexually explicit conduct is being depicted; . . .”
”[I]ndistinguishable" . . . means virtually indistinguishable, in that the depiction is such that an ordinary person viewing the depiction would conclude that the depiction is of an actual minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct. This definition does not apply to depictions that are drawings, cartoons, sculptures, or paintings depicting minors or adults.”

It has to be indistinguishable.

>> No.3829022 [DELETED] 

Don't even bother. People here are retards and will never learn.

>> No.3829053

Just so you know, he probably lives in Australia or Germany or the UK.
It's illegal there.

>> No.3829076

Exactly. Only third world dictatorships those could outlaw art in any form, no matter how controversial.

>> No.3829081
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The people should not be afraid of their government; the government should be afraid of its people.

>> No.3829084


It's only one step further.

>> No.3829088


I use truecrypt with a 55 characters long password. (it's not hard onces you do it enough times to see your loli).
No FBI can crack that, let alone proof that it exists in my computer to begin with.

Be warned though, to truely be protected by the fully extend of truecrypt's abilities, you have to really understand the concept. I.e., you have to read through the whole documentation and faq and honestly understand why it is safe the way it is.
Because if you don't really understand it, you may not be able to set it up in a truely safe way.
For example, not many people actually fulfulled the "plausible deniability" criterias when using Truecrypt, just because they didn't read the fucking manual (and understand it).

>> No.3829089


Speaking of indistinguishable, did you know the FBI actually has a guy that has to go through suspect CP to confirm it's not just really really good cg art?

I wonder how the hell they decide who gets appointed to do that?

>> No.3829090


The man can be broken much faster than the password.

>> No.3829094

What if the man has a password?

>> No.3829096


I heard about the detectives that have to look at CP, the one guy had to have a bucket next to his computer to throw up in.

>> No.3829101

Some people just put all their loli and real CP in a zip or rar with password. But that doesn't hide its existence. In many countries the authorities have the right to criminalise you if you refuse to provide access (aka password) to encrypted data, let alone the fact that it is easy for them to crack simple compression encryptions.

With truecrypt's plausible deniability feature, no one can even proof some encrypted data exists in your harddrive. (providing you set it up properly).

>> No.3829106

In the US, evidence obtained through illegal means is not admissible in court. Torturing people to get a password is illegal.

>> No.3829107
File: 177 KB, 911x683, temp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's old but would work, I don't really value my life at all so its no big deal.

>> No.3829111

I heard the other guy had a bucket under his desk to fap into.

>> No.3829113


The good ol' firebomb through the window will fix any leakers through the system.

>> No.3829116


The lengths you Europeans must go to for loli....we shall free our brothers across the Atlantic!

>> No.3829117

How'd you get that? How expensive was it?

>> No.3829121

Hey, do you know how terrorist is interrogated ?

>> No.3829122


Why would you even want to sage when you're seeking answers? Christ...

>> No.3829127

OP is a FBI in disguise trying to gain knowledge of how we guard our secrets.


>> No.3829131

Get the hell out of /jp/, /a/non.

Sage is not an insult, faggot, it's simply a way to not bump a thread, either out of politeness due to an irrelevant post, due to not wanting to bump a thread with a one-lined post that really doesn't deserve to bump, or to simply not bump up a thread that's on page 3 or 4 or something.

Not even that fucking guy, but you enrage me.

>> No.3829136

I don't think it will be much longer till the US is in the same situation.

>> No.3829143


To be fair to him, it's still a fair question.

saging when asking a question is kind of the opposite of what you'd want to do. Assuming you seek an answer, one would need to bring attention to the question, and thus bumping the thread is kind of what would be expected.

Not that it really matters, as this thread will still sit on the front page long enough that it'll be seen.

>> No.3829149


No, but I have some AWESOME pranks to pull on them just for kicks, one of which would be the Insult Prank.
First I would make an anonymous tip to the FBI that I had tons of CP and needed to be arrested immediately.
When they showed up, all they would find is a nice 20gb Ironkey, which they wouldn't be able to break into without bricking it in the process, so of course they would ask me what the password was. I would resist for as long as possible, days if necessary, leading them to believe that I did indeed have something to hide. Finally I would cave in and give them the password. On the ironkey they would find a single file called "hot-hardcore-CP.swf" but when they open it, it would play this: http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/youare

I'm sure I would still get in trouble for trolling the FBI, but I don't care. It would be epic.

>> No.3829151

Sure buddy, go back to /a/.

>> No.3829156
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>> No.3829159

While it may offer plausible deniability by making it impossible to prove that something is an encrypted volume, the presence of a large chunk of random data is going to tell anyone who looks that it's \probably\ encrypted. By the time they get a warrant to seize your computers, they have enough evidence to screw you over anyway. The only thing that refusing to hand over your encryption keys will do is piss off the prosecutor and ensure they don't give you a plea bargain for the stuff they already have on you.

>> No.3829166


They'd probably arrest you for impeding justice.

>> No.3829177
File: 310 KB, 1181x884, temp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a perk of being interested in chemistry, got it in a set from craigslist for just over a dollar if you did cost per unit.
That said cyanide is pretty easy to buy, any chemical supplier can sell you a cyanide salt; I just have no real use for it so it's nice to just get a small sample by chance. Also please stop sageing this thread as it interest me

>> No.3829182

>arrested for pedo
>plea bargain

does not compute

>> No.3829199

So I gather from this thread /jp/ falls into the suicide camp, the going down fighting camp or the "this will never happen to me" camp.

>> No.3829210

You can start by ignoring sage post

>> No.3829217


You are very confrontational tonight Anonymous. I can only assume you think I am the one you were speaking to, to which I can only offer you that I am not. If this is not so, and you merely take offense at appending an english suffix to word that was written in an english font(not fullwidth) in it's original use, then I instead present that you are incredibly pedantic.

>> No.3829220


Ironkey looks pretty badass. I might have to pick one of these up. Self-destruct on brute force. Damn.

>> No.3829234


HAHA justice, that's a good one.

>> No.3829266


It cost me a goddamn fortune, but being the security nerd that I am, I had to have one. I have yet to find a use for it though. Seeing it's a secure drive, I can't use it as a regular thumb drive to boot servers, BIG-IP equipment, etc. My anime and game CGs are way too tame to warrant using a secure drive. At most I think I have a few nudes, but nothing anywhere near, say, Hayashibara.

>> No.3829292


Do that on Christmas. Make the "cp" some sort of christmas song(weeaboo if you'd like) and the fbi will DAAWWWWWWWWWWW

>> No.3829325


Handley plea-bargained because he was essentially abandoned. Matt Thorn (the famous yaoi manga scholar) was supposed to help find experts to testify on his behalf, but the buttmunch conveniently "forgot" all about the case for more than an entire year.

Matt Thorn's either a backstabbing coward who talks big but is too chicken-shit to be associated with a real case, or he's an out-of-touch ivory-tower academic who doesn't actually give a shit outside his own safe little bubble in Japanese academia.

>> No.3829345


>> No.3829356


Well I know the CBLDF was upset that Handley threw in the towel. I give the CBLDF, EFF, and ACLU money to protect my interests, so I was a bit upset that he gave up as well.

>> No.3829467

Even if your CP is quantum protected couldn't they just get you with ISP logs instead?

>> No.3829479

I don't know anything about anything, but wouldn't the ISP logs not give them any info provided you know what you're doing?

>> No.3829532


I as well. The part about arresting him on getting receiving a package that he never had the chance to open or know the contents must have violated a couple amendments.

>> No.3829541

I could have actual child porn on my disk and no one in my country would give a fuck.

>> No.3829553

Depends on the company.
Some keep logs of every connection made, some just track whether you're currently connected or not.

>> No.3829567

Let me guess, do you live in 3rd world country ?

>> No.3829571

Well, not exactly 3rd world, but close enough. Croatia.

>> No.3829574


No, that is third world.

>> No.3829590

So if loli is legal, why did that Iowa guy get 20 years for having loli manga?

Honestly, I never was into Loli, and after some of the shit I've read, I think I'd be best off staying the hell away from it.

>> No.3829592

Then why loli is prohibited outside /b/ ?

>> No.3829599

I don't think you know what third world means. Can't blame you, you probably couldn't find me on the map if your life depended on it.

>> No.3829609

That has nothing to do with legality. Illegal material isn't allowed on any board, not even /b/.

>> No.3829612

If it's the guy I'm thinking of, it's because he was a dumbfuck and pleaded guilty. Else, he probably had real CP. The best chance to get off on loli-CP charges is to appeal like a motherfucker to the Supreme Court, they're the only court that actually gives a shit about Freedom of Speech.

>> No.3829619


Too much trouble with advertisers.
Nowadays it's just because moot is a faggot.

>> No.3829661

I'm thinking of the guy in Iowa, myself. Apparently he had a pretty sizable collection of Loli manga, had one of his parcels looked at, and he was busted for it. Got a 20 year sentence I believe.

>> No.3829673

Are you from the future? Because the sentence is going to be on January 25, 2010.

>> No.3829674

> you have to really understand the concept

In that case, do you have your browser cache directly stored in a TrueCrypt container? If not, a trail of whatever the fuck you're doing is still left unencrypted on your computer.

>> No.3829675

So, it's illegal now ? I'm confused. There's a loli thread in /jp/ and it's still up until now.

Yeah, I notice any -chan with advertising doesn't have /loli/ board.
So it's because of money huh ?

>> No.3829679


Well they can bust you anyway they want. If it's unconstitutional and you appeal, chances are you'll get off and get to counter sue the government.

>> No.3829692

Christopher Handley. He pled guilty to obscenity because he was an idiot - the obscenity charges wouldn't hold up in a higher court. Doubt he's going to get 20 years, though.

>So, it's illegal now
His point was that if it's not against the rules to post it in /b/, then it's legal.

>> No.3829731

Encrypt everything

(Sucess baby here)

Be silent

>> No.3829733

I don't save loli, i save shota and fap to that

>> No.3829736

Protip: He had real CP too.

>> No.3829756

BROTIP: Not the same guy

>> No.3829759

Why would I make my plans public? The FBI can read this too, you know.

>> No.3829784

I have an AK, Carbine and a shotgun back in my home in the province, here none. The FBI here is as dumb as rocks and loli is still legal here so I won't get caught.

>> No.3829789
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Living in superior country where authorities don't care if I put up naked loli posters up my front door.

>> No.3829794


You're thinking of that guy that WAS convicted of CP before he got some loli.

>> No.3829798

if you admit shit you are a fool.

>> No.3829828



>> No.3829841

What country is that?

>> No.3829867


You're thinking Whorley, not Handley. Two different cases.

>> No.3829896

Protip postal inspectors can and do open mail. Getting busted for porn in the mail is nothing new. Not admitting to it and appealing as far as you can is a really good idea.

Postal inspectors and judges are not people you should trust your fate too.

>> No.3829951
File: 243 KB, 800x600, 1258359388454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Living in superior country where postal inspectors ignore all naked loli materials, because we don't have postal inspectors and if we do, they are definitely not doing their job.
