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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 26 KB, 304x342, v1i6hobo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3827774 No.3827774 [Reply] [Original]

So I was going to the gym today by subway. I walk onto the subway car and I hear this incredibly loud shouting beside me. I turn and look and it's this hobo being disorderly. He's hanging around this teenaged girl and saying lascivious things.


And everyone else on the train was elderly or an old bag lady, and I was the only young capable male on the traincar.

So I'm looking at them, and she moves over to sit beside me. He keeps harrassing her, but he doesn't come any closer, so I'm guessing he's sane enough to fear a potential white knight younger and bigger than him.

But alas, for this unfortunate girl, my stop came up, and I got up to leave. But as I left, the look she gave me can only be described as... moe. Big, glittering eyes that seemed to say, 'Please don't leave, I want you to protect me'. It was an incredible turn-on. Maybe I could have been the next Densha Otoko.

But she was wearing Catholic school plaid, and I'm 23, so... it just wouldn't work.


>> No.3827776

Get a car you fucking loser.

>> No.3827781

She was raped and impregnated shortly after you left

>> No.3827786

Fuck the hobo, kill the girl, marry the subway train

>> No.3827793

Who cares if you liked her not, just rescue her ass for some expensive cups and saucers.

Then you can drink tea like the pros on TV do.

>> No.3827785


You wouldn't have made a very good Densha Otoko anyway and you know it, Anon.

>> No.3827801

You probably would have got shanked with a hobo knife if you had intervened. You did the right thing, anon.

>> No.3827803

So you just left her without saying anything to the hobo? What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.3827811
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>> No.3827813
File: 68 KB, 296x296, cirno_oh_no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many butthurt hikkis.

>> No.3827821 [DELETED] 

stop spamming and ddosing Anon Talk .com also stop trolling and harassing us and remove all clones and troll articles and lies and leave us alone if u do this well stop posting these msgs forever

>> No.3827819

Wow, so you left her? This has to be one of the biggest IRL moment failures I've ever seen on /jp/. You really could have gotten that girl.

Of all girls, catholic girls are the most curious about sex since they have to compress it most of their lives.

>> No.3827826

I'm sure she was fine.

>> No.3827830


She was underage, bro.

>> No.3827831

But in this case, there was no "internet". There is a big difference, young one.

>> No.3827834

I think you mean repress, or suppress.

>> No.3827839

What board am I on again?...

>> No.3827843

Whatever happened to chivalry OP? What a terrible world we live in.

>> No.3827841


...except you're the white knight, not me. Silly anon.

>> No.3827840

So many normal fags in this thread...

>> No.3827849

Women killed it.

>> No.3827850


>> No.3827855


It's time /jp/ diversified from Touhou and VNs. There are only so many 'which touhou is your favourite' threads we can have.

>> No.3827857

Ah, yes, it's "sexist" now isn't it? I forgot. My second statement still stands however.

>> No.3827866

I don't think anyone's going to argue that. Women did indeed kill chivalry, though.

>> No.3827868

You aren't a white knight, real white knights ride on horseback and don't take the subway.

I don't see the problem.

It's dead in all but a few. I blame feminists.

>> No.3827872

This thread and its OP in particular should serve as a textbook example of what /jp/ becomes when it's not "all Touhou and VNs" to all the whiners on this board.

>> No.3827879


>> No.3827881

I really, really want to read that textbook.

>> No.3827889


No, it turns into the retarded son of /b/ and /r9k/.

>> No.3827888

It'd probably be less of a textbook and more of a magazine. With the pages stuck together.

>> No.3827898 [DELETED] 

stop spamming and ddosing Anon Talk .com also stop trolling and harassing us and remove all clones and troll articles and lies and leave us alone if u do this well stop posting these msgs forever

>> No.3827899

You mean the intelligent older brother. I've visited both /b/ and /r9k/ at least once, and this is far more intelligent than either. Though that's not saying very much.

>> No.3827921

I don't believe you went to the gym today, enjoy your lack of muscle.

>> No.3827925


The problem is, if I had a 16 year old sister, I sure as fuck wouldn't want her dating a 23 year old.

>> No.3827941
File: 42 KB, 400x645, the-dark-knight-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She was underage, bro.
That makes it even worse that you left. You left a little girl to defend herself against a delinquent? This has nothing to do with White Knighting, this is just basic morals.

If it was me I would have Dark Knighted the guy. And by that I mean, leave the train, put on my Batman costume and start punching the guy while asking him to tell me where Harvey Dent was.

>> No.3827956

I think it's more social alienation than feminism. Also the modern concept of chivalry is inherently sexist. The irony is, by women trying to escape a submissive gender role, they end up going it more alone while drunk hobos continue to harrass them on trains (as well as men in every other part of society in all places) and plus now they have to take it while working and going to night school. The world sucks.

>> No.3827963

The modern concept of chivalry is not inherently sexist. Modern women, however, are.

>> No.3827965

I don't believe you have a Batman costume or a hobo.
Enjoy your ideals.

>> No.3827968

Is carrying a pistol with you and waving it around in situations like these a good idea? You know, so when this happens to me, I won't be attacked by the hobo or he'll at least be way more reluctant to do anything if I intervene?

>> No.3827971
File: 20 KB, 326x215, 5sm - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My arms say different.

>> No.3827976

Get out, /fit/fag.

>> No.3827980

Okay, and now this thread just went from /b/-lite to /b/ EX.

>> No.3827994
File: 128 KB, 1047x754, vywd5g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3828004

This isn't /r9k/ or whatever the hell this goes under.

>> No.3828008


How else would you like me to prove it, then? Post my workout routine, reps, load, etc?

>> No.3828014

We'd like you to not prove it. You're posting anonymously, remember?

>> No.3828022


Yeah. I didn't post my face, or use a tripcode. How much more anonymous can it get?

>> No.3828024
File: 23 KB, 244x269, 4a6464yh5u5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For one, the way someone looks has nothing to do with their actual strength. There are workouts specifically made easily to 'look' tough while there are ones made to actually become stronger. Being 'cut' and 'ripped' most likely means you were doing the latter.

This isn't /jp/ related, and you aren't arc, so go away.

>> No.3828054

Good god, we have camwhores in /jp/ now? What's next? MSN threads? Hook up threads?

Reported for /r9k/ faggotry.

>> No.3828060


Densha Otoko?

Nice story bro.

>> No.3828067
File: 40 KB, 647x564, crybaby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3828071

>There are workouts specifically made easily to 'look' tough while there are ones made to actually become stronger. Being 'cut' and 'ripped' most likely means you were doing the latter.
Look up latter and former, please.

>> No.3828077

The problem was more that I forgot what order I wrote them in rather than getting the terms mixed up. I'm not sure if that's better or worse though.

>> No.3828090


It's the people who have never worked out that say this.
