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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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38274509 No.38274509 [Reply] [Original]

After the 2000s anime boom died down and the cringe of early 2010s tumblr weebs lessened there seemed to be two new breeds of weeb trash. Filthy frank inspired self deprecating losers and Gaijin Goomba types who instead criticized Japan for not westernizing. They dominated the mid 2010s with jokes and critical culture. In the modern day these types of weebs seem to be extinct as the days of Cory in the House posting and complaining about muh population have been replaced with bootleg Naruto clothes on every kid and hentai jackets. What changed to make this happen?

>> No.38275250
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kuso thread

>> No.38275258

One Punch Man and JoJo made anime mainstream outside of dubs-as-kids and now it's a trendy aesthetic. Despite that, traffic for /a/ is way down compared to 4 years ago.

>> No.38275325
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>> No.38276580
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There's maybe less ironic weebs (I honestly don't think this is true but understand the perception) but what has happened is we now have this sort of diluted weeb since anime and eastern culture at large is far more mainstream, meaning it's not uncommon to have kids who are into whatever seasonal anime, gacha game or vtuber but also be watching marvel/disney movies, spending most of their internet usage on mainstream big tech social media platforms, watching korean tv on netflix etc etc. You bring up bootleg naruto clothes and hentai jackets as if that wasn't the most surface level of otaku culture, but its entirely the same note. It's cool now to be mildly into anime as a sort of bold fashion statement ala grimes or elon musk, but not to the point you become an icky "gatekeeper" or someone who engages in the type of escapism that would get you called a "schizo" (such a popular buzzword these days) and so forth.

>> No.38277645

Self depreciation has been a thing since 2000s era Japanese otaku. The thing that changed in the west is smartphones, twitter, and a lack of western animation that isn't 3D Pixar shit, "CalArts" shit, or turned into a live action movie series.

>> No.38277685

The current re-emergence of anime in the mainstream isn't all that weird. I'd say its the same as the days of DBZ, Naruto, Bleach, One Piece etc. Merchandise for those series wasn't all that uncommon and naruto headbands where very popular. This seems to be at a bigger scale due to the internet, but it really isn't. There is always a difference between how things seem and how they truly are.
Overall, normalfag perception of anime, manga and otaku culture is the same as always, its just that the amount of normalfags interacting with the most surface level of japanese media has increased.

>> No.38281353

it didn't change. it's the same group.

>> No.38281937

>and the cringe of early 2010s tumblr weebs lessened
any rundown please
>hentai jackets

>> No.38282104
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Anime must be gatekept.

>> No.38282156

Please stop pretending you belong here and go back to wherever you came from

>> No.38285226

He's probably a fucking faggot who watches anime youtuber.

>> No.38285659 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 240x475, hanamaru kindergarten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

offtopic: anybody remember how was the reception in /a/ of gurren lagan and hanamaru kindergarten?

>> No.38285669 [DELETED] 

>e cringe of early 2010s tumblr weebs lessened
>any rundown please
>>hentai jackets
i don't think anime popularity these days are simmilar to the late 90's early00's crossover appeal

>> No.38285677

that's a great cat

>> No.38285704

were you born yesterday?

>> No.38286066

Who the fuck cares about anime

>> No.38287187

they are still there thankfully they are too glued to their shitty streamers to annoy anyone

>> No.38287651
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>> No.38288185

cool jumper

>> No.38294785

Both of those types of people probably just going through an awkward teenage phase whereas those who stuck through it are genuine losers that can't make connections with other human beings.

>> No.38295441

Young blood got dat gensokyo drip

>> No.38296024

It's hard to gatekeep something that can accessed at any time and place that has an internet connection basically. Communities sure it makes more sense but the actual media in question is just there.

>> No.38296123

>Gaijin Goomba types who instead criticized Japan for not westernizing
I thought that he was the other way around, that he criticized himself (and other weebs by proxy) for not truly being Japanese?

>> No.38296591

That just means we have to try harder.

>> No.38303037

Imagine caring about any of this, let alone knowing about it. You’re one of them, please leave.

>> No.38306070

it's too late. you're already here.

>> No.38310314

that's a good thing that you're oblivious to those things
