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File: 195 KB, 604x915, Flash-Rebirth-dc-comics-3649704-604-915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3824547 No.3824547 [Reply] [Original]

Which /jp/ character can beat the flash.

I'm waiting.


Whats that? Nobody? Yeah that's what i thought.

>> No.3824551


>> No.3824549


>> No.3824558


>> No.3824557


>> No.3824562

Shiki can kill the Flash.

>> No.3824577
File: 127 KB, 531x350, 1257686579681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sure we have a semi-intelligent gorilla somewhere/

>> No.3824578
File: 148 KB, 450x661, geoff-johns-flash-rebirth-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll give you that


Anyone else? We only have one named character.

>> No.3824582

Rika maybe?

>> No.3824586


i can.

i'll just rip your comic book in half. bam, no more flash.

>> No.3824594
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>> No.3824596

Flash comics have been out for more than half a century, not counting his appearances on other titles.
Good luck with that.

>> No.3824597
File: 64 KB, 640x480, bern wont fucking die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Yeah, about that.

Not enough.

>> No.3824600

Not dying!=beat.

>> No.3824608

The speed(undefined limit) in which everything else freezes, and where he can keep up with a guy who controls the very flow of time.

>> No.3824603
File: 55 KB, 300x450, 0706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better start ripping all the millions of millions of comics he's even mentioned, while you're at it brain wash the millions of millions of millions of people who have heard of flash.

Yeah that's what I thought.

>> No.3824602

That was pretty /tg/ like.
Props to you.


>> No.3824601


>> No.3824599
File: 168 KB, 720x1080, Youmu909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fast is Flash again? Because Youmu can run 70 times the speed of time.

>> No.3824609

Running faster than the speed of time.


>> No.3824613


Well, damn.

>> No.3824614
File: 627 KB, 800x800, 1251018856594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bernkastel's power is the ability to try over and over again until she wins.

So yeah. She dies. Once. Twice. Thirty times. Seven hundred times. Twenty thousand times. Fifty trillion times.

But she'll win.


She'll win.

>> No.3824615

I already have.

You just never noticed.

>> No.3824616

Half the time he does that, he or another speedster dies or gets depowered, if it's any consolation.
And one time, they nearly broke the timestream.
So, not used much.

>> No.3824622

And nobody will care and the score will be 50 trillion to one.
This is not a silly bet between silly girls.

>> No.3824620

Bern's life is a TAS.

>> No.3824617


My bad, I meant sound.

>> No.3824618

Gold Experience Requiem, Demonbane, Border hax touhous.

>> No.3824626

Jojo is not /jp/ related.

>> No.3824629
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In a bounded field, there can be no motion.

>> No.3824630

Meido-san is a confirmed JJBA fan making it /jp/ related.

>> No.3824633
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Nobody but witches get to know that Bern lost all those times. To The Flash, he tried once and lost.

>> No.3824635

You silly fool. The Flash IS a witch.

He's the witch of the speed force.

>> No.3824637
File: 162 KB, 945x773, sda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we have a character with silly gadgets?
They work well.

>> No.3824646
File: 72 KB, 400x309, akagi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flash can use his speed to peek or switch tiles all he wants. Akagi will still beat him.

>> No.3824642

Except for the viewers.

>> No.3824648
File: 871 KB, 725x1000, 1240804131670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well then he loses some EXTREME dignity on the witches playing field, because when Bern wins once, she has a 'take all' side effect.

Said fact has driven Lambdadelta somewhat insane.

>> No.3824656
File: 242 KB, 945x821, afda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we have characters that can extend their leg and trip people? That seems to work.

>> No.3824659

Who cares what the witches think?
We are above teh witches and we know it's 50 trillion to one.

>> No.3824663

No her powers are to try over again and win if there's a small chance. If there is no small chance and her defeat is 100% sured (like going back in time and killing her before she became a witch) then she loses every single time.

>> No.3824665

Those other times didn't count.

>> No.3824676

Hmm...Kaguya? No no that wouldn't work...Someone that could stop his movement some how...Sakuya? No no that wouldn't work either...AH I KNOW!


>> No.3824680

Give /co/ some shota and he'll withdraw.

>> No.3824688

Yeah, she could freeze him, obviously.

>> No.3824683
File: 60 KB, 383x600, capcold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a capital idea.

>> No.3824691

That hell spider touhou could win by giving him arthritis.

>> No.3824698


>Calling Kurodani Yamame a hell spider

Haha, oh wow.

I guess she is. No wonder she creeps me out.

>> No.3824711


/co/ thinks we're /a/

>> No.3824714

>Give /co/ some furryshit and he'll withdraw.
'Tis true.

>> No.3824727

/co/mrade here.

To be fair, the only /jp/ or /a/a related characters that can even compete with the Flash are the Jojo characters.

The Flash has outraced instant transportation, his own personification of death by racing to the end of time, and even himself.

So Dio is out of the question already.

>> No.3824731

Demonbane wants a word with you.

>> No.3824737


>> No.3824738

>a character that is only overpowered if the right writer makes him so


>Characters with set power levels and no draw backs as such

Go troll elsewhere /co/.

>> No.3824739

pretty much any level 6 or extra boss touhou, I'm not even kidding, they are hax to the max overpowered bitches.

>> No.3824742

>she has a 'take all' side effect.
I'm only halfway through episode 4, I think.

>> No.3824752

Shiki can kill the speedforce.

>> No.3824758

Except Flash is not even the strongest being on Earth, let alone cosmic scale.
But either people do not read comics properly, or have not seen/read enough to know how ridiculous settings can be.

>> No.3824761

Man, /a/

Who cares? You're the ones who keep making these threads. Who cares who the flash can beat? He's only mid-tier AT BEST.

>> No.3824765

who is the strongest being on earth anyway
i know it's not superman.


>> No.3824768

Only if you are talking about Ryougi Shiki.

>> No.3824771

You came from the /co/ thread didn't you?

It must feel good to be in a blue board that doesn't have 3 furry threads on the front page I know but it you can at least act like a proper guest.

>> No.3824774

Depends if we include magic or not, then debating if a character belongs to the realm of magic or not.
And Superman is a very, very good contender for earth, actually.

>> No.3824782

Who cares if it's 50 trillion to one?
If Rika/Bern wins ONCE it's over for the flash, HE'S DEAD while SHE'S ALIVE.

Also if it takes 50 trillions tries for her to kill the flash, he would already have died of old age.

Therefore, The Flash > Rika. Next challenger?

>> No.3824789

Flashes come back to life.
Where have you been?
Also, he kills her in one pico second each time.
So he grows a few hours older.
Plus, you still have not provided a method for her to DO ANYTHING other than 'Somehow eventually'.

>> No.3824791

Furry threads aren't tolerated anywhere on 4chan. Any 'furry' threads you refer to, on any board, are temporary disturbances.

Unlike you guys and all your 'moe moe' crap. I'll never understand /a/'s fascination with that shit.

>> No.3824796

Plus, on /co/, it;'s a CONSTANT disturbance.

>> No.3824803

wouldn't the flash get tired of killing rika one pico second at a time for hours?

>> No.3824804

Oh ho.

Lets see.
>Animal character females were hotter in the 90s then now thread.
>Anthropomorphic fruit bat fapping thread
>Sonic female character thread

All on /co/ front page. I could screenshot them if you'd like more proof. And they seem to be tolerated quite well right now.

>> No.3824805

So, she wins by him getting bored and leaving?

>> No.3824806

I can think of him doing much more mundane things over the years.

>> No.3824809

Oh! Also the one with the Lion King lion female. That's turning into a furry thread as well. Seems like /co/ has a lot of problems.

>> No.3824812
File: 469 KB, 1280x960, 5423532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuyuko is practically immortal and could kill 90% of comic book characters dead in an instant, but she'd never do it. That's just the sort of classy lady she is.

>> No.3824813

They're not tolerated.

There are simply no janitors on.

Really, /a/, instead of trying to defend yourselves by attacking others, you should at least learn to just stick to your own board.

>> No.3824821

If users post in them with relative content, that indicates otherwise.
Also, this is not /a/.

>> No.3824823

>They're not tolerated.
>Post count with no sage growing by the minute.

Your argument is getting really thin. Why not just head on back and call it a night.

>> No.3824824

Yes, I am sure the Celestial Beings are now relieved.

>> No.3824832

It's strange, but people on /co/ have come to realize this bizarre ability called reporting and then ignoring. Those that actually like it or stick around to talk or whatever do so, the rest ignore it and report it for rule violation if they care so very deeply like you people do.

I know you of /a/ wouldn't understand with all of your named users acting like spoiled children, much like the rest of you, but it is in fact possible to be more mature than that on an image board.

Besides, you people are the ones who started a thread on /co/ and brought all this stupid crap there.

>> No.3824836

For a troll, you try too hard.

>> No.3824840

Sure man, whatever.


>> No.3824841

Actually I enjoy both boards very much and understand the inner problems they suffer from.

I just think you're a tool.

>> No.3824851

Coming from someone who goes to /a/, that statement is ridiculous. I am not trolling, I am telling you to delete both of these threads.

Nobody wants some immature cross-board incident to occur.

Your point?

Someone enjoying this place is ridiculous. That kind of person does not belong on /co/.

>> No.3824869

Seeing as how you are the only one keeping this stupid thing up, I highly doubt /co/ gives a shit.

In fact I doubt most of us still have a problem with /co/, we just hate you.

>> No.3824870

Eirin would just poison his food and win.
Hell, every shitty person could kill the flash as long as he doesn't know they want to kill them.

>> No.3824873

Then why don't you delete your worthless trolling thread?

>> No.3824876

>/jp/ character.

Please go back to myspace or whereever you came from.

>> No.3826207

Most touhou characters can easily beat flash.

>> No.3826379

>the flash

Such an important character he was even capitalized.
Fuck the trolls.
