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38168125 No.38168125 [Reply] [Original]

What Touhou character would you like to have a conversation with?
I'd like to have a talk with Eiki, or rather hear her lecture me on my life choices. I'd be really interested in hearing what she has to say, and maybe use that as an inspiration to fix some issues I have.
I also would like to talk with Satori, I think it could be an interesting experience.
Lastly, I'd like to have a conversation with Eirin. I've met few people who I would consider way smarter than me, and it's always a distinct feeling when interacting with them. I am very curious what would it be like to meet and interact with somebody who's so beyond me intellectually.

>> No.38171840

i want to talk with renko about nakadashi

>> No.38172588
File: 94 KB, 600x600, __patchouli_knowledge_and_motoori_kosuzu_touhou_drawn_by_socha__2e0a144713f2bf40f17d05da84d66fbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id really want to have a conversation with Kosuzu. Im a moderate book-fag, and swapping stuff about books and whatnot would be really fun. Plus since she can interpret any book, I would love to go grab a copy of the Original Don Quixote and an English version and see how they measure up.
That and I want to see how hard she nerd-rages over The Five book "Trilogy" that is Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy. Hell, Does Genysoko have any Si-Fi? Something else to ask her.
Also would love to have a chat with Patchouli concerning magic and such. Since she sees our tech as another form of magic- It would be real interesting to see what concepts apply and how either can be used for the arcane or the mundane, as it were. How do you program a Koakuma?

>> No.38173820

I want to talk with Alice because i am also a loser without friends. an wanna ask her abouts her dolls and her life.
also, i want joking with Marisa or Tewi.
i also like talk with Eiki, Satori, Eirin. Plus with Kasen, Sanae, Suwako, Rinnosuke, Akyu and a lot more.

>> No.38173876

Realistically if they met me in reality they'd just stay real quiet and awkwardly try to get away or flat out spit on me

>> No.38173912

This. They are still women after all. 2D women, but still women.

>> No.38173992
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Eiki's the definition of a Lawful Neutral, she doesn't care about "good" and "personal issues" and more about what you should be doing as a human and whatever occupation you have.
If you don't have a job she'll likely just tell you to get a job. If you have a job she'll likely just tell you to work harder and stop slacking off, because it's what you "should" be doing as a human being living in the modern world.

Eirin, being the canonical smartest character in Touhou would be very interesting to talk to if possible but she'll likely just be disinterested in me.

I'd want more to talk to Satori, even if she just berates me constantly it would be very interesting to see all the flaws that she can manage to dredge up, and all the hypocrisy I've managed to think up in my brain.
In terms of being friends with, Marisa or Suzer would probably the safest bets. Being an outsider, Nitori probably wouldn't be bad either.
In terms of just straight up entertainment, Koishi or Remi would be (dangerously) entertaining to talk to.

>> No.38175809

Patchouli, she is very knowledgeable.

>> No.38175931
File: 226 KB, 754x561, __rumia_touhou_drawn_by_gountro__0cecf4c0d7cf0e5edc23a66e838e09d9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm excellent with kids, so I'd just have some cute, laid-back conversation about our favorite meals and snacks with Rumia.

>> No.38176775

They are fantasy women. They don't have to be shitty.

>> No.38176820

I'm good with kids too. Real good.

>> No.38188520

You most likely would become her next favorite meal or snack

>> No.38195480
File: 458 KB, 830x600, __komeiji_koishi_kawashiro_nitori_tatara_kogasa_hijiri_byakuren_nazrin_and_4_more_touhou_drawn_by_urin__b78363c32927755dfad24728eea7ab18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would honestly be happy interviewing just the Myouren Temple group. Ask Nazrin and Shou about their lives before Gensokyo, ask Byakuren if she met a certain goddess in Makai, make Kyouko echo an obscenity as I leave, that sort of thing.
It would be be a lorefag's dream come true. Plus if I played my cards right I could pass myself off as an intern working under Akyuu or even the Bunbunmaru.
>Eiki's the definition of a Lawful Neutral, she doesn't care about "good" and "personal issues" and more about what you should be doing as a human and whatever occupation you have.
I feel like Komachi could give good personal advice and would be easier to approach.

>> No.38195593

Ever wonder why the 2hus barely talk to any male characters in the manga? It's because the 2hus rejected their advances and refuse to talk to any of them. There are some exceptions like Sakuya and Marisa visiting Rinnosuke but the vast majority of 2hus are misandrists.

>> No.38197017

I would love to see Yukari try to defend her actions. She seems evil to her core, but she´s articulate enough that she should be able to defend her worldview.

>> No.38197035

They are literally soulless monsters. They are WAY worse than any real woman

>> No.38207907

>They are literally soulless monsters.
Just like an average woman?

>> No.38216129

I'd like to confess my love to remilia.

>> No.38226204 [DELETED] 


>> No.38234080

Would be fun to talk with Sanae about all that has happened since she moved to Gensoukyo or maybe go to Kourindou and teach him how all his gadgets work.
Talking with Kosuzu about books or the newspapers she collects would be neat too, or maybe getting to listen to some of Akyuu's stories.

>> No.38234143

>or maybe getting to listen to some of Akyuu's stories
She would tell you a story of how I defeated 500 AQNs in hand-to-hand combat.

>> No.38238820 [DELETED] 


>> No.38239082

"Talking" with Satori. With her mindreading powers she'll be able to keep up with my thoughts and hopefully understand them without having to deal with me jumbling it because of autism and speech-lag.
