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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 631 KB, 1110x1301, 0073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3815746 No.3815746 [Reply] [Original]

You are now the little girl.

It’s late, you and your boyfriend are sharing a seat at the bus station waiting. You suddenly feel his hands creeping up your skirt and woolen sweater, what do you do?

[ ] “ERO BAKA!”
[ ] struggle
[ ] struggle half heartily
[ ] “W...wwait, not here, wait till we’re home.”
[ ] let him fondle you, try to suppress your moan
[ ] tell him to put it in

>> No.3815759

Act like a slut, and have him fuck me at the bus station.

>> No.3815769

[X] struggle half heartily

>> No.3815773

[x] Genuflect

>> No.3815779

destroy him with the burning rage of the tsundere i would be

>> No.3815788

[X] はああぅッ!!

>> No.3815790

Rape the maids.

>> No.3815793


>> No.3815799

[x] turn around 360 degrees and walk away

>> No.3815826

[X] tell him to put it in

>> No.3815850


>> No.3815856

[X] put my trap dick in his ass

>> No.3815857

[X] Ask for source on OP image.

>> No.3815858

0073.jpg tells me nothing. Name please.

>> No.3815859
File: 27 KB, 350x380, charlie charlie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[x] Let him do as he pleases. Letting him pleasure his peanut with the help of my lush, delicious body. Then let him explode his devil paste in my secret place all the while smirking in my mind that I will have to serve him my secret special Kool-AID as a refreshment after we're done.

>> No.3815865

[Namonashi] Tsurugi Yori Tsuyoshi

>> No.3815877

[X] Wonder why I would have a boyfriend instead of a hot lesbian.

>> No.3815882

cry cause I still have no arms

>> No.3815901

[x] Kick his ass.



>> No.3815903

Goddammit, OP, don't mess with my skirt+woolen sweater combo.

I'd break his fingers if he did anything but gently hold me in his arms, letting me start to feel his warmth through my clothes. Just sitting there quietly together.
I assume I'm sitting in his lap. I'd close my eyes and smile.

>> No.3815915


I dont have a boyfriend, because I dont go outside and meet people. Its actually me and my own hands. Fat momma's boy who sits on other side of the train blushed hard as I stare at him while I masturbate.

>> No.3815921


>> No.3815923


>> No.3815930

>skirt+woolen sweater combo

What is it about that combo that immediately makes a girl seem cute and cuddly and filled with motherly goodness?

>> No.3815947

Because you never see 3D sluts wearing it.

>> No.3815958
File: 42 KB, 750x563, mgs_boss_750-792114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3815970

Break his hand, punch him hard on the face and futarape him.

>> No.3815985

It's hard to describe for me, and if I had to, it'd make the whole "error: field too long" thing on me.

I just thought of it since that's what I'd do if I was a girl in that other thread. Wouldn't you want to turn into your dream girl, if you could?

>> No.3816006

[X] wonder why I only have one boyfriend.

>> No.3816018

Report him and you.

Anyways, I wouldn't have a boyfriend.

Only yuri allowed.

>> No.3816026

[ ] wonder why I'm a little girl, why I have a boyfriend, why we're in the bus station. Granted, he'll touch me further while I wonder such things but who cares?

>> No.3816030

[x] let him fondle you, try to suppress your moan

>> No.3816045



>> No.3816052

Read the thread, you mongrel.

>> No.3816060


He's only there to buy me stuff while I go off and get gangbanged by a bunch of dudes behind his back.

>> No.3816064

[x] Pretend to be indifferent and make absolutely no responses to his advances, as well as act as if he doesn't exist.

>> No.3816088

The thing is, I'm a 2D man and this post still makes me rage so hard. Fuck you buddy. Fuck you.

>> No.3816095

By doing nothing we learn to do ill.

>> No.3816141

[x] Rape the maids.

>> No.3816153

[X] let him fondle you, try to suppress your moan

>> No.3816145


>> No.3816325

Where's the throatpunch option?

>> No.3816370

What kind of dipshit wears a sweater and a skirt?

You're either freezing your legs off or your sweating profusely above your waist.

The only excuse is if the skirt is part of your uniform and it's cold outside.

>> No.3816390

[x] let him fondle your penis

>> No.3816401

Bitches don't know about my mild climate.

>> No.3816402

>[X] put my trap dick in his ass

>> No.3816419
File: 70 KB, 700x510, bikegirlsnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly obvious you haven't been outside the house in a while. It's actually very common among 3D women I hear.

>> No.3816462

[x] Break wrist using my Aikido mastery.

>> No.3816469

[x] struggle

>> No.3816485

/jp/ seems surprisingly defensive about this. Isn't this the kind of thing you are looking for when you decide to get into a relationship?

>> No.3816487

my legs are usually not cold compared to the rest of my body. i wear shorts and a sweatshirt sometimes.

>> No.3816618

>his hands creeping up your skirt and woolen sweater
Does this classify as "being loved tenderly"?

>> No.3817450

[ ] let him fondle you, try to suppress your moan
