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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 218 KB, 1600x1200, mass-effect-643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3815367 No.3815367 [Reply] [Original]

Let's assume you've played this game all the way through.

How can you say with a straight face that Japan comes up with better media and games? Mass Effect proves that wrong on every aspect.

What do you people say the Japanese do better? Character design? Nope. Setting? Nope. Creativity? Nope. Immersion? Nope. Gameplay or RPG elements? Nope.

Face it. Games like Mass Effect (and there are plenty more like them, like Baldurs Gate 2 and Fallout) just show that the West has better creativity, character design, etc.

Oh wow, another pubescent-looking male that lives in a completely illogical world has to go on a quest to retrieve some fucking crystals or kill an evil mage? He dresses like a total faggot, wearing belts, zippers, and other useless shit that'd get him killed in a real fight? He is teamed up with a bunch of women that wants his nuts for no explainable reason whatsoever, but he's too much of a pussy to ever pursue? I'll pass.

>> No.3815371

>character design
>bald space marine

Nice try

>> No.3815373
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>> No.3815375

Try to be less obvious with your trolling for fuck's sake.

>> No.3815382

Troll /jp/ after you learn that we don't talk about JRPGs. Also, we like Planescape: Torment here too.

>> No.3815387

Mass Effect is a terrible dating sim and you should feel bad, OP.

>> No.3815388

Baldur's Gate = Awesome.
Fallout = Awesome.
Mass Effect = Garbage not worth being uttered in the same sentence as the previous two.

>> No.3815392

Mass Effect is the worst Bioware game. Try Baldur's Gate 2 and then you'll at least have a decent and believable argument.

>> No.3815398


>> No.3815403
File: 173 KB, 640x368, emiyashirou8ne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, do you think Rin would like it if I wore more belts?

>> No.3815404

Well, I come from /v/. That much I admit. I assumed you people go on and on and on about JRPGs and anime, because /v/ never seems to ever shut the fuck up about them.

I really do feel this way, though. I have a lot of otaku friends. They keep going on about how Japanese character designers are soooooo much better and how anime and J-games have sooooo much better setting and all that shit.

The West makes superior games, movies, and music. People like Japanese stuff because it's "different." But once you've been exposed to enough of it, it's all the same shit.

I'm fluent in Japanese. Studied it for 10 years (which is why I have otaku friends... ugh). I'm sick of Japanese media. The country is nice, but christ, their media is the worst shit ever. J-pop hasn't changed in the past 15 years. Anime is the same old shit. J-games as well.

>> No.3815411

>Try Baldur's Gate 2 and then you'll at least have a decent and believable argument.

I mentioned BG2 in my post, retard. I've played BG, BG2, and ToB many times through. Fantastic. Mass Effect is also fantastic.

>> No.3815415

This is probably a copy paste of a troll post from /v/. You're not going to get anyone here. Reported.

>> No.3815410

/v/ is for JRPGs, /a/ is for anime. We discuss visual novels and touhou.

>> No.3815417

Moe? Only Japan does that as well.

>> No.3815420

I'm so mad.

>> No.3815427
File: 17 KB, 300x500, gilgamesh3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mass Effect
>Baldurs Gate 2
The best WRPG in every aspect is Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer.

>> No.3815429

I don't know why I have to like one or the other. Can't I enjoy all games from all countries at the same time?

>> No.3815430

No, it's not. It's like KotOR mixed with a 3rd person shooter. It's a hideous abomination and needs to be put down. Dragon Age was pretty good, though, so I haven't given up on Bioware yet.

>> No.3815434

NO. You either like western games and hate Japanese games or vice versa. There's absolutely nothing in between.

>> No.3815444
File: 61 KB, 800x587, Chrustler posts on moe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He is teamed up with a bunch of women that wants his nuts for no explainable reason whatsoever, but he's too much of a pussy to ever pursue?

Yeah, it's totally not like WRPGs have that.

The blue alien from mass effect whose name I forget.
The blind chick from KOTOR 2.

It even works in reverse.
The male alien from mass effect whose name I forget.

>> No.3815440

I usually like western RPGs for different reasons. I feel they do some things better, and JRPGs do other things better.

>> No.3815450

They probably talk about JRPGs a whole lot more on your board. Here all you'll see is the odd Megaten/Persona or NIS thread, and maybe we can agree that most of those games aren't typical JRPGs.

>> No.3815454

>The blue alien from mass effect whose name I forget.

Liara. You actually *can* pursue her. I fucked her in my playthrough.

Try harder, troll.

>> No.3815459
File: 73 KB, 640x480, Han.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can fuck the female characters in persona 3 too, game of the year every year.

>> No.3815460

Some JRPGs have good music.

Fuck me though I can't play turn-based games anymore.

>> No.3815462

OP here.

God dammit. You are hard to troll. If I posted this in /v/ it'd be guaranteed to get 100 replies.

I was trolling, but I do actually believe what I wrote in my post.

Anyway, peace be with you, /jp/.

>> No.3815469
File: 128 KB, 600x801, 1256514769230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhh~ Trolls blood is best~

>> No.3815473

Do they say you had sex?

Or is it offscreen implied sex?

Or is it just an offscreen implied romantic encounter?

Very different things we're talking about.

>> No.3815494

The appeal of JRPGs is that, every now and then, you'll find one that has a quirky little gameplay feature that's fun to play with and that you wouldn't normally see in a WRPG.

>> No.3815503

/jp/ gets so much shit simply for being /jp/ that trolling has simply become equilevant of stepping on dog-shit on a walk for us.

....Well, except that you don't hide in a bush for half an hour to see if anybody else steps on that dog-shit too.

>> No.3815501

This thread is bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.3815508

To successfully troll a board, you must know the target audience. Maybe you should stay in /v/ next time. This topic always does wonders there.

>> No.3815516 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 757x575, sister wanting brother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And lolis.

>> No.3815530

The only way any part of Ass Effect can impress you is if:
1) You have never seen a scifi movie in your life and
2) you have never played and RPg in your life.

>> No.3815555

Well, or you've seen waaaaay too many sci-fi movies.

I've seen every episode of every Star Trek ever made. I've seen every Battlestar Galactica, old and new. I've seen every Babylon Five and Stargate. I watch every sci-fi movie I can find.

Mass Effect was so refreshing.

>> No.3815559
File: 49 KB, 757x575, sister wanting brother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And lolis.

>> No.3815568
File: 53 KB, 256x235, The_Dark_Brotherhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And when you consider they made a Sonic parody game, that says a lot.

>> No.3815576

>>Mass Effect was so refreshing.

What. The. Fuck. It didn't have one single idea that wasn't already tried in at least three movies or series. It was just completely generic, normal scifi setpieces put together so that you have a shallow excuse of a world to shoot shit in. And the game aspects, don't get me fucking started on them, ME fucking sucks even compared to other Bioware RPGs.

>> No.3815645

I'm aware of that. I mean, almost every single thing that ever happened in the game could be connected to an episode of Star Trek.

But in sci-fi, Star Trek is like the Simpsons is to comedy. Simpsons did it? Well, Star Trek did it. It did everything. Nothing is original anymore. Putting it together in a coherent and enjoyable experience is enough for me.

>> No.3815653

This is OP, btw.

God dammit, /jp/. I came here to troll you about being Touhou-loving weeaboos.

Instead, I am called out, greeted by kindness, and am shown why my opinion is incorrect.

I respect you all greatly. I'll never get into visual novels or Touhou. But know this: today you won.
