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File: 349 KB, 700x700, Divi_DC_Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3815173 No.3815173 [Reply] [Original]

Nostalgia thread. I wonder how many people actually played this game.

Even more, how many people actually understood jack shit of what was going on. The thing was convoluted as hell

>> No.3815187

Played a first time without a walkthrough.
Loved it but found the ending quite underwhelming and I didn't understand shit.
Played again with a walkthrough, got to the true route using a number of specific steps nobody in fucking hell could have found normally, and I shat BRICKS, lots of them.

It was awesome.

>> No.3815185

Only played Azusa's route, so I only got the bare minimum of the plot after one playthrough.

Although my mind honestly blanked out for a good hour after they killed off Mami of all people and they drag you to god-knows-where. Seriously, wtf. ;_;

>> No.3815189

The DOG! THE POOR FUCKING DOG! Shit, this game was creepy as hell.

>> No.3815196 [DELETED] 

stop spamming Anon Talk .com

>> No.3815195

You really should do the miko's route, it answer most questions in an awesome way.

>> No.3815200

Azusa's route leaves you in the fucking dark regarding EVERYTHING. HEll, she and the blonde chick are pretty much loose ends in the game, you need to go the other way to understand anything that's going on.

>> No.3815206

You can play this online.


>> No.3815213

So... remind me, the nurse was in fact your mother, though probably transmigrated, but still was your mother, and the creepy-ass awesome goth chick who you don't get to fuck was your sister?

>> No.3815216

This and Nocturnal Illusion are probably the best eroge/vns I've read.

>> No.3815240
File: 22 KB, 576x376, divideadsachikoend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you only got the Normalfags end (like most of us did without a walkthrough), which is a crappy ending for all the crap that's been going on. Azusa was almost pointless to the story anyway, just the cliche childhood friend angle...

Sachiko's route is the TRUE END, and as convoluted as it is, it ties up 99% of everything in a neat little package. That other 1% comes from Mayumi (?) end, where the shit really hits the fan but doesn't explain as much as Sachiko's end.

[spoilers]Poor Mami ;_;[/spoiler]

>> No.3815242

Yeah, Yuko and Ranmaru (Well, his original body) are Aki's children, and Aki herself is the original Divine Child who was summoned centuries ago and got sick of serving the humans.

The body Ranmaru has during the game is that of Juichi, another sorcerer student who agreed to host Ranmaru's soul in exchange for getting power from Aki. I don't think Aki ever intended to follow through on that, or Juichi ever expected to be completely dominated by Ranmaru's soul.

>> No.3815253

I'm pretty sure Juichi was some form of lower demon as well or something, not just any human. Wasn't the point of him taking Ranmaru's soul that Ranmaru couldn't yet control his powers and was tearing apart his own body?

>> No.3815259
File: 24 KB, 576x376, yuko3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. Such a fucking shame, too.

Also, the tall, mute dude is actually your body with its soul, being puppeteered by Aki

>> No.3815261

I fucking LOVED that scene. Holy hell, it was amazing, she was so damn awesome it's a pity you can't get a wincest end. I mean, crap, you caa fuck your mother, why not your sister?

>> No.3815266


God damn, Noctural Illusions and Divi Dead were my first two eroge from god knows how long ago, and I agree. Was also some Eve Burst error game that was decent, and everything else was dating sims and shit.

>> No.3815270

Yeah, I should replay this... and stop reading unmarked spoilers in this thread.

>> No.3815272

Yuko is indeed fucking awesome though. No end with her FTL.

>> No.3815279

It's been almost 20 years. Any spoilers here is as old as saying Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father.

>> No.3815283

It's a pity you never get to see Divine Child Ranmaru at full power. He gets his body back, fucks the miko and the game ends. That route should have gone on a bit longer with him going back to school and steamrolling everyone who gave you shit during the game.

Then again, I think Aki had already killed them all or something like that. What a waste.

>> No.3815289

I played it and didn't understand jack shit of what was going on.

Maybe I'll play it again, now that you mention it.

>> No.3815299
File: 137 KB, 576x376, divi01sab0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played it and liked it a lot.

>> No.3815320

The horrible translation just made the game twice as difficult to understand, honestly.

>> No.3815330


It was localized?

>> No.3815327

School? What school? Everyone got eradicated, there was no school to go back to (which is why Aki, Yuko, Sachiko, and you are in some Heaven/Purgatory plain during the end)

It's worth a replay to clear the air of confusion. This thread is causing me to want to replay it just so I can have my facts 100% straight instead of going off of 3 year old memories.

>> No.3815337

THE SEX SCENES! Sweet mother of Christ, the translation during other scenes was already shady, but it's like the translator got a brain tumor each time he did the sex scenes. Remember the eggplant reference?

>> No.3815338


>> No.3815346


>> No.3815359

Ahahahah, hoooleeee shit someone remembers that.

>> No.3815390

Eggplants vs. Mollusks


>> No.3815399


Uh yea, it was localized back in the 90's.

>> No.3815405

I remember playing this.
I remember making sense of it.
But I do not remember the plot. At all.

Its as if my memory of the incident was wiped clean

>> No.3815421

Been playing Gore Screaming Show lately and, though it's been like 11 years and I don't remember shit in Divi-Dead, it's been reminding me of it for some reason.

>> No.3815447


>> No.3815452

Ahh divi-dead.
An oldie but good, though like most people I only ever got the Azusa ending.

Seriously, how is someone supposed to figure out how to go down this or that path when half of the game you have to just wander around everywhere until something happens?
It's not like you get to choose when this or that happens.

I still need to go back to it and get the other endings, or at least the "true" one...

>> No.3815626

That's the reason why they abandoned those shitty adv gameplay interfaces. Shit sucked. Same with Yuno



>> No.3815641

Stop using those terms.

>> No.3815660
File: 78 KB, 640x640, 7374981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3815672

What the shit are you talking about?

>> No.3815703

I bothered a couple of years ago replaying it. What was said by the girl/voice, and what was written was very, very different. In fact, it was as if they inserted cheap western porn dialogue.

>> No.3815710

I got the blonde girl who gets abused by her boyfriend ending (someone wanna fill me in as to which end that was?)
Story was fucked up, and due to the retarded map (all in Nip so have fun figuring out where the fuck to go for the first 2 hours) I felt like I missed random scenes here and there, all I remember was the protagonist randomly talking to the twins about how they were angels or some shit like that. No reference to angels at all before this. Pretty what the fuck.

>> No.3815776

You basically got the "WTF Bad Ending" which leaves you with neither a happy ending like Azusa's, nor any fucking idea of what was going on.

The long story short is that Juichi, the owner of the body that Ranmaru was posessing (for reasons that ending doesn't explain), finally regained control and Ranmaru's psyche kinda sorta dies. Juichi gets all of Ranmaru's cool powers and then rejoins with the blonde chick, an old girlfriend of his, and then kills her for some reason.

If you wonder why, we don't know. That chick's relationship with Juichi is never explained, and there's no given reason for why Juichi kills her, other than he's a demon and just did it for shits and giggles.

>> No.3815798

Yes... Dividead... I think it is time for my annual replay of this :)

>> No.3815811


Disney? What? Did you post on the wrong thread or something?

>> No.3815885

I wonder if that was just bad translation.

>> No.3815905

Apparently, Juichi tells her "she knows what she did". In other words, bitch had it coming. I never got through Mayumi's route since I had Sachiko's finished and was done with this game, but she has a separate scene on a train after you fuck her that I never got to read. Could the answer be there?

>> No.3815941

No, that scene... My memory is vague, but it had something to do with the girl who was going to be sacrificed. I think it was a memory of Mayumi escorting the chick who got killed during the "seminar" (The older sister of the loli) to school. There wasn't much content in it.

Either way, you never find out anything regarding the blonde girl, other than she had enough of a hardon for Juichi so as to fuck his body while he was not even controlling it, and that she kinda expected to get killed by him.
