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3811582 No.3811582 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/, WebMD just opened up a new center just for you.


>> No.3811599

>Her doctor prescribed Paxil after a difficult breakup left her feeling depressed and overwhelmed.
What the fuck, why are you getting drugs for being sad after a fucking breakup?

also fuck antidepressants, I'd rather be able to fap than be on that shit

>> No.3811605

But I'm already on antidepressants. And Mitsuru was the best girl.

>> No.3811624

I'm just a little bit into the quiz thing and it already popped up with

>Please call your doctor or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 immediately. Help is available.


>> No.3811627

I'm not depressed though.

>> No.3811649

... Did you check the suicide box? You poor thing.

>> No.3811675

And the funny thing is that I'm not depressed.

>> No.3811696

Sure you aren't. I don't think you're capable of making that judgment, bucko.

>> No.3811706

Is it not the case that only the individual in question can truly understand the thoughts, drives, and emotions of any given individual?

>> No.3811720

It doesnt seem like that. When I was younger, a psychologist told me that I am depressed even though I said many times that I am happy with my life, just not that social or ''open''.

>> No.3811721

Yes, but at the same time there are only things that can be observed more accurately with an outside eye. Surely you're familiar with the saying about being able to see other's faults much more easily than one's own?

>> No.3811752

And then you were force-fed five different kinds of pills three times a day for the rest of your life!

Observance is not the problem. The problem is in those who would observe and then deny their own faults to protect their precious self-image.
